84 research outputs found

    Phenotypic diversity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) landraces accumulated in the Vavilov collection from the centers of the crop origin

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the second grain legume for the area of cultivation in the world, and the third for the production. However, modern cultivars of chickpea are typically susceptible to a variety of diseases, and have modest drought tolerance. The improvement of the crop for adaptability сould be carried out via introgression of valuable traits genes from old landraces collected in the centers of chickpea origin and diversity: the primary – Turkey and secondary – Ethiopia. The N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (thereafter VIR) preserves 3380 chickpea accessions, with landraces representing over a half of them. Here, the results of analysis of variability of 11 biological, morphological and economic-valuable traits in 1082 chickpea landraces descended from 60 countries are briefly driven. More in detail the sample of 75 landraces from Turkey and 24 landraces from Ethiopia (centres of chickpea origin) which had been sampled there 90 years ago have been studied. We analyzed the phenotypic variability with a treatment of 15 traits. The traits were studied using component analyses. Geographic regularities of certain traits in the studied accessions have been revealed. Ethiopian landraces are relatively homogeneous, belonging mostly to desi-type, and having fewer small, dark, and angular seeds, a short maturation period. They belong to the Abyssinian eco-geographical group, absolutely unique and endemic to Ethiopia. Turkish landraces are characterized by much higher diversity for the majority of phenotypes, covering almost the entire range of traits specified in chickpea descriptors. In this region, together with landraces typical for Turkey, there are those from the western Mediterranean and from the areas bordering with Turkey to the east. Landraces from primary and secondary centers of origin differed on the range of variability of the traits studied. The smaller degree of variation and primitiveness of the most traits and lower seed productivity in Ethiopian landraces in comparison with Turkish ones indicates a greater breeding advancement of the latter. Useful traits for breeding are present in the landraces from both centers of origin and diversity

    Positive and negative properties of four endodontic sealant groups: a systematic review

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    Background. The choice of sealant is an important dentist’s decision with a long-term influence on treatment. Knowledge of the properties and characters of each material is key to the optimal endosealer selection on individual basis.Objectives. A comparison of endodontic sealants based on epoxy resins, calcium hydroxide, zinc oxide eugenol and bioceramics.Methods. Publications were mined in the PubMed and Google Scholar electronic databases to cover the four sealer groups (epoxy, calcium hydroxide, zinc oxide eugenol and bioceramics) over years 2014-2021, including selected relevant sources within 2002-2013; 73 articles were considered for review, regardless of the study design or language. Content and descriptive analyses were used as research tools. Meta-analysis was not used due to a high evidence heterogeneity.Results. The dental market currently offers a variety of sealant groups. Endodontic sealants based on epoxy resins, zinc oxide eugenol, calcium hydroxide and bioceramics are the most common. The review identifies no ideal material for the root canal filling.Conclusion. Manifold studies demonstrate the pros and cons in each endodontic sealant group with respect to variant criteria. Depending on clinical situation, the practitioner can opt for the material property to identify the endosealer

    BTK, NuTM2A, and PRPF19 are Novel KMT2A Partner Genes in Childhood Acute Leukemia

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    Chromosomal rearrangements of the human KMT2A/MLL gene are associated with acute leukemias, especially in infants. KMT2A is rearranged with a big variety of partner genes and in multiple breakpoint locations. Detection of all types of KMT2A rearrangements is an essential part of acute leukemia initial diagnostics and follow-up, as it has a strong impact on the patients’ outcome. Due to their high heterogeneity, KMT2A rearrangements are most effectively uncovered by next-generation sequencing (NGS), which, however, requires a thorough prescreening by cytogenetics. Here, we aimed to characterize uncommon KMT2A rearrangements in childhood acute leukemia by conventional karyotyping, FISH, and targeted NGS on both DNA and RNA level with subse-quent validation. As a result of this comprehensive approach, three novel KMT2A rearrangements were discovered: ins(X;11)(q26;q13q25)/KMT2A-BTK, t(10;11)(q22;q23.3)/KMT2A-NUTM2A, and inv(11)(q12.2q23.3)/KMT2A-PRPF19. These novel KMT2A-chimeric genes expand our knowledge of the mechanisms of KMT2A-associated leukemogenesis and allow tracing the dynamics of minimal residual disease in the given patients. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: KMT2A rearrangement assessment was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 19-75-10056). Quantitative RT-PCR for MRD monitoring was supported by Russian Presidential (grant no. MK-1645.2020.7)

    Future Developments and Applications of the Vaccines against Dangerous Viral Infections, RNA-Replicon-Based, Obtained from the Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus

