32,216 research outputs found

    Steep-Spectrum Radio Emission from the Low-Mass Active Galactic Nucleus GH 10

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    GH 10 is a broad-lined active galactic nucleus (AGN) energized by a black hole of mass 800,000 Solar masses. It was the only object detected by Greene et al. in their Very Large Array (VLA) survey of 19 low-mass AGNs discovered by Greene & Ho. New VLA imaging at 1.4, 4.9, and 8.5 GHz reveals that GH 10's emission has an extent of less than 320 pc, has an optically-thin synchrotron spectrum with a spectral index -0.76+/-0.05, is less than 11 percent linearly polarized, and is steady - although poorly sampled - on timescales of weeks and years. Circumnuclear star formation cannot dominate the radio emission, because the high inferred star formation rate, 18 Solar masses per year, is inconsistent with the rate of less than 2 Solar masses per year derived from narrow Halpha and [OII] 3727 emission. Instead, the radio emission must be mainly energized by the low-mass black hole. GH 10's radio properties match those of the steep-spectrum cores of Palomar Seyfert galaxies, suggesting that, like those Seyferts, the emission is outflow-driven. Because GH 10 is radiating close to its Eddington limit, it may be a local analog of the starting conditions, or seeds, for supermassive black holes. Future imaging of GH 10 at higher resolution thus offers an opportunity to study the relative roles of radiative versus kinetic feedback during black-hole growth.Comment: 7 pages; 2 figures; emulateapj; to appear in Ap

    "Low-state" Black Hole Accretion in Nearby Galaxies

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    I summarize the main observational properties of low-luminosity AGNs in nearby galaxies to argue that they are the high-mass analogs of black hole X-ray binaries in the "low/hard" state. The principal characteristics of low-state AGNs can be accommodated with a scenario in which the central engine is comprised of three components: an optically thick, geometrically accretion disk with a truncated inner radius, a radiatively inefficient flow, and a compact jet.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black Hole Accretion on All Mass Scales, ed. T. J. Maccarone, R. P. Fender, and L. C. Ho (Dordrecht: Kluwer

    Radio Emission from the Intermediate-mass Black Hole in the Globular Cluster G1

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    We have used the Very Large Array (VLA) to search for radio emission from the globular cluster G1 (Mayall-II) in M31. G1 has been reported by Gebhardt et al. to contain an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) with a mass of ~2 x 10^4 solar masses. Radio emission was detected within an arcsecond of the cluster center with an 8.4 GHz power of 2 x 10^{15} W/Hz. The radio/X-ray ratio of G1 is a few hundred times higher than that expected for a high-mass X-ray binary in the cluster center, but is consistent with the expected value for accretion onto an IMBH with the reported mass. A pulsar wind nebula is also a possible candidate for the radio and X-ray emission from G1; future high-sensitivity VLBI observations might distinguish between this possibility and an IMBH. If the radio source is an IMBH, and similar accretion and outflow processes occur for hypothesized ~ 1000-solar-mass black holes in Milky Way globular clusters, they are within reach of the current VLA and should be detectable easily by the Expanded VLA when it comes on line in 2010.Comment: ApJ Letters, accepted, 11 pages, 1 figur

    Noncommutative D-Brane in Non-Constant NS-NS B Field Background

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    We show that when the field strength H of the NS-NS B field does not vanish, the coordinates X and momenta P of an open string endpoints satisfy a set of mixed commutation relations among themselves. Identifying X and P with the coordinates and derivatives of the D-brane world volume, we find a new type of noncommutative spaces which is very different from those associated with a constant B field background.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, minor modification

    Inflatonless Inflation

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    We consider a 4+N dimensional Einstein gravity coupled to a non-linear sigma model. This theory admits a solution in which the N extra dimensions contract exponentially while the ordinary space expand exponentially. Physically, the non-linear sigma fields induce the dynamical compactification of the extra dimensions, which in turn drives inflation. No inflatons are required.Comment: 12 pages, version to appear in IJMP

    Properties of Active Galaxies Deduced from H I Observations

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    We completed a new survey for H I emission for a large, well-defined sample of 154 nearby (z < 0.1) galaxies with type 1 AGNs. We make use of the extensive database presented in a companion paper to perform a comprehensive appraisal of the cold gas content in active galaxies and to seek new strategies to investigate the global properties of the host galaxies and their relationship to their central black holes (BHs). We show that the BH mass obeys a strong, roughly linear relation with the host galaxy's dynamical mass. BH mass follows a looser, though still highly significant, correlation with the maximum rotation velocity of the galaxy, as expected from the known scaling between rotation velocity and central velocity dispersion. Neither of these H I-based correlations is as tight as the more familiar relations between BH mass and bulge luminosity or velocity dispersion, but they offer the advantage of being insensitive to the glare of the nucleus and therefore are promising new tools for probing the host galaxies of both nearby and distant AGNs. We present evidence for substantial ongoing BH growth in the most actively accreting AGNs. In these nearby systems, BH growth appears to be delayed with respect to the assembly of the host galaxy but otherwise has left no detectable perturbation to its mass-to-light ratio or its global gas content. The host galaxies of type 1 AGNs, including those luminous enough to qualify as quasars, are generally gas-rich systems, possessing a cold interstellar medium reservoir at least as abundant as that in inactive galaxies of the same morphological type. This calls into question current implementations of AGN feedback in models of galaxy formation that predict strong cold gas depletion in unobscured AGNs. (Abridged)Comment: To appear in ApJ; 14 page

