73 research outputs found

    Voice rehabilitation after surgery for oral and oropharyngeal cancer

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    The purpose of our study was to improve the quality of life of patients after surgery for oral and oropharyngeal cancer.Material and methods. Voice rehabilitation outcomes in 50 patients with stage II-III oral and oropharyngeal cancer were studied. All patients underwent resection of V> of the tongue. The patients were aged between 33 and 70 years, 70 % of them were up to 60 years. All patients received combined modality treatment and postoperative voice rehabilitation in Cancer Research Institute of Tomsk National Research Medical Center of RAS. The technique of voice rehabilitation included breathing exercises, articulation gymnastics for the muscles of the cheeks, lips, tongue, lower jaw and correc of disturbances in sound pronunciation. A speech function was assessed before and after rehabilitation using speech material that contained a text with semantic load, individual words, syllables and a meaningless set of sounds.Results and discussion. In the postoperative period, all patients experienced a sharp restriction of the mobility of the stump of the tongue, very low speech intelligibility, violation of the pronunciation of sounds, complete or partial absence of intonation pattern, and slowdown in the rate of speech. Postoperative voice rehabilitation aimed at increasing the mobility of tongue stump and correcting sound pronunciation made it possible to improve speech function in the period from 5 to 30 days (median 22.1) by restoring the pronunciation of the velar sounds [K, G] in 78-94 % of cases, alveolar sounds [T, D] in 74-80    I [C] in 56 % of cases. Based on the study, the authors conclude that speech rehabilitation is required for all patients, who underwent surgery for oral and oropharyngeal cancer, taking into account the extent of surgery and individual characteristics of the patients

    Clinicopathological features of nonspecific invasive breast cancer according to its molecular subtypes

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinical and morphological features of nonspecific invasive breast cancer according to its molecular subtypes. Materials and Methods: 163 women with nonspecific invasive breast cancer (T1–4N0–3M0) were included in the present study. Luminal A type of breast cancer was detected in 101 women, luminal B type — in 23 women, overexpression of HER2/neu was identified in 14 women and triple-negative cancer — in 25 women. Results: The study revealed that various molecular subtypes of breast cancer differ in the morphological structure, the expression characteristics of the primary tumor and the rate of lymphogenous and hematogenous metastasis. Lymphogenous metastases were more frequently (in 71%) detected in HER2/neu overexpressing breast cancer than in luminal A (41%), luminal B (39%) and triple-negative tumors (40%). Hematogenous metastasis did not depend on the morphological structure of carcinoma infiltrative component, the state of tumor stroma as well as the proliferative activity in all the investigated groups. Conclusion: The revealed clinicopathological characteristics of different molecular subtypes of invasive breast cancer allow to predict the possible outcome of the disease and select personalized treatment strategy for patients more reasonably


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    Objective: to analyze the association of 5 types of cellular structures of squamous cell carcinoma with major clinical and morphological tumor characteristics. Material And Methods. The main clinical and morphological characteristics of the primary tumor were assessed in 74 patients. Results. Single tumor cells and structures formed by polymorphic cells were observed in primary tumor more often in the patients with metastatic lymph nodes than in patients with intact lymph nodes. Furthermore, inflammatory reaction in the patients with metastatic lymph nodes was significantly lower than in the patients with intact lymph nodes.Conclusion. Morphological heterogeneity of the tumor allows us to suggest the clinical course of the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Цель исследования – анализ ассоциации 5 типов клеточных структур плоскоклеточных карцином головы и шеи с основными клинико-мофологическими характеристиками злокачественного новообразования.Материал и методы. У 74 пациентов проводилась оценка основных клинических характеристик опухолевого заболевания и морфологических особенностей строения исходной опухоли.Результаты. У пациентов с метастатическим поражением лимфоузлов шеи в первичной опухоли чаще встречались одиночно расположенные опухолевые клетки и структуры, образованные полиморфными клетками, в сравнении с пациентами с интактными лимфоузлами. Кроме того, выраженность воспалительной реакции в первой группе была значимо ниже.Заключение. Учет морфологической гетерогенности опухоли позволяет делать предположение о характере течения плоскоклеточных карцином головы и шеи


