1,170 research outputs found

    Migrants with insecure legal status and access to work: the role of ethnic solidarity networks

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    This article explores the complexities of ethnic solidarity and ethnic capital in enabling participation on labour markets for migrants with insecure legal status in the UK. By drawing together research insights and data from a questionnaire survey of 178 Iraqi-Kurdish migrants with insecure legal status, four focus groups and ten expert interviews, this paper examines how ‘unauthorised’ migrants get access to the segmented labour market at a time of increased in-border controls in the UK. It argues that conflict-generated diasporas such as the Kurds display a distinct solidarity with their community members with insecure legal status and provide access to the labour markets against the tangible threat of in-border migration enforcement. We term this form of solidarity as stretched solidarity which emerges during risky, difficult and destitute times and it is a reluctant act of empathy and socio-political position. This paper identifies the social phenomenon of stretched solidarity and sets out a model for understanding its embeddedness within conflict-generated diasporic networks

    What is the most effective treatment for tinea pedis (athlete's foot)?

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    Topical therapy is effective for tinea pedis. Topical terbinafine has a 70% cure rate, is available over the counter (OTC), and requires only 1 to 2 weeks of therapy. Two other OTC topicals, tolnaftate and miconazole, require 2 to 4 weeks to achieve slightly lower cure rates, but are considerably less expensive. (Grade of recommendation: A) The most effective treatment for tinea pedis is oral terbinafine 250 mg twice a day for 2 weeks (94% clinical cure rate). However, oral terbinafine is expensive and not approved for this indication. Oral therapy may be required for patients with hyperkerototic soles, severe disease, topical therapy failure, chronic infection or immunosuppression. (Grade of recommendation: B, based on small randomized controlled trials [RCTs] with limited head-to head comparisons of drugs

    X-ray spectral diagnostics of activity in massive stars

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    X-rays give direct evidence of instabilities, time-variable structure, and shock heating in the winds of O stars. The observed broad X-ray emission lines provide information about the kinematics of shock-heated wind plasma, enabling us to test wind-shock models. And their shapes provide information about wind absorption, and thus about the wind mass-loss rates. Mass-loss rates determined from X-ray line profiles are not sensitive to density-squared clumping effects, and indicate mass-loss rate reductions of factors of 3 to 6 over traditional diagnostics that suffer from density-squared effects. Broad-band X-ray spectral energy distributions also provide mass-loss rate information via soft X-ray absorption signatures. In some cases, the degree of wind absorption is so high that the hardening of the X-ray SED can be quite significant. We discuss these results as applied to the early O stars zeta Pup (O4 If), 9 Sgr (O4 V((f))), and HD 93129A (O2 If*).Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IAU 272: Active OB Star

    Modern Tendencies in the Treatment of Strabismus in Children

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    Refractive error is one of the most actual problems of pediatric ophthalmology. Late and incomplete correction of refractive errors leading to amblyopia, the disruption of the formation of binocular vision, strabismus friendly. As a gross cosmetic defect and combined with violation of visual functions, strabismus in children presents as a psychophysical and social problem, making it difficult to establish social ties, often becoming an obstacle in acquiring the desired profession. A particularly difficult problem is forms of strabismus: paralytic, alphabetical (V, A, X) and other syndromes ( Duane, brown DVD, etc.) in which involved in the pathological process not only the muscles of the horizontal and vertical actions, but also one of the causes are functional disorders. In the syndrome of “V” and converging strabismus, the angle of deflection decreases when you look up and increases when looking down; in case of divergingstrabismus, the deviation is more when you look up and less when looking down. A thorough examination of a comprehensive personalized treatment, including pleopto-orthope-diploptic, training accommodation and convergence allows to restore visual function and binocular vision and to avoid secondary deviance. One-stage surgical intervention in combined horizontal-vertical strabismus with hyperfunction of the lower oblique muscle on horizontal and vertical muscle groups is an effective method of treatment allows to increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment to reduce the frequency of anesthesia, to reduce the number of repeated operations. Appointment postoperative functional treatment is an integral component of the strabismus correction and allows to achieve stable binocular functions, and further stand orthophoria

