907 research outputs found

    Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project

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    In pastoral societies women face many challenges. Some describe these as a ‘double burden’ – that is, as pastoralists and as women. However, pastoral women may obtain a significant degree of protection from customary law even if customary institutions are male-dominated. In periods of change (economic, social, political), this protection may be lost, and without protection from statutory laws, women are in danger of “falling between two stools” (Adoko and Levine 2009). A study carried out in four villages in Tanzania, supported by the International Land Coalition, sought to understand the challenges and opportunities facing pastoral women with respect to accessing land and resources, in the context of village land use planning. This research presents empirical data on pastoral women’s land rights, shedding light on some of the detail of these rand their manifestation taking into account the differing contexts, land use patterns, and nature of rights to land. There are some common themes – particularly around the challenges facing women in pastoral communities including lack of space to make their views heard, lack of awareness of their rights, coupled with broader governance challenges. New processes underway such as a government-led review of Tanzania’s land policy provide opportunities to overcome these challenges

    Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project

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    In pastoral societies women face many challenges. Some describe these as a ‘double burden’ – that is, as pastoralists and as women. However, pastoral women may obtain a significant degree of protection from customary law even if customary institutions are male-dominated. In periods of change (economic, social, political), this protection may be lost, and without protection from statutory laws, women are in danger of “falling between two stools” (Adoko and Levine 2009). A study carried out in four villages in Tanzania, supported by the International Land Coalition, sought to understand the challenges and opportunities facing pastoral women with respect to accessing land and resources, in the context of village land use planning. This research presents empirical data on pastoral women’s land rights, shedding light on some of the details of these and their manifestation considering the differing contexts, land use patterns, and nature of rights to land. There are some common themes – particularly around the challenges facing women in pastoral communities including lack of space to make their views heard, lack of awareness of their rights, coupled with broader governance challenges. New processes underway such as a government-led review of Tanzania’s land policy and the accompanied implementation strategy ,the new land policy provide opportunities to overcome these challenges

    MuSCA: A multi-scale source-sink carbon allocation model to explore carbon allocation in plants. An application to static apple tree structures

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    Background and aims: Carbon allocation in plants is usually represented at a topological scale, specific to each model. This makes the results obtained with different models, and the impact of their scales of representation, difficult to compare. In this study, we developed a multi-scale carbon allocation model (MuSCA) that allows the use of different, user-defined, topological scales of a plant, and assessment of the impact of each spatial scale on simulated results and computation time. Methods: Model multi-scale consistency and behaviour were tested on three realistic apple tree structures. Carbon allocation was computed at five scales, spanning from the metamer (the finest scale, used as a reference) up to first-order branches, and for different values of a sap friction coefficient. Fruit dry mass increments were compared across spatial scales and with field data. Key Results: The model was able to represent effects of competition for carbon assimilates on fruit growth. Intermediate friction parameter values provided results that best fitted field data. Fruit growth simulated at the metamer scale differed of ~1 % in respect to results obtained at growth unit scale and up to 60 % in respect to first order branch and fruiting unit scales. Generally, the coarser the spatial scale the more predicted fruit growth diverged from the reference. Coherence in fruit growth across scales was also differentially impacted, depending on the tree structure considered. Decreasing the topological resolution reduced computation time by up to four orders of magnitude. Conclusions: MuSCA revealed that the topological scale has a major influence on the simulation of carbon allocation. This suggests that the scale should be a factor that is carefully evaluated when using a carbon allocation model, or when comparing results produced by different models. Finally, with MuSCA, trade-off between computation time and prediction accuracy can be evaluated by changing topological scales

