6,657 research outputs found

    Dimensional Reduction, Hard Thermal Loops and the Renormalization Group

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    We study the realization of dimensional reduction and the validity of the hard thermal loop expansion for lambda phi^4 theory at finite temperature, using an environmentally friendly finite-temperature renormalization group with a fiducial temperature as flow parameter. The one-loop renormalization group allows for a consistent description of the system at low and high temperatures, and in particular of the phase transition. The main results are that dimensional reduction applies, apart from a range of temperatures around the phase transition, at high temperatures (compared to the zero temperature mass) only for sufficiently small coupling constants, while the HTL expansion is valid below (and rather far from) the phase transition, and, again, at high temperatures only in the case of sufficiently small coupling constants. We emphasize that close to the critical temperature, physics is completely dominated by thermal fluctuations that are not resummed in the hard thermal loop approach and where universal quantities are independent of the parameters of the fundamental four-dimensional theory.Comment: 20 pages, 13 eps figures, uses epsfig and pstrick

    Correlated Gravitational Wave and Neutrino Signals from General-Relativistic Rapidly Rotating Iron Core Collapse

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    We present results from a new set of 3D general-relativistic hydrodynamic simulations of rotating iron core collapse. We assume octant symmetry and focus on axisymmetric collapse, bounce, the early postbounce evolution, and the associated gravitational wave (GW) and neutrino signals. We employ a finite-temperature nuclear equation of state, parameterized electron capture in the collapse phase, and a multi-species neutrino leakage scheme after bounce. The latter captures the important effects of deleptonization, neutrino cooling and heating and enables approximate predictions for the neutrino luminosities in the early evolution after core bounce. We consider 12-solar-mass and 40-solar-mass presupernova models and systematically study the effects of (i) rotation, (ii) progenitor structure, and (iii) postbounce neutrino leakage on dynamics, GW, and, neutrino signals. We demonstrate, that the GW signal of rapidly rotating core collapse is practically independent of progenitor mass and precollapse structure. Moreover, we show that the effects of neutrino leakage on the GW signal are strong only in nonrotating or slowly rotating models in which GW emission is not dominated by inner core dynamics. In rapidly rotating cores, core bounce of the centrifugally-deformed inner core excites the fundamental quadrupole pulsation mode of the nascent protoneutron star. The ensuing global oscillations (f~700-800 Hz) lead to pronounced oscillations in the GW signal and correlated strong variations in the rising luminosities of antineutrino and heavy-lepton neutrinos. We find these features in cores that collapse to protoneutron stars with spin periods <~ 2.5 ms and rotational energies sufficient to drive hyper-energetic core-collapse supernova explosions. Hence, joint GW + neutrino observations of a core collapse event could deliver strong evidence for or against rapid core rotation. [abridged]Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures. Replaced with version matching published versio

    Recognition without identification, erroneous familiarity, and déjà vu

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    Déjà vu is characterized by the recognition of a situation concurrent with the awareness that this recognition is inappropriate. Although forms of déjà vu resolve in favor of the inappropriate recognition and therefore have behavioral consequences, typical déjà vu experiences resolve in favor of the awareness that the sensation of recognition is inappropriate. The resultant lack of behavioral modification associated with typical déjà vu means that clinicians and experimenters rely heavily on self-report when observing the experience. In this review, we focus on recent déjà vu research. We consider issues facing neuropsychological, neuroscientific, and cognitive experimental frameworks attempting to explore and experimentally generate the experience. In doing this, we suggest the need for more experimentation and amore cautious interpretation of research findings, particularly as many techniques being used to explore déjà vu are in the early stages of development.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Lifetime Measurement of the 6s Level of Rubidium

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    We present a lifetime measurements of the 6s level of rubidium. We use a time-correlated single-photon counting technique on two different samples of rubidium atoms. A vapor cell with variable rubidium density and a sample of atoms confined and cooled in a magneto-optical trap. The 5P_{1/2} level serves as the resonant intermediate step for the two step excitation to the 6s level. We detect the decay of the 6s level through the cascade fluorescence of the 5P_{3/2} level at 780 nm. The two samples have different systematic effects, but we obtain consistent results that averaged give a lifetime of 45.57 +- 0.17 ns.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Optimizing a Certified Proof Checker for a Large-Scale Computer-Generated Proof

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    In recent work, we formalized the theory of optimal-size sorting networks with the goal of extracting a verified checker for the large-scale computer-generated proof that 25 comparisons are optimal when sorting 9 inputs, which required more than a decade of CPU time and produced 27 GB of proof witnesses. The checker uses an untrusted oracle based on these witnesses and is able to verify the smaller case of 8 inputs within a couple of days, but it did not scale to the full proof for 9 inputs. In this paper, we describe several non-trivial optimizations of the algorithm in the checker, obtained by appropriately changing the formalization and capitalizing on the symbiosis with an adequate implementation of the oracle. We provide experimental evidence of orders of magnitude improvements to both runtime and memory footprint for 8 inputs, and actually manage to check the full proof for 9 inputs.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    Localization of Eigenfunctions in the Stadium Billiard

