43 research outputs found

    Strain Gauge Sensor of Mass Measurement Using a Brass Cantilever

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    A study of mass measurement using strain gauge 120 which was placed in the corner of the brass cantilever has been done. This study essentially utilizes deflection phenomena on the surface. This phenomenon occurs due to the mass placed on one end of the brass cantilever. The Mass was calibrated with standard mass gauge using OHAUS PA214 PioneerTM analytical balance. It was done a variation of mass-reduction and addition at the end of the brass cantilever with a multiple of 0.1 gram over a span interval of 1.1-7.5 grams. It obtained hysteresis curve plot for the changing strain gauge resistance (ΔR) versus mass variations on which the system has the maximum load range (7,1-7,5 gram). Moreover, The test of the system for the mass variations in the output voltage of the IC AD521JD differential amplifier was approximated as a quadratic function which was expressed in the system characteristic equation m = 2,4×V2 - 0,8533×V + 1,1449, with m (gram) and V (Volt). The characteristic equation is used in the ADC conversion of the microcontroller. The measured mass value was displayed on 2 × 16 LCDs in grams

    Peran Mediasi Institusional Budaya Terhadap Hubungan Nilai Budaya Dan Pengungkapan Nilai Islam

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    This study aims to analyze mediation role of cultural institutional element on the influence of societal values on the disclosure of Islamic values. The cultural institutional elements analyzed are legal system, capital market development, and human development. This research covers 102 Islamic banks for the data of 2010 to 2012 around the world. The study finds that capital market development is the only element that has mediation role on the influence of culture on the disclosure of Islamic values. The capital market development has a partial mediation role on the influence of humane orientation on the disclosure of Islamic values and does not have mediation role on the influence of other cultural dimension (social orientation, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance). The capital market development has direct influence rather than mediation role on the disclosure of Islamic values. Meanwhile, the study cannot prove that the other two elements have mediation role in the influence of culture on the disclosure of Islamic values.Keywords: cultural/societal values, disclosure of Islamic values, institutional elements of culture, cultural dimensions---Studi ini bertujuan menganalisis peran mediasi elemen institusional budaya pada hubungan budaya dan pengungkapan nilai Islam. Elemen institusional budaya yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah sistem hukum, perkembangan pasar modal, dan perkembangan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel yang terdiri dari 102 bank Islam untuk data tahun 2010-2012 dari 20 negara. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa hanya elemen perkembangan pasar modal yang memediasi hubungan budaya dan pengungkapan nilai Islam. Perkembangan pasar modal ditemukan secara parsial memediasi pengaruh dimensi budaya humane orientation terhadap tingkat pengungkapan nilai Islam secara parsial dan tidak memediasi pengaruh dimensi budaya lainnya (social orientation, power distance, dan uncertainty avoidance). Elemen perkembangan pasar modal lebih berperan secara langsung terhadap pengungkapan nilai Islam pada bank Islam. Sementara itu, kedua elemen institusional budaya lainnya ditemukan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan nilai Islam

    Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasi dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasi melalui Komitmen Organisasi dan Kepuasan Kerja

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between variables of organizational justice, organizational culture, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior at PT. Pos Indonesian. The use of these variables with the results of previous studies provide reason for the different conclusions, there is theory that direct effect and did not. For example justice organizations significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, and also say is not significant. Besides, these variables are expected to change for the better in improving the fairness of the organization and the organizational culture of the OCB through commitment and job satisfaction at PT. Pos Indonesian. The population's research was all employees of PT. Pos using simple random method, so that the members of a population of 130 employees, the research sample of 100 people.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel keadilan organisasi, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi, kepuasan kerja dengan perilaku kewargaan organisasi di PT. Pos Indonesia. Penggunaan variabel-variabel tersebut dengan alasan hasil penelitian terdahulu memberikan kesimpulan yang berbeda-beda, ada yang mengatakan berpengaruh langsung dan juga tidak. Misalnya keadilan organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku kewargaan organisasi, dan juga ada yang mengatakan tidak signifikan. Disamping itu variabel-variabel tersebut diharapkan memberi Perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik dalam meningkatkan keadilan organisasi dan budaya organisasi terhadap OCB melalui komitmen dan kepuasan kerja pada PT. Pos Indonesia. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan PT. Pos dengan menggunakan metode acak sederhana, sehingga anggota populasi yang berjumlah 130 orang karyawan yang dijadikan sampel penelitian 100 orang

    Dampak Kebisingan terhadap Fungsi Pendengaran dan Tekanan Darah pada Pekerja Tyre di Workshop PT. Rahman Abdijaya di Kabupaten Tabalong

