3,931 research outputs found

    Polar Disk Galaxies as new way to study galaxy formation: the case of NGC4650A

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    NGC4650A is a polar disk galaxy: this is a peculiar object composed by a central spheroidal component, the host galaxy (HG), and an extended disk made up by gas, stars and dust, which orbits nearly perpendicular to the plane of the central galaxy. The existence of two decoupled components of the angular momentum let this object the ideal laboratory i) to study gravitational interactions and merging and ii) to constrain the 3D shape of its dark matter halo. In view of these applications, I will present two ongoing projects which aim to constrain i) the formation scenario for polar disks and ii) the dark halo content and shape, through a detailed analysis of the observed structure, metallicity and dynamics of NGC4650A.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista and C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Se

    Spectral decomposition of the stellar kinematics in the polar disk galaxy NGC 4650A

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    Context. The prototype of Polar Ring Galaxies NGC 4650A contains two main structural components, a central spheroid, which is the host galaxy, and an extended polar disk. Both photometric and kinematic studies revealed that these two components co-exist on two different planes within the central regions of the galaxy. Aims. The aim of this work is to study the spectroscopic and kinematic properties of the host galaxy and the polar disk in the central regions of NGC 4650A by disentangling their contributions to the observed galaxy spectrum. Methods. We applied the spectral decomposition technique introduced in previous works to long-slit spectroscopic observations in the CaII triplet region. We focused the analysis along the PA = 152 that corresponds to the photometric minor axis of the host galaxy, where the superimposition of the two components is more relevant and the spectral decomposition is necessary. We aim to disentangle the stars that move in the equatorial plane of the host galaxy from those that move in the meridan plane, which is along the polar disk. Results. We successfully disentangled the spectra of the two structural components of NGC 4650A and measured their line-of-sight velocity and velocity dispersion profiles, and the stellar content along PA = 152. The host galaxy shows significant rotation along its photometric minor axis, indicating that the gravitational potential is not axisymmetric. The polar disk shows a kinematic decoupling: the inner regions counter-rotating with respect the outer-regions and the host spheroid. This suggests a complex formation history for the polar disk, characterised by mass accretion with decoupled angular momenta.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 7 pages, 5 figure

    A kinematically decoupled component in NGC4778

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    We present a kinematical and photometrical study of a member, NGC4778, of the nearest (z=0.0137) compact group: Hickson 62. Our analysis reveals that Hickson 62a, also known as NGC4778, is an S0 galaxy with kinematical and morphological peculiarities, both in its central regions (r < 5'') and in the outer halo. In the central regions, the rotation curve shows the existence of a kinematically decoupled stellar component, offset with respect to the photometric center. In the outer halo we find an asymmetric rotation curve and a velocity dispersion profile showing a rise on the SW side, in direction of the galaxy NGC4776.Comment: Proceedings of the first workshop of astronomy and astrophysics for student

    Photometric structure of the peculiar galaxy ESO 235-G58

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    We present the near-infrared and optical properties of the peculiar galaxy ESO 235-G58, which resembles a late-type ringed barred spiral seen close to face-on. However, the apparent bar of ESO 235-G58 is in reality an edge-on disk galaxy of relatively low luminosity. We have analyzed the light and color distributions of ESO 235-G58 in the NIR and optical bands and compared them with the typical properties observed for other morphological galaxy types, including polar ring galaxies. Similar properties are observed for ESO 235-G58, polar ring galaxies, and spiral galaxies, which leads us to conclude that this peculiar system is a polar-ring-related galaxy, characterized by a low inclined ring/disk structure, as pointed out by Buta & Crocker in an earlier study, rather than a barred galaxy.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Metallicity of the polar disk in NGC4650A: constraints for cold accretion scenario

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    We used high resolution spectra in the optical and near-infrared wavelength range to study the abundance ratios and metallicities of the HII regions associated with the polar disk in NGC4650A, in order to put constraints on the formation of the polar disk through cold gas accretion along a filament; this might be the most realistic way by which galaxies get their gas. We have compared the measured metallicities for the polar structure in NGC4650A with those of different morphological types and we have found that they are similar to those of late-type galaxies: such results is consistent with a polar disk formed by accretion from cosmic web filaments of external cold gas.Comment: Proceeding of the conference "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 200

