1,657 research outputs found

    Effect of hyperon bulk viscosity on neutron-star r-modes

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    Neutron stars are expected to contain a significant number of hyperons in addition to protons and neutrons in the highest density portions of their cores. Following the work of Jones, we calculate the coefficient of bulk viscosity due to nonleptonic weak interactions involving hyperons in neutron-star cores, including new relativistic and superfluid effects. We evaluate the influence of this new bulk viscosity on the gravitational radiation driven instability in the r-modes. We find that the instability is completely suppressed in stars with cores cooler than a few times 10^9 K, but that stars rotating more rapidly than 10-30% of maximum are unstable for temperatures around 10^10 K. Since neutron-star cores are expected to cool to a few times 10^9 K within seconds (much shorter than the r-mode instability growth time) due to direct Urca processes, we conclude that the gravitational radiation instability will be suppressed in young neutron stars before it can significantly change the angular momentum of the star.Comment: final PRD version, minor typos etc correcte

    Nonlinear Development of the Secular Bar-mode Instability in Rotating Neutron Stars

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    We have modelled the nonlinear development of the secular bar-mode instability that is driven by gravitational radiation-reaction (GRR) forces in rotating neutron stars. In the absence of any competing viscous effects, an initially uniformly rotating, axisymmetric n=1/2n=1/2 polytropic star with a ratio of rotational to gravitational potential energy T/∣W∣=0.181T/|W| = 0.181 is driven by GRR forces to a bar-like structure, as predicted by linear theory. The pattern frequency of the bar slows to nearly zero, that is, the bar becomes almost stationary as viewed from an inertial frame of reference as GRR removes energy and angular momentum from the star. In this ``Dedekind-like'' state, rotational energy is stored as motion of the fluid in highly noncircular orbits inside the bar. However, in less than 10 dynamical times after its formation, the bar loses its initially coherent structure as the ordered flow inside the bar is disrupted by what appears to be a purely hydrodynamical, short-wavelength, ``shearing'' type instability. The gravitational waveforms generated by such an event are determined, and an estimate of the detectability of these waves is presented.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, refereed version, updated, for quicktime movie, see http://www.phys.lsu.edu/~ou/movie/fmode/new/fmode.b181.om4.2e5.mo

    Stability of the r-modes in white dwarf stars

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    Stability of the r-modes in rapidly rotating white dwarf stars is investigated. Improved estimates of the growth times of the gravitational-radiation driven instability in the r-modes of the observed DQ Her objects are found to be longer (probably considerably longer) than 6x10^9y. This rules out the possibility that the r-modes in these objects are emitting gravitational radiation at levels that could be detectable by LISA. More generally it is shown that the r-mode instability can only be excited in a very small subset of very hot (T>10^6K), rather massive (M>0.9M_sun) and very rapidly rotating (P_min<P<1.2P_min) white dwarf stars. Further, the growth times of this instability are so long that these conditions must persist for a very long time (t>10^9y) to allow the amplitude to grow to a dynamically significant level. This makes it extremely unlikely that the r-mode instability plays a significant role in any real white dwarf stars.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figures, revte

    R-Modes in Superfluid Neutron Stars

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    The analogs of r-modes in superfluid neutron stars are studied here. These modes, which are governed primarily by the Coriolis force, are identical to their ordinary-fluid counterparts at the lowest order in the small angular-velocity expansion used here. The equations that determine the next order terms are derived and solved numerically for fairly realistic superfluid neutron-star models. The damping of these modes by superfluid ``mutual friction'' (which vanishes at the lowest order in this expansion) is found to have a characteristic time-scale of about 10^4 s for the m=2 r-mode in a ``typical'' superfluid neutron-star model. This time-scale is far too long to allow mutual friction to suppress the recently discovered gravitational radiation driven instability in the r-modes. However, the strength of the mutual friction damping depends very sensitively on the details of the neutron-star core superfluid. A small fraction of the presently acceptable range of superfluid models have characteristic mutual friction damping times that are short enough (i.e. shorter than about 5 s) to suppress the gravitational radiation driven instability completely.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Nonradial oscillations of quark stars

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    Recently, it has been reported that a candidate for a quark star may have been observed. In this article, we pay attention to quark stars with radiation radii in the reported range. We calculate nonradial oscillations of ff-, ww- and wIIw_{\rm II}-modes. Then, we find that the dependence of the ff-mode quasi-normal frequency on the bag constant and stellar radiation radius is very strong and different from that of the lowest wIIw_{\rm II}-mode quasi-normal frequency. Furthermore we deduce a new empirical formula between the ff-mode frequency of gravitational waves and the parameter of the equation of state for quark stars. The observation of gravitational waves both of the ff-mode and of the lowest wIIw_{\rm II}-mode would provide a powerful probe for the equation of state of quark matter and the properties of quark stars.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Exotic bulk viscosity and its influence on neutron star r-modes

