2,035 research outputs found

    Endogenous Instability in Credit-Constrained Emerging Economies with Leontief Technology

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    This work provides a framework to analyze the role of financial development as a source of endogenous instability in emerging economies subject to moral hazard problems. We propose and study a dynamic model describing a small open economy with a tradeable good produced by internationally mobile capital and a country specific input, using Leontief technology. We demonstrate that emerging markets could be endogenously unstable since large capital inflows increase risk and exacerbate asymmetric information problems, according to empirical evidences. Using bifurcation and stability analysis, we describe the properties of the system attractors, we assess the plausibility for complex dynamics and, we find out that border collision bifurcations can emerge due to the fact that the state space is piecewise smooth. As a consequence, when a fixed or periodic point loses its stability, the final dynamics may become suddenly chaotic. This fact may explain how financial crises occurred in emerging economies

    A Dynamic Stochastic Model of Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Beliefs

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    This paper presents a new stochastic asset pricing model in a context of bounded rationality, where beliefs about future prices are formed via an expectations updating rule characterized by a stochastic multiplicative random variable, working as an agent-based time dependent weight of the conditional expectation of the fundamental. The agent’s belief about future prices depends on his confidence in the forecasts made by other agents, measured by the distribution type of agents and by a confidence parameter. The resulting stochastic dynamical system is firstly analyzed in a deterministic setting, deriving conditions for uniqueness and stability of steady states and proving that, for high values of the confidence parameter, no complicated dynamics can be exhibited, hence the new component has a stabilizing effect on the qualitative dynamics. Differently, for small values of the confidence parameter, we prove the existence of a stability region in the parameters plane where the only possible dynamics is convergence to a steady state, while complexity is exhibited outside such region. Starting from the results obtained in the deterministic case, the model is then explored by reintroducing randomness. More specifically, we analyze the stability region in three directions: first of all, a robust estimate of the stability region’s measure is provided; second, a long run equilibrium relation between the parameters of the system is obtained; third, the persistence properties of the series describing the bifurcation curves is performed. We finally underline some economic implications

    Особливості перебігу процесів психофізіологічної адаптації та формування психофізіологічних функцій організму учнів сучасної школи

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    В ході проведених досліджень встановлені особливості перебігу процесів психофізіологічної адаптації і, отже, процесів формування психофізіологічних функцій учнів 14–17 років в умовах навчання в старших класах сучасної школи. На підставі вивчення провідних показників функціонального стану вищої нервової діяльності, зорової сенсорної системи та сомато6сенсорного аналізатора виявлений достатньо стабільний характер адаптаційних перетворень психофізіологічного змісту впродовж часу перебування в старших класах сучасної школи. Визначений цілий ряд статевозумовлених тенденцій щодо динамічних змін досліджуваних показників протягом часу спостережень, насамперед, з боку показників врівноваженості нервових процесів, а також характеристик функціонального стану зорової сенсорної системи (критична частота злиття світлових миготінь) та сомато-сенсорного аналізатора (координація рухів). Найкращі показники щодо ступеня вираження серед дівчат реєструвались переважно у віці 17 (більшість показників функціональних можливостей вищої нервової діяльності) та 15 років (врівноваженість нервових процесів і координаційні здібності), натомість найгірші (майже за всіма досліджуваними функціями) – у віці 14 років. Разом з тим серед юнаків найкращі показники спостерігались переважно у віці 17 (більшість показників функціональних можливостей вищої нервової діяльності) та 14 років (критична частота злиття світлових миготінь і координаційні здібності), водночас, найгірші – у віці 16 та, що дуже цікаво, 17 років, тобто заключний період перебування у школі відзначався надзвичайно суперечливим пере бігом процесів психофізіологічної адаптації і, отже, формування такого психофізіологічного потенціалу особистості, що забезпечував високий ступінь функціональної готовності до успішного навчання в загальноосвітньому закладі

