657 research outputs found

    VLT Spectropolarimetry of the optical transient in NGC300. Evidence for asymmetry in the circumstellar dust

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    AIMS: The main goal of this work is to study possible signs of asymmetry in the bright optical transient in NGC300, with the aim of getting independent information on the explosion mechanism, the progenitor star and its circumstellar environment. METHODS: Using VLT-FORS1 we have obtained low-resolution optical linear spectropolarimetry of NGC300 OT2008-1 on two epochs, 48 and 55 days after the discovery, covering the spectral range 3600--9330A. RESULTS: The data show a continuum polarization at a very significant level. At least two separate components are identified. The first is characterized by a strong wavelength dependency and a constant position angle (68.6+/-0.3 degrees), which is parallel to the local spiral arm of the host galaxy. The second shows a completely different position angle (151.3+/-0.4) and displays a mild but statistically significant evolution between the two epochs. While the former is identified as arising in the interstellar dust associated with NGC300, the latter is most likely due to continuum polarization by dust scattering in the circumstellar environment. No line depolarization is detected in correspondence of the most intense emission lines, disfavoring electron scattering as the source of intrinsic polarization. This implies a very small deviation from symmetry in the continuum-forming region. Given the observed level of intrinsic polarization, the transient must be surrounded by a significant amount of dust (>4x10^-5 Msun), asymmetrically distributed within a few thousand AU. This most likely implies that one or more asymmetric outflow episodes took place during the past history of the progenitor.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 16 figure

    Supernova 2002ic: the collapse of a stripped-envelope, massive star in a dense medium ?

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    We revisit the case of SN2002ic that recently revived the debate about the progenitors of SNeIa after the claim of the unprecedented presence of hydrogen lines over a diluted SNIa spectrum. As an alternative to the previous interpretation, we suggest that SN2002ic actually was a type Ic SN, the core collapse of a massive star which lost its hydrogen and helium envelope. In this scenario the observed interaction with a dense circumstellar material (CSM) is the predictable consequence of the intense mass-loss of the progenitor and/or of the presence of a gas rich environment. With this view we establish a link between energetic SNeIc and highly interacting SNeIIn and add some credits to the proposed association of some SNeIIn to GRBs.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ

    Moderately Luminous type II Supernovae

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    Core-collapse Supernovae (CC-SNe) descend from progenitors more massive than about 8 Msun. Because of the young age of the progenitors, the ejecta may eventually interact with the circumstellar medium (CSM) via highly energetic processes detectable in the radio, X-ray, ultraviolet (UV) and, sometimes, in the optical domains. In this paper we present ultraviolet, optical and near infrared observations of five type II SNe, namely SNe 2009dd, 2007pk, 2010aj, 1995ad, and 1996W. Together with few other SNe they form a group of moderately luminous type II events. We collected photometry and spectroscopy with several telescopes in order to construct well-sampled light curves and spectral evolutions from the photospheric to the nebular phases. Both photometry and spectroscopy indicate a degree of heterogeneity in this sample. The light curves have luminous peak magnitudes (16.95<MB<18.70-16.95<M_{B}<-18.70). The ejected masses of ^56\ni for three SNe span a wide range of values (2.8×1022.8\times10^{-2}Msun<<M(\ni)<1.4×101<1.4\times10^{-1}Msun), while for a fourth (SN2010aj) we could determine a stringent upper limit (7×1037\times10^{-3}Msun). Clues of interaction, such as the presence of high velocity (HV) features of the Balmer lines, are visible in the photospheric spectra of SNe 2009dd and 1996W. For SN2007pk we observe a spectral transition from a type IIn to a standard type II SN. Modelling the observations of SNe 2009dd, 2010aj and 1995ad with radiation hydrodynamics codes, we infer kinetic plus thermal energies of about 0.2-0.5 foe, initial radii of 2-5×1013\times10^{13} cm and ejected masses of \sim5.0-9.5 Msun. These values suggest moderate-mass, super-asymptotic giant branch (SAGB) or red super-giants (RSG) stars as SN precursors, in analogy with other luminous type IIP SNe 2007od and 2009bw.Comment: 28 pages, 27 fig, accepted by A&A, 3 pages of online material, abstract abridged. revised significantly with respect to the previous versio