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    We investigate the effect of exotic matter in particular, hyperon matter on neutron star properties such as equation of state (EoS), mass-radius relationship and bulk viscosity. Here we construct equations of state within the framework of a relativistic field theoretical model. As hyperons are produced abundantly in dense matter, hyperon-hyperon interaction becomes important and is included in this model. Hyperon-hyperon interaction gives rise to a softer EoS which results in a smaller maximum mass neutron star compared with the case without the interaction. Next we compute the coefficient of bulk viscosity and the corresponding damping time scale due to the non-leptonic weak process including Λ\Lambda hyperons. Further, we investigate the role of the bulk viscosity on gravitational radiation driven r-mode instability in a neutron star of given mass and temperature and find that the instability is effectively suppressed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure, presented in the Conference on Isolated Neutron Stars: From the Interior to The Surface, London, UK, 24-28 April, 2006; revised and final version to appear in Astrophys. Space Sc

    Numerical evolutions of nonlinear r-modes in neutron stars

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    Nonlinear evolution of the gravitational radiation (GR) driven instability in the r-modes of neutron stars is studied by full numerical 3D hydrodynamical simulations. The growth of the r-mode instability is found to be limited by the formation of shocks and breaking waves when the dimensionless amplitude of the mode grows to about three in value. This maximum mode amplitude is shown by numerical tests to be rather insensitive to the strength of the GR driving force. Upper limits on the strengths of possible nonlinear mode--mode coupling are inferred. Previously unpublished details of the numerical techniques used are presented, and the results of numerous calibration runs are discussed.Comment: RevTeX 4, 17 pages, 26 figures. Slightly revised. To be published in PRD (April 2002

    Topological and geometrical restrictions, free-boundary problems and self-gravitating fluids

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    Let (P1) be certain elliptic free-boundary problem on a Riemannian manifold (M,g). In this paper we study the restrictions on the topology and geometry of the fibres (the level sets) of the solutions f to (P1). We give a technique based on certain remarkable property of the fibres (the analytic representation property) for going from the initial PDE to a global analytical characterization of the fibres (the equilibrium partition condition). We study this analytical characterization and obtain several topological and geometrical properties that the fibres of the solutions must possess, depending on the topology of M and the metric tensor g. We apply these results to the classical problem in physics of classifying the equilibrium shapes of both Newtonian and relativistic static self-gravitating fluids. We also suggest a relationship with the isometries of a Riemannian manifold.Comment: 36 pages. In this new version the analytic representation hypothesis is proved. Please address all correspondence to D. Peralta-Sala

    Nonlinear mode coupling in rotating stars and the r-mode instability in neutron stars

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    We develop the formalism required to study the nonlinear interaction of modes in rotating Newtonian stars in the weakly nonlinear regime. The formalism simplifies and extends previous treatments. At linear order, we elucidate and extend slightly a formalism due to Schutz, show how to decompose a general motion of a rotating star into a sum over modes, and obtain uncoupled equations of motion for the mode amplitudes under the influence of an external force. Nonlinear effects are added perturbatively via three-mode couplings. We describe a new, efficient way to compute the coupling coefficients, to zeroth order in the stellar rotation rate, using spin-weighted spherical harmonics. We apply this formalism to derive some properties of the coupling coefficients relevant to the nonlinear interactions of unstable r-modes in neutron stars, postponing numerical integrations of the coupled equations of motion to a later paper. From an astrophysical viewpoint, the most interesting result of this paper is that many couplings of r-modes to other rotational modes (modes with zero frequencies in the non-rotating limit) are small: either they vanish altogether because of various selection rules, or they vanish to lowest order in the angular velocity. In zero-buoyancy stars, the coupling of three r-modes is forbidden entirely and the coupling of two r-modes to one hybrid rotational mode vanishes to zeroth order in rotation frequency. In incompressible stars, the coupling of any three rotational modes vanishes to zeroth order in rotation frequency.Comment: 62 pages, no figures. Corrected error in computation of coupling coefficients, added new selection rule and an appendix on energy and angular momentum of mode

    Gravitational waves from a test particle scattered by a neutron star: Axial mode case

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    Using a metric perturbation method, we study gravitational waves from a test particle scattered by a spherically symmetric relativistic star. We calculate the energy spectrum and the waveform of gravitational waves for axial modes. Since metric perturbations in axial modes do not couple to the matter fluid of the star, emitted waves for a normal neutron star show only one peak in the spectrum, which corresponds to the orbital frequency at the turning point, where the gravitational field is strongest. However, for an ultracompact star (the radius Râ‰Č3MR \lesssim 3M), another type of resonant periodic peak appears in the spectrum. This is just because of an excitation by a scattered particle of axial quasinormal modes, which were found by Chandrasekhar and Ferrari. This excitation comes from the existence of the potential minimum inside of a star. We also find for an ultracompact star many small periodic peaks at the frequency region beyond the maximum of the potential, which would be due to a resonance of two waves reflected by two potential barriers (Regge-Wheeler type and one at the center of the star). Such resonant peaks appear neither for a normal neutron star nor for a Schwarzschild black hole. Consequently, even if we analyze the energy spectrum of gravitational waves only for axial modes, it would be possible to distinguish between an ultracompact star and a normal neutron star (or a Schwarzschild black hole).Comment: 21 pages, revtex, 11 figures are attached with eps files Accepted to Phys. Rev.