    Non-linear Dynamics in a Business-Cycle Model with Logistic Population Growth

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    We consider a discrete-time growth model of the Solow type where workers and shareholders have different but constant saving rates and the population growth dynamics is described by the logistic equation able to exhibit complicated dynamics. We show conditions for the resulting system having a compact global attractor and we describe its structure. We also perform a mainly numerical analysis using the critical lines method able to describe the strange attractor and the absorbing area, in order to show how cyclical or complex fluctuations may be produced in a business-cycle model. We study the dynamic behaviour of the model under different ranges of the main parameters, i.e. the elasticity of substitution between the two production factors and the one in the logistic equation (namely m). We prove the existence of complex dynamics when the elasticity of substitution between production factors drops below one (so that capital income declines) or m increases (so that the amplitude of movements in the population growth rate increases)

    A dynamically consistent discretization method for Goodwin model

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    In economic theory the majority of macroeconomic models describing economic growth employ differential equations or sets of differential equations (see, among all, Solow, 1956 and Haavelmo, 1954). Nevertheless, economic data are usually available in discrete time. Therefore, when attempting to apply these models it is often necessary to use their discrete form, i.e. difference equations. To this aim, more and more often authors propose and analyse discrete versions of the models originally built with the assumption of time continuity. Despite many standard numeric techniques and ready-made software, obtained discrete models do not always maintain model characteristics in continuous time and the long run behaviours of the discretized model could differ from the original one. In this work, we present a modification of non-standard discretization method related to the methodology proposed by Mickens (2000), (2003) and its revisions (see Kwessi et al., 2018) for converting economic models from continuous time to discrete time. Such a discretization method preserves the original dynamic properties of the continuous model, in the sense of equilibria, their stability and bifurcation characteristics. Furthermore, the discretization produces solution trajectories in qualitative and quantitative agreement with those of the continuous model. An example of economic model described by a system of nonlinear differential equations is studied: we applied the discretization method to the Goodwin model (Goodwin, 1967) and provided a comparative analysis for qualitative and quantitative long run behaviour of the continuous and discrete version of the system

    Tunable quantum spin Hall effect in double quantum wells

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    The field of topological insulators (TIs) is rapidly growing. Concerning possible applications, the search for materials with an easily controllable TI phase is a key issue. The quantum spin Hall effect, characterized by a single pair of helical edge modes protected by time-reversal symmetry, has been demonstrated in HgTe-based quantum wells (QWs) with an inverted bandgap. We analyze the topological properties of a generically coupled HgTe-based double QW (DQW) and show how in such a system a TI phase can be driven by an inter-layer bias voltage, even when the individual layers are non-inverted. We argue, that this system allows for similar (layer-)pseudospin based physics as in bilayer graphene but with the crucial absence of a valley degeneracy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, extended version (accepted Phys. Rev. B

    On the Effect of Labour Productivity on Growth: Endogenous Fluctuations and Complex Dynamics

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    This paper introduces a sigmoidal production function that considers production possible even when the only input is labour. The long-run behaviour of an economy described by the neoclassical Solow-type growth model with differential savings is investigated considering the technology presented. It is found that labour productivity influences the existence of boom and bust periods as well as the level of capital per capita in equilibrium

    Ground effects of the 18 October 1992, Murindo earthquake (NW Colombia), using the Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale (ESI 2007) for the assessment of intensity

