268 research outputs found

    Situational analysis of socio-cultural interaction of states under conditions of globalization

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    The present article considers the possibilities of the paradigm of socio-cultural interaction when analyzing international relations. Traditional activity approaches in explaining this interaction are critically assessed, and the main situations of interstate interactions that have a socio-cultural importance are analyzed. The offered problematisation when studying global strategies of interstate relations in terms of socio-cultural interaction makes it possible to consider desirable strategies and scenarios for improving intercultural communication and international cooperation. Possible prospects on changing the basic benchmarks of the globalization processes based on socio-cultural interaction for its further humanization are outlined. The revealed mechanisms of the dynamics of socio-cultural interactions when moving from one situation of interaction to another, as well as the role of the cultural reality formed for this purpose and overcoming the one-sidedness of economism in international relations can provoke the researchers’ interest. The offered analysis of the situations of socio-cultural interaction enables the authors of the article to clarify some positive opportunities of the globalization in the overall civilization development and intercultural dialogue of all countries of the world community. The results given in the article in relation to studying the main reasons of the discrimination in interstate relations and offers on overcoming it by using the spiritual and moral potential of the world culture are also of great importance.peer-reviewe

    Postmortem tissue changes and dynamics of their impedance parameters: a preclinical experimental study

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    Background. Establishing regularities in postmortem intervals comprises one of the main tasks of the forensic science of death and cadaveric phenomena. The knowledge of these regularities is directly related to reconstructing the postmortem conditions and, consequently, to determining the postmortem interval. Objective. To analyze postmortem changes in cadaver tissues and dynamics of their impedance parameters under the conditions of natural biocenosis. Methods. The study involved the cadavers of model biological objects – eight pigs, aged one to two months, weighing up to 10 kg. Experimental studies of cadaver decomposition were carried out under natural biocenosis conditions, daily for 28 days with two replications. Changes in cadaver tissues during decomposition were recorded and analyzed. The subject of biophysical studies was the tissue impedance parameters of three diagnostic zones of the biological object: the musculocutaneous flap, the cartilaginous part of the third rib and the calcaneal tendon. Impedance measurements for each postmortem interval were performed at five studied current frequencies: 100 and 120 Hz, 1, 10 and 100 kHz. A total of 2,400 readings were taken. Statistical analysis of the study results was carried out by means of Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA). Results. Postmortem biological changes in cadaver tissues correlate with the nature of their impedance dynamics. The study of impedance under conditions of natural biocenosis established its identical dependence on the postmortem interval for all current frequencies of the study of all diagnostic zones of model biological objects: in the initial interval of 0–4 days, the impedance gives a “surge” followed by a smoother decrease. Cadaver tissues were recorded to indicate the presence of impedance dispersion in general in the studied frequency range and the absence of dispersion directly for high frequencies. Conclusion. Understanding the causes and essence of postmortem processes contributes to assessing and substantiating changes in any characteristics of tissues measured quantitatively, including impedance indicators, as well as to predicting the prospects of their use for specific practical purposes, in particular, for determining the postmortem interval

    The formation of flavoring characteristics of meat products by changing the chemical composition of food compositions

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    The article presents the results of the study of changes in flavour characteristics when using corrective additives. Monosodium glutamate, ribotide, yeast extract and hydrolysate of vegetable soy protein were used as flavoring additives (FA). To assess the effect of composition of meat product recipe, as well as the method of FA‑introduction on taste intensity, the recipes of model meat systems with partial replacement of meat raw materials were used. Pork fat, soy protein and potato starch were used as meat substitutes. The effect of recipe composition on the content of non-volatile substances of aroma was accessed. It is shown that replacement of pork by pork fat in the recipe by 20–40% led to a sharp decrease in the concentration of aromatic substances and a decrease in intensity of taste of the finished product several times. The ways for taste correction using FA was studied. For this, a chopped semi-finished product — minced meat was prepared from chilled whole-muscle pork and 0.05% of each FA was added. It is shown that the dynamics of changes in the content of free amino acids is the most pronounced when using monosodium glutamate not as a mono-additive, but in compositions: monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide. A pool of chemical compounds involved in the formation of taste and aroma of products was detected. The main components were derivatives of C6–C24 fatty acids, as well as a significant number of other biochemical compounds, mainly substituted amines, amides, alcohols and ketones, with a content ranging from 0.001 to 0.2 mg/kg. The results of organoleptic analysis showed that the most delicious and attractive samples were those containing monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide

