271 research outputs found

    H13^{13}CN-HN13^{13}C intensity ratio as a temperature indicator of interstellar clouds

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    With the 30-m IRAM radio telescope, we observed several massive star forming regions at wavelengths of 3-4 and 2 mm. The temperature of the gas in the sources was estimated from the lines of CH3_{3}CCH and from the transitions of the NH3_3 molecule obtained during observations at the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg. As a result, a correlation between the integrated intensity ratios of the J=10J=1-0 transitions of H13^{13}CN and HN13^{13}C and the kinetic temperature has been obtained. The obtained results allow us to propose the use of the intensity ratio H13^{13}CN-HN13^{13}C as a possible temperature indicator of interstellar clouds. We also compared the obtained estimates of the kinetic temperature with the dust temperature TdustT_{dust}. As a result, no significant correlation was found.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in Astronomy Reports (2022

    Блокчейн для институтов социальной памяти: функциональные преимущества и возможности применения

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    De-centralized storage and the closely-coupled related constancy of loaded data, immunity against hacker attacks, transaction history recording and complete transparency make the blockchain technology attractive not only for developing cryptocurrencies and economic transactions. The author reviews the world experience in applying the technology to various activities of social memory institutions and, in particular, individual programs based on the blockchain. The technology enables to provide control and insurance for pieces of art, to ensure copyright, to prevent illegal copying, to store digital copies and ori- ginal works created in the digital environment, to integrate resources using the key functionality of distributed databases. The possibilities and prospects for Russia are evaluated; the need for regulative foundation to define core functionality and legal liability of blockchain processes is emphasized. The possibility for using the technology for building the single knowledge space as the integrative model of digital museum, archival and library resources is analyzed.Блокчейн, обладая такими техническими особенностями, как децентрализация хранения и тесно связанная с ней неизменяемость внесённых данных, устойчивость к хакерским атакам, сохранение истории транзакций и полная их прозрачность, становится привлекательной площадкой не только для создания криптовалют и осуществления экономических сделок. В статье про-иллюстрирован международный опыт применения технологии в разных аспектах работы институтов социальной памяти, перечислены конкретные программы, построенные на основе блокчейна. Приведены примеры решения проблем: учёта и страхования произведений искусства, вопросов авторского права, не-законного копирования, хранения цифровых копий и оригинальных объектов, созданных в цифровой среде, ресурсной интеграции с использованием основных возможностей распределенной базы данных. Даны оценка возможности применения технологии в России и перспективы её практической реализации; отмечена необходимость проработки нормативной базы для определения основного функционала и правовой ответственности блокчейн-процессов. Рассмотрена возможность применения в рамках построения единого электронного пространства знаний как интегративной модели электронных ресурсов музеев, архивов и библиотек

    Systems Analysis of the Functional Condition Children with Neurosensory Bradyacuasia

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    Purpose: The psycho-physiological features and anthrop-somatic-viceroy parameters in children with neurosensory bradyacuasia (NSB) were investigated.Materials and Methods: It is spent comparative research of boys with НСТ, divided into age subgroups: 7-10 years, 11-13 and 14-16 years. Were executed audio-logic, anthropometrical, physical analyses, psychological testing for revealing of verbal and nonverbal characteristics of intellectual development, it is registered electroencephalogram (EEG) and the evoked potentials.Results: In each group prominent features of the inter-central mutual relations in a brain cortex are revealed. It is established that the condition intra- and inter-hemispheres’ integration and character of spectral density of ranges EEG capacity can represent itself as functional criterion of development NSB. At acquired NSB age-related characteristics of the alpha - rhythm power is not boosted, at inherent - the level of left-side coherent links increases. The decrease of amplitude of visual evoked potential positive components can be connected to failure the hard of hearing children notice function.Summary: The data of the factorial analysis of set anthropometrical, physical and viceroy indicators, parameters of bioelectric activity of a brain, can be diagnostic criteria of anthrop-somatic-viceroy continuum components of a studied pathology

    Treatment of clubfoot in young children with arthrogryposis by Ponseti method: possibilities and perspectives

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    Background. Clubfoot is the most common deformity in arthrogryposis and is characterized by a high degree of rigidity and a tendency to relapse. At present, no consensus exists on the issue of treatment of this pathology. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the possibilities of Ponseti method for the treatment of clubfoot in the younger children with arthrogryposis. Material and methods. The study was based on an analysis of treatment outcomes in 64 children (124 feet) under 3 years. 50 patients (78%) had a congenital multiple arthrogryposis, 14 children (22%) had a distal form of the disease. All the children underwent conservative treatment using Ponseti method. Results. After phased plastering by Ponseti method, the children with congenital multiple arthrogryposis aged under 1 year demonstrated correction of deformity components in 25 (48%) feet and the children from 1 to 3 years in 4 (8.7%) feet. Phased plastering in the children under 1 year with the distal form of the disease resulted in the correction in all 7 (100%) feet. In the patients with a similar form of the disease aged from 1 to 3 years, correction was achieved in 3 (23%) feet. In the cases of incomplete correction of deformity elements, when the possibilities of phased plastering were exhausted, different surgical interventions were performed. However, in neither case the surgery to remove talus was required. Conclusion. Ponseti method is most effective for the treatment of clubfoot in the children of the first year. Application of this method allows for elimination of clubfoot or significant reduction of the volume of subsequent surgery

