91 research outputs found

    Triple molybdates one-, one - and three(two)valence metals

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    The authors thank Ph. D. M. K. Alibaeva, Ph. D. I. A. Gudkova and Ph. D. I. V. Korolkova for participation in the research.The review summarizes experimental data on the phase formation, structure and properties of new complex oxide compounds group - triple molybdates containing tetrahedral molybdate ion, two different singly charged cation, together with tri- or divalent cation. The several structural families of these compounds were distinguished and it shown that many of them are of interest as luminescent, laser, ion-conducting or nonlinear optical materials.The work is executed at partial support of the Russian Foundation for basic research (projects No. 08-03-00384, 13-03-01020 and 14-03-00298)

    High-voltage pulse discharge as factor of the methanogenesis initiation

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    Results of scientific research on influence of the high-voltage pulse discharge on process of bioorganic waste methane sludge fermentation in agricultural production are given in the article. Powerful infra- and ultrasonic fluctuations leading to emergence of shock waves exert strong impact on processes: disinfecting, cleanings and deflocculation of bioorganic mix, as well as on activity of various physical and chemical changes of synthesis products. Selecting the modes of high-voltage pulse processing, it is possible to provide highly productive anaerobic bacteria. At the same time "artificial selection" as a result of which weak microorganisms perish is observed, and the strong group remains. Viable species of microorganisms, having received at the order nutrient medium, as a result of destruction and death of weak microorganisms, begin to breed quickly, increasing growth of a biofilm responsible for a biogas exit. For the analysis of experimental data on development of technological process for anaerobic sludge fermentation the method of trans-resonant functional topography which provided informational content of the active environment concerning ions and free radicals arising in the course of modifying the organic substratum was used.Keywords: biogas unit, anaerobic sludge fermentation, electro technology, methanogenesis,pulse discharge, bioorganic waste, water substratum, organic fertilizers, processing, ecology

    PG 1316+678: A young pre-cataclysmic binary with weak reflection effects

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    The PG 1316+678 star is classified as a pre-cataclysmic binary, as is evidenced by its photometric and spectroscopic observations. Its orbital period is determined to be Porb = 3. 3803d, which coincides with the photometric period. The intensities of the emission HI and HeI lines are shown to vary synchronously with the brightness of the object (ΔmV = 0. 065m, ΔmR = 0. 08m). These variations arise as the UV radiation from the DAO white dwarf is reflected from the surface of the cold companion. The parameters of the binary are estimated and the time of its evolution after the common-envelope phase is determined to be t ≈ 240 000 years. Thus, PG 1316+678 is a young pre-cataclysmic NN Ser variable with the smallest known photometric reflection effect. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Results of investigating the characteristics of bone marrow in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, their clinical value

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    To reveal the specific features of hematopoiesis in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), the authors analyzed the indicators of 41 bone marrow aspirates in relation to the clinical and morphological characteristics of the tumor and micrometastases detected in bone marrow. Puncture samples were morphologically and molecularly examined at the Laboratory of Hematopoiesis Immunology, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center. The found changes in the bone marrow cell composition in HNSCC patients showed themselves as an increase in the relative count of segmented neutrophils and a decrease in the level of immature granulocytes with no alternations in the neutrophil maturation index and in the percentage of granulocyte lineage cells. Bone marrow hypocellularity is a characteristic feature of high-grade HNSCC. The significantly enhanced leuko-erythroblastic ratio was due to a reduction in red blood cells: the erythroid cell maturation index rose, by increasing the percentage of bone marrow oxyphilic normoblasts in patients with locally advanced HNSCC. A highly sensitive method for detecting mRNA of the specific squamous cell carcinoma protein E48 was perfected using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting, followed by an enzyme immunoassay that could recognize bone marrow micrometastases in 35 % of the patients with HNSCC. The patients with found bone marrow micrometastases showed a significant decrease in the proportion of polychromatophilic normoblasts and a significant increase in granulocytes in the presence of normal values of lymphocytes and other cellular elements of myelograms. It was established that in the presence of regional lymph node involvement, bone marrow micrometastases were significantly more frequently in the patients with HNSCC and tumor progression over a period of up to 9 months

    Unexpected ligand effect on the catalytic reaction rate acceleration for hydrogen production using biomimetic nickel electrocatalysts with 1,5-diaza-3,7-diphosphacyclooctanes