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    Mechanism process and work activity tyre unit in PT. Rahman Abdijaya workshop using machines and working equipments. Noise with high intensity of those machines and working equipments will raise noise exposure and will increase the risk of the worker. This study aims to analysis affect of noise to hearing function and blood pressure at tyre worker in workshop PT. Rahman Abdijaya in Tabalong district. It is an observational study with cross-sectional design. Sample size was 32 worker. Data collection by audiometric measurement, tension before and after working measurement also noise in working environment measurement. Univariat analysis, bivariat analysis. With chi-square test are used to analyzed the data. The results of the study showed that there was not significant affect of noise to hearing function (sig.α = 0,401 > 0,05), but there was significant affect of noise to sistole blood pressure (sig.α = 0,039 < 0,05) and diastole blood pressure (sig.α = 0,019 < 0,05). Suggestion for the company are necessary noise measurement in all working company area, maintenance activity must be done for periodically and all of broken equipment must be replaced, audiometric measurement every ones in a year, blood pressure measurement must be controlled, Safety sign compatible as safety and health risk, prepared APD like ear muff, training and socialized about noise affect to the health and how to control them

    Application of Imprecise Decision Modeling for Regional Development Policies in Indonesia

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    Regional Development encompasses many aspect of economic, social, and environmental attributes. In the context of developing country, the decision to fulfill these attributes are often hindered by lack of clear development scenarios and constraints. This study is an attempt to capture the complexity of decision makers for regional development scenarios using imprecise decision modeling (IDM) by incorporating imprecise information and uncertainties. A series of social, economic and environmental criteria based on agreement from multi stakeholders dialogues were developed along with four policy development scenarios. Results from such a modeling provides variety of decision alternatives based on probabilities and risk assessment associated with achieving policy objectives

    Komunitas Lepidoptera Dan Parasitoidnya Pada Pertanaman Mentimun Di Bogor, Sukabumi Dan Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Lepidopteran community and its parasitoid on cucumber field in Bogor, Sukabumi and Cianjur District, West Java. Cucumber is one of horticultural commodities that are widely cultivated in Indonesia, but information related to Lepidoptera pests and their parasitoids are limited. The aim of this study was to obtain information about Lepidopteran community on cucumber and their parasitoid diversity. Lepidopteran larvae were collected from 16 cucumber sites in the District of Bogor, Sukabumi and Cianjur in November 2014 until May 2015. Larvae were collected from each cucumber plant follow along 60 m transects. Larvae were collected from the field then brought to the laboratory. All larvae were then reared on cucumber leaves until pupation and parasitoids emerged. The data obtained were tested by analysis of the mean and analysis of variance (One way ANOVA) using the program R Stat. The results showed that cucumber plants were attacked by six species (morphospecies) belonging to four families of Lepidoptera. Diaphania indica (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is the most abundant species found. All species (morphospecies) of Lepidoptera are more common when the cucumber plants are in the generative growth stage. Our result further showed that D. indica was attacked by 9 parasitoid larvae and 3 parasitoid pupae, C. chalcites (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by 5 parasitoids dan S. litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by 2 parasitoids. A braconid, Apanteles taragamae, is the most common parasitoid of D. indica found in the field. Its parasitism rate can reach 27% in the field. Overall, this research revealed that a number of parasitoids, that were found attacking Lepidopteran on cucumber indicates their potential use as biological control agents in this agroecosystems

    Model Komunikasi untuk Membangun Kapasitas Kewirausahaan dan Kesiapan Perubahan Pedagang Pasar Tradisional

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    Berangkat dari kondisi rendahnya kapasitas kewirausahaan dan ketidaksiapan pedagang pasar tradisional menghadapi persaingan dari peritel modern, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan model komunikasi untuk membangun kesiapan Perubahan pedagang pasar tradisional. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan mewawancarai 559 pedagang pasar tradisional menggunakan instrumen kuesioner. Hasilnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kausalitas dengan alat bantu LISREL dan diperkuat dengan hasil dari wawancara mendalam. Hasilnya diperoleh gambaran bahwa dalam menghadapi revitalisasi, pedagang berada dalam situasi ketidakpastian. Seluruh unsur mulai dari karakteristik pedagang, sumber pesan, pesan, dan komunikasi partisipatif memberikan dampak positif terhadap kesiapan pedagang terkait dengan revitalisasi dengan kondisi kapasitas kewirausahaan pedagang tinggi. Karenanya, untuk membangun kesiapan pedagang, hal utama yang perlu dilakukan adalah membangun kapasitas kewirausahaan pedagang. Kekurangberhasilan membangun kapasitas kewirausahaan berdampak ketidaksiapan pedagang untuk berubah. Model komunikasi yang dinilai tepat adalah melibatkan pengelola pasar sebagai sumber pesan yang kredibel, dengan muatan pesan tentang manfaat dan risiko revitalisasi ternyata efektif bila melalui pengembangan motivasi pedagang untuk berubah, dan media yang memungkinkan terjadi tanggapan langsung dari pelaku komunikasi