185 research outputs found

    Use of finite difference method for numerical solution of three-dimensional heat transfer fractional differential equation

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    The paper proposes a numerical solution for the mixed problem concerning a three-dimensional heat transfer fractional differential equation, based on the finite difference method. To solve this problem, an explicit difference scheme described in the paper is used. The stability of a proposed difference scheme is proved. The case of homogeneous medium and a square grid is considere

    Dynamics of development of investment processes in Belgorod Region

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    The present paper investigated results of an analysis of dynamics of changes in the investment structure of Belgorod region on the basis of private and integral indices characterizing the dynamics of structural changes. Structural changes in Belgorod region concerning investment capital were different from corresponding calculated figures in the Central Federal Distric. The revealed differences characterized features of the development in the investment processes and indicated changes in priorities of those investing in the economy of this regio

    Multimedia Encyclopaedia as a Means of Teaching

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 08-06-14134

    Marker-assisted breeding of hybrid lines of <i>Triticum dicoccon</i> (Schrank) Schuebl. × <i>Triticum aethiopicum</i> Jakubz. with purple grain

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    Background. Cereals whose grain contains antioxidants salutary for human health are promising for functional nutrition. Anthocyanins inducing purple grain color are antioxidants, and it is crucial to make efforts towards increasing their content in grain.  The objective of this work was to assess the content of anthocyanins in emmer grain and the productivity of breeding lines with purple grain.   Materials and methods. The study included the F9 lines developed by two-step hybridization between purple-colored Ethiopian wheat (Triticum aethiopicum Jakubz. var. arraseita) and emmer (Triticum dicoccon (Schrank) Schuebl.), and those isolated in F2 using marker-based selection for homozygous dominant alleles of two genes. The parent forms of the hybrids were a naked-grain emmer cultivar ‘Gremme’, an awnless emmer accession (k-25516) from the VIR collection, and an accession from the collection of IPK Gatersleben (Ethiopian wheat line TRI 15744), the donor of the purple color. The content of anthocyanins in whole-grain flour was measured in 12 lines, a structural analysis of plants was carried out, and their quantitative characteristics were assessed.   Results. The highest anthocyanin content (82.5 µg per 1 g) was observed in line No. 10 of the 27-3 hybrid. The largest share of threshed naked grains (86.9 ± 7.3 %) was recorded for line No. 6 of the 31-19 hybrid. Line No. 11 of the 27-12 hybrid had the highest test weight (802 ± 13 g/L). Line No. 9 of the 27-1 hybrid showed the best index of grain productivity (389 ± 25 g/m2).   Conclusion. Marker-assisted selection made it possible to identify homozygous dominant alleles of the two complementary interacting genes, Pp3 and Pp-B1, which cause the purple color of the grain pericarp. Breeding lines with purple-colored grain demonstrated different levels of the total anthocyanin content, test weight, and grain yield. The lines with high indices of these traits are valuable for breeding practice

    Dynamics of development of investment processes in the Belgorod region

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    This paper deals with the results of the analysis of the dynamics of changes in the investment structure of the Belgorod region, conducted on the basis of private and integral indicators characterizing the dynamics of structural changes. The structural changes in the Belgorod region concerning investment capital are different from the corresponding figures calculated in the Central Federal District. The revealed differences characterize features of the development of investment processes and indicate a change in the priorities of those investing in the economy of the regio

    Using of New Technologies of Learning Physics in Modern University Education

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    Статья посвящена описанию результатов применения инновационных технологий при обучении физике студентов Уральского государственного экономического университета.The article is devoted to the description of the results of the application of innovative technologies in teaching physics to students of the Ural State University of Economics

    Evaluation of wheat products with high flavonoid content: justification of importance of marker-assisted development and production of flavonoid-rich wheat cultivars