    Synthesis and characterization of semiconducting carbazole thin films

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    The main goal of this study is characteristics determination of synthesized or-ganic compounds for designing electronic components as organics diodes and transis-tors

    Изменение топографии переднего отрезка глаза и показателей увеосклерального оттока у больных первичной глаукомой при факоэмульсификации катаракты

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    PURPOSE: To identify changes in the parameters of the anterior segment of the eye and uveoscleral outflow indicators in patients with primary glaucoma during cataract phacoemulsification surgery. METHODS: The study included 153 patients (153 eyes) with cataract and primary open-angle glaucoma. All patients were divided into three groups: 51 patients (51 eyes) with cataract without glaucoma (first group), 51 patients (51 eyes) with cataract and the initial stage of primary open-angle glaucoma (second group), 51 patients (51 eyes) with cataract and advanced stages of primary open-angle glaucoma (third group). Before and after surgery patients underwent pneumotonometry, tonography with vacuum compression (unit Glau-Test60) and were examined by means of Pentacam anterior segment analyzer (Oculus). All patients underwent cataract phacoemulsification with implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens. The observation period duration was 6 months. RESULTS: Cataract phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation decreases IOP. More pronounced hypotensive effect can be noted in patients with an advanced stage glaucoma and patients not suffering from glaucoma. Topographic relations of the anterior segment structures undergo more changes after the operation in the eyes of patients with advanced-stage glaucoma. The post-surgical uveoscleral outflow increase in the presence of trabecular outflow block is more expressed in patients with initial stage of glaucoma and in patients without glaucoma. The share of uveoscleral pathway in the intraocular fluid outflow both before and after surgery is prevalent in patients with advanced-stage of glaucoma. CONCLUSION: The hypotensive effect of cataract phacoemulsification in patients with primary glaucoma is due to topographical changes in the structures of the anterior segment of the eye and possibly to increasing uveoscleral outflow of intraocular fluid.ЦЕЛЬ. Выявить топографические изменение параметров переднего отрезка глаза и показателей увеосклерального оттока у пациентов с первичной глаукомой при факоэмульсификации катаракты. МЕТОДЫ. В исследовании приняли участие 153 пациента (153 глаза) с катарактой и первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ). Все пациенты были разделены на три группы: 51 пациент (51 глаз) с катарактой без глаукомы (1-я группа), 51 пациент (51 глаз) с катарактой и начальной стадией ПОУГ (2-я группа), 51 пациент (51 глаз) с катарактой и развитой стадией ПОУГ (3-я группа). До и после операции пациентам проведены бесконтактная пневмотонометрия, электронная тонография с вакуумной компрессией (аппарат Glau-Test60) и обследование на анализаторе переднего отрезка глаза Pentacam (Oculus). Всем пациентам была выполнена факоэмульсификация катаракты с имплантацией эластичной модели заднекамерной интраокулярной линзы. Срок наблюдения составил 6 месяцев. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. При факоэмульсификации катаракты с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы происходит снижение внутриглазного давления (ВГД). Более выражен гипотензивный эффект у больных с глаукомой в развитой стадии заболевания и пациентов, не страдающих глаукомой. Топографические соотношения структур переднего отрезка глаза в большей мере претерпевают изменения после операции в глазах пациентов с развитой стадией глаукомы. Усиление увеосклерального оттока после операции в условиях блокады трабекулярного пути в большей мере отмечается у больных с начальной стадией глаукомы и пациентов, не страдающих этим заболеванием. Доля увеосклерального пути в общем оттоке внутриглазной жидкости из глаза до и после операции преобладает у пациентов с развитой стадией глаукомы. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Гипотензивный эффект факоэмульсификации катаракты у больных первичной глаукомой обусловлен топографическими изменениями структур переднего отрезка глаза и, возможно, усилением увеосклерального оттока внутриглазной жидкости

