1,010 research outputs found

    Process Development for the Fabrication of a Double-Sided Photodiode

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    Given a cross-section and functionality requirements for a photodiode designed for application as the focal plane array on SNAP (SuperNova Acceleration Probe), a proposed satellite in the Joint Dark Energy Mission by NASA and the DOE, a process has been developed to fabricate the device in the most efficient and reliable manner. The photodector is to be hybridized with a ROIC (Read-Out Integrated Circuit) that interprets the individual pixel signals and converts the electrical information into an image. After several versions of the process based on simulations, efficiency of sequence, and research, a test run of key process steps was completed to evaluate chosen process values and their final results, including well profile and I-V characteristics. The results from the test run were used to create a preliminary process flow for device wafer fabrication. The process was implemented in full on a small lot of device wafers with some monitor wafers, with the entire process (not including test) requiring about 100 hours. The results from this device run were used to create a new revised version of the process flow in order to attain better functionality from the device. After this device run was completed, the results were analyzed and used to update the process flow again to address deficiencies in the resulting devices and processing difficulties

    Extraction of Coupling Information From ZjjZ' \to jj

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    An analysis by the ATLAS Collaboration has recently shown, contrary to popular belief, that a combination of strategic cuts, excellent mass resolution, and detailed knowledge of the QCD backgrounds from direct measurements can be used to extract a signal in the ZjjZ' \to jj channel in excess of 6σ6\sigma for certain classes of extended electroweak models. We explore the possibility that the data extracted from ZZ dijet peak will have sufficient statistical power as to supply information on the couplings of the ZZ' provided it is used in conjunction with complimentary results from the Z+Z' \to \ell^+ \ell^- `discovery' channel. We show, for a 1 TeV ZZ' produced at the SSC, that this technique can provide a powerful new tool with which to identify the origin of ZZ''s.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures(available on request), LaTex, ANL-HEP-PR-93-1

    The effects of recruitment to direct predator cues on predator responses in meerkats

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    Behavioral responses of animals to direct predator cues (DPCs; e.g., urine) are common and may improve their survival. We investigated wild meerkat (Suricata suricatta) responses to DPCs by taking an experimental approach. When meerkats encounter a DPC they often recruit group members by emitting a call type, which causes the group members to interrupt foraging and approach the caller. The aim of this study was to identify the qualities of olfactory predator cues, which affect the strength of response by meerkats, and determine the benefits of responses to such cues. Experimental exposure to dog (Canis lupus) urine as a DPC revealed that the recruited individuals increased vigilance to fresh urine in comparison to older urine, whereas a higher quantity of urine did not induce such an effect. Both freshness and higher quantities increased the proportion of group members recruited. These results indicate that recruitment might play a crucial role in correctly assessing the current level of danger and that recruiting might facilitate group decision making. To test the prediction that the reaction to a DPC enhances early predator response, we presented a DPC of a predator and a control cue of a herbivore, and each time simultaneously moved a full-mounted caracal (Caracal caracal) in the vicinity of the group. Meerkats responded earlier to the caracal when the DPC was presented, indicating that the response to a DPC facilitates predator response and that they use information from the cue that reliably reflects the risk in the current momen

    Exploring objective measures for assessing team performance in healthcare: an interview study.

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    INTRODUCTION Effective teamwork plays a critical role in achieving high-performance outcomes in healthcare. Consequently, conducting a comprehensive assessment of team performance is essential for providing meaningful feedback during team trainings and enabling comparisons in scientific studies. However, traditional methods like self-reports or behavior observations have limitations such as susceptibility to bias or being resource consuming. To overcome these limitations and gain a more comprehensive understanding of team processes and performance, the assessment of objective measures, such as physiological parameters, can be valuable. These objective measures can complement traditional methods and provide a more holistic view of team performance. The aim of this study was to explore the potential of the use of objective measures for evaluating team performance for research and training purposes. For this, experts in the field of research and medical simulation training were interviewed to gather their opinions, ideas, and concerns regarding this novel approach. METHODS A total of 34 medical and research experts participated in this exploratory qualitative study, engaging in semi-structured interviews. During the interview, experts were asked for (a) their opinion on measuring team performance with objective measures, (b) their ideas concerning potential objective measures suitable for measuring team performance of healthcare teams, and (c) their concerns regarding the use of objective measures for evaluating team performance. During data analysis responses were categorized per question. RESULTS The findings from the 34 interviews revealed a predominantly positive reception of the idea of utilizing objective measures for evaluating team performance. However, the experts reported limited experience in actively incorporating objective measures into their training and research. Nevertheless, they identified various potential objective measures, including acoustical, visual, physiological, and endocrinological measures and a time layer. Concerns were raised regarding feasibility, complexity, cost, and privacy issues associated with the use of objective measures. DISCUSSION The study highlights the opportunities and challenges associated with employing objective measures to assess healthcare team performance. It particularly emphasizes the concerns expressed by medical simulation experts and team researchers, providing valuable insights for developers, trainers, researchers, and healthcare professionals involved in the design, planning or utilization of objective measures in team training or research

    Accelerating CO2-Emission Reductions via Corporate Programmes; Analysis of an Existing Corporate Programme

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    This working paper analyzes and assesses the COYou2 Program of the company Swiss Re. This corporate program allows employees to claim subsidies for the realization of various activities reducing their energy consumption and CO2-emissions at home. Examples of such activities are the purchase of a hybrid car, energy efficient building renovation, or the installation of photovoltaic panels. We find that the uptake of such subsidies is very popular among employees. The three main reasons for this are that 1) activities are well communicated and participation and uptake of subsidies is simple and non-bureaucratic, 2) offered emission reduction activities very much fit the profile and needs of employees, and 3) financial incentives are substantial and thus motivating to realize those activities. Yet, we also show that a large share of emission reduction activities would have been realized also without the extra incentive, which calls into question the additionality of many emission reductions. We therefore suggest that in order to ensure additionally of emission reductions in employees’ households, corporate programs may focus on subsidizing activities and green technologies which are not yet widespread. For example, activities such as highly efficient gasoline and diesel cars as well as carpooling have a high potential to reduce CO2-emissions and may be included in such corporate programs

    Doppler imaging of the planetary debris disc at the white dwarf SDSS J122859.93+104032.9

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    Debris discs which orbit white dwarfs are signatures of remnant planetary systems. We present 12 yr of optical spectroscopy of the metal-polluted white dwarf SDSS J1228+1040, which shows a steady variation in the morphology of the 8600 Å Ca II triplet line profiles from the gaseous component of its debris disc. We identify additional emission lines of O I, Mg I, Mg II, Fe II and Ca II in the deep co-added spectra. These emission features (including Ca H & K) exhibit a wide range in strength and morphology with respect to each other and to the Ca II triplet, indicating different intensity distributions of these ionic species within the disc. Using Doppler tomography, we show that the evolution of the Ca II triplet profile can be interpreted as the precession of a fixed emission pattern with a period in the range 24–30 yr. The Ca II line profiles vary on time-scales that are broadly consistent with general relativistic precession of the debris disc