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    The members of the Filoviridae (Marburg and Ebola viruses) and Arenaviridae (Lassa, Lujo, Machupo, Junin, Guanarito, Sabia viruses) families are the etiological agents of particularly dangerous viral hemorrhagic fevers. These agents pose a potential threat to public health care in view of the possibility of their unintended import into the non-endemic regions, and thus construction of specific medical protectors as regards induced by them diseases is a pressing issue. According to leading experts, vaccination of the cohorts that fall in the risk groups is the most effective and least expensive method to prevent the development of epidemics. The review contains information on a new prospective line of protective preparations development as regards particularly dangerous viral infections - construction of alphavirus-replicon-based vaccine. Elaboration of recombinant replicons does not require cultivation of pathogenic microorganisms. RNA-replicons are distinguished by their incapacity to produce infective progeny, which is of a great importance for the development of vaccines against particularly dangerous viral hemorrhagic fevers. Advantages of alphaviral replicons over other RNA-replicons are as follows: high levels of heterologous gene expression and resistance to anti-vector immunity. RNA-replicons of alphaviruses combine the safety of inactivated, and immunogenicity of live attenuated vaccines. Alphaviruses-based replicons are suitable for express vaccine development with the purpose of specific prophylaxis of viral infectious diseases

    Клинико-эндоскопические особенности гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни при бронхиальной астме в сочетании с хроническим описторхозом

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    The results of the study of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) clinico-endoscopic peculiarities in 318 patients with bronchial asthma (BA) of different severity degree, combined with chronic opisthorchosis or without it, have been cited in the present article. It has been revealed an often incidence of GERD in BA patients and GERD frequency increased as the disease severer. At that the GERD clinical manifestation have been observed more frequently than the reflux-esophagitis had been discovered by endoscopic ways. GERD structure during BA has been presented. More frequent GERD with BA combined with chronic opisthorchosis has been discovered than in patients without associated parasitic invasion.В статье приводятся результаты изучения клинико-эндоскопических особенностей гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни (ГЭРБ) у 318 больных бронхиальной астмой (БА) разной степени тяжести в сочетании с хроническим описторхозом и без него. Показана высокая встречаемость ГЭРБ у больных БА, частота ее нарастает по мере утяжеления заболевания, причем клинические проявления ГЭРБ наблюдаются у больных БА чаще, чем выявляется рефлюкс-эзофагит эндоскопически. Представлена структура ГЭРБ при БА. Выявлена более высокая частота ГЭРБ при БА в сочетании с хроническим описторхозом, чем у больных без сопутствующей паразитарной инвазии

    The Molecular Genetic Peculiarities of Genomic Structure of Members of the <i>Ebolavirus</i> Genus

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    The molecular genetic peculiarities of genomic structure of the Ebolavirus genus members are viewed in the review. The Ebola virus disease outbreaks in West African countries constitute a threat not only for Africa, but for the whole world in view of possible introduction of the agent in non-endemic regions. The members of the Ebolavirus genus have different pathogenicity for humans, thus differ severity and mortality of the disease they cause. There is a significant genetic divergence among members of the Ebolavirus genus. The differences of pathogenic potential of members of the Ebolavirus genus may be explained as the result of mutations in the genes of virus structural proteins. It is possible, that some of these mutations may affect virulence of strains within one virus species. So far as most effective modern medicines for specific prophylaxis and treatment of Ebola fever are target-oriented, genotyping of the agent will promote elaboration of strategy of such preparations development

    Forming A Pedagogue’s Research Competences in Innovative Educational Environment

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    Changes that take place in different spheres of life in Russia (economic, political, social, cultural) determine new requirements to the goals, values, functions of education in providing the development and self-realization of students. A graduate of a modern school should master a complex of information and research skills, and have critical and creative thinking. Research methodology. The orientation of education towards the growth of a student as a person, bearer of certain individual peculiarities, and activity subject may be of use only if an effective strategy of pedagogic work is developed. Such a strategy should be scientifically grounded on the basic principles of modern approaches implemented in pedagogy and psychology: humanistic, personality-, activity- and competence-oriented. Research results. Four spheres of a pedagogue’s professional activity in an innovative educational environment have been distinguished: sphere of analysis, synthesis and mastering pioneering pedagogic experience; sphere of popularization and initial practical use of pioneering pedagogic experience and advanced developments; sphere of the improvement of professional skills and realization of creative potential of a teacher; sphere of innovative processes in the system of education. Discussion. The essence of a pedagogue’s research activity is conditioned by the functions, which are based on the following factors: optimization of the teaching and educational process; specifically, structured controlled cognitive process; processes of self-improvement, self-instruction and selfeducation, self-realization; mastering professional pedagogic activity of a new level. Conclusion. Four levels of the development of a teacher’s research competences have been distinguished: basic, empiric (local and initiative), productive (tactical), and constructive (strategic)