    Postcovid physical rehabilitation at the sanatorium

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    New coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 with severe complications was wide spread among the world's population and requires not only the improvement of treatment and prevention measures of the disease, but also the effective physical rehabilitation of post-COVID patients in a sanatorium. Research aim: to evaluate the effective-ness of early complex physical rehabilitation of persons with a post-COVID state in the sanatorium. Research materials and methods. The research project was carried out in «Darasun» sanatorium (Zabaikalsky Region, Russia). 33 people participated, including women 52.8±9.2 years old (n=16), men 51.5±9.0 year sold (n=17), who underwent a three-week course of early complex rehabilitation immediately after discharge from a medical institutions. The milestone testing of the functional indicators of the cardiorespiratory system, physical performance was carried out, anthropometric parameters, the level of quality of life and the degree of exercise tolerance were determined. Research results. At the end of the complex health-improving and rehabilitation measures, a positive change in the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems was found in all project participants. Every week there was a positive increase in the level of exercise tolerance in the 6MWD test. At the end of the third week, the number of all participants’ steps increased by 50%, respiratory rate at rest decreased by 20%, blood oxygen saturation increased, blood pressure stabilized and quality of life improved by 52.5% in men and 34.8% in women, the exercise tolerance on the Borg scale became significantly higher. Conclusions. The use of an early comprehensive post-COVID program according to the proposed sanatorium physical rehabilitation protocol reduces the recovery time for people who have had a COVID infection and it is an effective method for returning patients to society

    Возможности магнитно-резонансной томографии в диагностике острого асептического сакроилиита у детей: клинический случай

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    The onset of progressive deficit in multiple sclerosis (MS) was often determined retrospectively with difficulties in diagnostic. This is a case report with subtle MS progression. Clinical and structural MRI anamnesis was complemented with multivoxel 1HMRS examination. The patient complained of the walking distance reducing, gradually increasing spasticity in the distal parts of lower extremities, unsteadiness when walking, clumsy movements. Choline and myoinositol levels were predominantly increased in the area of the cingulate gyrus versus other gray matter regions and the same picture was observed in adjacent white matter. Multivoxel 1H-MRS represents a diagnostic tool that can be very useful in complex diagnostic of MS progression. Measuring chemical-pathological changes diffusely in brain tissues may detect distinctive for progression metabolic patterns.В связи с трудностями диагностики момент начала накопления прогрессирующего дефицита при рассеянном склерозе (РС) часто определяется ретроспективно. Данная статья представляет собой описание клинического случая с труднораспознаваемым прогрессированием рассеянного склероза. Пациент обратился с жалобами на уменьшение дистанции ходьбы, постепенно нарастающая спастичность в дистальных отделах нижних конечностей, шаткость при ходьбе, неловкость движений. Клинический и структурный МРТ-анализ был дополнен мультивоксельной 1Н-МР-спектроскопией (1H-МРС). Уровни холина и миоинозитола были преимущественно повышены в области поясной извилины по сравнению с другими областями серого вещества, такая же картина наблюдалась в прилежащем к поясной извилине белом веществе. Мультивоксельная 1H-МРС представляет собой диагностический инструмент, который может быть очень полезен в комплексной диагностике прогрессирования рассеянного склероза. Диффузное измерение химико-патологических изменений в тканях головного мозга может выявить характерные для прогрессирования метаболические паттерны

    Deuterated Molecules and Temperature in Interstellar Clouds

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    В работе используются спектры и карты DCO+, DCN, DNC и NH2D, полученные на 30-м телескопе IRAM, для изучения процессов обогащения молекулярного газа дейтерием в пяти областях образования массивных звезд. Температура оценивалась по линиям CH3CCH и NH3, полученным при наблюдениях на 100-м радиотелескопе в Эффельсберге, а также по отношению интегральных интенсивностей переходов J = 1 − 0 H13CN и HN13C. Лучевые концентрации молекул были получены в предположении условий отличных от ЛТР. В результате мы обнаружили, что отношения D/H DCO+, DCN и DNC уменьшаются с температурой. Однако мы не обнаружили корреляций отношения D/H для NH2D.We use spectra and maps of DCO+, DCN, DNC and NH2D, obtained with the IRAM 30-m telescope, to study deuteration processes in five massive star forming regions. The temperature was estimated from the lines of CH3CCH and NH3 obtained during observations at the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg, as well as using the integrated intensity ratio of the J = 1−0 transitions of H13CN and HN13C. The column densities of molecules were obtained under the assumption of non-LTE conditions. As a result, we found the D/H ratios of DCO+, DCN and DNC decrease with the temperature. However, we found no correlations of the D/H ratio for NH2D.Работа выполнена при поддержке РНФ (грант 22-22-00809)

    Interrelations of innate and humoral immune indicators with the character of allergic pathology in children from ecologically unfavorable territories

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    The purpose of the study. Evaluation of the clinical course of allergic pathology depending on the concentration of IgA and lysozyme in the blood of children and in relation to the level of toxic load on the body of children living in Nizhny Tagil.Цель исследования. Оценка клинического течения аллергической патологии в зависимости от концентрации IgA и лизоцима в крови детей и во взаимосвязи с уровнем токсической нагрузки на организм детей, проживающих в Нижнем Тагиле