726 research outputs found

    Microstructural, mechanical and mass transport properties of isotropic and capillary alginate gels

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    Macroscopically homogeneous and inhomogeneous calcium alginate gels are formed via internal or external addition of various amounts of calcium to an alginate solution. The externally formed gels contain parallel aligned capillary structures. The mechanical and mass transport properties and the microstructure of the differently set gels were characterized by rheological measurements, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEM images show a zone of distorted anisotropic gel structure in the vicinity of the capillaries as well as indications of a lower degree of void connectivity. The diffusion rates of dextran at large distances from the capillaries were fast and capillary gels showed a plastic behaviour in comparison to the internally set gels. The results presented show large functional differences between the internally and externally set gels, which cannot be explained by the presence of capillaries alone

    Interacting supernovae and supernova impostors. SN 2007sv: the major eruption of a massive star in UGC 5979

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    We report the results of the photometric and spectroscopic monitoring campaign of the transient SN 2007sv. The observables are similar to those of type IIn supernovae, a well-known class of objects whose ejecta interact with pre-existing circum-stellar material. The spectra show a blue continuum at early phases and prominent Balmer lines in emission, however, the absolute magnitude at the discovery of SN 2007sv (M_R = - 14.25 +/- 0.38) indicate it to be most likely a supernova impostor. This classification is also supported by the lack of evidence in the spectra of very high velocity material as expected in supernova ejecta. In addition we find no unequivocal evidence of broad lines of alpha - and/or Fe-peak elements. The comparison with the absolute light curves of other interacting objects (including type IIn supernovae) highlights the overall similarity with the prototypical impostor SN 1997bs. This supports our claim that SN 2007sv was not a genuine supernova, and was instead a supernova impostor, most likely similar to the major eruption of a luminous blue variable.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    Oxygen vacancies versus fluorine at CeO2(111): a case of mistaken identity?

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    We propose a resolution to the puzzle presented by the surface defects observed with STM at the (111) surface facet of CeO2 single crystals. In the seminal paper of Esch et al. [Science 309, 752 (2005)] they were identified with oxygen vacancies, but the observed behavior of these defects is inconsistent with the results of density functional theory (DFT) studies of oxygen vacancies in the literature. We resolve these inconsistencies via DFT calculations of the properties of both oxygen vacancies and fluorine impurities at CeO2(111), the latter having recently been shown to exist in high concentrations in single crystals from a widely used commercial source of such samples. We find that the simulated filled-state STM images of surface-layer oxygen vacancies and fluorine impurities are essentially identical, which would render problematic their experimental distinction by such images alone. However, we find that our theoretical results for the most stable location, mobility, and tendency to cluster, of fluorine impurities are consistent with experimental observations, in contrast to those for oxygen vacancies. Based on these results, we propose that the surface defects observed in STM experiments on CeO2 single crystals reported heretofore were not oxygen vacancies, but fluorine impurities. Since the similarity of the simulated STM images of the two defects is due primarily to the relative energies of the 2p states of oxygen and fluorine ions, this confusion might also occur for other oxides which have been either doped or contaminated with fluorine

    Real-space local polynomial basis for solid-state electronic-structure calculations: A finite-element approach

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    We present an approach to solid-state electronic-structure calculations based on the finite-element method. In this method, the basis functions are strictly local, piecewise polynomials. Because the basis is composed of polynomials, the method is completely general and its convergence can be controlled systematically. Because the basis functions are strictly local in real space, the method allows for variable resolution in real space; produces sparse, structured matrices, enabling the effective use of iterative solution methods; and is well suited to parallel implementation. The method thus combines the significant advantages of both real-space-grid and basis-oriented approaches and so promises to be particularly well suited for large, accurate ab initio calculations. We develop the theory of our approach in detail, discuss advantages and disadvantages, and report initial results, including the first fully three-dimensional electronic band structures calculated by the method.Comment: replacement: single spaced, included figures, added journal referenc

    Impacts of exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) discharge waters on planktonic biological indicators

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    Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS), operating in open-loop mode, continuously release acidic effluents (scrubber waters) to marine waters. Furthermore, scrubber waters contain high concentrations of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and alkylated PAHs, potentially affecting the plankton in the receiving waters. Toxicity tests evidenced significant impairments in planktonic indicators after acute, early-life stage, and long-term exposures to scrubber water produced by a vessel operating with high sulphur fuel. Acute effects on bacterial bioluminescence (Aliivibrio fischeri), algal growth (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Dunaliella tertiolecta), and copepod survival (Acartia tonsa) were evident at 10 % and 20 % scrubber water, while larval development in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) showed a 50 % reduction at ∼5 % scrubber water. Conversely, larval development and reproductive success of A. tonsa were severely affected at scrubber water concentrations ≤1.1 %, indicating the risk of severe impacts on copepod populations which in turn may result in impairment of the whole food web

    Transformation kinetics of alloys under non-isothermal conditions

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    The overall solid-to-solid phase transformation kinetics under non-isothermal conditions has been modeled by means of a differential equation method. The method requires provisions for expressions of the fraction of the transformed phase in equilibrium condition and the relaxation time for transition as functions of temperature. The thermal history is an input to the model. We have used the method to calculate the time/temperature variation of the volume fraction of the favored phase in the alpha-to-beta transition in a zirconium alloy under heating and cooling, in agreement with experimental results. We also present a formulation that accounts for both additive and non-additive phase transformation processes. Moreover, a method based on the concept of path integral, which considers all the possible paths in thermal histories to reach the final state, is suggested.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. To appear in Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. En

    Esophageal perforation in South of Sweden: Results of surgical treatment in 125 consecutive patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For many years there has been a debate as to which is the method of choice in treating patients with esophageal perforation. The literature consists mainly of small case series. Strategies for aiding patients struck with this disease is changing as new and less traumatic treatment options are developing. We studied a relatively large consecutive material of esophageal perforations in an effort to evaluate prognostic factors, diagnostic efforts and treatment strategy in these patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>125 consecutive patients treated at the University Hospital of Lund from 1970 to 2006 were studied retrospectively. Prognostic factors were evaluated using the Cox proportional hazards model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pre-operative ASA score was the only factor that significantly influenced outcome. Neck incision for cervical perforation (n = 8) and treatment with a covered stent with or without open drainage for a thoracic perforation (n = 6) had the lowest mortality. Esophageal resection (n = 8) had the highest mortality. A CAT scan or an oesophageal X-ray with oral contrast were the most efficient diagnostic tools. The preferred treatment strategy changed over the course of the study period, from a more aggressive surgical approach towards using covered stents to seal the perforation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pre-operative ASA score was the only factor that significantly influenced outcome in this study. Treatment strategies are changing as less traumatic options have become available. Sealing an esophageal perforation with a covered stent, in combination with open or closed drainage when necessary, is a promising treatment strategy.</p

    Contribution to the understanding of tribological properties of graphite intercalation compounds with metal chloride

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    Intrinsic tribological properties of lamellar compounds are usually attributed to the presence of van der Waals gaps in their structure through which interlayer interactions are weak. The controlled variation of the distances and interactions between graphene layers by intercalation of electrophilic species in graphite is used in order to explore more deeply the friction reduction properties of low-dimensional compounds. Three graphite intercalation compounds with antimony pentachloride, iron trichloride and aluminium trichloride are studied. Their tribological properties are correlated to their structural parameters, and the interlayer interactions are deduced from ab initio bands structure calculations
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