11 research outputs found


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    Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors. As over 70 % of patients at diagnosis have locally advanced or generalized process, the majority of patients receive drug treatment only. We evaluated effectiveness and toxicity of pemetrexed (Alimta) in 24 patients with locally advanced and metastatic non-squamous cell non-small-cell lung carcinoma with the known EGFR mutation status. Pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 was administered as monotherapy (8 patients) or in combination with platinum-based drugs (15 patients). Three (12.5 %) patients showed complete regression, 7 (29.2 %) – partial regression, 10 (41.7 %) – stabilization, 4 (16.6 %) – progression. The median survival was 14.8 months. Non-hematological complications were registered, usually concerning the digestive system. Hematological complications included first-degree leukopenia – 27 (21.3 %), second- and third-degree thrombocytopenia – 1 case of each (0.8%). The complications did not require administration of drugs or were corrected medicamentally. We observed a high effectiveness of pemetrexed in patients with non-squamous NSCLC, as well as a low rate of complications and controlled toxicity

    Checkpoint inhibitors in non-small cell lung carcinoma therapy for progression to the brain (clinical observation)

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    The development of a new area of antitumor drug therapy, immunotherapy using immune checkpoint inhibitors targeting PD-1/PD-L1, has significantly changed approaches to the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Many clinical trials have demonstrated the clinical benefit as well as the long-term effect of these drugs. Currently, the problem of treatment of patients after disease progression against the background of the use of checkpoint inhibitors is relevant. Equally relevant is the issue of choosing the correct and most effective treatment tactics for NSCLC patients with oligoprogression, as well as with abscopal effect. This paper describes a clinical case of a patient with lung adenocarcinoma without driver mutations with PD-L1-positive status, who was treated with nivolumab after second-line chemotherapy for disease progression, and after oligoprogression of the disease into the brain was given stereotactic radiotherapy of metastatic lesion and continued therapy with nivolumab. Partial regression of metastases was achieved with a prolonged effect on the background of continued treatment with nivolumab for 24 months. Tolerability of therapy was satisfactory: no adverse events were observed. The patient retained the result for 1.5 years

    Резекция органов с метастазами при применении комбинации химиотерапии и анти-EGFR антител у больных нерезектабельным метастатическим раком толстой кишки: проспективное нерандомизированное многоцентровое исследование II фазы

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    Objective: to analyze the frequency of metastasectomy in general population of patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer who received chemotherapy and anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodiesMaterials and methods. This prospective, non-randomized, multicenter study was designed to evaluate the frequency of resections of organs affected by metastasis. Our statistical hypothesis was that the addition of anti-EGFR antibodies should increase the frequency of metastasectomy from 5% to 15 %. Sample size calculations showed that to obtain a power of 80 % and an alpha level of 0.05 to detect the difference, we would need to recruit 50 patients. The primary endpoint was the frequency of resections of organs affected by metastasis, whereas the secondary endpoints included objective response rate, progression-free survival, and length of live. Tolerability of the therapy was analyzed separately.Results. Eighteen out of50 (36 %) patients achieved objective response; 32 (64 %) patents achieved stable disease and 18 (36 %) patients had disease progression. Radical resection of organs affected by metastasis was performed in 8 out of 50 patients (16 %): 1 individual had lung resection and 7 individuals had liver resection. Among participants with isolated liver lesions, the frequency of metastasectomy was 24 % (6 out of 25 patients). At a median follow-up of 14 months (between 1 and 34 months), median progression-free survival was 8 months (95 % confidence interval 6.2—9.8) and median length of life was 26 months (95 % confidence interval 19.7—32.2). The estimated 2-year overall survival was 83 % in patients who underwent metastasectomy vs. 51 % in those who had no metastasectomy.Conclusions. The addition of anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies to standard combination chemotherapy (FOLFOX/FOLFIRI) increases the frequency of metastasectomy in patients with non-resectable metastatic colorectal cancer, which results in an increased length of life.Цель исследования — оценка частоты выполнения резекций органов с метастазами при применении химиотерапии и анти-EGFR моноклональных антител в общей популяции больных метастатическим раком толстой кишки с диким типом генов RAS. Материалы и методы. Проведено многоцентровое нерандомизированное проспективное исследование по оценке частоты выполнения резекций органов с метастазами. Статистическая гипотеза предполагала, что добавление анти-EGFR антител должно увеличить частоту метастазэктомий с 5 до 15 %, что при а = 0,05 и мощности 80 % определяет необходимость включения в исследование 50 пациентов. Основной критерий эффективности — частота резекций органов с метастазами. Вторичными критериями эффективности явились частота объективных эффектов, выживаемость без прогрессирования, продолжительность жизни; отдельно оценена переносимость терапии.Результаты. Объективный эффект зарегистрирован у 18 (36 %) из 50 пациентов, контроль болезни — у 32 (64 %) из 50, прогрессирование — у 18 (36 %). Радикальная резекция органов с метастазами выполнена 8 (16 %) из 50 пациентов: у 1 пациента — резекция легких, у 7 — операции на печени. В группе пациентов с изолированным поражением печени частота метастазэктомии составила 24 % (6 из 25 пациентов). При медиане наблюдения 14 мес (от 1 до 34 мес) медиана выживаемости без прогрессирования составила 8мес (95 % доверительный интервал 6,2—9,8), медиана продолжительности жизни — 26мес (95 % доверительный интервал 19,7—32,2). Расчетная 2-летняя общая выживаемость в группе с резекций составила 83 % против 51 % в группе пациентов, которым метастазы не удалялись.Выводы. Добавление анти-EGFR моноклональных антител к стандартным двойным комбинациям химиотерапии (FOLFOX/FOLFIRI) увеличивает частоту выполнения удаления метастазов при нерезектабельном метастатическом раке толстой кишки, что ассоциировано с выраженным увеличением продолжительности жизни пациентов

    Эффективность и безопасность эрибулина при различных подтипах рака молочной железы: данные из реальной клинической практики в России

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    The article presents a pooled experience of the use of eribulin in the real clinical practice of treatment of metastatic breast cancer in Russian oncological institutions. The effectiveness of the drug in monotherapy with HER2‑negative breast cancer was analyzed, groups of patients with most effective use of eribulin were identified depending on the localization of metastases, the most effective lines of therapy. The effectiveness of the drug in combination with trastuzumab in HER2‑positive breast cancer is described, as well as toxic reactions. В статье представлен обобщенный опыт применения эрибулина в реальной клинической практике онкологических учреждений РФ при метастатическом раке молочной железы. Проанализирована эффективность препарата в монотерапии при HER2-отрицательном раке молочных желез, выделены группы больных в зависимости от локализации метастазов, линии терапии, в которых препарат оказался максимально эффективным. Описана эффективность препарата в комбинации с трастузумабом при HER2-положительном раке молочной железы, а также токсические реакции. 


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    Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors. As over 70 % of patients at diagnosis have locally advanced or generalized process, the majority of patients receive drug treatment only. We evaluated effectiveness and toxicity of pemetrexed (Alimta) in 24 patients with locally advanced and metastatic non-squamous cell non-small-cell lung carcinoma with the known EGFR mutation status. Pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 was administered as monotherapy (8 patients) or in combination with platinum-based drugs (15 patients). Three (12.5 %) patients showed complete regression, 7 (29.2 %) – partial regression, 10 (41.7 %) – stabilization, 4 (16.6 %) – progression. The median survival was 14.8 months. Non-hematological complications were registered, usually concerning the digestive system. Hematological complications included first-degree leukopenia – 27 (21.3 %), second- and third-degree thrombocytopenia – 1 case of each (0.8%). The complications did not require administration of drugs or were corrected medicamentally. We observed a high effectiveness of pemetrexed in patients with non-squamous NSCLC, as well as a low rate of complications and controlled toxicity

    Study of polymorphisms of UGT1A1 and DPYD genes in chemotherapy for colorectal cancer

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    Background. The personalized approach implies an individual choice of medicines and their doses for the patient, providing the most effective and safe pharmacotherapy. Objective: analysis of the frequencies of UGT1A1 and DPYD polymorphisms and comparison of genotyping data with irinotecan and 5-fluorouracil-induced toxicity, respectively.Materials and Methods. Venous blood of 94 Caucasian patients (46 men and 48 women, median age 61 years). The *6 and *28 UGT1A1 alleles were identified by pyrosequencing, and the *2А DPYD allele was identified by Real-time PCR.Results. The genotyping of 94 patients with colon cancer did not reveal the *2A SNP in the DPYD gene. The frequency rate of the *6 and *28 alleles of the UGT1A1 gene was 0.346 and 0.016, respectively. 24 % of patients receiving chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil developed side effects associated with the circulatory system and the gastrointestinal tract. Hematological and nonhematological toxic reactions were noted in 48 % and 50 % of patients receiving irinotecan. Severe bilirubinemia was associated with the *28/*28 UGT1A1 genotype. The presence of a high-risk genotype (*28/*1, *28/*28 UGT1A1) correlated with the development of side effects (p=0.040).Conclusion. The absence of carriers of the *2А DPYD allele in the sample with a significant proportion of pronounced adverse toxic reactions to 5-fluorouracil causes the need for the inclusion of new polymorphisms of the DPYD gene in pharmacogenetic testing. The inclusion of genotyping of UGT1A1 polymorphisms into a complex of preliminary examination is advisable when planning treatment with irinotecan

    Study of EGFR expression in tumor tissue in patients with locally advanced oral cavity cancer receiving cetuximab therapy

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    Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity is one of the most common head and neck cancers with an aggressive course and high mortality rates. The aim of the study was to determine the EGFR expression levels in tumor tissues in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and oral mucosa depending on the efficacy of the therapy. Material and methods: The study included 60 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and oral mucosa T3-4N0-1M0. The main group included 30 patients receiving chemotherapy (cisplatin/fluorouracil) in combination with targeted therapy with cetuximab. The control group included 30 patients receiving chemotherapy without cetuximab. Both groups were divided into two subgroups: sensitive and resistant. Results: In treatment-resistant patients of the main group with cetuximab, the average EGFR expression was twice lower than the initial levels (p = 0.0080) and 1.7 times higher than in treatment-resistant patients of the control group (p = 0.0157). In treatment-sensitive patients, the average EGFR expression was 19.8 times lower (p = 0.0020) than initial values and 14.9 times higher (p = 0.0067) than in treatment-sensitive controls. Conclusions: A natural decrease in the EGFR expression in tumor tissues due to the targeted therapy was revealed. However,  some patients were resistant to cetuximab, which dictates the need to search for predictors of targeted therapy efficacy in patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and oral mucosa