65 research outputs found

    New perspectives on the molecular basis of the interaction between oxygen homeostasis and iron metabolism

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    Oxygen and iron are two elements closely related from a (bio)chemical point of view. Moreover, they share the characteristic of being indispensable for life, while also being potentially toxic. Therefore, their level is strictly monitored, and sophisticated pathways have evolved to face variations in either element. In addition, the expression of proteins involved in iron and oxygen metabolism is mainly controlled by a complex interplay of proteins that sense both iron levels and oxygen availability (ie, prolyl hydroxylases, hypoxia inducible factors, and iron regulatory proteins), and in turn activate feedback mechanisms to re-establish homeostasis. In this review, we describe how cells and organisms utilize these intricate networks to regulate responses to changes in oxygen and iron levels. We also explore the role of these pathways in some pathophysiological settings

    Ironing out Macrophage Immunometabolism

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    Over the last decade, increasing evidence has reinforced the key role of metabolic reprogramming in macrophage activation. In addition to supporting the specific immune response of different subsets of macrophages, intracellular metabolic pathways also directly control the specialized effector functions of immune cells. In this context, iron metabolism has been recognized as an important component of macrophage plasticity. Since macrophages control the availability of this essential metal, changes in the expression of genes coding for the major proteins of iron metabolism may result in different iron availability for the macrophage itself and for other cells in the microenvironment. In this review, we discuss how macrophage iron can also play a role in immunometabolism

    Dual Role of ROS as Signal and Stress Agents : Iron Tips the Balance in favor of Toxic Effects

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    Iron is essential for life, while also being potentially harmful. Therefore, its level is strictly monitored and complex pathways have evolved to keep iron safely bound to transport or storage proteins, thereby maintaining homeostasis at the cellular and systemic levels. These sequestration mechanisms ensure that mildly reactive oxygen species like anion superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, which are continuously generated in cells living under aerobic conditions, keep their physiologic role in cell signaling while escaping iron-catalyzed transformation in the highly toxic hydroxyl radical. In this review, we describe the multifaceted systems regulating cellular and body iron homeostasis and discuss how altered iron balance may lead to oxidative damage in some pathophysiological settings

    Macrophages : central regulators of iron balance

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    Macrophages are important to immune function and also actively participate in iron homeostasis. The involvement of splenic and liver macrophages in the processing of effete erythrocytes and the subsequent return of iron to the circulation is well established, and the molecular details of iron recycling have been characterized recently. Another important aspect regarding iron handling by macrophages is their capacity to act as immune cells, which involves the inflammatory response, as well as other pathological conditions in which macrophages are central. This review discusses the latest advances in macrophage iron trafficking and the pathophysiological consequences of altered iron homeostasis in these cells

    Iron-induced damage in cardiomyopathy: oxidative-dependent and independent mechanisms

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    The high incidence of cardiomyopathy in patients with hemosiderosis, particularly in transfusional iron overload, strongly indicates that iron accumulation in the heart plays a major role in the process leading to heart failure. In this context, iron-mediated generation of noxious reactive oxygen species is believed to be the most important pathogenetic mechanism determining cardiomyocyte damage, the initiating event of a pathologic progression involving apoptosis, fibrosis, and ultimately cardiac dysfunction. However, recent findings suggest that additional mechanisms involving subcellular organelles and inflammatory mediators are important factors in the development of this disease. Moreover, excess iron can amplify the cardiotoxic effect of other agents or events. Finally, subcellular misdistribution of iron within cardiomyocytes may represent an additional pathway leading to cardiac injury. Recent advances in imaging techniques and chelators development remarkably improved cardiac iron overload detection and treatment, respectively. However, increased understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of iron overload cardiomyopathy is needed to pave the way for the development of improved therapeutic strategies

    Macrophage ferroportin is essential for stromal cell proliferation in wound healing

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    Iron recycling by macrophages is essential for erythropoiesis, but may be also relevant for iron redistribution to neighbouring cells at the local tissue level. Using mice with iron retention in macrophages due to targeted inactivation of the iron exporter ferroportin, we investigated the role of macrophage iron release in hair follicle cycling and wound healing, a complex process leading to major clinical problems, if impaired. Genetic deletion of ferroportin in macrophages resulted in iron deficiency and decreased proliferation in epithelial cells, which consequently impaired hair follicle growth and caused transient alopecia. Hair loss was not related to systemic iron deficiency or anemia, thus indicating the necessity of local iron release from macrophages. Inactivation of macrophage ferroportin also led to delayed skin wound healing with defective granulation tissue formation and diminished fibroplasia. Iron retention in macrophages had no impact on the inflammatory processes accompanying wound healing, but affected stromal cells proliferation, blood and lymphatic vessels formation, and fibrogenesis. Our findings reveal that iron/ferroportin plays a largely underestimated role in the macrophage trophic function in skin homeostasis and repair

