86 research outputs found

    Журнал кримських караїмів “Бизым йол” (“Наш шлях”) у світлі традицій караїмської преси і національної політики Кримської АРСР

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    В статье содержится описание караимских периодических изданий начала ХХ века, их целей и задачи, объема, основных отделов, исследуется отражение в караимской периодике процессов национального культурного ренессанса, изучается связь этнических изданий караимов с общественно-политической жизнью караимской общины.Стаття містить опис караїмських видань початку ХХ століття, з'ясовує їхні цілі і завдан-ня, обсяг, основні розділи; досліджує відбиття у караїмській періодиці процесів національного культурного ренесансу; вивчає зв'язок етнічних видань караїмів із суспільно-політичним життям караїмської громади.The article researches the Karaite mass media of the beginning of the XX century: its matters and tasks, volume, main sections, the reflection of the cultural renaissance in it and its connection with life of the Karaite community

    Feasibility of measuring renal blood flow by phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Renal blood flow (RBF) has been shown to predict disease progression in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). We investigated the feasibility and accuracy of phase-contrast RBF by MRI (RBFMRI) in ADPKD patients with a wide range of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) values. First, we validated RBFMRI measurement using phantoms simulating renal artery hemodynamics. Thereafter, we investigated in a test-set of 21 patients intra- and inter-observer coefficient of variation of RBFMRI. After validation, we measured RBFMRI in a cohort of 91 patients and compared the variability explained by characteristics indicative for disease severity for RBFMRI and RBF measured by continuous hippuran infusion. The correlation in flow measurement using phantoms by phase-contrast MRI was high and fluid collection was high (CCC=0.969). Technical problems that precluded RBFMRI measurement occurred predominantly in patients with a lower eGFR (34% vs. 16%). In subjects with higher eGFRs, variability in RBF explained by disease characteristics was similar for RBFMRI compared to RBFHip, whereas in subjects with lower eGFRs, this was significantly less for RBFMRI. Our study shows that RBF can be measured accurately in ADPKD patients by phase-contrast, but this technique may be less feasible in subjects with a lower eGFR. aEuro cent Renal blood flow (RBF) can be accurately measured by phase-contrast MRI in ADPKD patients. aEuro cent RBF measured by phase-contrast is associated with ADPKD disease severity. aEuro cent RBF measurement by phase-contrast MRI may be less feasible in patients with an impaired eGFR

    Hepatic Cyst Infection During Use of the Somatostatin Analog Lanreotide in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: An Interim Analysis of the Randomized Open-Label Multicenter DIPAK-1 Study

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    Introduction and Aims: The DIPAK-1 Study investigates the reno- and hepatoprotective efficacy of the somatostatin analog lanreotide compared with standard care in patients with later stage autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). During this trial, we witnessed several episodes of hepatic cyst infection, all during lanreotide treatment. We describe these events and provide a review of the literature. Methods: The DIPAK-1 Study is an ongoing investigator-driven, randomized, controlled, open-label multicenter trial. Patients (ADPKD, ages 18–60 years, estimated glomerular filtration rate 30–60 mL/min/1.73 m2) were randomized 1:1 to receive lanreotide 120 mg subcutaneously every 28 days or standard care during 120 weeks. Hepatic cyst infection was diagnosed by local physicians. Results: We included 309 ADPKD patients of which seven (median age 53 years [interquartile range: 48–55], 71% female, median estimated glomerular filtration rate 42 mL/min/1.73 m2 [interquartile range: 41–58]) developed eight episodes of hepatic cyst infection during 342 patient-years of lanreotide use (0.23 cases per 10 patient-years). These events were limited to patients receiving lanreotide (p < 0.001 vs. standard care). Baseline characteristics were similar between subjects who did or did not develop a hepatic cyst infection during lanreotide use, except for a history of hepatic cyst infection (29 vs. 0.7%, p < 0.001). Previous studies with somatostatin analogs reported cyst infections, but did not identify a causal relationship. Conclusions: These data suggest an increased risk for hepatic cyst infection during use of somatostatin analogs, especially in ADPKD patients with a history of hepatic cyst infection. The main results are still awaited to fully appreciate the risk–benefit ratio. ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT 01616927

    The prevalence of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD): A meta-analysis of European literature and prevalence evaluation in the Italian province of Modena suggest that ADPKD is a rare and underdiagnosed condition

