249 research outputs found

    Investigating the Mechanisms of Hallucinogen-Induced Visions Using 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA): A Randomized Controlled Trial in Humans

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    The mechanisms of drug-induced visions are poorly understood. Very few serotonergic hallucinogens have been studied in humans in decades, despite widespread use of these drugs and potential relevance of their mechanisms to hallucinations occurring in psychiatric and neurological disorders.We investigated the mechanisms of hallucinogen-induced visions by measuring the visual and perceptual effects of the hallucinogenic serotonin 5-HT2AR receptor agonist and monoamine releaser, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. We found that MDA increased self-report measures of mystical-type experience and other hallucinogen-like effects, including reported visual alterations. MDA produced a significant increase in closed-eye visions (CEVs), with considerable individual variation. Magnitude of CEVs after MDA was associated with lower performance on measures of contour integration and object recognition.Drug-induced visions may have greater intensity in people with poor sensory or perceptual processing, suggesting common mechanisms with other hallucinatory syndromes. MDA is a potential tool to investigate mystical experiences and visual perception

    Response of phytoplankton to enhanced atmospheric and riverine nutrient inputs in a coastal upwelling embayment

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    Original research paperOver the past decades, as a consequence of human activity, there was an increase in nutrient inputs to the ocean and they are expected to enhance even more in the future. Coastal areas, accounting for a significant proportion of marine primary productivity, are the most vulnerable zones to anthropogenic impacts. The response of phytoplankton communities to an increase in organic and inorganic nutrients levels from natural allochthonous sources was assessed in microcosm experiments conducted in a coastal system affected by intermittent upwelling events (Ría de Vigo, NW Iberia). Three nutrient addition experiments were performed in spring, summer and autumn, when surface water was supplemented with 5 and 10% of atmospheric and riverine matter. Pico-, nano- and microphytoplankton abundances, chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a) and primary production rates (PP) were measured and compared with those in the control seawater sample (without additions) after 48 h of incubation. Simultaneous experiments with controlled additions of inorganic and organic nutrients were also performed in order to describe the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth at each experiment. The composition of the matter inputs and the structure of the phytoplankton communities determined the type of response observed. Phytoplankton responses varied among seasons, being positively correlated with dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations. As expected, the phytoplankton responses to external nutrient inputs were stronger under low nutrient levels (summer) than when phytoplankton was already growing in nutrient replete conditions (spring). Null and negative responses to the natural inputs were observed in autumn, which suggests that the oceanic phytoplankton advected to this coastal system during downwelling events could be occasionally inhibited by these nutrient inputs. In a future global change scenario, characterized by enhanced nutrient inputs from riverine and atmospheric origin, the response of phytoplankton communities will strongly depend on the concentration and chemical composition of these inputs and on the structure of phytoplankton communities able to respond to themSpanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project REIMAGE CTM2011-30155); Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness (project iSmall, reference CTM2014-56119-R); Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (reference SFRH/BPD/188485/2015); ESF (reference JAE DOC 040) and MINECO (project FERMIO reference CTM2014-57334-JIN)Versión del edito

    Causal structures and causal boundaries

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    We give an up-to-date perspective with a general overview of the theory of causal properties, the derived causal structures, their classification and applications, and the definition and construction of causal boundaries and of causal symmetries, mostly for Lorentzian manifolds but also in more abstract settings.Comment: Final version. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The Cauchy problem on a characteristic cone for the Einstein equations in arbitrary dimensions

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    We derive explicit formulae for a set of constraints for the Einstein equations on a null hypersurface, in arbitrary dimensions. We solve these constraints and show that they provide necessary and sufficient conditions so that a spacetime solution of the Cauchy problem on a characteristic cone for the hyperbolic system of the reduced Einstein equations in wave-map gauge also satisfies the full Einstein equations. We prove a geometric uniqueness theorem for this Cauchy problem in the vacuum case.Comment: 83 pages, 1 figur

    First Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Recoils from the XENONnT Experiment

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    We report on the first search for nuclear recoils from dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with the XENONnT experiment, which is based on a two-phase time projection chamber with a sensitive liquid xenon mass of 5.9 ton. During the (1.09±0.03)  ton yr exposure used for this search, the intrinsic 85Kr and 222Rn concentrations in the liquid target are reduced to unprecedentedly low levels, giving an electronic recoil background rate of (15.8±1.3)  events/ton yr keV in the region of interest. A blind analysis of nuclear recoil events with energies between 3.3 and 60.5 keV finds no significant excess. This leads to a minimum upper limit on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section of 2.58×1047^{−47}  cm2^2 for a WIMP mass of 28  GeV/c2^2 at 90% confidence level. Limits for spin-dependent interactions are also provided. Both the limit and the sensitivity for the full range of WIMP masses analyzed here improve on previous results obtained with the XENON1T experiment for the same exposure

