416 research outputs found

    Statics and Dynamics of the Wormlike Bundle Model

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    Bundles of filamentous polymers are primary structural components of a broad range of cytoskeletal structures, and their mechanical properties play key roles in cellular functions ranging from locomotion to mechanotransduction and fertilization. We give a detailed derivation of a wormlike bundle model as a generic description for the statics and dynamics of polymer bundles consisting of semiflexible polymers interconnected by crosslinking agents. The elastic degrees of freedom include bending as well as twist deformations of the filaments and shear deformation of the crosslinks. We show that a competition between the elastic properties of the filaments and those of the crosslinks leads to renormalized effective bend and twist rigidities that become mode-number dependent. The strength and character of this dependence is found to vary with bundle architecture, such as the arrangement of filaments in the cross section and pretwist. We discuss two paradigmatic cases of bundle architecture, a uniform arrangement of filaments as found in F-actin bundles and a shell-like architecture as characteristic for microtubules. Each architecture is found to have its own universal ratio of maximal to minimal bending rigidity, independent of the specific type of crosslink induced filament coupling; our predictions are in reasonable agreement with available experimental data for microtubules. Moreover, we analyze the predictions of the wormlike bundle model for experimental observables such as the tangent-tangent correlation function and dynamic response and correlation functions. Finally, we analyze the effect of pretwist (helicity) on the mechanical properties of bundles. We predict that microtubules with different number of protofilaments should have distinct variations in their effective bending rigidity

    Epidemiology of Uromodulin-Associated Kidney Disease – Results from a Nation-Wide Survey

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Uromodulin-associated kidney disease (UAKD) is caused by uromodulin mutations and leads to end-stage renal disease. Our objective was to examine the epidemiology of UAKD. METHODS: Data from all UAKD families in Austria were collected. Patients included in the Austrian Dialysis and Transplantation Registry (OEDTR) with unclear diagnoses or genetic diseases were asked whether they had (1) a family history of kidney disease or (2) had suffered from gout. Patients with gout and autosomal dominant renal disease underwent mutational analysis. Kaplan-Meier and Cox analysis was employed to estimate time to renal failure. RESULTS: Of the 6,210 patients in the OEDTR, 541 were approached with a questionnaire; 353 patients answered the questionnaire. Nineteen of them gave two affirmative answers. In 7 patients, an autosomal dominant renal disease was found; in 1 patient a UMOD mutation was identified. One family was diagnosed through increased awareness as a consequence of the study. At present, 14 UAKD patients from 5 families are living in Austria (1.67 cases per million), and 6 of them require renal replacement therapy (0.73 per 1,000 patients). Progression to renal failure was significantly associated with UMOD genotype. CONCLUSION: UAKD patients can be identified by a simple questionnaire. UMOD genotype may affect disease progression

    The politics of the personal : storying our lives against the grain.

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    This symposium presents a written dialogue of scholars expressing not only excitement but also frustration over the ways in which current work in composition and literacy studies has explored the politics of the personal

    Nanomechanics of microtubules

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    We have determined the mechanical anisotropy of a single microtubule by simultaneously measuring the Young's and the shear moduli in vitro. This was achieved by elastically deforming the microtubule deposited on a substrate tailored by electron-beam lithography with a tip of an atomic force microscope. The shear modulus is 2 orders of magnitude lower than the Young's, giving rise to a length-dependent flexural rigidity of microtubules. The temperature dependence of the microtubule's bending stiffness in the (5-40) degreesC range shows a strong variation upon cooling coming from the increasing interaction between the protofilaments

    Living with interpersonal data: observability and accountability in the age of pervasive ICT

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    The Internet of Things, alongside existing mobile digital technologies, heralds a world in which pervasive sensing constantly captures data about us. Simultaneous with this technology programme are moves by policymakers to shore up the digital economy through the legislating of new trust-building models of data management. These moves seek to give individuals control and oversight of their personal data. Within shared settings, the consequences of these changes are the large-scale generation of interpersonal data generated by and acting on the group rather than individual. We consider how such systems create new forms of observability and hence accountability among members of the home, and draw on the work of Simmel and Goffman to explore how these demands are managed. Such management mitigates the more extreme possibilities for domestic monitoring posited by these systems, yet without careful design there remains a considerable danger of unanticipated negative consequences

    Clubbing masculinities: Gender shifts in gay men's dance floor choreographies

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Journal of Homosexuality, 58(5), 608-625, 2011 [copyright Taylor & Francis], available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00918369.2011.563660This article adopts an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the intersections of gender, sexuality, and dance. It examines the expressions of sexuality among gay males through culturally popular forms of club dancing. Drawing on political and musical history, I outline an account of how gay men's gendered choreographies changed throughout the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Through a notion of “technologies of the body,” I situate these developments in relation to cultural levels of homophobia, exploring how masculine expressions are entangled with and regulated by musical structures. My driving hypothesis is that as perceptions of cultural homophobia decrease, popular choreographies of gay men's dance have become more feminine in expression. Exploring this idea in the context of the first decade of the new millennium, I present a case study of TigerHeat, one of the largest weekly gay dance club events in the United States

    Power law scaling of lateral deformations with universal Poissons index for randomly folded thin sheets

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    We study the lateral deformations of randomly folded elastoplastic and predominantly plastic thin sheets under the uniaxial and radial compressions. We found that the lateral deformations of cylinders folded from elastoplastic sheets of paper obey a power law behavior with the universal Poissons index nu = 0.17 pm 0.01, which does not depend neither the paper kind and sheet sizes, nor the folding confinement ratio. In contrast to this, the lateral deformations of randomly folded predominantly plastic aluminum foils display the linear dependence on the axial compression with the universal Poissons ratio nu_e = 0.33 pm 0.01. This difference is consistent with the difference in fractal topology of randomly folded elastoplastic and predominantly plastic sheets, which is found to belong to different universality classes. The general form of constitutive stress-deformation relations for randomly folded elastoplastic sheets is suggested

    Shear Behaviour of Ligthweight Sandwich Reinforced Concrete Slabs

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    A new lightweight sandwich reinforced concrete (LSRC) section has been developed using prefabricated autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks as infill in the section where concrete is considered ineffective under bending. This paper presents an investigation into the strength and behaviour of LSRC slabs subjected to shear. Eight tests were conducted on four slabs, one solid and three different types of LSRC slabs. Based on the test results, all LSRC slabs exhibited similar behaviour to the equivalent solid slab and had varying shear capacities depending on the profile of AAC blocks infill. The obtained shear capacities were compared with the design values based on several major design codes and found to be within the safety predictions of the codes. ANSYS was employed to develop nonlinear finite element models of LSRC slabs. The numerical results agree well with the experimental one