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    This work represents the results of the study of the surrounding tissues reaction to the implantation of bioresorbable implants formed by the solution blow spinning from polylactic acid and ultrafine calcium phosphate powders, depending on the time and place of implantation. Using scanning electron microscopy it is shown that implants formed from randomly interwoven fibers have interconnected open porosity. It was established that the addition of calcium phosphate ultrafine powders does not cause changes in the formed implants structure. Histological investigation of tissue specimens from the implantation site revealed a high ability of created implants to successful integration with surrounding tissue after 15 days from the moment of implantation. Complete or partial implant resorption with substitution by own tissues was registered at 90 days after implantation. It was established that implantation of composite bioresorbable implants on the ilium bone stimulates the osteogenic process better than the implantation on skull bone within the same period. It was defined that scarification of the outer cortical plate in implant contact points with bone tissue increases the implants ability to stimulate osteogenic process. It was shown that the composite implants filled with calcium phosphate dibasic dehydrate in ultrafine powder form have the largest ability to stimulate osteogenesis


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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the cancer incidence among the population living in siberia and Russian Far East. material and methods. cancer incidence and mortality data collected from populationbased cancer registries of the Russian cancer statistics, covering the period 2005–2018, were used. the crude and age-standardized cancer incidence rates were analyzed. Results. During the study period, 1 336 260 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the regions of siberia and Russian Far East. Of them, 77.2 % new cancer cases were registered in the siberian Federal District. the highest percent of increase in the number of cancer cases in the siberian Federal District was observed in the republics of Khakassia (84.8 %), tuva (61.9 %), Buryatia (52.8 %), and Krasnoyarsk Krai (82.4 %). In the Far Eastern Federal District, the highest cancer incidence rates were registered in the sakhalin Region (43.6 %) and Kamchatka Krai (41.8 %). the average age of patients in 2018 was 55.7 years (57.9 years for men and 53.7 years for women) compared to 57.4, 59.1 and 55.9 years, respectively in 2005. Lung cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men (19.5 %), whereas cancer of the female reproductive system was the most prevalent in women (38.4 %). the highest age-standardized cancer incidence rates in the siberian Federal District in 2018 were observed in the Irkutsk region, altai and Krasnoyarsk territories. In the Far Eastern Federal District, the highest agestandardized cancer incidence rates were observed in the sakhalin and Magadan regions. Conclusion. the number of new cancer cases and age-standardized cancer incidence rate were shown to increase in siberia and Russian Far East. the average age of men and women diagnosed with cancer decreased. the percent of increase in the age-standardized cancer incidence rate was higher in women than in men. Many of the most prevalent cancers were associated with the «westernized lifestyle» of developed countries.Цель исследования – анализ заболеваемости злокачественными новообразованиями (ЗНО) населения, проживающего на 20 территориях Сибирского и Дальневосточного федеральных округов (СФО и ДФО). Материал и методы. Использованы данные канцер-регистров территорий в 2005–2018 гг. и Федеральной службы государственной статистики РФ о численности и поло-возрастном составе населения. Проведен анализ экстенсивных, стандартизованных показателей. Результаты. За период исследования на территориях округов диагностировано 1 336 260 новых случаев ЗНО, из них 77,2 % – в СФО. Наибольший темп роста числа больных в СФО отмечался в республиках Хакасия (84,8 %), Тыва (61,9 %), Бурятия (52,8 %), Красноярском крае (82,4 %), в ДФО – в Сахалинской области (43,6 %) и Камчатском крае (41,8 %). Средний возраст заболевших в 2018 г. составил 55,7 года, для мужчин – 57,9, для женщин – 53,7 года, что меньше, чем в 2005 г. (57,4, 59,1 и 55,9 года соответственно). В структуре онкозаболеваемости мужского населения округов преобладал рак легкого (19,5 %), у женщин – опухоли органов репродуктивной системы (38,4 %). Наибольший стандартизованный показатель заболеваемости в 2018 г. в СФО регистрировался в Иркутской области, Алтайском и Красноярском краях, в ДФО – в Сахалинской и Магаданской областях. Заключение. В регионе наблюдался рост числа заболевших ЗНО и стандартизованного показателя заболеваемости. Средний возраст заболевших мужчин и женщин в регионе уменьшился («омоложение» рака). Темп прироста стандартизованного показателя ЗНО выше в женской популяции. В регионе отмечался рост показателей заболеваемости теми видами рака, одним из факторов риска которых является «западный» образ жизни