    Dust and gas in the central region of NGC 1316 (Fornax A) -- Its origin and nature

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    The early-type galaxy NGC 1316 hosts about 10^7 solar masses of dust within a central radius of 5 kpc. These prominent dust structures are believed to have an external origin, which is also a popular interpretation for other dusty early-type galaxies. We use archival Hubble Space Telescope/ACS data to construct colour maps that delineate the dust pattern in detail, and we compare these data with maps constructed with data from MUSE of the VLT at the European Southern Observatory. Twelve MUSE pointings in wide field mode form a mosaic of the central 3.3'x2.4'. We use the tool PyParadise to fit the stellar population. We use the residual emission lines and the residual interstellar absorption NaI D-lines, and we measure line strengths, the velocity field, and the velocity dispersion field. The emission lines resemble LINER lines, with [NII] being the strongest line everywhere. Ionising sources are plausibly the post-asymptotic giant branch stars of the old or intermediate-age stellar population. There is a striking match between the dust structures, ionised gas, and atomic gas distributions, the last of which is manifested by interstellar absorption residuals of the stellar NaI D-lines. In the dust-free regions, the interstellar NaI D-lines appear in emission, which is indicative of a galactic wind. The velocity field of the ionised gas (and thus of the dust) is characterised by small-scale turbulent movements that indicate short lifetimes. At the very centre, a bipolar velocity field of the ionised gas is observed, which we interpret as an outflow. We identify a strongly inclined gaseous dusty disc along the major axis of NGC1316. A straight beam of ionised gas with a length of about 4 kpc emanates from the centre. Our findings are strongly suggestive of a dusty outflow. Nuclear outflows may be important dust-producing machines in galaxies. (Abridged)Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Astron.Astrophy

    Structure of Early-Type Galaxies: 2D Fit of the Light Distribution for a Complete Volume-Limited Sample

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    We outline the results of a two-dimensional (2D) fit of the light distribution of early-type galaxies belonging to a complete volume-limited sample, and briefly discuss the significant correlations among the structural parameters. In particular we reconfirm that the lack of structural homology is likely a characteristic of hot stellar systems.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the Euroconference "the Evolution of Galaxies on Cosmological Timescales" Nov 30th - Dec 5th 1998 Puerto de la Cruz Tenerife, Spai

    The NIR structure of the barred galaxy NGC253 from VISTA

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    [abridged] We used J and Ks band images acquired with the VISTA telescope as part of the science verification to quantify the structures in the stellar disk of the barred Sc galaxy NGC253. Moving outward from the galaxy center, we find a nuclear ring within the bright 1 kpc diameter nucleus, then a bar, a ring with 2.9 kpc radius. From the Ks image we obtain a new measure of the deprojected length of the bar of 2.5 kpc. The bar's strength, as derived from the curvature of the dust lanes in the J-Ks image, is typical of weak bars. From the deprojected length of the bar, we establish the corotation radius (R_CR=3 kpc) and bar pattern speed (Omega_b = 61.3 km /s kpc), which provides the connection between the high-frequency structures in the disk and the orbital resonances induced by the bar. The nuclear ring is located at the inner Lindblad resonance. The second ring does not have a resonant origin, but it could be a merger remnant or a transient structure formed during an intermediate stage of the bar formation. The inferred bar pattern speed places the outer Lindblad resonance within the optical disk at 4.9 kpc, in the same radial range as the peak in the HI surface density. The disk of NGC253 has a down-bending profile with a break at R~9.3 kpc, which corresponds to about 3 times the scale length of the inner disk. We discuss the evidence for a threshold in star formation efficiency as a possible explanation of the steep gradient in the surface brightness profile at large radii. The NIR photometry unveils the dynamical response of the NGC253 stellar disk to its central bar. The formation of the bar may be related to the merger event that determined the truncation of stars and gas at large radii and the perturbation of the disk's outer edge.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrphysics. High resolution pdf file is available at the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4o4cofs1lyjrtpv/NGC253.pd
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