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    We present a systematic survey of scarring and symmetry effects in the stadium billiard. The localization of individual eigenfunctions in Husimi phase space is studied first, and it is demonstrated that on average there is more localization than can be accounted for on the basis of random-matrix theory, even after removal of bouncing-ball states and visible scars. A major point of the paper is that symmetry considerations, including parity and time-reversal symmetries, enter to influence the total amount of localization. The properties of the local density of states spectrum are also investigated, as a function of phase space location. Aside from the bouncing-ball region of phase space, excess localization of the spectrum is found on short periodic orbits and along certain symmetry-related lines; the origin of all these sources of localization is discussed quantitatively and comparison is made with analytical predictions. Scarring is observed to be present in all the energy ranges considered. In light of these results the excess localization in individual eigenstates is interpreted as being primarily due to symmetry effects; another source of excess localization, scarring by multiple unstable periodic orbits, is smaller by a factor of \sqrt{\hbar}.Comment: 31 pages, including 10 figure

    Atomistic modeling of amorphous silicon carbide: An approximate first-principles study in constrained solution space

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    Localized basis ab initio molecular dynamics simulation within the density functional framework has been used to generate realistic configurations of amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC). Our approach consists of constructing a set of smart initial configurations that conform essential geometrical and structural aspects of the materials obtained from experimental data, which is subsequently driven via first-principles force-field to obtain the best solution in a reduced solution space. A combination of a priori information (primarily structural and topological) along with the ab-initio optimization of the total energy makes it possible to model large system size (1000 atoms) without compromising the quantum mechanical accuracy of the force-field to describe the complex bonding chemistry of Si and C. The structural, electronic and the vibrational properties of the models have been studied and compared to existing theoretical models and available data from experiments. We demonstrate that the approach is capable of producing large, realistic configurations of a-SiC from first-principles simulation that display excellent structural and electronic properties of a-SiC. Our study reveals the presence of predominant short-range order in the material originating from heteronuclear Si-C bonds with coordination defect concentration as small as 5% and the chemical disorder parameter of about 8%.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    The Ontology of Intentional Agency in Light of Neurobiological Determinism: Philosophy Meets Folk Psychology

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    The moot point of the Western philosophical rhetoric about free will consists in examining whether the claim of authorship to intentional, deliberative actions fits into or is undermined by a one-way causal framework of determinism. Philosophers who think that reconciliation between the two is possible are known as metaphysical compatibilists. However, there are philosophers populating the other end of the spectrum, known as the metaphysical libertarians, who maintain that claim to intentional agency cannot be sustained unless it is assumed that indeterministic causal processes pervade the action-implementation apparatus employed by the agent. The metaphysical libertarians differ among themselves on the question of whether the indeterministic causal relation exists between the series of intentional states and processes, both conscious and unconscious, and the action, making claim for what has come to be known as the event-causal view, or between the agent and the action, arguing that a sort of agent causation is at work. In this paper, I have tried to propose that certain features of both event-causal and agent-causal libertarian views need to be combined in order to provide a more defendable compatibilist account accommodating deliberative actions with deterministic causation. The ‘‘agent-executed-eventcausal libertarianism’’, the account of agency I have tried to develop here, integrates certain plausible features of the two competing accounts of libertarianism turning them into a consistent whole. I hope to show in the process that the integration of these two variants of libertarianism does not challenge what some accounts of metaphysical compatibilism propose—that there exists a broader deterministic relation between the web of mental and extra-mental components constituting the agent’s dispositional system—the agent’s beliefs, desires, short-term and long-term goals based on them, the acquired social, cultural and religious beliefs, the general and immediate and situational environment in which the agent is placed, etc. on the one hand and the decisions she makes over her lifetime on the basis of these factors. While in the ‘‘Introduction’’ the philosophically assumed anomaly between deterministic causation and the intentional act of deciding has been briefly surveyed, the second section is devoted to the task of bridging the gap between compatibilism and libertarianism. The next section of the paper turns to an analysis of folk-psychological concepts and intuitions about the effects of neurochemical processes and prior mental events on the freedom of making choices. How philosophical insights can be beneficially informed by taking into consideration folk-psychological intuitions has also been discussed, thus setting up the background for such analysis. It has been suggested in the end that support for the proposed theory of intentional agency can be found in the folk-psychological intuitions, when they are taken in the right perspective

    'Mindless markers of the nation': The routine flagging of nationhood across the visual environment

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    The visual environment has increasingly been used as a lens with which to understand wider processes of social and economic change with studies employing in-depth qualitative approaches to focus on, for example, gentrification or trans-national networks. This exploratory paper offers an alternative perspective by using a novel method, quantitative photo mapping, to examine the extent to which a particular socio-cultural marker, the nation, is ‘flagged’ across three contrasting sites in Britain. As a multi-national state with an increasingly diverse population, Britain offers a particularly fruitful case study, drawing in debates around devolution, European integration and Commonwealth migration. In contributing to wider debates around banal nationalism, the paper notes the extent to which nations are increasingly articulated through commerce, consumption and market exchange and the overall significance of everyday markers (signs, objects, infrastructure) in naturalising a national view of the world

    Effective Critical Exponents for Dimensional Ccrossover and Quantum Systems from an Environmentally Friendly Renormalization Group

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    Series for the Wilson functions of an ``environmentally friendly'' renormalization group are computed to two loops, for an O(N)O(N) vector model, in terms of the ``floating coupling'', and resummed by the Pad\'e method to yield crossover exponents for finite size and quantum systems. The resulting effective exponents obey all scaling laws, including hyperscaling in terms of an effective dimensionality, {d\ef}=4-\gl, which represents the crossover in the leading irrelevant operator, and are in excellent agreement with known results.Comment: 10 pages of Plain Tex, Postscript figures available upon request from [email protected], preprint numbers THU-93/18, DIAS-STP-93-1