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    In the structure of the global commodity supply in the food market in modern conditions it is necessary to note the emergence of a broad group of new high-tech products, and specialized functional food with high value added. The creation of varieties with a high content of flavonoids (plant compounds that can have a positive effect on human health) is one of the important directions of plant breeding oriented on the functional foods development. Currently, however, there is a significant gap between the well-studied role of flavonoids and the genetic control of their synthesis, on the one hand, and development of the actual product of wheat with new properties, evaluation of the nutritional value of the end-use bakery products for consumption, on the other hand. In the present study we produced and investigated bakery products from wheat synthesizing bioflavonoid pigments anthocyanins in the grain pericarp. The grains of this wheat have dark purple color. Red-grained bread wheat was a control. These two wheat lines have almost similar genomes with the exception of a small part of chromosome 2A, which contains the Pp3/TaMyc1 gene regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis. The use of such an accurate model has allowed relating the observed differences precisely with anthocyanin biosynthesis. The important task was to evaluate the resistance of anthocyanins to the backing process. Therefore anthocyanin content was evaluated not only in the end-use product, but also in mixtures of flour and bran used for baking and separately in the bran. As a result, significant differences were detected in samples obtained from purple grains, compared with the control including the products that had passed a full processing cycle, including baking at elevated temperature. For the extraction of anthocyanins conditions were simulated most similar to those in the process of digestion in the stomach, in order to assess the amount of assimilable anthocyanins. By our estimates one can get up to 1.03 mg of assimilable anthocyanins with 100 g of whole-grained bread produced from anthocyanincolored grains. With 100 g of bran, the body will get up to 3.32 g of anthocyanins. In parallel with the evaluation of the anthocyanins content in all samples, the mass fraction of antioxidants was measured by using the amperometric method. The highest antioxidant capacity was shown for bran, while the least one was demonstrated for flour. Adding bran to the flour as well as the backing process increased the antioxidant capacity of wheat products. The contribution of anthocyanins to increased antioxidant capacity is not significant. It was shown that bread-making quality and organoleptic properties of bakery products made from anthocyanin-colored grains did not concede, or in some cases were higher than the corresponding properties of products obtained from control NIL grains. It was found that the presence of anthocyanin increases the shelf life of bakery products and their resistance to molding in provocative conditions. These results, combined with the known data about the beneficial health effects of anthocyanins, suggest that wheat bakery products made from anthocyanin-rich grains can be included to the list for dietary food. Marker-assisted selection accelerating the creation of new forms of crops with a high level of flavonoids can be proposed as a new direction for the expansion of domestic and export grain market potential due to the new possibilities of obtaining products of increased nutritional value and making a good profit

    Electrocardiographic signs of impaired depolarization (fragmented QRS, early ventricular repolarization, etc.) as markers of left ventricular systolic dysfunction

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    Aim. To study the relationship between a decrease in left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) and conventional electrocardiographic (ECG) signs associated with myocardial structure changes (pathological Q wave, ventricular arrhythmias), and relatively novel and less studied (fragmented QRS (fQRS), early ventricular repolarization (EVR)) and to evaluate their significance for identifying patients with mildly-reduced EF (mrEF).Material and methods. The study included 148 patients who were treated and examined at the Almazov National Medical Research Center. During the ECG analysis, fQRS, EVR, pathological Q wave, and ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) were assessed. Echocardiography data were analyzed. Statistical processing was carried out, including Fisher and chi-squared test, as well as correlation and ROC analysis.Results. Depending on the EF level, patients were divided into three groups: group 1 — patients with reduced EF (rEF) (&lt;40%); group 2 — patients with mrEF (40-49%); group 3 — patients with preserved EF (pEF) (&gt;50%). In the 1st group (with rEF), fQRS was registered in 16 (51,6%) patients, in the 2nd (with mrEF) — in 13 (44,8%), in the 3rd (with EF &gt;50%) — in 16 (18,2%). Pathological Q wave was detected in the 1st group (rEF) in 20 (65%) patients, in the 2nd (mrEF) — in 10 (35%); in the 3rd (pEF) — in 15 (18%) (p&lt;0,001). ROC analysis found that fQRS is more important for identifying patients with mrEF. In the 1st group (rEF), EVR was registered in 2 (6,5%) patients, in the 2nd (pEF) — in 2 (6,9%), in the 3rd (EF&gt;50%) — in 11 (12,5%); the differences were not significant (p=0,5). The relationship of EVR, the number of PVCs and the presence of ventricular tachycardia with EF was not revealed.Conclusion. FQRS is significantly more often observed with a decrease in EF and may be a marker of an mildly-reduced EF. There were no significant correlations between EVR and EF. There was also no relationship between VAs and LV systolic dysfunction

    Anthocyanins as functional food components

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    Among the natural pigments, anthocyanins are assumed to represent one of the most studied groups. Starting with the first studies on the physicochemical properties of anthocyanins carried out in the 17th century by British naturalist Robert Boyle, the science about these unique compounds has progressed substantially. To date, the structure and functions of anthocyanins in plant cells have been well studied, and the pathway of their biosynthesis is one of the most fully characterized pathways of secondary metabolite biosynthesis at both the biochemical and genetic levels. Along with these fundamental achievements, we are beginning to realize the potential of anthocyanins as compounds of industrial importance, as pigments themselves, as well as components of functional food that contribute to the prevention and reduction of risk of chronic diseases. For a long time, the biological activity of anthocyanins has been underestimated, in particular, due to the data on their low bioavailability. However, studies showed that in humans and animals, these compounds are actively metabolized and the bioavailability, estimated taking into account their metabolites, exceeded 12 %. It has been experimentally shown that anthocyanins have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antimutagenic, antidiabetic, anti-cancer, neuroprotective properties, and they are beneficial for eye health. However, the studies conducted cannot always explain the molecular mechanism of action of anthocyanins in the human body. According to some reports, the observed effects are not due to the action of anthocyanins themselves, but to their metabolites, which can be more biologically active because of their increased bioavailability. Other data ascribe the positive effect on human health not to individual anthocyanins, but to the whole complex of polyphenolic compounds consumed. The review summarizes the results of the studies of anthocyanins as components of functional food. Special attention is paid to genetic control of the pigment synthesis. These data are of particular importance in respect to the initiated breeding programs aimed at increasing the content of anthocyanins in cultural plants