36 research outputs found

    Influence of roughness on ZDDP tribofilm formation in boundary lubricated fretting

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    Influence of initial surface topography on tribofilm formation in ZDDP lubricated contact was analysed. A small displacement fretting tests with sinusoidal motion were carried out in classical sphere/plane configuration. A range of surfaces with different initial roughness were prepared by milling and grinding processes. Tests were carried out using variable displacement method where amplitude of imposed displacement was gradually increased after every 1000 cycles from 2 to 30 ”m. The surfaces after tribological tests were measured by interferometric profiler. Main findings confirm that initial roughness has a significant influence on antiwear tribofilm formation in boundary lubricated contact. Tribofilm form faster and require less energy to activate in case of rough surface obtained by milling process than in case of smooth grinded surface. However, in contact lubricated by ZDDP additive a significant transfer of material occurred from plane to sphere specimen

    Redistribution, Tax Policy and the Vote: The 2012 French Presidential Election

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    Aciers Hadfield obtenus par dépÎt laser. Propriétés mécaniques et tribologiques

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    Pour de nombreuses applications dans le secteur de la mĂ©canique, il est nĂ©cessaire de disposer de matĂ©riaux combinant des propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques intĂ©ressantes et des rĂ©sistances Ă  l’usure Ă©levĂ©es. Ceci n’est gĂ©nĂ©ralement possible que grĂące Ă  des traitements superficiels adaptĂ©s, en particulier grĂące Ă  la rĂ©alisation de dĂ©pĂŽts possĂ©dant une composition et une microstructure appropriĂ©es. L’utilisation des lasers de puissance est l’une des mĂ©thodes possibles pour une telle rĂ©alisation. Si les revĂȘtements de type cĂ©ramique ou composites Ă  matrice mĂ©tallique sont des candidats intĂ©ressants dans certains cas, leur faible aptitude Ă  la dĂ©formation plastique en limite l’usage. Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, des revĂȘtements mĂ©talliques Fe-Mn-C (acier Hadfield) sont obtenus par injection de poudre sous faisceau laser, puis caractĂ©risĂ©s, tant d’un point de vue microstructural que mĂ©canique et tribologique.Directement aprĂšs dĂ©pĂŽt, les revĂȘtements Hadfield sont sains, fortement adhĂ©rents au substrat (liaison de type mĂ©tallurgique) et de structure austĂ©nitique; ils prĂ©sentent des caractĂ©ristiques mĂ©caniques assez bonnes : duretĂ© : 350 HV, limite d’élasticitĂ©: σE = 1200 MPa, module de Young : E = 210 GPa. Mais l’intĂ©rĂȘt principal rĂ©side :- d’une part dans le fait qu’ils sont trĂšs ductiles (des dĂ©formations relatives supĂ©rieures Ă  80% sont rĂ©alisables sans dommages importants) et que cette dĂ©formation plastique s’accompagne d’un phĂ©nomĂšne de durcissement considĂ©rable (des duretĂ©s Vickers de l’ordre de 800 HV sont mesurĂ©es),- d’autre part dans le caractĂšre rĂ©duit et diffĂ©rĂ© de l’usure observĂ©e lors des essais d’usure induite par petits dĂ©battements (“fretting”), que les essais soient rĂ©alisĂ©s dans le domaine Ă©lastique ou dans le domaine plastique.Une expertise mĂ©tallurgique permet d’attribuer ce comportement Ă  la formation de macles dans un domaine donnĂ© de dĂ©formation

    Outsiderness, Social Class, and Votes in the 2014 European Elections

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    Votes have for a long time been considered to be structured by class conflict. However, in the 2014 European elections, vote does not seem to be significantly structured by traditional class. Instead, contemporary European societies face the melting down of the traditional working class and an increasing dualism between labour market “insiders” and “outsiders”. How do these socio-economic changes translate into politics? Building on the emerging literature on outsiderness and a survey conducted after the European elections of 2014, this article shows that traditional class divides have a limited electoral impact and that the insider-outsider divide tends to have only “negative” effects, decreasing voting turnout as well as support for the major right wing parties. The best predictor of voting behaviour is the subjective assessment by the respondents of their social position and its upward or downward trajectory.Les votes ont longtemps Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme structurĂ©s par les conflits de classe. Toutefois, lors des Ă©lections europĂ©ennes de 2014, le vote ne semble pas significativement structurĂ© par les classes sociales. Les sociĂ©tĂ©s post-industrielles sont au contraire confrontĂ©es au dĂ©clin de la classe ouvriĂšre traditionnelle et au dualisme croissant sur le marchĂ© du travail entre individus protĂ©gĂ©s (insiders) et individus exposĂ©s (outsiders). Comment ces changements socio-Ă©conomiques se traduisent-ils dans le champ politique ? À partir de la littĂ©rature Ă©mergente sur la prĂ©caritĂ© et des donnĂ©es d’un sondage conduit aprĂšs les Ă©lections europĂ©ennes de 2014, cet article montre que les clivages de classe traditionnels ont un impact limitĂ© sur les comportements Ă©lectoraux et que la distinction entre insiders et outsiders a surtout des effets nĂ©gatifs, accroissant l’abstention et diminuant le soutien aux grands partis de droite. Le meilleur facteur explicatif des votes est l’évaluation subjective par les rĂ©pondants de leur position sociale et de sa trajectoire ascendante ou descendante