    Search for events in XENON1T associated with gravitational waves

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    We perform a blind search for particle signals in the XENON1T dark matter detector that occur close in time to gravitational-wave signals in the LIGO and Virgo observatories. No particle signal is observed in the nuclear recoil and electronic recoil channels within ±500 seconds of observations of the gravitational-wave signals GW170104, GW170729, GW170817, GW170818, and GW170823. We use this null result to constrain monoenergetic neutrinos and axion-like particles emitted in the closest coalescence GW170817, a binary neutron star merger. We set new upper limits on the fluence (time-integrated flux) of coincident neutrinos down to 17 keV at the 90% confidence level. Furthermore, we constrain the product of the coincident fluence and cross section of axion-like particles to be less than 10−29  cm2/cm2 in the [5.5–210] keV energy range at the 90% confidence level

    Radiation Campaign of HPK Prototype LGAD sensors for the High-Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD)

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    We report on the results of a radiation campaign with neutrons and protons of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) produced by Hamamatsu (HPK) as prototypes for the High-Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) in ATLAS. Sensors with an active thickness of 50~μ\mum were irradiated in steps of roughly 2×\times up to a fluence of 3×1015 neqcm23\times10^{15}~\mathrm{n_{eq}cm^{-2}}. As a function of the fluence, the collected charge and time resolution of the irradiated sensors will be reported for operation at 30-30^{\circ}

    An approximate likelihood for nuclear recoil searches with XENON1T data

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    The XENON collaboration has published stringent limits on specific dark matter – nucleon recoil spectra from dark matter recoiling on the liquid xenon detector target. In this paper, we present an approximate likelihood for the XENON1T 1 t-year nuclear recoil search applicable to any nuclear recoil spectrum. Alongside this paper, we publish data and code to compute upper limits using the method we present. The approximate likelihood is constructed in bins of reconstructed energy, profiled along the signal expectation in each bin. This approach can be used to compute an approximate likelihood and therefore most statistical results for any nuclear recoil spectrum. Computing approximate results with this method is approximately three orders of magnitude faster than the likelihood used in the original publications of XENON1T, where limits were set for specific families of recoil spectra. Using this same method, we include toy Monte Carlo simulation-derived binwise likelihoods for the upcoming XENONnT experiment that can similarly be used to assess the sensitivity to arbitrary nuclear recoil signatures in its eventual 20 t-year exposure

    The triggerless data acquisition system of the XENONnT experiment

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    The XENONnT detector uses the latest and largest liquid xenon-based time projection chamber (TPC) operated by the XENON Collaboration, aimed at detecting Weakly Interacting Massive Particles and conducting other rare event searches. The XENONnT data acquisition (DAQ) system constitutes an upgraded and expanded version of the XENON1T DAQ system. For its operation, it relies predominantly on commercially available hardware accompanied by open-source and custom-developed software. The three constituent subsystems of the XENONnT detector, the TPC (main detector), muon veto, and the newly introduced neutron veto, are integrated into a single DAQ, and can be operated both independently and as a unified system. In total, the DAQ digitizes the signals of 698 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), of which 253 from the top PMT array of the TPC are digitized twice, at ×10 and ×0.5 gain. The DAQ for the most part is a triggerless system, reading out and storing every signal that exceeds the digitization thresholds. Custom-developed software is used to process the acquired data, making it available within ∼30 s for live data quality monitoring and online analyses. The entire system with all the three subsystems was successfully commissioned and has been operating continuously, comfortably withstanding readout rates that exceed ∼500 MB/s during calibration. Livetime during normal operation exceeds 99% and is ∼90% during most high-rate calibrations. The combined DAQ system has collected more than 2 PB of both calibration and science data during the commissioning of XENONnT and the first science run

    Searching for Heavy Dark Matter near the Planck Mass with XENON1T

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    Multiple viable theoretical models predict heavy dark matter particles with a mass close to the Planck mass, a range relatively unexplored by current experimental measurements. We use 219.4 days of data collected with the XENON1T experiment to conduct a blind search for signals from multiply interacting massive particles (MIMPs). Their unique track signature allows a targeted analysis with only 0.05 expected background events from muons. Following unblinding, we observe no signal candidate events. This Letter places strong constraints on spin-independent interactions of dark matter particles with a mass between 1×1012^{12} and 2×1017^{17}  GeV/c2^{2}. In addition, we present the first exclusion limits on spin-dependent MIMP-neutron and MIMP-proton cross sections for dark matter particles with masses close to the Planck scale