    A new family of shape invariantly deformed Darboux-P\"oschl-Teller potentials with continuous \ell

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    We present a new family of shape invariant potentials which could be called a ``continuous \ell version" of the potentials corresponding to the exceptional (X_{\ell}) J1 Jacobi polynomials constructed recently by the present authors. In a certain limit, it reduces to a continuous \ell family of shape invariant potentials related to the exceptional (X_{\ell}) L1 Laguerre polynomials. The latter was known as one example of the `conditionally exactly solvable potentials' on a half line.Comment: 19 pages. Sec.5(Summary and Comments): one sentence added in the first paragraph, several sentences modified in the last paragraph. References: one reference ([25]) adde

    Branes from a non-Abelian (2,0) tensor multiplet with 3-algebra

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    In this paper, we study the equations of motion for non-Abelian N=(2,0) tensor multiplets in six dimensions, which were recently proposed by Lambert and Papageorgakis. Some equations are regarded as constraint equations. We employ a loop extension of the Lorentzian three-algebra (3-algebra) and examine the equations of motion around various solutions of the constraint equations. The resultant equations take forms that allow Lagrangian descriptions. We find various (5+d)-dimensional Lagrangians and investigate the relation between them from the viewpoint of M-theory duality.Comment: 44+1 pages, reference added, typos corrected, and several discussions added; v3, reference added, many typos corrected, the language improved; v4, some typos and references corrected, final version to appear in J. Phys.

    Endothelial Progenitors Exist within the Kidney and Lung Mesenchyme

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    The renal endothelium has been debated as arising from resident hemangioblast precursors that transdifferentiate from the nephrogenic mesenchyme (vasculogenesis) and/or from invading vessels (angiogenesis). While the Foxd1-positive renal cortical stroma has been shown to differentiate into cells that support the vasculature in the kidney (including vascular smooth muscle and pericytes) it has not been considered as a source of endothelial cell progenitors. In addition, it is unclear if Foxd1-positive mesenchymal cells in other organs such as the lung have the potential to form endothelium. This study examines the potential for Foxd1-positive cells of the kidney and lung to give rise to endothelial progenitors. We utilized immunofluorescence (IF) and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to co-label Foxd1-expressing cells (including permanently lineage-tagged cells) with endothelial markers in embryonic and postnatal mice. We also cultured FACsorted Foxd1-positive cells, performed in vitro endothelial cell tubulogenesis assays and examined for endocytosis of acetylated low-density lipoprotein (Ac-LDL), a functional assay for endothelial cells. Immunofluorescence and FACS revealed that a subset of Foxd1-positive cells from kidney and lung co-expressed endothelial cell markers throughout embryogenesis. In vitro, cultured embryonic Foxd1-positive cells were able to differentiate into tubular networks that expressed endothelial cell markers and were able to endocytose Ac-LDL. IF and FACS in both the kidney and lung revealed that lineage-tagged Foxd1-positive cells gave rise to a significant portion of the endothelium in postnatal mice. In the kidney, the stromal-derived cells gave rise to a portion of the peritubular capillary endothelium, but not of the glomerular or large vessel endothelium. These findings reveal the heterogeneity of endothelial cell lineages; moreover, Foxd1-positive mesenchymal cells of the developing kidney and lung are a source of endothelial progenitors that are likely critical to patterning the vasculature. © 2013 Sims-Lucas et al

    Multi-indexed (q-)Racah Polynomials

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    As the second stage of the project multi-indexed orthogonal polynomials, we present, in the framework of `discrete quantum mechanics' with real shifts in one dimension, the multi-indexed (q-)Racah polynomials. They are obtained from the (q-)Racah polynomials by multiple application of the discrete analogue of the Darboux transformations or the Crum-Krein-Adler deletion of `virtual state' vectors, in a similar way to the multi-indexed Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials reported earlier. The virtual state vectors are the `solutions' of the matrix Schr\"odinger equation with negative `eigenvalues', except for one of the two boundary points.Comment: 29 pages. The type II (q-)Racah polynomials are deleted because they can be obtained from the type I polynomials. To appear in J.Phys.