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    Oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers usually require extensive surgeries accompanied by damages to anatomical structures and impaired speech function. The use of reconstructive-plastic techniques to replace defects after surgical resection allows the creation of a favorable functional basis for speech restoration.The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness and terms of speech restoration in patients with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers after surgical treatment using various reconstructive surgery techniques to restore postoperative defects.Material and Methods. Speech rehabilitation results were analyzed in 56 patients with stage II–IV oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers. The age of the patients ranged from 26 to 70 years. The patients underwent either hemiglossectomy or glossectomy followed by reconstructive surgery. Postoperative speech rehabilitation was performed according to the technique developed in the Department of Head and Neck Tumors of the Cancer Research Institute. Speech function was assessed before starting treatment, at the beginning of treatment and after completion of speech rehabilitation.Results. After surgery, all patients demonstrated impaired speech function, ranging from distorted pronunciation to the complete absence of verbal communication for 5 (71.4%) and 4 (80%) patients from Ib and IIb respectively. Speech rehabilitation started 16 to 32 days after surgery. Restoration of the activity and coordination of the articulatory apparatus muscles, speech exhalation and reconstructed tongue was followed by a sound pronunciation. Postoperative speech rehabilitation allowed improvement of speech function in 100 % of cases (56 patients). A complete speech restoration was achieved for 7 patients (12.5%). The majority of these patients were from the group with hemiglossectomy. In the group of patients with glossectomy, the amplitude and coordination of movements, which could be achieved by performing articulation exercises for the reconstructed tongue, depended on the size of the remaining part of their own tissues.Conclusion. Good values of all studied parameters were observed in patients, who underwent hemiglossectomy followed by reconstruction with a free revascularized flap. No statistically significant differences between the studied parameters were found in patients, who underwent glossectomy. Speech restoration parameters were significantly better in the group of patients with hemiglossectomy and reconstruction with a free revascularized flap than in the group of patients with glossectomy). При оперативных вмешательствах по поводу злокачественных новообразований полости рта и ротоглотки удаляются значительные объемы тканей, что сопровождается нарушением речевой функции. Применение реконструктивно-пластических методик для замещения возникших анатомических дефектов позволяет создать функциональную основу для восстановления речи.Цель исследования – сравнить эффективность и сроки восстановления речевой функции больных раком полости рта и ротоглотки после хирургического лечения с применением различных методик реконструктивно-пластических операций возмещения послеоперационных дефектов полости рта и ротоглотки.Материал и методы. Проанализированы результаты речевой реабилитации 56 больных раком органов полости рта и ротоглотки II–IV стадии в возрасте от 26 до 70 лет, которым выполнено хирургическое вмешательство в объеме гемиглоссэктомии или глоссэктомии с реконструктивно-пластическим компонентом на этапе комбинированного лечения. Реабилитационные мероприятия выполнялись по методике, разработанной в отделении опухолей головы и шеи НИИ онкологии Томского НИМЦ. Состояние речевой функции оценивалось до начала комбинированного лечения, до и после завершения речевой реабилитации.Результаты. После хирургического этапа комбинированного лечения у всех обследованных больных отмечаются нарушения речевой функции, их степень варьировала от искажения произносительной стороны речи до полного отсутствия речевого общения – у 5 (71,4) % и 4 (80 %) пациентов после глоссэктомии. Речевая реабилитация начиналась на 16–32-е сут после операции. На первых этапах целью упражнений являлось восстановление активности и координации работы мышц артикуляционного аппарата, речевого выдоха и реконструированного языка, далее приступали к коррекции звукопроизношения. Послеоперационная речевая реабилитация позволила улучшить состояние речевой функции в 100 % случаев (56 больных). Добиться полного восстановления речи удалось у 7 пациентов (12,5%), чаще всего в группе больных после гемиглоссэктомии с реконструкцией свободным реваскуляризированным лоскутом. В группах больных после глоссэктомии амплитуда и координация движений, которых можно достичь с помощью выполнения артикуляционных упражнений для реконструированного языка, зависят от величины оставшейся части собственных тканей.Заключение. Лучшие показатели по всем исследуемым параметрам были получены в группе больных после гемиглоссэктомии с реконструкцией свободным реваскуляризированным лоскутом. В группах больных после глоссэктомии исследуемые показатели не имели статистически значимых отличий.