    Induction of erythroferrone in healthy humans by micro-dose recombinant erythropoietin or high-altitude exposure

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    The erythropoietin (Epo)-erythroferrone (ERFE)-hepcidin axis coordinates erythropoiesis and iron homeostasis. While mouse studies have established that Epo-induced ERFE production represses hepcidin synthesis by inhibiting hepatic BMP/SMAD signaling, evidence for the role of ERFE in humans is limited. To investigate the role of ERFE as a physiological erythroid regulator in humans, we conducted two studies: first, 24 males received six injections of saline (placebo), recombinant Epo (rhEpo) 20 UI kg-1 (micro-dose) or 50 UI kg-1 (low-dose). Second, we quantified ERFE in 22 subjects exposed to high altitude (3800 m) for 15 hours. In the first study, total hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) increased after low- but not after micro-dose injections, when compared to placebo. Serum ERFE levels were enhanced by rhEpo, remaining higher than after placebo for 48 (micro-dose) or 72 hours (low-dose) post-injections. Conversely, hepcidin levels decreased when Epo and ERFE arose, before any changes in serum iron parameters occurred. In the second study, serum Epo and ERFE increased at high altitude. The present results demonstrate that in healthy humans ERFE responds to slightly increased Epo levels not associated with Hbmass expansion and down-regulates hepcidin in an apparently iron-independent way. Notably, ERFE flags micro-dose Epo, thus holding promise as novel anti-doping biomarker

    Low oxygen tension primes aortic endothelial cells to the reparative effect of tissue-protective cytokines

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) has both erythropoietic and tissue-protective properties. The EPO analogues carbamylated EPO (CEPO) and pyroglutamate helix B surface peptide (pHBSP) lack the erythropoietic activity of EPO but retain the tissue-protective properties that are mediated by a heterocomplex of EPO receptor (EPOR) and the β common receptor (βCR). We studied the action of EPO and its analogues in a model of wound healing where a bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) monolayer was scratched and the scratch closure was assessed over 24 h under different oxygen concentrations. We related the effects of EPO and its analogues on repair to their effect on BAECs proliferation and migration (evaluated using a micro-Boyden chamber). EPO, CEPO and pHBSP enhanced scratch closure only at lower oxygen (5%), while their effect at atmospheric oxygen (21%) was not significant. The mRNA expression of EPOR was doubled in 5% compared to 21% oxygen, and this was associated with increased EPOR assessed by immunofluorescence and Western blot. By contrast βCR mRNA levels were similar in 5% and 21% oxygen. EPO and its analogues increased both BAECs proliferation and migration, suggesting that both may be involved in the reparative process. The priming effect of low oxygen tension on the action of tissue-protective cytokines may be of relevance to vascular disease, including atherogenesis and restenosis

    Dysregulation of Iron Metabolism in Cholangiocarcinoma Stem-like Cells

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a devastating liver tumour arising from malignant transformation of bile duct epithelial cells. Cancer stem cells (CSC) are a subset of tumour cells endowed with stem-like properties, which play a role in tumour initiation, recurrence and metastasis. In appropriate conditions, CSC form 3D spheres (SPH), which retain stem-like tumour-initiating features. Here, we found different expression of iron proteins indicating increased iron content, oxidative stress and higher expression of CSC markers in CCA-SPH compared to tumour cells growing as monolayers. Exposure to the iron chelator desferrioxamine decreased SPH forming efficiency and the expression of CSC markers and stem-like genes, whereas iron had an opposite effect. Microarray profiles in CCA samples (n = 104) showed decreased H ferritin, hepcidin and ferroportin expression in tumours respect to surrounding liver, whereas transferrin receptor was up-regulated. Moreover, we found a trend toward poorer outcome in CCA patients with elevated expression of ferritin and hepcidin, two major proteins of iron metabolism. These findings, which represent the first evidence of a role for iron in the stem cell compartment as a novel metabolic factor involved in CCA growth, may have implications for a better therapeutic approach
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