    GIANO-TNG spectroscopy of red supergiants in the young star cluster RSGC3

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    The Scutum complex in the inner disk of the Galaxy has a number of young star clusters dominated by red supergiants that are heavily obscured by dust extinction and observable only at infrared wavelengths. These clusters are important tracers of the recent star formation and chemical enrichment history in the inner Galaxy. During the technical commissioning and as a first science verification of the GIANO spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, we secured high-resolution (R=50,000) near-infrared spectra of five red supergiants in the young Scutum cluster RSGC3. Taking advantage of the full YJHK spectral coverage of GIANO in a single exposure, we were able to measure several tens of atomic and molecular lines that were suitable for determining chemical abundances. By means of spectral synthesis and line equivalent width measurements, we obtained abundances of Fe and iron-peak elements such as Ni, Cr, and Cu, alpha (O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti), other light elements (C, N, F, Na, Al, and Sc), and some s-process elements (Y, Sr). We found average half-solar iron abundances and solar-scaled [X/Fe] abundance patterns for most of the elements, consistent with a thin-disk chemistry. We found depletion of [C/Fe] and enhancement of [N/Fe], consistent with standard CN burning, and low 12C/13C abundance ratios (between 9 and 11), which require extra-mixing processes in the stellar interiors during the post-main sequence evolution. We also found local standard of rest V(LSR)=106 km/s and heliocentric V(HEL)=90 km/s radial velocities with a dispersion of 2.3 km/s. The inferred radial velocities, abundances, and abundance patterns of RSGC3 are very similar to those previously measured in the other two young clusters of the Scutum complex, RSGC1 and RSGC2, suggesting a common kinematics and chemistry within the Scutum complex

    Lines and continuum sky emission in the near infrared: observational constraints from deep high spectral resolution spectra with GIANO-TNG

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    Aims Determining the intensity of lines and continuum airglow emission in the H-band is important for the design of faint-object infrared spectrographs. Existing spectra at low/medium resolution cannot disentangle the true sky-continuum from instrumental effects (e.g. diffuse light in the wings of strong lines). We aim to obtain, for the first time, a high resolution infrared spectrum deep enough to set significant constraints on the continuum emission between the lines in the H-band. Methods During the second commissioning run of the GIANO high-resolution infrared spectrograph at La Palma Observatory, we pointed the instrument directly to the sky and obtained a deep spectrum that extends from 0.97 to 2.4 micron. Results The spectrum shows about 1500 emission lines, a factor of two more than in previous works. Of these, 80% are identified as OH transitions; half of these are from highly excited molecules (hot-OH component) that are not included in the OH airglow emission models normally used for astronomical applications. The other lines are attributable to O2 or unidentified. Several of the faint lines are in spectral regions that were previously believed to be free of line emission. The continuum in the H-band is marginally detected at a level of about 300 photons/m^2/s/arcsec^2/micron, equivalent to 20.1 AB-mag/arcsec^2. The observed spectrum and the list of observed sky-lines are published in electronic format. Conclusions Our measurements indicate that the sky continuum in the H-band could be even darker than previously believed. However, the myriad of airglow emission lines severely limits the spectral ranges where very low background can be effectively achieved with low/medium resolution spectrographs. We identify a few spectral bands that could still remain quite dark at the resolving power foreseen for VLT-MOONS (R ~6,600).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - VIII. PSN J07285387+3349106, a highly reddened supernova Ibn

