17 research outputs found

    Solar activity beyond the disk and variations of the cosmic ray gradient

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    Part of galactic cosmic rays (CR) observed near the Earth and on the Earth come from beyond-disk regions of circumsolar space. But CR of those energies which undergo substantial modulation cover too large a path across the lines of force of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in order that they could provide an effective transfer of information about beyond-disk solar activity. And if it is still possible, the most probable channel for transferring such information must be a neutral layer of heliomagnetosphere in which the transverse CR transport is facilitated by their drift in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. A simple diffusion model for an expected CR variation in a neutral layer near the Earth is discussed. It is of importance that variations of the CR gradient are not at all always accompanied by considerable variations of IMF and solar wind velocity at the point of observation

    Cross-Cultural Strategies regarding the journalistic activity (following the Example of Russian and Foreign Correspondents)

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 18.02.2019 г.Исследуются особенности применения кросскультурных стратегий в работе журналиста-международника. В качестве эмпирической базы используются репортажи и интервью, показанные на телеканалах CNN, BBC и Russia Today. В центре внимания — ситуации общения журналистов с представителями других культур. Авторы предполагают, что именно грамотно подобранная кросскультурная стратегия позволяет журналисту эффективно общаться с представителями других культур, создавать яркие телевизионные сюжеты, предоставляя зрителям максимум информации о конкретном событии или личности.The authors of this publication explore the use of cross cultural strategies regarding the international journalist’s work. As the empirical base we have selected reports and interviews shown on CNN, BBC and Russia Today TV channels. The authors focus on communication models that journalists use while dealing with the representatives of other cultures. They suggest that well-chosen cross-cultural strategy allows the journalist to communicate effectively with representatives of other cultures, create vivid television stories, provide viewers with maximum information about a particular event or a person

    Programmed labor in women with a operated uterus

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    The paper deals with the problems of programmed delivery in women with a uterine scar. The study included 144 pregnant women with a uterus operated who started to give birth vaginally (per vias naturales). The conditions for induction, analyze the clinical efficacy of different methods of induction were assessed. 134 women given birth successfully, programmed delivery were conducted in 84 patients. There were 3 ruptures of the uterus

    Coronal Mass Ejections and Non-recurrent Forbush Decreases

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their interplanetary counterparts (interplanetary coronal mass ejections, ICMEs) are responsible for large solar energetic particle events and severe geomagnetic storms. They can modulate the intensity of Galactic cosmic rays, resulting in non-recurrent Forbush decreases (FDs). We investigate the connection between CME manifestations and FDs. We used specially processed data from the worldwide neutron monitor network to pinpoint the characteristics of the recorded FDs together with CME-related data from the detailed online catalog based upon the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) data. We report on the correlations of the FD magnitude to the CME initial speed, the ICME transit speed, and the maximum solar wind speed. Comparisons between the features of CMEs (mass, width, velocity) and the characteristics of FDs are also discussed. FD features for halo, partial halo, and non-halo CMEs are presented and discussed. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht