23 research outputs found


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    Malignant tumors of skin take the leading place in neoplastic incidence worldwide. Currently, concerning the development of molecular biology and genetics, it becomes clear that these tumors are heterogenic and have different biological characteristics that of prognostic and predictive significance. Various degree of integrin receptors expression, which can influence processes of an invasion and metastasis, belongs to such changes. We review the problem of modern understanding of the integrin’s influence on skin tumor progression and development of new approaches for antineoplastic therapy application.Злокачественные опухоли кожи занимают лидирующее место в онкологической заболеваемости во всем мире. На сегодняшний день, благодаря развитию молекулярной биологии и генетики, становится понятным, что данные опухоли гетерогенны, имеют разные биологические характеристики, что влияет на прогноз заболевания и выбор тактики лечения. К таким изменениям относятся рецепторы интегринов, различная экспрессия которых может влиять на процессы инвазии и метастазирования. Предлагаем обзор современного понимания влияния интергинов на прогрессию опухолей кожи и разработки новых подходов к противоопухолевой терапии

    Валидация шкалы суммарной оценки мышечной силы (MRC sum score) для использования у русскоязычных пациентов с хронической воспалительной демиелинизирующей полинейропатией

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    Background. The use of rating scales and questionnaires is essential in an evaluation of disease course, treatment response, the disability level and quality of life in patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. The Medical Research Council (MRC) scale and its modification Medical Research Council sum score (MRCss) are widely used for measurement of motor deficit in patients with neuromuscular disorders. However, its usage is limited by the absence of the validated version for Russian-speaking patients.Aim. To validate MRCss scale in patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with development of a Russian version.Materials and methods. We enrolled 50 patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (25 with typical chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and 25 with Lewis–Sumner syndrome). At the first step we conducted linguocultural ratification according to the standard protocol. At the second step the psychometric parameters were evaluated, such as reliability, validity and sensitivity.Results. The developed Russian version of MRCss scale demonstrated the high level of reliability, validity and sensitivity.Conclusion. As a result, we developed a validated Russian version of MRCss scale, recommended for clinical practice and research. Введение. Использование международных шкал и опросников является неотъемлемой частью работы с пациентами с хронической воспалительной демиелинизирующей полинейропатией и позволяет объективно оценивать динамику состояния пациента, ответ на терапию, степень инвалидизации и качество жизни. Шкала Medical Research Council для оценки мышечной силы (MRC Muscle Scale) и ее модификация Medical Research Council sum score (MRCss) широко используются у пациентов с поражением периферического нейромоторного аппарата для оценки степени выраженности двигательного дефицита. Однако применение шкалы в Российской Федерации ограничено отсутствием русскоязычной, валидированной версии.Цель исследования – провести валидацию шкалы MRCss у пациентов с хронической воспалительной демиелинизирующей полинейропатией с разработкой русскоязычной версииМатериалы и методы. В исследование включено 50 пациентов с хронической воспалительной демиелинизирующей полинейропатией (25 пациентов с типичным вариантом заболевания, 25 – с синдромом Льюиса–Самнера). Первым этапом проведена лингвистическая ратификация оригинальной англоязычной версии шкалы согласно общепринятым рекомендациям. На 2-м этапе валидации проведена оценка психометрических показателей разработанного русскоязычного варианта шкалы: надежности, содержательной валидности, чувствительности.Результаты. Получена русскоязычная версия шкалы MRCss, которая продемонстрировала высокий уровень надежности, чувствительности и валидности.Заключение. По результатам проведенной работы представлена валидированная, русскоязычная версия шкалы MRCss, рекомендованная для клинической и научно-исследовательской работы у русскоязычных пациентов.

    Шкала «Этиология и лечение воспалительной нейропатии» (Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment, INCAT) для оценки степени инвалидизации у больных хронической воспалительной демиелинизирующей полинейропатией: лингвокультурная адаптация в России

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    Background. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a treatable dysimmune polyneuropathy. An objective response for pathogenic therapy is essential in diagnosis and management of CIDP. For proper assessment of patient’s complaints and evaluation of disease progression, it is recommended to use validated scales and questionnaires. The paper presents the results of the first step of Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) validation in patients with CIDP.Objective: the development of the Russian version of the INCAT scale and its linguocultural ratification.Materials and methods. 15 patients with definite CIDP (according to EFNS/PNS criteria) were enrolled. Linguocultural ratification was conducted according to the standard protocol.Results. The Russian version of the INCAT scale was developed.Conclusion. We conducted the first stage of INCAT scale validation in patients with CIDP.Введение. Хроническая воспалительная демиелинизирующая полинейропатия (ХВДП) относится к курабельным дизиммунным полинейропатиям. В основе диагностики и определения тактики ведения пациентов с ХВДП лежит наличие объективного положительного ответа на патогенетическую терапию. С целью объективизации жалоб пациента и оценки динамики его состояния рекомендуется использование валидированных шкал и опросников. В работе представлены результаты 1‑го этапа валидации шкалы Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT), предназначенной для оценки степени инвалидизации у пациентов с ХВДП.Цель исследования – проведение лингвокультурной адаптации шкалы INCAT у пациентов с ХВДП с разработкой ее русскоязычной версии.Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 15 пациентов с диагнозом ХВДП, соответствующим критериям EFNS/PNS. Лингвистическая ратификация оригинальной англоязычной версии шкалы INCAT проводилась согласно общепринятым рекомендациям.Результаты. Получена русскоязычная версия шкалы INCAT.Заключение. Проведен 1‑й этап валидации шкалы «Этиология и лечение воспалительной нейропатии» (INCAT) для оценки степени инвалидизации у больных ХВДП

    Foreign students' adaptation to living and studying conditions in Tatarstan

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    At present the problem of foreign students’ adaptation is one of the most urgent issues in educational system. During cultural adaptation process two main factors are distinguished: the solution of different adaption students’ problems and the dynamics of their motivation. It is based not only on the system of cultural aspects and their changes, but also on various issues of interpersonal relations. Motives are as one of the important aspects of cultural adaption system. Social and psychological changes of foreign students’ motivational sphere depend on different cultural features, person’s intentions and aims of living in a new country, their further profession and career development. Though there are some works on cultural interaction and relations between representatives of different cultures; in Tatarstan the problem of foreign students’ adaptation to living and studying conditions still exist nowadays


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    Aim. To estimate cardiorenoprotective effect of 12-month therapy by indapamide in elderly and senile patients with arterial hypertension (HT) and its influence on quality of life.Material and methods. 40 elderly and senile patients with HT were examined. 70% of patients received monotherapy by indapamide 2,5 mg once daily and 30% of patients were treated with indapamide and lisinopril combination. Duration of observation was 12 months. Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring, echocardiography, plasma lipid profile, glycemia and uricemia levels and potassium serum level was evaluated initially and after 12 months of therapy. Glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria as well as patient quality of life also was evaluated.Results. Target BP level was reached in all patients during 12 month therapy. Reduction of average 24-hour, day and night BP, BP load, rate of morning BP rising was observed. Negative influence on BP variability was not found. Improvement of daily BP profile also was found. The indapamide reduced left ventricle mass, improved renal function, vessel resistance and quality of life. Negative influence of long-term therapy with indapamide on lipid, glucose, purine metabolism and serum potassium level was not observed.Conclusion. Indapamide is an effective antihypertensive drug for long-term treatment of elderly and senile patients with HT of 1-2 degree


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    Aim. To estimate cardiorenoprotective effect of 12-month therapy by indapamide in elderly and senile patients with arterial hypertension (HT) and its influence on quality of life.Material and methods. 40 elderly and senile patients with HT were examined. 70% of patients received monotherapy by indapamide 2,5 mg once daily and 30% of patients were treated with indapamide and lisinopril combination. Duration of observation was 12 months. Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring, echocardiography, plasma lipid profile, glycemia and uricemia levels and potassium serum level was evaluated initially and after 12 months of therapy. Glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria as well as patient quality of life also was evaluated.Results. Target BP level was reached in all patients during 12 month therapy. Reduction of average 24-hour, day and night BP, BP load, rate of morning BP rising was observed. Negative influence on BP variability was not found. Improvement of daily BP profile also was found. The indapamide reduced left ventricle mass, improved renal function, vessel resistance and quality of life. Negative influence of long-term therapy with indapamide on lipid, glucose, purine metabolism and serum potassium level was not observed.Conclusion. Indapamide is an effective antihypertensive drug for long-term treatment of elderly and senile patients with HT of 1-2 degree.</p