    Outsiderness, Social Class, and Votes in the 2014 European Elections

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    Votes have for a long time been considered to be structured by class conflict. However, in the 2014 European elections, vote does not seem to be significantly structured by traditional class. Instead, contemporary European societies face the melting down of the traditional working class and an increasing dualism between labour market “insiders” and “outsiders”. How do these socio-economic changes translate into politics? Building on the emerging literature on outsiderness and a survey conducted after the European elections of 2014, this article shows that traditional class divides have a limited electoral impact and that the insider-outsider divide tends to have only “negative” effects, decreasing voting turnout as well as support for the major right wing parties. The best predictor of voting behaviour is the subjective assessment by the respondents of their social position and its upward or downward trajectory.Les votes ont longtemps Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme structurĂ©s par les conflits de classe. Toutefois, lors des Ă©lections europĂ©ennes de 2014, le vote ne semble pas significativement structurĂ© par les classes sociales. Les sociĂ©tĂ©s post-industrielles sont au contraire confrontĂ©es au dĂ©clin de la classe ouvriĂšre traditionnelle et au dualisme croissant sur le marchĂ© du travail entre individus protĂ©gĂ©s (insiders) et individus exposĂ©s (outsiders). Comment ces changements socio-Ă©conomiques se traduisent-ils dans le champ politique ? À partir de la littĂ©rature Ă©mergente sur la prĂ©caritĂ© et des donnĂ©es d’un sondage conduit aprĂšs les Ă©lections europĂ©ennes de 2014, cet article montre que les clivages de classe traditionnels ont un impact limitĂ© sur les comportements Ă©lectoraux et que la distinction entre insiders et outsiders a surtout des effets nĂ©gatifs, accroissant l’abstention et diminuant le soutien aux grands partis de droite. Le meilleur facteur explicatif des votes est l’évaluation subjective par les rĂ©pondants de leur position sociale et de sa trajectoire ascendante ou descendante

    Living through Lockdown: Social Inequalities and Transformations during the COVID-19 Crisis in France

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    This working paper offers an overview of the first stage of the Coping with Covid (CoCo) project, which tracks the behaviors and attitudes of a representative panel of the French metropolitan population during the COVID-19 lockdown. We conducted five survey waves and administered daily journals of open-ended responses between April and June 2020 among a sample of 1,216 people from a pre-existing panel (ELIPSS). Earlier surveys of this sample allowed us to better contextualize changes that may have occurred during this unusual period. We outline four experiential dimensions during the lockdown period: relation to work, everyday activities and time use, self-assessed health and well-being, and the framing of the pandemic crisis. What we found follows traditional inequality patterns and also reveals some unexpected changes in social practices and attitudes

    La France confinée: Anciennes et nouvelles inégalités

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    This chapter offers an overview of the first stage of the Coping with Covid (CoCo) project, which tracks the behaviors and attitudes of a representative panel of the French metropolitan population during the COVID-19 lockdown. We conducted five survey waves and administered daily journals of open-ended responses between April and June 2020 among a sample of 1,216 people from a pre-existing panel (ELIPSS). Earlier surveys of this sample allowed us to better contextualize changes that may have occurred during this unusual period. We outline four experiential dimensions during the lockdown period: relation to work, everyday activities and time use, self-assessed health and well-being, and the framing of the pandemic crisis. What we found follows traditional inequality patterns and also reveals some unexpected changes in social practices and attitudes

    Fretting wear response of a nitrided 316L SS/304L SS interface: Effect of lithium/bore liquid environment

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    International audienceIn nuclear power plants (NPP), rod cluster control assembly (RCCA) tubes undergo impact under low-pressure contact against guides, leading to specific wear on the contact surfaces. To focus on this industrial issue, an experimental layout was designed to perform reciprocating fretting in different environments.A representative tube interface (nitrided AISI 316L)/plane (AISI 304L) was investigated in air and in a solution composed of 1000 ppm of bore and 130 ppm of lithium to be closed to a NPP primary water chemistry at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Wear regimes were identified in terms of variation in parameters such as sliding amplitude (from ± 40 ÎŒm to ± 160 ÎŒm), normal loads (from 2 N/mm to 5 N/mm) and test duration (from 100,000 to 1.5 million cycles).Surface damage evolution was followed by 3D profilometry and several analyses (SEM, EDX, optical observation) were conducted on surfaces and cross-sections. Based on these results, fretting-wear mechanisms in the 304L SS plate and nitrided 316L SS tube were investigated. The first results in dry environment showed that, for ÎŽg⁎ ± 120 ÎŒm there was a U-shape. Thus, a W-shape morphology parameter Mw was defined, taking into account the third-body wear volume. Moreover, the worn surfaces of the plane were smoother in solution, and wear was no longer detected on the tube specimens. A modified energy wear approach was then implemented to quantify reciprocating fretting wear rate according to ambient conditions. Finally, two wear mechanisms are proposed