    A Multi-Scale Model to explore Carbon Allocation in Plants

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    International audienceUnderstanding and simulating carbon allocation in plants is necessary to distribute carbohydrates among growing and competing organs and to predict plant growth and structure development in relation to climatic conditions. In this context several carbon allocation models have been developed but no clear consensus exists on (i) the most appropriate topological scale (organ, metamer, compartment...) to represent this process on complex plant structures, (ii) the importance of distances between organs in carbon transport, (iii) the priorities in carbon allocation among plant parts, that can depend on growth stages. Multi-scale tree graph (MTG) is a formalism allowing the representation of geometry and topology of a tree structure at different scales. In this study, several models were implemented to compute carbon allocation at user-defined spatial scales by using the MTG formalism. This allows multiple scales (e.g. metamer, growing unit, branch) to be combined during the computation of carbon allocation (e.g. allocation first within leafy shoots at metamer scale and then between growing units). The model describes carbon transport, taking into account the distances between sources and sinks, the strength of the sinks and the available carbohydrates, following the equations of the SIMWAL and QualiTree models. Simulations on simplified branching structures, represented at different scales, showed how the scales chosen to represent the system influence the results of predicted carbon allocation. This modelling approach will be first applied to apple tree to analyze the impact of the scale of representation (branch, growth unit, metamer, and inflorescence) on the predicted fruit growth variability which, in turn, will be compared with field observations. The present work is available through the OpenAlea platform and provides existing Functional Structural Plant Models with a new generic model to simulate carbon allocation in plants depending on user-defined biological hypotheses, such as the choice of the scale of representation or the effect of distance

    Babesia microti-like en un perro inmunocompetente

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    La babesiosis canina es una enfermedad infecciosa de distribución mundial causada por parásitos intraeritrocitarios transmitidos por garrapatas. Si bien ha sido tradicionalmente asumido que sólo dos de las 73 especies de babesias identificadas causan enfermedad en la especie canina, Babesia canis y Babesia gibsoni, recientes publicaciones demuestran que una tercera especie (Babesia microti-like) también puede parasitar a perros. Este último parásito, genéticamente relacionado con Babesia microti, es el origen de una enfermedad endémica entre la población canina del noroeste de España. Este trabajo presenta un caso no experimental de esta forma de Babesia microti-like en un perro cocker spaniel de 9 años, sin antecedentes de inmunodeficiencia ni de esplenectomía, que se presenta en la clínica veterinaria con signos de hipertermia, hemoglobinuria, escalofríos y apatía. Una muy intensa parasitemia (24%), junto con trombopenia y una acusada anemia hemolítica regenerativa fueron los hallazgos más caractéristicos. En la extensión de sangre periférica se visualizaron múltiples merozoitos intraeritrocitarios (parasitemia de un 24%) de pequeño tamaño (1-2 um) y presentación única en cada hematíe. Cuarenta y ocho horas después del comienzo de los síntomas, y tras tratamiento específico con dipropionato de imidocarb el perro evolucionó hacia la curación

    The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 is protective against sepsis

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    Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response as a result of uncontrolled infections. Neutrophils are the first cells to reach the primary sites of infection and chemokines play a key role in recruiting neutrophils. However, in sepsis chemokines could also contribute to neutrophil infiltration to vital organs leading to multiple organ failure. ACKR2 is an atypical chemokine receptor, which can remove and degrade inflammatory CC chemokines. The role of ACK2 in sepsis is unknown. Using a model of cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), we demonstrate here that ACKR2 deficient (−/−) mice exhibited a significant reduction in the survival rate compared to similarly treated wild type (WT) mice. However, neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity and bacterial load were similar between WT and ACKR2−/− mice during CLP. In contrast, ACKR2−/− mice showed increased neutrophil infiltration and elevated CC chemokine levels in the lung, kidney and heart compared to the WT mice. In addition, ACKR2−/− mice also showed more severe lesions in the lung and kidney than those in the WT mice. Consistent with these results, WT mice under non-severe sepsis (90% survival) had higher expression of ACKR2 in these organs than mice under severe sepsis (no survival). Finally, the lungs from septic patients showed increased number of ACKR2+ cells compared to those of non-septic patients. Our data indicate that ACKR2 may have a protective role during sepsis, and the absence of ACKR2 leads to exacerbated chemokine accumulation, neutrophil infiltration and damage to vital organs