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    The macroseismic intensity of the 18 October 1992 Murindo-Atrato earthquake that affected the northwestern states of Colombia (Choco\ub4 and Antioquia) is reassessed using the newly developed INQUA Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale (ESI 2007) which is based on the evaluation of earthquake environmental effects. To generate the ESI 2007 isoseismal map of northwestern Colombia, a geographical information system was used. Unifying the available information on the seismological and active tectonics framework including historical seismicity, hypocentral depths, foreshocks, aftershocks, focal mechanism, macroseismic data under the same GIS and the map of Quaternary faults allowed us to reinterpret the geological and environmental effects of the 1992 earthquakes sequence. A total of 24 sites from the areas of Quibdo\ub4, Bojaya\ub4, Rio Sucio, Murindo, Vig\u131\ub4a del Fuerte and Turbo were evaluated. A systematic comparison among evaluated intensities (Modified Mercalli and ESI scale) revealed differences from one to two degrees. According to the ESI 2007 scale, the epicentral intensity Io is XI. This represents one degree higher than the epicentral intensity obtained using MM and Medveded Sponhauer Karnik (MSK) intensity scales, probably due to the lack of suitable observations on building damage in this poorly populated and developed region. This information is also useful in order to shed some light on the persistent question of the exact location and dimension of the main rupture zone associated with the earthquake. The isoseismal map derived from the integration of the whole set of environmental effects with other macroseismic data strongly suggests that the causative tectonic structure is the Murindo fault. However, the rupture length derived from the distribution of ground effects is greater than the Murindo fault length, implying that other nearby fault segments were activated during the 1992 event. The new isoseismal map resulting from this work is relevant for the assessment of future seismic risk in the northwestern region of Colombia. Overall, the application of the ESI 2007 scale to the 18 October 1992 earthquake, and to similar strong events in the region, can be useful for disaster management and planning, estimation of damage, and post-earthquake recovery efforts

    Mild Inactivation of RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) Reduces Susceptibility to Kainic Acid-Induced Seizures

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    RE-1 Silencing Transcription factor (REST) controls several steps in neural development by modulating the expression of a wide range of neural genes. Alterations in REST expression have been associated with the onset of epilepsy; however, whether such alterations are deleterious or represent a protective homeostatic response remains elusive. To study the impact of REST modulation on seizure propensity, we developed a tool for its negative modulation in vivo. The tool is composed of the paired-amphipathic helix 1 (PAH1) domain, a competitive inhibitor of REST activation by mSin3, fused to the light-oxygen-voltage sensing 2 (LOV2) domain of Avena sativa phototropin 1, a molecular switch to alternatively hide or expose the PAH1 inhibitor. We employed the C450A and I539E light-independent AsLOV2 variants to mimic the closed (inactive) and open (active) states of LOV2-PAH1, respectively. Recombinant AAV1/2 viral particles (rAAVs) allowed LOV2-PAH1 expression in HEK293T cells and primary neurons, and efficiently transduced hippocampal neurons in vivo. mRNA expression analysis revealed an increased expression of several neuronal genes in the hippocampi of mice expressing the open probe. AAV-transduced mice received a single dose of kainic acid (KA), a treatment known to induce a transient increase of REST levels in the hippocampus. Remarkably, mice expressing the active variant displayed a reduced number of KA-induced seizures, which were less severe compared to mice carrying the inactive probe. These data support the validity of our tool to modulate REST activity in vivo and the potential impact of REST modulation on epileptogenesis

    An Evidence-Based Teaching Plan for Preventing Wrong-Site Block Placement During Regional Anesthesia

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    Wrong-site regional anesthetic block placement is a threat to patient safety and quality perioperative care. The adverse outcomes for patients, providers, and institutions demonstrate safety risks that are linked to inconsistent use of comprehensive guidelines in clinical practice. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice Project is to create a comprehensive evidence-based Teaching Plan for preventing wrong-site block (WSB) placement during regional anesthetic induction and for use in institutions by anesthesia providers to prevent wrong-site anesthetic block placement. The teaching plan focuses on four main constructs to prevent WSBs, which include the incidence of WSBs, the consequences of WSBs, significant contributing factors to WSBs, and proposed methods to prevent WSBs. Following the literature review and development of a draft Teaching Plan, a Qualtrics survey was distributed to an expert panel for completion of a content validity form. The final draft Teaching Plan serves as an educational guide for clinicians to use in safe regional anesthetic management