    Experience in Genome Analysis Use in SAET Mobile Complex Facilities

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    Described is the first-ever experience in genome analysis use in SAET mobile complex facilities, obtained during the XXVII World-wide Summer Universiade in Kazan, 2013. Carried out was 16S rRNA sequencing of Salmonella enteric strain isolated from an infected. For that matter, employed was “MicroSEQ 500 16S rDNA Bacterial Identification Kits” (Applied Biosystems, USA), which allows for sequencing of DNA fragments (500 bp) of 16S rRNA gene in the bacteria under investigation

    Self-reflection technologies to design the developmental environment for the professional formation of sports teachers

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    The significance of this article lies in the fact that the problem of modifying the forms, methods and means of implementing the content of education, training and retraining of personnel for the sphere of physical education, sports and tourism always comes first among other pedagogical problems. To improve the educational process and, specifically, educational activities is an essential objective of all the system of education. The article presents the results of a study of the role, place and function of self-reflection in educational activities, as well as in the formation of a sports teacher’s professional thinking based on self-reflective culture of solving professional problems. Based on the logical-substantive analysis, the article shows that the mechanism of self-reflective thinking is mandatory for the formation of the methodological culture of future specialists’ professional thinking in the implementation of the curriculum content of physical education universities; it has been proved that activation of self-reflection during training leads to the fact that the learner makes his own activity as the object of his influence, he begins to purposefully change, improve or rebuild it. In addition, the article substantiates that the modern practice of education, training and retraining of personnel for the field of physical education, sports and tourism requires constant creative improvement of the teaching staff of higher education, which provides solutions to modern educational problems, the resolution of which will prepare competitive specialists for the open labour market; the analysis of a great number of scientific literature sources shows that psych didactics of developmental education should be based on activation of self-reflection, as a special way and means of forming self-reflective culture of sports teachers; the introduction of self-reflection in the educational process determines the improvement of the methodological culture and the personal inclusion of students, which undoubtedly leads to an increase in their professional competence

    Usage of Mobile Laboratories of Biological Expertise Abroad and in Russia: Present Day Realities and Prospects

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    We analyzed the data on availability and usage of mobile laboratories of biological expertise for indication and identification of pathogenic biological agents in foreign countries and in the Russian Federation. We outlined the major types of mobile units that exist abroad and in Russia. Key stages of evolution in design and deployment of mobile laboratories in the network of plague control institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor were described, as well as the broadening of the range of their use in Russia. We assessed operational use of the Russian mobile laboratories, both in Russia and abroad, in the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare during mass events, disaster management, and response to epidemic manifestations of particularly dangerous infectious diseases. Major trends in implementation of mobile units of biological expertise in Russia were identified. We addressed their usage in various State Programs on assistance to partner-countries in the matters of International Health Regulations (2005) implementation, control over dangerous infectious diseases. Advanced inventions – Second generation modernized mobile complex of the specialized anti-epidemic teams, mobile laboratory for monitoring and diagnostics, and airmobile anti-epidemic complex – were discussed

    High performance liquid chromatography method for determination of carnosine and taurine and composition them with Fe₃O₄ nanoparticles

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    The aim of the study was to develop a methodology that allows the determination of amino acids by HPLC in their joint presence in eye drops. In the result a method has been developed for the simultaneous quantitative determination of the components of eye drops (carnosine and taurine) by HPLC with preliminary preparation of dinitrophenyl (DNP) derivative