456 research outputs found

    Mechanism and Kinetics of Interaction of FLiNaK–CeF3 Melt with Water Vapors and Oxygen in the Air Atmosphere

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    The mechanism and kinetic parameters of the interaction of the FLiNaK–CeF3 melt with water vapors and oxygen in the air atmosphere were determined using Raman and IR spectroscopy, XRD analysis, and thermodynamic modeling of processes. The presence of the 4CeF3(solution) + 6H2O (gas) + O2(gas) = 4CeO2(solid) + 12HF(gas) reaction, which disturbs the fluoride melt homogeneity, was verified in situ by Raman spectroscopy adopted for high-temperature, chemically aggressive fluoride systems. Based on the obtained spectral data, the type of the kinetic equation, order, and rate constant of the chemical reaction were determined. The concentration of cerium dioxide was found to increase linearly in time and a zero reaction order with respect to CeO2 was detected. The change in the concentration of CeO2 over time at T = 510 °C is described by the equation C = 0.085t; the reaction rate constant is 0.085 mol. %∙min−1. The obtained kinetic parameters may be used to model emergencies related with the depressurization of the coolant circuit or the working area of the molten salt reactor. © 2023 by the authors

    New advances in Raman study of polyvinylchloride structure

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    In this work we investigated Raman spectra of a number of industrial grades of polyvinylchloride powder and films, prepared from solutions in tetrahydrofuran and acetophenone. The number and spectral characteristics of the Raman lines in the spectral regions of the C-Cl stretching vibrations and in the region of the C-H and CH2 stretching vibrations were evaluated

    Digital Education Practice: the Problem of Chronotope Transformation

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    The article examines the impact of digital technologies on the processes of education and social development of the individual in higher education. The authors present an exposition of the contradictions caused by the collision of the analog (continuum) chronotope, in the ontology of which the cognitive abilities of a person, his thinking, culture and the logic of digital processes were formed.Рассматривается влияние цифровых технологий на процессы образования и социального становления личности в высшей школе. Проводится экспозиция противоречий, вызванных столкновением аналогового (континуального) хронотопа, в онтологии которого сформировались когнитивные способности человека, его мышление, культура и логика цифровых процессов

    Effect of frictional treatment with a dense cubic boron nitride indenter on the micromechanical properties of the NiCrBSi-Cr3C2coating

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    Coatings based on NiCrBSi alloys with Cr3C2 addition can effectively resist wear, corrosion, and oxidation at high temperatures. The use of frictional treatment by sliding indenters as finishing is a modern way to create high surface quality and to enhance the strength and wear resistance of the surface of parts. The article studies the characteristics determined by instrumented microindentation of the surface of a NiCrBSi-Cr3C2 laser clad coating subjected to frictional treatments with a sliding indenter made of dense cubic boron nitride DBN in the air at loads on the indenter of 350, 500 and 700 N, and after grinding. Frictional treatment in the entire considered range of loads contributes to an increase in strength performance, as well as parameters indicating an increased ability of the coating surface to resist elastoplastic deformation. The highest growth of the parameters is observed after frictional treatment at a load of 700 N. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Influence of Frictional Treatment with a DBN Indenter on Micromechanical Characteristics and Surface Quality of the NiCrBSi-Cr3C2 Coating

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    Экспериментальные исследования выполнены на оборудовании ЦКП «Пластометрия» ИМАШ УрО РАН.The paper presents a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the NiCrBSi–Cr3C2 coating after grinding and frictional treatment with a cubic boron nitride indenter at loads of 300–700 N. The surface hardening is highest after treatment at a load of 700 N, however, the Cr3C2 destruction is observed.В работе приведен сравнительный анализ характеристик NiCrBSi–Cr3C2 покрытия после шлифовки и фрикционной обработки индентором из кубического нитрида бора при нагрузках 300–700 Н. Установлено наибольшее упрочнение поверхности после фрикционной обработки при нагрузке 700 Н, однако в результате обработки по такому режиму наблюдается разрушение карбидов Cr3C2 на поверхности покрытия.Работа выполнена по гранту МК-391.2019.8 при финансовой поддержке фондаПрезидента РФ и в рамках государственных заданий ИМАШ УрО РАН по теме № АААА-А18–118020790147–4 и ИФМ УрО РАН по темам № АААА-А18–118020190116–6 и «Лазер»

    Influence of soft finished pharmaproducts based on Pentaphylloides fruticosa l. on the course of wound process

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    The aim of the work was to estimate a wound-healing effect of soft drug products from the Pentaphylloides fruticosa L. shoots on the model of planar skin-fascial wound. The liniment was developed with the use of the NanoDeBee 30 device and the ointment was developed with the use of pharmaceutical technology. Experiments were carried out on white male Wistar rats. The skin injury was simulated by inflicting planar wounds 2.0 x 2.0 cm in size. The 5%-liniment and 5% ointment from P. fruticosa were put on the wounds of the first and second experimental groups respectively. In the third group the wounds were treated with glycerin-vaseline ointment. Bioptate of the wound surface was taken on the 7th, 14th and 21st day. Histological preparations were studied using standard methods. Cell elements of the first group animals were displayed as fibroblasts and fibrocytes; it was noted high level of collagen organization that testified the effective staging of the wound process in this case. The amount of fibrocytes and fibroblasts and ratio between juvenile and mature forms of collagen-producing cells vary in the first and second groups. Biopsy material obtained from the animals of the third group only on the 21st day corresponded to the picture observed in animals of the 1st group on the 14th day. The findings of the study verify that the use of the product obtained on NanoDeBee device provides the earlier forming of the scar as compared with the ointment developed using pharmaceutical technology