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric observations for the Type Ibn supernova (SN) dubbed PSN J07285387+3349106. Using data provided by amateur astronomers, we monitored the photometric rise of the SN to maximum light, occurred on 2015 February 18.8 UT (JD(max,V) = 2457072.0 +- 0.8). PSN J07285387+3349106 exploded in the inner region of an infrared luminous galaxy, and is the most reddened SN Ibn discovered so far. We apply multiple methods to derive the total reddening to the SN, and determine a total colour excess E(B-V)(tot) = 0.99 +- 0.48 mag. Accounting for the reddening correction, which is affected by a large uncertainty, we estimate a peak absolute magnitude of M(V) = -20.30 +- 1.50. The spectra are dominated by continuum emission at early phases, and He I lines with narrow P-Cygni profiles are detected. We also identify weak Fe III and N II features. All these lines show an absorption component which is blue-shifted by about 900-1000 km/s. The spectra also show relatively broad He I line wings with low contrast, which extend to above 3000 km/s. From about 2 weeks past maximum, broad lines of O I, Mg II and the Ca II near-infrared triplet are identified. The composition and the expansion velocity of the circumstellar material, and the presence of He I and alpha-elements in the SN ejecta indicate that PSN J07285387+3349106 was produced by the core-collapse of a stripped-envelope star. We suggest that the precursor was WNE-type Wolf-Rayet star in its dense, He-rich circumstellar cocoon.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    SN 2006gy: was it really extra-ordinary?

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    We present an optical photometric and spectroscopic study of the very luminous type IIn SN 2006gy for a time period spanning more than one year. In photometry, a broad, bright (M_R~-21.7) peak characterizes all BVRI light curves. Afterwards, a rapid luminosity fading is followed by a phase of slow luminosity decline between day ~170 and ~237. At late phases (>237 days), because of the large luminosity drop (>3 mag), only upper visibility limits are obtained in the B, R and I bands. In the near-infrared, two K-band detections on days 411 and 510 open new issues about dust formation or IR echoes scenarios. At all epochs the spectra are characterized by the absence of broad P-Cygni profiles and a multicomponent Halpha profile, which are the typical signatures of type IIn SNe. After maximum, spectroscopic and photometric similarities are found between SN 2006gy and bright, interaction-dominated SNe (e.g. SN 1997cy, SN 1999E and SN 2002ic). This suggests that ejecta-CSM interaction plays a key role in SN 2006gy about 6 to 8 months after maximum, sustaining the late-time-light curve. Alternatively, the late luminosity may be related to the radioactive decay of ~3M_sun of 56Ni. Models of the light curve in the first 170 days suggest that the progenitor was a compact star (R~6-8 10^(12)cm, M_ej~5-14M_sun), and that the SN ejecta collided with massive (6-10M_sun), opaque clumps of previously ejected material. These clumps do not completely obscure the SN photosphere, so that at its peak the luminosity is due both to the decay of 56Ni and to interaction with CSM. A supermassive star is not required to explain the observational data, nor is an extra-ordinarily large explosion energy.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by ApJ. Paper with high-resolution figures available at http://web.oapd.inaf.it/supern/sn2006gy_astroph/agnoletto_2006gy.pd

    Recent outburst of the young star V1180 Cas

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    We report on the ongoing outburst of the young variable V1180 Cas, which is known to display characteristics in common with EXor eruptive variables. We present results that support the scenario of an accretion-driven nature of the brightness variations of the object and provide the first evidence of jet structures around the source. We monitored the recent flux variations of the target in the Rc, J, H, and K bands. New optical and near-IR spectra taken during the current high state of V1180 Cas are presented, in conjunction with H2 narrow-band imaging of the source. Observed near-IR colour variations are analogous to those observed in EXors and consistent with excess emission originating from an accretion event. The spectra show numerous emission lines, which indicates accretion, ejection of matter, and an active disc. Using optical and near-IR emission features we derive a mass accretion rate of ~3 E-8 Msun/yr, which is an order of magnitude lower than previous estimates. In addition, a mass loss rate of ~4 E-9 and ~4 E-10 Msun/yr are estimated from atomic forbidden lines and H2, respectively. Our H2 imaging reveals two bright knots of emission around the source and the nearby optically invisible star V1180 Cas B, clearly indicative of mass-loss phenomena. Higher resolution observations of the detected jet will help to clarify whether V1180 Cas is the driving source and to determine the relation between the observed knots.Comment: Accepted as Letter in A&A; 4 pages, 3 figure