2,245 research outputs found

    What’s Driving Food Prices in 2011?

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    Agricultural Finance, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Developing elder leadership for the Princeton Church of God

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    Debt Collection Torts

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    Rlp7p is associated with 60S preribosomes, restricted to the granular component of the nucleolus, and required for pre-rRNA processing

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    Many analyses have examined subnucleolar structures in eukaryotic cells, but the relationship between morphological structures, pre-rRNA processing, and ribosomal particle assembly has remained unclear. Using a visual assay for export of the 60S ribosomal subunit, we isolated a ts-lethal mutation, rix9-1, which causes nucleolar accumulation of an Rpl25p-eGFP reporter construct. The mutation results in a single amino acid substitution (F(176)S) in Rlp7p, an essential nucleolar protein related to ribosomal protein Rpl7p. The rix9-1 (rlp7-1) mutation blocks the late pre-RNA cleavage at site C(2) in ITS2, which separates the precursors to the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs. Consistent with this, synthesis of the mature 5.8S and 25S rRNAs was blocked in the rlp7-1 strain at nonpermissive temperature, whereas 18S rRNA synthesis continued. Moreover, pre-rRNA containing ITS2 accumulates in the nucleolus of rix9-1 cells as revealed by in situ hybridization. Finally, tagged Rlp7p was shown to associate with a pre-60S particle, and fluorescence microscopy and immuno-EM localized Rlp7p to a subregion of the nucleolus, which could be the granular component (GC). All together, these data suggest that pre-rRNA cleavage at site C(2) specifically requires Rlp7p and occurs within pre-60S particles located in the GC region of the nucleolus

    Facilitating research amongst radiographers through information literacy workshops

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    Background Despite a strong research presence in Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (LTHTR), Allied Health Professionals are under-represented in developing and publicising research within the organisation inspired by day to day clinical practice and staff experiences. Two departments within the Trust, Library and Knowledge Services (LKS) and Research and Innovation (R&I), came together to enable a group of staff to develop the knowledge and skills they needed to access information and create new “home grown” research. Case Presentation A clinical librarian and an academic research nurse created a research engagement programme within the diagnostic radiography department at LTHTR, which included the development, delivery, and evaluation of six workshops. Sixteen individuals took part in these workshops, and data were collected on library usage, self-efficacy in information literacy, and research output before and after their delivery. Library membership increased by 50% in diagnostic radiography staff, literature search requests from this department increased by 133%, and all participants who attended at least one workshop reported an increased Information Literacy Self Efficacy Scale (ILSES) score. An increase in research activity and outputs were also attributed to the programme. Conclusions This project has resulted in a set of freely available workshop plans and support resources that can be customized for other healthcare professionals and has won several awards for its innovative use of departmental collaboration. Through our evaluation of the programme from workshop attendees and non-attenders, we have identified impacts, outputs, and barriers to engagement in order to continue to deliver this content to other departments and embed a “home grown” research culture at LTHTR

    Extended Molecular Gas in the Nearby Starburst Galaxy Maffei 2

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    We present a 9'x9' fully-sampled map of the CO J=1-0 emission in the nearby starburst galaxy Maffei 2 obtained at the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory. The map reveals previously known strong CO emission in the central starburst region as well as an extended asymmetric distribution with bright CO lines at the ends of the bar and in a feature at the north-east edge of the molecular disk. This northern feature, proposed previously to be an interacting companion galaxy, could be a dwarf irregular galaxy, although the CO data are also consistent with the feature being simply an extension of one of the spiral arms. We estimate the total molecular gas mass of Maffei 2 to be (1.4-1.7)x10^9 Mo or ~3-4% of its dynamical mass. Adopting the recently determined lower value for the CO-to-H2 conversion factor in the central region, our data lead to the surprising result that the largest concentrations of molecular gas in Maffei 2 lie at the bar ends and in the putative dwarf companion rather than in the central starburst. A gravitational stability analysis reveals that the extended disk of Maffei 2 lies above the critical density for star formation; however, whether the central region is also gravitationally unstable depends both on the details of the rotation curve and the precise value of the CO-to-H2 conversion factor in this region.Comment: accepted to ApJ (Sept 10 2004 issue

    The Psychology of Euthanizing Animals: The Emotional Components

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    The emotional effects of euthanizing unwanted animals on professional animal control personnel are examined using written statements of and discussions among twenty-six euthanasia technicians at a workshop during a national session of the Animal Control Academy (Tuscaloosa, AL]. Emotional conflicts arise .in significant part from the dilemma that the same public which is responsible for the problem of unwanted animals also has a markedly negative perception of euthanasia, and by extension, of those who perform euthanasia. During discussions, the euthanasia technicians revealed a variety of strategies for coping with feelings of isolation, alienation and sorrow. These included intellectualization, avoidance of unnecessary contact with the animals, and belief that the animal is being spared greater suffering. The participants tended to place the burden of guilt attached to destroying healthy animals on irresponsible owners rather than on themselves


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    This paper reports and analyzes the nature, content, and trends exhibited by DSS papers presented at the four major annual or biennial IS/DSS conferences during 1980-1985. (Three of the conferences held their first meeting during this period.) It then compares the findings from this analysis with those obtained with a different database, namely all DSS articles published in 22 professional journals during this same period. Inferences are drawn concerning (1) the perceived roles and benefits of conferences versus those of journals and (2) the apparent state and direction of the DSS field