    Romantic and Neo-Romantic in W. B. Yeats’s Poetry

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    The question of categories “romanticism” and “romantic” in connection with the works by the Irish poet and playwright W. B. Yeats is considered. The analysis of existing works on this topic reveals conceptual and terminological lacunae. The necessity of using the term neo-romantic when studying Yeats’s poetry is substantiated. The author raises the question of the perception of the concepts of “romantic (noun)” and “romantic (adjective)” by the poet himself (“the last romantic,” “romantic Ireland”), as well as romanticism as a cultural and historical era. The novelty of the study is seen in the analysis of Yeats’s neo-romanticism, which is understood as a new version of romanticism, “anti-romantic romanticism,” which abandoned the “old romantic dreaminess” of the early 19th century and its peculiar language. The author of the article believes that Yeats’s neo-romanticism is based on the socio-cultural foundations of the early 20th century (“end of the century,” “death of God,” acceleration of the process of secularization, social cataclysms, such as the Easter uprising in Ireland, the First world war, the revolution in Russia) and acquires the appropriate language. It is shown that the rhythms and pulsations of the era found their expression in the “passionate syntax” - a special style of writing developed by Yeats. Two poems are analyzed (“Adam’s Curse” and “No Second Troy”), written in the “middle” period of the poet’s work, exactly when his style began to change noticeably

    “Underground Love”: D. H. Lawrence and “Notes from the Underground” by F. M. Dostoevsky

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    The reception of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Notes from the Underground” in the works and correspondence of D. H. Lawrence is analyzed in the article. The novelty of the study is in the fact that the influence of this story on Lawrence’s prose is being studied for the first time. Particular attention is paid to Lawrence’s letters to the translator S. S. Kotelyansky, with whom the English writer shared his impressions of reading the works of Russian classics, especially Dostoevsky, as well as to one of the letters addressed to the writer G. Campbell, which contains the only direct reference to “Notes from the Underground” in Lawrence. This letter reveals an individual interpretation of the story by Lawrence. It is proved that this interpretation turns out to be close to the reading of the Notes by L. Shestov. The question is raised about the existing parallels between the text of Dostoevsky and the novels of D. G. Lawrence (“Women in Love”, “The Lost Girl”, “Rainbow” and “Aaron’s Rod”). The similarity is seen in the peculiar interpretation of the Underground concept by Lawrence. It is shown that the image of the Underground in the works of the English writer (usually expressed by the words “underworld”, “subterranean”) is always somehow connected with the irrational principle and is involved in the formation of Lawrence sensualism

    Creative Works of S. Beckett in the Context of “Notes from the Underground” by F. M. Dostoevsky

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    The results of a comparative analysis of the story “Notes from the Underground” by F. M. Dostoevsky and the works of S. Beckett are presented in the article. It is shown how Beckett critically interprets the main novels of the Russian writer. The novelty of the work is seen in the fact that the problem of Beckett as the “heir” of Dostoevsky and his “Notes from the Underground” is considered in Russian literary criticism for almost the fi time. Based on the plays “Waiting for Godot”, “All that Fall”, the novel “Molloy” and the story “First Love”, the author demonstrates how Dostoevsky’s themes, motives and images are refracted in Beckett’s work. Particular attention is paid to the motive of “underground” love. A similarity was found between Dostoevsky’s story and Beckett’s works in spatial and temporal characteristics (uncertainty of the scene, nonlinearity of time, repetition of situations). It has been proven that these characteristics serve to designate a world without God, in which landmarks and goals are lost, positive and rational foundations are broken. It has been established that for Dostoevsky the Underground remains a “dark corner” behind which there is a “big world”, while for Beckett it fi the whole world


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    ABSTRACT This study reports on accumulation of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb in insect species (grasshoppers

    The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Antithrombin III In The Pathogenesis of the Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

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    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is an iatrogenic complication of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH). Its pathogenesis is not clarified yet. In the recent years a number of studies focused on the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and antihtrombin III (AT III) indicators. VEGF is homodimeric, heparin-binding glycoprotein, stimulating vascular permeability. Antithrombin III is protease inhibitor of activated clotting factors. This study aimed at examining the VEGF-A165 and AT III indicators with two OHSS patients. Two methods were used for the determination of the indicators of VEGF-A165 and AT III: ELISA for VEGF and chromogenic assay for ATT III. Kits of R/D Systems and American Diagnostica Inc. were used to estimate VEGF and AT III indicators in serum and plasma. There were higher indicators of VEGF-A165 (180pg/ml) and reduction of AT III indicators (48%) in the patient with a severe form of OHSS than in the control group while these indicators were normal in the patient with a moderate form of OHSS. Our results confirmed some published data concerning the importance of VEGF and AT III in the genesis of OHSS. This study should include a larger group of patients in order tofollow-up statistically and authentically the variations of the indicators of both factors and their importance for OHSS