506 research outputs found

    Career guidance and professional mobility оf the highly skilled worker

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    The approaches to career-oriented work in different countries in terms of professional mobility of workers in today's economyРассмотрены подходы к профориентационной работе в разных странах с точки зрения обеспечения профессиональной мобильности рабочего в современных экономических условия

    Psychological Services in Russian Universities: What Do We Have and Where We Are Going?

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    Psychological well-being of students is becoming one of the priorities of higher education today. This paper is devoted to the study of the work experience of psychological services in Russian universities. The results are based on the data of semi-structured interviews with 15 heads of psychological services of Russian universities. The interview data show that the main directions of the services’ work are following: counseling, preventive-educational measures, diagnostic, adaptation, and nurturing. In turn, during the pandemic the services adapted their activities by transitioning to the online format and creating of hotlines for emergency psychological help. At the same time, psychological services face such problems as lack of funding, difficulties in building interaction with psychiatric organizations, conflict of interests between university management and the service management in their activities. Nevertheless, the main trend for the psychological services development is to build a system of psychological support involving different levels of university hierarchy. The results of the study can be used to design a model of university psychological services, as well as to make practical decisions about the development of the psychological services network in Russian universities


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    Purpose. To evaluate the level of awareness of cardiologists and therapists of various medical institutions on major issues of anticoagulant therapy administration in patients with prosthetic heart valves.Materials and methods. Analysis of awareness of cardiologists and therapists of various healthcare facilities of Kemerovo city and region was performed by random selection at 106 examinees by a specially developed questionnaire.Results. High level of awareness (34 points) on major issues of warfarin administration after heart valve replacement was registered at cardiologists of specialized cardio surgical clinic. Cardiologists of Kemerovo city and region were characterized by an average level of knowledge (29–25 points). Therapists of Kemerovo city and region had a low level of awareness (18 points).Conclusion. To increase the awareness of physicians it is needed to elaborate and implement a training program with an emphasis on correction of modifiable risk factors of anticoagulant therapy complications and application of pharmacogenetic approach in warfarin administration to patients after heart valve replacement.Цель. Оценить уровень информированности врачей-кардиологов и терапевтов различных лечебных учреждений по основным вопросам назначения антикоагулянтной терапии у пациентов с протезированными клапанами сердца.Материалы и методы. Анализ информированности врачей-кардиологов и терапевтов различных лечебно-профилактических учреждений г. Кемерова и области проводился методом случайного отбора у 106 обследуемых по специально разработанной анкете.Результаты. Высокий уровень информированности (34 балла) по основным вопросам назначения варфарина после протезирования клапанов сердца регистрировался у врачей-кардиологов специализированной кардиохирургической клиники. Врачи-кардиологи г. Кемерова и области характеризовались средним уровнем знаний (29–25 баллов). Терапевты г. Кемерово и области имели низкий уровень информированности (18 баллов).Заключение. Для повышения информированности врачей необходимы разработка и внедрение обучающей программы с акцентом на коррекцию модифицируемых факторов риска осложнений антикоагулянтной терапии и применение фармакогенетического подхода в назначении варфарина пациентам после протезирования клапанов сердца

    Development of sportsman students' autonomy in the educational environment of electronic information and foreign language teachers’ readiness to this process

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    The study addresses the major factors preventing foreign language (FL) teachers from effective use of electronic information educational environment (EIEE) at the institutes of higher learning (IHL) in Russia to develop learner autonomy. Upon holding interviews and taking polls of 60 respondents from three universities helped the authors find out that these factors include: sketchy knowledge of information and communication technologies among foreign language teachers; poor standards of material and technical resources capability at universities; inadequate readiness of FL teachers to apply new information and communication technologies; insufficient level of FL teachers motivation to use innovative ITs at work. The contributors have worked out a number of pedagogical conditions that should be provided at the IHL to clear the barriers mentioned above: gradual development of FL teachers readiness to use the EIEE (the IT competence acquisition based on learning management systems (LMS); FL teachers activity stimulation to work in the EIEE through creating modular courses); setting up the EIEE in the IHL, which can translate all e-learning possibilities into action, the LMS, software and documentation among them. The said pedagogical conditions have successfully been tested and implemented at RUDN University

