690 research outputs found

    N=4, 3D Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics in Non-Abelian Monopole Background

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    Using the harmonic superspace approach, we construct the three-dimensional N=4 supersymmetric quantum mechanics of the supermultiplet (3,4,1) coupled to an external SU(2) gauge field. The off-shell N=4 supersymmetry requires the gauge field to be a static form of the 't Hooft ansatz for the 4D self-dual SU(2) gauge fields, that is a particular solution of Bogomolny equations for BPS monopoles. We present the explicit form of the corresponding superfield and component actions, as well as of the quantum Hamiltonian and N=4 supercharges. The latter can be used to describe a more general N=4 mechanics system, with an arbitrary BPS monopole background and on-shell N=4 supersymmetry. The essential feature of our construction is the use of semi-dynamical spin (4,4,0) multiplet with the Wess-Zumino type action.Comment: 16 pages, reference added, published versio

    Nonlinear absorption of surface acoustic waves by composite fermions

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    Absorption of surface acoustic waves by a two-dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field is considered. The structure of such system at the filling factor ν\nu close to 1/2 can be understood as a gas of {\em composite fermions}. It is shown that the absorption at ν=1/2\nu =1/2 can be strongly nonlinear, while small deviation form 1/2 will restore the linear absorption. Study of nonlinear absorption allows one to determine the force acting upon the composite fermions from the acoustic wave at turning points of their trajectories.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Europhysics letter

    Covariant Harmonic Supergraphity for N = 2 Super Yang--Mills Theories

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    We review the background field method for general N = 2 super Yang-Mills theories formulated in the N = 2 harmonic superspace. The covariant harmonic supergraph technique is then applied to rigorously prove the N=2 non-renormalization theorem as well as to compute the holomorphic low-energy action for the N = 2 SU(2) pure super Yang-Mills theory and the leading non-holomorphic low-energy correction for N = 4 SU(2) super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 17 pages, LAMUPHYS LaTeX, no figures; based on talks given by I. Buchbinder and S. Kuzenko at the International Seminar ``Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries'', July 1997, Dubna; to be published in the proceeding

    Potentials in N=4 superconformal mechanics

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    Proceeding from nonlinear realizations of (super)conformal symmetries, we explicitly demonstrate that adding the harmonic oscillator potential to the action of conformal mechanics does not break these symmetries but modifies the transformation properties of the (super)fields. We also analyze the possibility to introduce potentials in N=4 supersymmetric mechanics by coupling it with auxiliary fermionic superfields. The new coupling we considered does not introduce new fermionic degrees of freedom - all our additional fermions are purely auxiliary ones. The new bosonic components have a first order kinetic term and therefore they serve as spin degrees of freedom. The resulting system contains, besides the potential term in the bosonic sector, a non-trivial spin-like interaction in the fermionic sector. The superconformal mechanics we constructed in this paper is invariant under the full D(2,1;α)D(2,1;\alpha) superconformal group. This invariance is not evident and is achieved within modified (super)conformal transformations of the superfields.Comment: 12 pages, PACS number: 12.60.J

    Mass-Deformed BLG Theory in Light-Cone Superspace

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    Maximally supersymmetric mass deformation of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory corresponds to a {non-central} extension of the d=3 N=8 Poincare superalgebra (allowed in three dimensions). We obtain its light-cone superspace formulation which has a novel feature of the dynamical supersymmetry generators being {cubic} in the kinematical ones. The mass deformation picks a quaternionic direction, which breaks the SO(8) R-symmetry down to SO(4)xSO(4). The Hamiltonian of the theory is shown to be a quadratic form of the dynamical supersymmetry transformations, to all orders in the mass parameter, M, and the structure constants, f^{a b c d}.Comment: 23 page

    The effect of the system polydispersity on voltammograms of nanoparticles electrooxidation

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    The paper proposes a mathematical model describing electrooxidation of a polydisperse system of metal nanoparticles from the surface of an indifferent macro-electrode. It is shown that the degree of dispersion of a nanoparticle ensemble affects the shape of oxidation voltammograms. When the degree of dispersion rises and the average size of nanoparticles becomes smaller, the range of oxidation potentials increases. The results of the experimental study of electrooxidation of gold nanoparticles with different degrees of dispersion are given. The particles were localized on the surface of graphite screen-printed electrodes. A good agreement between the parameters of the experimental and calculated voltammograms confirms the correctness of the proposed model. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Molecular Dynamics Study of Charged Dendrimers in Salt-Free Solution: Effect of Counterions

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    Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers, being protonated under physiological conditions, represent a promising class of nonviral, nano-sized vectors for drug and gene delivery. We performed extensive molecular dynamics simulations of a generic model dendrimer in a salt-free solution with dendrimer's terminal beads positively charged. Solvent molecules as well as counterions were explicitly included as interacting beads. We find that the size of the charged dendrimer depends non-monotonically on the strength of electrostatic interactions demonstrating a maximum when the Bjerrum length equals the diameter of a bead. Many other structural and dynamic characteristics of charged dendrimers are also found to follow this pattern. We address such a behavior to the interplay between repulsive interactions of the charged terminal beads and their attractive interactions with oppositely charged counterions. The former favors swelling at small Bjerrum lengths and the latter promotes counterion condensation. Thus, counterions can have a dramatic effect on the structure and dynamics of charged dendrimers and, under certain conditions, cannot be treated implicitly

    Non-Gaussian dephasing in flux qubits due to 1/f-noise

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    Recent experiments by F. Yoshihara et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 167001 (2006)] and by K. Kakuyanagi et al. (cond-mat/0609564) provided information on decoherence of the echo signal in Josephson-junction flux qubits at various bias conditions. These results were interpreted assuming a Gaussian model for the decoherence due to 1/f noise. Here we revisit this problem on the basis of the exactly solvable spin-fluctuator model reproducing detailed properties of the 1/f noise interacting with a qubit. We consider the time dependence of the echo signal and conclude that the results based on the Gaussian assumption need essential reconsideration.Comment: Improved fitting parameters, new figur

    Worldline Superfield Actions for N=2 Superparticles

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    We propose doubly supersymmetric actions in terms of n=2(D-2) worldline superfields for N=2 superparticles in D=3,4 and Type IIA D=6 superspaces. These actions are obtained by dimensional reduction of superfield actions for N=1 superparticles in D=4,6 and 10, respectively. We show that in all these models geometrodynamical constraints on target superspace coordinates do not put the theory on the mass shell, so the actions constructed consistently describe the dynamics of the corresponding N=2 superparticles. We also find that in contrast to the IIA D=6 superparticle a chiral IIB D=6 superparticle, which is not obtainable by dimensional reduction from N=1, D=10, is described by superfield constraints which produce dynamical equations. This implies that for the IIB D=6 superparticle the doubly supersymmetric action does not exist in the conventional form.Comment: Latex, 20 pp. Minor corrections, acknowledgements adde