    Infección por Theileria annae en un perro esplenectomizado

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    La babesiosis canina es una enfermedad infecciosa de distribución mundial debida a la proliferación en los hematíes del perro de unas babesias específicas transmitidas por garrapatas. Si bien ha sido tradicionalmente asumido que las únicas especies que causan enfermedad en la especie canina son Babesia canis y Babesia gibsoni, publicaciones recientes demuestran que una tercera especie (Theileria annae) también puede causar una enfermedad muy severa. Este trabajo presenta el segundo caso publicado de esta forma de Theileria annae en un perro de 14 años, de raza Basset Hound, esplenectomizado cinco meses antes, que se presentó en la clínica veterinaria con signos de hipertermia, hemoglobinuria, temblores y apatía. El estudio de laboratorio constató una acusada anemia hemolítica regenerativa y una intensa trombocitopenia como datos más característicos. En la extensión de sangre periférica se visualizaron múltiples merozoítos intra (22%) y extraeritrocitarios de pequeño tamaño (1-2 micras), forma anular y presentación única en la mayoría de hematíes. La prontitud del diagnóstico y del tratamiento específico con dipropionato de imidocarb hizo que el cuadro clínico evolucionase con rapidez hacia la curación, en contra de lo que es habitual en los animales esplenectomizados.

    Association of neurexin 3 polymorphisms with smoking behavior.

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    The Neurexin 3 gene (NRXN3) has been associated with dependence on various addictive substances, as well as with the degree of smoking in schizophrenic patients and impulsivity among tobacco abusers. To further evaluate the role of NRXN3 in nicotine addiction, we analyzed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and a copy number variant (CNV) within the NRXN3 genomic region. An initial study was carried out on 157 smokers and 595 controls, all of Spanish Caucasian origin. Nicotine dependence was assessed using the Fagerstrom index and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The 45 NRXN3 SNPs genotyped included all the SNPs previously associated with disease, and a previously described deletion within NRXN3. This analysis was replicated in 276 additional independent smokers and 568 controls. Case-control association analyses were performed at the allele, genotype and haplotype levels. Allelic and genotypic association tests showed that three NRXN3 SNPs were associated with a lower risk of being a smoker. The haplotype analysis showed that one block of 16 Kb, consisting of two of the significant SNPs (rs221473 and rs221497), was also associated with lower risk of being a smoker in both the discovery and the replication cohorts, reaching a higher level of significance when the whole sample was considered [odds ratio = 0.57 (0.42-0.77), permuted P = 0.0075]. By contrast, the NRXN3 CNV was not associated with smoking behavior. Taken together, our results confirm a role for NRXN3 in susceptibility to smoking behavior, and strongly implicate this gene in genetic vulnerability to addictive behaviors

    GLP-1 action in the mouse bed nucleus of the stria terminalis

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    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) injected into the brain reduces food intake. Similarly, activation of preproglucagon (PPG) cells in the hindbrain which synthesize GLP-1, reduces food intake. However, it is far from clear whether this happens because of satiety, nausea, reduced reward, or even stress. Here we explore the role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), an area involved in feeding control as well as stress responses, in GLP-1 responses. Using cre-expressing mice we visualized projections of NTS PPG neurons and GLP-1R-expressing BNST cells with AAV-driven Channelrhodopsin-YFP expression. The BNST displayed many varicose YFP+ PPG axons in the ventral and less in the dorsal regions. Mice which express RFP in GLP-1R neurons had RFP+ cells throughout the BNST with the highest density in the dorsal part, suggesting that PPG neuron-derived GLP-1 acts in the BNST. Indeed, injection of GLP-1 into the BNST reduced chow intake during the dark phase, whereas injection of the GLP-1 receptor antagonist Ex9 increased feeding. BNST-specific GLP-1-induced food suppression was less effective in mice on high fat (HF, 60%) diet, and Ex9 had no effect. Restraint stress-induced hypophagia was attenuated by BNST Ex9 treatment, further supporting a role for endogenous brain GLP-1. Finally, whole-cell patch clamp recordings of RFP+ BNST neurons demonstrated that GLP-1 elicited either a depolarizing or hyperpolarizing reversible response that was of opposite polarity to that under dopamine. Our data support a physiological role for BNST GLP-1R in feeding, and suggest complex cellular responses to GLP-1 in this nucleus