257 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Short Term Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation for Non-neurogenic Overactive Bladder Syndrome in Adults: A Meta-analysis

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    Aim: to evaluate the effectiveness of short-term PTNS for non-neurogenic OAB in adults systematically by comparing with sham procedure and other treatments. Methods: we performed a systematic review of cohort study. Data sources were MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, National Library for Health, Cochrane, and google scholar from 2005 through 2015. Meta-analysis was performed using the random effects model. Heterogeneity of effects was assessed by calculating I2 statistic. Statistical analysis was performed using Review Manager 5.3 for RCT meta-analysis. Results: we analized 11 randomised controlled trial (RCT) and five prospective non-comparative studies with variable success rate. Based on percentage of responders, the results were 37.3% - 81.8% in PTNS group, 0% - 20.9% in sham group, 54.8% in anti-muscarinic group, and 89.7% in multimodal group. The decrease of voiding symptoms episodes per day was found in PTNS (0.7-4.5), sham (0.3-1.5), and anti-muscarinic (0.6-2.9) groups. In meta-analysis of four RCTs, the results favour PTNS over sham procedure with overall risk ratio of 7.32(95% CI of 1.69-32.16), p=0.09, I2=54%. Conclusion: there is an evidence of effectiveness of short term PTNS in treatment of non-neurogenic OAB. PTNS is proven significantly better than sham procedure.Key words: overactive bladder, percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, sham, anti-muscarinic, voiding symptoms

    Evaluasi Metode Klasifikasi dalam Pembuatan Peta Kepadatan Penduduk DIY dengan Permukaan Statistik dan Uji Proporsi

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    Penggunaan peta koroplet untuk representasi data kepadatan penduduk masih jarang ditemui, meskipun peta koroplet lebih mudah untuk dipahami dan mengandung informasi spasial. Pembuatan peta koroplet tidak terlepas dari sistem klasifikasi yang berkaitan dengan informasi yang disampaikan. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dalam pembacaan dan analisis peta. Klasifikasi yang digunakan untuk merepresentasikan kepadatan penduduk adalah metode interval teratur, aritmatik, geometrik, kuantil, dispersal, dan standar deviasi. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan permukaan statistik dan uji proporsi.Berdasarkan nilai uji proporsi, metode aritmatik merupakan metode yang paling baik untuk pemetaan kepadatan penduduk dengan nilai proporsi 0,243048. Paada model permukaan statistik tingkat kabupaten juga menunjukkan detil yang baik. Sedangkan pada model permukaan statistik tingkat kota, metode standar deviasi yang menjadi metode terbaik

    Pengaruh Pelayanan Kesehatan terhadap Gizi Buruk Anak Usia 6 _ 24 Bulan

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    Malnutrition is the cause of death of about 55% of children under the age of five worldwide. A critical period happen on children aged between 6 and 24 months because those ranges of age groups indicate extremely serious condition regarding their growth. The objective of this research was to identifyrisk factors for the occurrence of malnutrition on children between 6 and 24 months at the Health Center of Kembaran I, Banyumas Regency as an effort to develop a model for controlling them. This research used a case control design with a retrospective approach towards eighty-six children. Data was analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate (logistic regression) methods The risk factors that influenced to the occurrence of malnutrition were the use of health services (odds ratio, OR = 12,5); infectious diseases (OR = 4,04); eating pattern (OR = 4,8); and family income (OR = 5,8). As a suggestion, to improve a nutrition status on children, it needs to increase roles of an integrated services post and roles of mothers as efforts to prevent infectious diseases and socialize balanced nutrition menu to achieve a child\u27s growth and development optimally

    Manajemen Bimbingan Dan Konseling Berbasis Permendikbud Nomor 111 Tahun 2014

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    Manajemen bimbingan dan konseling adalah segala upaya atau cara yang digunakan untuk mendayagunakan secara optimal semua komponen atau sumber daya (tenaga, dana, sarana-prasarana) dan sistem informasi berupa himpunan data bimbingan dan konseling untuk menyelenggarakan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dalam rangka mencapai tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Permendikbud Nomor 111 Tahun 2014 diterbitkan untuk menjadi acuan baru pelaksanaan tata kelola bimbingan dan konseling mulai dari planning, organizing, staffing, leading dan controlling

    Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium pada Wanita Usia Subur di Kecamatan Baturaden Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah

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    Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) is one of nutrient problems in Banyumas Regency. IDD is caused by chronic deficiency of dietary iodine intake, goitrogenic consumption, hormonal contraception use, genetic factor, and level of knowledge. Prevalence of goiter in Baturaden district of BanyumasRegency constantly increases up to 35,38% in 2007, so this location is categorized as high endemic IDD. To analyze risk factors of IDD in Baturaden district, a case-control explanatory study has been carried involving 30 reproductive age women (15-45 years old) suffering from IDD as case group and 30 reproductive age women with no IDD as control group. Both groups were residents of Kebumen, Karang Tengah, Kemutug Kidul, and Karang Salam villages. This study shows that two factors are simultaneously influenced the IDD i.e. consumption of iodine (p = 0,007) and goitrogen (p = 0,015). Of the two, iodine consumption is the dominant factor influencing the IDD cases

    Risk Management in Pinisi Relaxation Using Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Pinisi Relaxation is a massage parlor that was established in September 2012, and located in the city of Bandung and Sukabumi. Along with the passage of a new company, there are many events that can cost the company, both in terms of financial and non-financial. To be able to cope with such events, Pinisi Relaxation could use risk management approach, as well as the use of Analytical Hierarchy Process in selecting alternative needed to handle the risks. Risk identification in Pinisi Relaxation divided into business risk, financial risk, operational risk, marketing risk, and human resource risk. All risks will be placed in a risk map that reflects the position of any risks inherent in Pinisi Relaxation. The next process is to mitigate the risks inherent in Pinisi Relaxation through analysis of theory and concepts related to conditions in Pinisi Relaxation. Results of analysis for risk mitigation alternatives will then be selected through the Analytical Hierarchy Process to produce the best alternative to handle the risks. Criteria that must be met to handle the risks in Pinisi Relaxation are divided over the cost, effectiveness, and time, in which each of these criteria have different comparisons. Through the process of the analysis, there would be the alternatives that required by Pinisi Relaxation to handle the risks. Each entity in the company should be able to do the alternatives that have been selected in accordance with their respective duties. In addition, the risk management process should always be reviewed and controlled in order to avoid the things that could cost the company if it the risk treatment doesn\u27t run in an appropriate way

    Pengaruh Temperatur Air Pendingin Terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Motor Diesel Stasioner Di Sebuah Huller

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    A diesel engine that is used widely in a rice mill needs to be cooled by water that is circulated. One way to reduce the fuel used is to find the optimum cooling water entering the engine. A research is done in a rice mill in Lumajang. It is found that the optimum temperature to get the rice milled both for IR64 and IR70 is 65oC. The fuel is reduced as much as 13.6% for IR64 if the water enters the engine at 65oC compared to 40oC. Meanwhile, it is 14.3% for IR70. The temperature of the cooling water entering the engine is maintained at the optimum temperature by controlling the volume (or the height) of the water in the cooling pond, i.e. 220 liters for IR64 and 230.6 liters for IR70

    Peningkatan Performance Dengan Pendingin Udara Masuk Pada Motor Diesel 4ja1

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    A combustion process could be complete or incomplete depends on how much air available in the combustion chamber. An intercooler used to cool the air entering a combustion chamber increase the mass flowrate of air. Doing so could increase the possibility of reaction between fuel & air. When the air is cooled to 15°C, the increase of output power using the intercoole is about 1,8 %

    Unjuk Kerja Pemanas Air Jenis Kolektor Surya Plat Datar Dengan Satu Dan Dua Kaca Penutup

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    Warm water is needed by humanbeing to take a bath, wash their clothes, their dishes etc. By the photothermal conversion, the solar energy can be used to heat the water. Flat solar collector is a tool which is used to capture energy of sun radiation then convert it into heat to heat up water in collector's pipe. The number of glass cover used effects the performance and efficiency of the collector. From this research, it is found that the efficiency of the collector is better when the cover used are two glasses than one glass. The temperature difference of incoming and outgoing water in the collector using 2 glasses 17oC higher than that of 1 glass
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