    Phenological assessment of early-maturing soybean accessions (<i>Glycine max</i> (L.) Merr.) under the conditions of Moscow Province

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    Background. The range of early-maturing cultivars suitable for the Non-Black-Earth Zone of the Russian Federation (RF) is extremely limited. The main method of finding sources of earliness for crop production and breeding is the evaluation of the gene pool under the required conditions.Materials and methods. The objects of the study were 81 soybean accessions from the VIR collection, precharacterized as early-ripening under the conditions of Northwest Russia. The studies were carried out in 2018–2020 as field trials under the conditions of Moscow Province.Results. Soybean accessions were characterized by the duration of the emergence-to-flowering (37–53 days), flowering-to-ripening (50–85 days) and emergence-to-ripening (81–130 days) periods. The extreme ripening dates for the accessions were observed from August 20 to October 5, while the maximum duration from emergence to ripening was from 93 to 139 days. The highest sum of active temperatures above 10°C for a growing season ranged from 1642 to 2189°C. Most of the studied accessions were characterized by a short emergence-to-flowering period. Therefore, the differences among accessions in the duration of the growing season were mainly due to the different lengths of their flowering-to-ripening period.Conclusion. Soybean seeds should ripen no later than the first 10 days of September for a stable harvest under the weather conditions of the Russian Non-Black-Earth Zone. There were 32 accessions from breeding centers of the RF, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Sweden, and the U.S. that met these requirements during the three years of observations. The selected accessions demonstrated a short emergence-to-flowering period of 37–48 days, and the length of their flowering-to-ripening period of 50–66 days, on average for three years. They can be used as sources of earliness in soybean breeding

    Regional Features of the Socio-economic Situation of the Population of the Belgorod Region in Modern Conditions

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    The article presents the main indicators that characterize the socio-economic situation of the population of the Belgorod region in 2019 in comparison with a number of previous year

    Current Approaches to Demonstration of Therapeutic Equivalence of Locally-Acting Gastrointestinal Drugs

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    Evolution of knowledge about pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of locally acting products, and an increase in the number of generics and medicines under development have laid the ground for the development of new scientific approaches to planning and conducting of therapeutic equivalence studies of medicinal products acting locally in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. To date, many international guidelines on planning and conducting of bioequivalence (BE) studies of locally acting GI products have been updated, however, there are still no such guidelines in the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Therefore, elaboration of common methodological approaches to the planning of clinical studies of these products is of particular relevance for the EAEU. The aim of the study was to analyse foreign approaches to planning, conducting, and evaluation of therapeutic equivalence studies of locally acting GI products. The paper analyses the guidelines of the European Medicines Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration on the planning, conduct, and evaluation of BE studies of locally acting GI products. The analysis demonstrated that BE clinical trials are giving way to in vitro studies providing a sensitive and accurate assessment of the differences between a locally acting GI product and the reference product, based on careful consideration of the medicine’s mechanism of action, dosage form, and site of action. The paper gives examples of test methods applied to medicinal products with a complex biopharmaceutical profile whose bioequivalence assessment is challenging, with a special focus on mesalazine products. The results of the analysis may be used for elaboration of a harmonised methodological approach to planning and conducting therapeutic equivalence studies of locally acting GI products in the Russian Federation and EAEU


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    The article raises the problem of tolerance in the pedagogical communication. Discusses concepts such as speech and professional speech. A technique is proposed for forming communicative tolerance.В статье поднимается проблема толерантности в педагогическом общении. Рассматриваются такие понятия как культура речи и профессиональная речь. Предлагается методика по формированию коммуникативной толерантности

    Becoming a professional

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    The article describes the main aspects of the transition specialist in professional status. Characterized by the steps of separating the conditional profile design specialistВ статье рассмотрены основные аспекты перехода специалиста в статус профессионала. Охарактеризованы этапы, условно разделяющие проектирование профиля специалист