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. The two new nickel complexes [Ni(PR2NPh(CH)Ph2)2]2+ (where R = Ph or o-Py) with cyclic 1,5-diaza-3,7-diphosphacyclooctane ligands have been synthesized. All complexes are effective electrocatalysts for hydrogen production using [(DMF)H]+ as proton source in acetonitrile. The bulky benzhydryl substituent at nitrogen atom leads to higher catalytic activity comparison to benzyl. The introduction o-Py substituents at phosphorus as additional basic center is caused by the changing of voltage-current picture and significantly catalytic current enhancement. TOFs being 100 and 15200 s-1 for R = Ph and o-Py, respectively

    Seeding time on irrigated rice

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    Em seis experimentos de campo, semeados em outubro, novembro e dezembro de 1978 e 1979, foram estudados os efeitos da brusone (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) e de temperatura baixas (frio) sobre a produção das cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) Bluebelle, EEA 406, IRGA 408, Dawn e Caloro. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a época de semeadura influi na produtividade do arroz e que a produção das épocas tardias (dezembro) é mais prejudicada pelos danos da brusone e do frio, simultaneamente. Determinou-se, também, que as cultivares estudadas apresentam comportamentos diversos quanto à sua sensibilidade a esses fatores, e que a semeadura em épocas precoces - outubro e novembro - oferece à cultura maiores possibilidades de escapar desses danos. A brusone foi mais danosa sobre as cultivares Caloro e EEA 406, enquanto que o frio prejudicou mais a produção de IRGA 408 e Dawn. A cultivar Bluebelle, de ciclo precoce, sofreu os efeitos de ambos os fatores de maneira mais suave e apresentou maiores chances de escape. Não foram obtidas correlações satisfatórias entre os danos da brusone e as condições meteorológicas.At six field experiments, seeded in October, November and December of 1978 and 1979, the rice blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and low temperature effects on the grain yield of the rice cultivars Bluebelle, EEA 406, IRGA 408, Dawn, and Caloro, were studied. The results showed that seeding time had effect on rice yield, and in the later seeding times, in December the yield was reduced simultaneously by the rice blast disease and cold. It was also determinated that the rice cultivars show differences on susceptibility to these factors, and that the early seeding, at October and November, gives the cultivation more chances for the rice crop lo escape from both blast and cold damages. The rice blast disease attack was more severe on the rice cultivars Caloro and EEA 406. On the other hand, the low temperatures injured more the rice cultivars IRGA 408 and Dawn. The Bluebelle, a short growth duration variety has more chances lo escape from these losses. No satisfactory correlation was obtained between the rice blast disease losses and the metheorological conditions

    Photometry and spectroscopy of the luminous red nova PSNJ14021678+5426205 in the galaxy M101

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.We present the results of the study of a red nova from the observations carried out with the Russian 6-m telescope (BTA) along with other telescopes of SAO RAS and SAI MSU. To investigate the nova progenitor,we used the data from the Digital Sky Survey and amateur photos available on the Internet. In the period between April 1993 and July 2014, the brightness of the progenitor gradually increased by (Formula presented.) in the V-band. At the peak of the first outburst in mid-November 2014, the star reached an absolute visual magnitude of (Formula presented.) but was discovered later, in February 2015, in a repeated outburst at the magnitude of (Formula presented.). The amplitude of the outburst was minimum among the red novae, only (Formula presented.) in V-band. The Hα emission line and the background of a cool supergiant continuum with gradually decreasing surface temperature were observed in the spectra. Such process is typical for red novae, although the object under study showed extreme parameters: maximum luminosity, maximum outburst duration, minimum outburst amplitude, unusual shape of the light curve. This event is interpreted as a massive OB star system components’merging accompanied by formation of a common envelope and then the expansion of this envelope with minimal energy losses

    Photometric study of open clusters Berkeley 96, Berkeley 97, King 12, NGC 7261, NGC 7296, and NGC 7788

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    The BVRcIc CCD photometry in the fields of six open clusters toward the Perseus spiral arm is presented. These data along with JHKs magnitudes taken from 2MASS catalog, have been used to determine cluster's ages, distances and color excesses. In addition, the gaps in mass function of Be 97, King 12 and NGC 7788 clusters have been revealed in mass intervals of 1.3-1.5, 1.4-1.6 and 1.5-1.7 solar masses, respectively.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure