9,112 research outputs found

    Negative forms and path space forms

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    We present an account of negative differential forms within a natural algebraic framework of differential graded algebras, and explain their relationship with forms on path spaces.Comment: 12 pp.; the Introduction has been rewritten and mention of cohomology dropped in Proposition 3.2; material slightly reorganize

    Gauge Group and Topology Change

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of topology change in the initial universe. In this study, the concept of GG-cobordism is introduced to argue about the topology change of the manifold on which a transformation group acts. This GG-manifold has a fiber bundle structure if the group action is free and is related to the spacetime in Kaluza-Klein theory or Einstein-Yang-Mills system. Our results revealed that fundamental processes of compactification in GG-manifolds. In these processes, the initial high symmetry and multidimensional universe changes to present universe by the mechanism which lowers the dimensions and symmetries.Comment: 8 page

    Normal Mode Determination of Perovskite Crystal Structures with Octahedral Rotations: Theory and Applications

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    Nuclear site analysis methods are used to enumerate the normal modes of ABX3ABX_{3} perovskite polymorphs with octahedral rotations. We provide the modes of the fourteen subgroups of the cubic aristotype describing the Glazer octahedral tilt patterns, which are obtained from rotations of the BX6BX_{6} octahedra with different sense and amplitude about high symmetry axes. We tabulate all normal modes of each tilt system and specify the contribution of each atomic species to the mode displacement pattern, elucidating the physical meaning of the symmetry unique modes. We have systematically generated 705 schematic atomic displacement patterns for the normal modes of all 15 (14 rotated + 1 unrotated) Glazer tilt systems. We show through some illustrative examples how to use these tables to identify the octahedral rotations, symmetric breathing, and first-order Jahn-Teller anti-symmetric breathing distortions of the BX6BX_{6} octahedra, and the associated Raman selection rules. We anticipate that these tables and schematics will be useful in understanding the lattice dynamics of bulk perovskites and would serve as reference point in elucidating the atomic origin of a wide range of physical properties in synthetic perovskite thin films and superlattices.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 17 tables. Supporting information accessed through link specified within manuscrip

    Cauchy's formulas for random walks in bounded domains

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    Cauchy's formula was originally established for random straight paths crossing a body BRnB \subset \mathbb{R}^{n} and basically relates the average chord length through BB to the ratio between the volume and the surface of the body itself. The original statement was later extended in the context of transport theory so as to cover the stochastic paths of Pearson random walks with exponentially distributed flight lengths traversing a bounded domain. Some heuristic arguments suggest that Cauchy's formula may also hold true for Pearson random walks with arbitrarily distributed flight lengths. For such a broad class of stochastic processes, we rigorously derive a generalized Cauchy's formula for the average length travelled by the walkers in the body, and show that this quantity depends indeed only on the ratio between the volume and the surface, provided that some constraints are imposed on the entrance step of the walker in BB. Similar results are obtained also for the average number of collisions performed by the walker in BB, and an extension to absorbing media is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Enteral Nutrition and Acute Pancreatitis: A Review

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    Introduction. In patients with acute pancreatitis (AP), nutritional support is required if normal food cannot be tolerated within several days. Enteral nutrition is preferred over parenteral nutrition. We reviewed the literature about enteral nutrition in AP. Methods. A MEDLINE search of the English language literature between 1999–2009. Results. Nasogastric tube feeding appears to be safe and well tolerated in the majority of patients with severe AP, rendering the concept of pancreatic rest less probable. Enteral nutrition has a beneficial influence on the outcome of AP and should probably be initiated as early as possible (within 48 hours). Supplementation of enteral formulas with glutamine or prebiotics and probiotics cannot routinely be recommended. Conclusions. Nutrition therapy in patients with AP emerged from supportive adjunctive therapy to a proactive primary intervention. Large multicentre studies are needed to confirm the safety and effectiveness of nasogastric feeding and to investigate the role of early nutrition support

    Future asymptotic expansions of Bianchi VIII vacuum metrics

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    Bianchi VIII vacuum solutions to Einstein's equations are causally geodesically complete to the future, given an appropriate time orientation, and the objective of this article is to analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in this time direction. For the Bianchi class A spacetimes, there is a formulation of the field equations that was presented in an article by Wainwright and Hsu, and in a previous article we analyzed the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in these variables. One objective of this paper is to give an asymptotic expansion for the metric. Furthermore, we relate this expansion to the topology of the compactified spatial hypersurfaces of homogeneity. The compactified spatial hypersurfaces have the topology of Seifert fibred spaces and we prove that in the case of NUT Bianchi VIII spacetimes, the length of a circle fibre converges to a positive constant but that in the case of general Bianchi VIII solutions, the length tends to infinity at a rate we determine.Comment: 50 pages, no figures. Erronous definition of Seifert fibred spaces correcte

    Phase space measure concentration for an ideal gas

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    We point out that a special case of an ideal gas exhibits concentration of the volume of its phase space, which is a sphere, around its equator in the thermodynamic limit. The rate of approach to the thermodynamic limit is determined. Our argument relies on the spherical isoperimetric inequality of L\'{e}vy and Gromov.Comment: 15 pages, No figures, Accepted by Modern Physics Letters

    Tunable hot-electron transfer within a single core-shell nanowire

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    We report the hot photoexcited electron transfer across the coaxial interface of a cylindrical core-shell nanowire. Modulation of the transfer rates, manifested as a large tunability of the voltage onset of negative differential resistance and of voltage-current phase, is achieved using three different modes. The coupling of electrostatic gating, incident photon energy, and the incident photon intensity to transfer rates is facilitated by the combined influences of geometric confinement and heterojunction shape on hot-electron transfer, and by electron-electron scattering rates that can be altered by varying the incident photon flux, with evidence of weak electron-phonon scattering. Dynamic manipulation of this transfer rate permits the introduction and control of a continuously adjustable phase delay of up to about 130° within a single nanometer-scale device element

    The Non-Trapping Degree of Scattering

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    We consider classical potential scattering. If no orbit is trapped at energy E, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree. This can be calculated explicitly and be used for symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. If the potential is bounded, then in the non-trapping case the boundary of Hill's Region is empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. We consider classical potential scattering. If at energy E no orbit is trapped, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree deg(E) < 2. This is calculated explicitly for all potentials, and exactly the integers < 2 are shown to occur for suitable potentials. The non-trapping condition is restrictive in the sense that for a bounded potential it is shown to imply that the boundary of Hill's Region in configuration space is either empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. However, in many situations one can decompose a potential into a sum of non-trapping potentials with non-trivial degree and embed symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. This comprises a large number of earlier results, obtained by different authors on multi-obstacle scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure Revised and enlarged version, containing more detailed proofs and remark