341,472 research outputs found

    Entanglement amplification of fermionic systems in an accelerated frame

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    In this article we present an analysis to derive physical results in the entanglement amplification of fermonic systems in the relativistic regime, that is, beyond the single-mode approximation. This leads a recent work in [M. Montero and E. Mart\'{i}n-Mart\'{i}nez, JEHP 07 (2011) 006] to a physical result, and solidifies that phenomenon of entanglement amplification can actually happen in the relativistic regime

    Estudos preliminares para obtenção de híbridos intra e interespecíficos no açaizeiro (Euterpe spp).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é obter híbridos entre Euterpe oleracea Mart. e Euterpe precatoria Mart. e seus recíprocosDispopnível também on-line

    The phytosociology of the natural savanna vegetation located in the county of Santa Quitéria - Maranhão

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    Foi analisada a fitossociologia de três áreas de cerrado, perfazendo três hectares, situadas no município de Santa Quitéria (Maranhão). Pela produção volumétrica, biomassa lenhosa parâmetros fitossociológicos de 1.413 árvores e 3.177 indivíduos da regeneração natural, identificaram-se as espécies mais importantes sob o ponto de vista ecológico-silvicultural. Essas espécies são: Plathymenia reticulata Benth., Qualea parviflora Mart., Byrsonima crassifolia (L.)H.B.K., e Ouratea spectabilis (Mart.) Engl. As mais importantes no aspecto dendrométrico são Qualea parviflora Mart., Parkia platycephala Benth. e Salvertia convallariodora St. Hil. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe phytosociology of the natural savanna vegetation located in the county of Santa Quitéria - Maranhão was analysed. The most important species on the basis of the wood volume, woodbiomass, and phytosociological parameters of 1,413 trees and 3,177 seedling of the naturalregeneration was identified. The following species in the ecological aspect were considered themost important: Plathymenia reticulata Benth., Qualea parviflora Mart., Byrsonima crassifolia(L.) H.B.K. and Ouratea spectabilis (Mart.) Engl. and in the wood production aspect. Qualeaparviflora Mart., Parkia platycephala Benth. and Salvertia convallariodora St. Hil

    Prediction of geographic distribution and ecological niche modeling of açaí palm trees in the Amazon.

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    Euterpe precatoria Mart. (açaí-do-amazonas) and Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí-do-pará) are palm trees of socioeconomic importance to Brazil, and fruit demand has increased due to its nutritional characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of global climate change on the current geographic distribution of E. precatoria and E. oleracea and in future climate scenarios using the ecological niche modeling in the scope of Brazilian territories. Predição de distribuição geográfica e modelagem de nicho ecológico de açaizeiros na Amazônia: Euterpe precatoria Mart. (açaí-do-amazonas) e Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí-do-pará) são palmeiras de importância socioeconômica para o Brasil, e a demanda por frutos vem aumentando devido às suas características nutricionais. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito das mudanças climáticas globais na distribuição geográfica atual de E. precatoria e E. oleracea e em cenários climáticos futuros, por meio de modelagem de nicho ecológico, nos âmbitos dos territórios brasileiros

    Volume 8, Number 4 - January 1928

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    Volume 8, Number 4 – January 1928. 48 pages including covers and advertisements. Hanley, John C., A Church in the Mart Egan, James V., The Poetry of Gilbert K. Chesterton Csanyi, Paul F., Clouds Greene, Frank E., On Wings of Silence O\u27Connell, John H. F., That Amazing Proposal Sheridan, James J., Mr. Hyde Penla, Joseph J. Della, Religion in Literature Hearn, Philip B., Residuum O\u27Connell, John H. F., Editorial Murphy, John W., Exchange McDonald, James E., Chronicle McDonald, James E., Alumni Notes Dromgoole, Walter T., Athletic

    UTP e-Mart

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    Because oflthe hassle, an e-Mart is going to be developed which is an e-connnerce website that is going to sell goods to the UTP students, and have the goods ordered delivered to the students' doorstep. This website will help ease the students to buy goods without having to go outside of UTP campus. The website will sell products that are actually frolfl the brick-and-mortar stores that most students go to, to buy goods. Students can make orders, and have the goods delivered. Finding the market owners will be a challqnge, as this will be on online orders. The website will act as the intermediaries between the market and the students to make a purchase. The website will be the first one to be introduced in UTP that able the students to buy goods online. This report explains the progress of building the system where all the aspects involves explained in the result and discussion part of this text. The objective of this section states all the progress of building the system. It also researches on the online grocery shopping and also the Systems Analysis and Design of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The methodology and also the findings from the SDLC are also discussed. There is also feasibility study that consists of three aspects to look into which are the operational study, technical study and also the economic study. The whole document discusses the progress of building the system where all the aspects involved are explained in the result and discussion part of this text

    Novos registros da tribo Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) na Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil

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    This study reports eight new records of the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) for Paraiba state, northeastern Brazil: Anemopaegma album (Mart. ex DC.), Anemopaegma gracile Bureau & K.Schum., Bignonia corymbosa (Vent.) L.G. Lohmann, Bignonia ramentacea (Mart. ex DC.) L.G. Lohmann, Bignonia sciuripabulum (K. Schum.) L.G. Lohmann, Cuspidaria argentea (Wawra) Sandwith, Cuspidaria lateriflora (Mart.) DC., and Fridericia conjugata (Vell.) L.G. Lohmann. These species were found in the Caatinga and/or the Atlantic Forest, growing on sandy and clay soils of dry and humid forests, from lowlands to high altitudes. For each new occurrence for the state of Paraiba, we present detailed description, taxonomic notes, and information on phenology, geographic distribution, illustrations and photographs.Este estudo reporta oito novos registros da tribo Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) para o estado da Paraíba, nordeste de Brasil: Anemopaegma album Mart. ex DC., Anemopaegma gracile Bureau & K. Schum., Bignonia corymbosa (Vent.) L.G. Lohmann, Bignonia ramentacea (Mart. ex DC.) L.G. Lohmann, Bignonia sciuripabulum (K. Schum.) L.G. Lohmann, Cuspidaria argentea (Wawra) Sandwith, Cuspidaria lateriflora (Mart.) DC. e Fridericia conjugata (Vell.) L.G. Lohmann. Estas espécies são encontradas na Caatinga e/ou Mata Atlântica, crescendo em solos arenosos e argilosos de florestas secas e úmidas, desde áreas baixas até altas altitudes. Para cada novo registro do estado da Paraíba, apresentamos descrições detalhadas, notas taxonômicas e informações sobre fenologia, distribuição geográfica, ilustrações e fotografias