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    ADPKD is erroneously perceived as a not rare condition, which is mainly due to the repeated citation of a mistaken interpretation of old epidemiological data, as reported in the Dalgaard's work (1957). Even if ADPKD is not a common condition, the correct prevalence of ADPKD in the general population is uncertain, with a wide range of estimations reported by different authors. In this work, we have performed a meta-analysis of available epidemiological data in the European literature. Furthermore we collected the diagnosis and clinical data of ADPKD in a province in the north of Italy (Modena). We describe the point and predicted prevalence of ADPKD, as well as the main clinical characteristics of ADPKD in this region

    Embracing open innovation to acquire external ideas and technologies and to transfer internal ideas and technologies outside

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    The objective of this dissertation is to increase understanding of how organizations can embrace open innovation in order to acquire external ideas and technologies from outside the organization, and to transfer internal ideas and technologies to outside the organization. The objective encompasses six sub-objectives, each addressed in one or more substudies. Altogether, the dissertation consists of nine substudies and a compendium summarizing the substudies. An extensive literature review was conducted on open innovation and crowdsourcing literature (substudies 1–4). In the subsequent empirical substudies, both qualitative research methods (substudies 5–7) and quantitative research methods (substudies 8–9) were applied. The four literature review substudies provided insights on the body of knowledge on open innovation and crowdsourcing. These substudies unveiled most of the influential articles, authors, and journals of open innovation and crowdsourcing disciplines. Moreover, they identified research gaps in the current literature. The empirical substudies offer several insightful findings. Substudy 5 shows how non-core ideas and technologies of a large firm can become valuable, especially for small firms. Intermediary platforms can find solutions to many pressing problems of large organizations by engaging renowned scientists from all over world (substudy 6). Intermediary platforms can also bring breakthrough innovations with novel mechanisms (substudy 7). Large firms are not only able to garner ideas by engaging their customers through crowdsourcing but they can also build long-lasting relations with their customers (substudies 8 and 9). Embracing open innovation brings challenges for firms too. Firms need to change their organizational structures in order to be able to fully benefit from open innovation. When crowdsourcing is successful, it produces a very large number of new ideas. This has the consequence that firms need to allocate a significant amount of resources in order to identify the most promising ideas. In an idea contest, customarily, only one or a few best ideas are rewarded (substudy 7). Sometimes, no reward is provided for the selected idea (substudies 8 and 9). Most of the ideas that are received are not implemented in practice

    Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology-Polycystic Kidney Disease (SONG-PKD): study protocol for establishing a core outcome set in polycystic kidney disease

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    BACKGROUND: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common potentially life threatening inherited kidney disease and is responsible for 5-10% of cases of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Cystic kidneys may enlarge up to 20 times the weight of a normal kidney due to the growth of renal cysts, and patients with ADPKD have an increased risk of morbidity, premature mortality, and other life-time complications including renal and hepatic cyst and urinary tract infection, intracranial aneurysm, diverticulosis, and kidney pain which impair quality of life. Despite some therapeutic advances and the growing number of clinical trials in ADPKD, the outcomes that are relevant to patients and clinicians, such as symptoms and quality of life, are infrequently and inconsistently reported. This potentially limits the contribution of trials to inform evidence-based decision-making. The Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology-Polycystic Kidney Disease (SONG-PKD) project aims to establish a consensus-based set of core outcomes for trials in PKD (with an initial focus on ADPKD but inclusive of all stages) that patients and health professionals identify as critically important. METHODS: The five phases of SONG-PKD are: a systematic review to identify outcomes that have been reported in existing PKD trials; focus groups with nominal group technique with patients and caregivers to identify, rank, and describe reasons for their choices; qualitative stakeholder interviews with health professionals to elicit individual values and perspectives on outcomes for trials involving patients with PKD; an international three-round Delphi survey with all stakeholder groups (including patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, policy makers, researchers, and industry) to gain consensus on critically important core outcome domains; and a consensus workshop to review and establish a set of core outcome domains and measures for trials in PKD. DISCUSSION: The SONG-PKD core outcome set is aimed at improving the consistency and completeness of outcome reporting across ADPKD trials, leading to improvements in the reliability and relevance of trial-based evidence to inform decisions about treatment and ultimately improve the care and outcomes for people with ADPKD