647 research outputs found

    Chaos in Quantum Dots: Dynamical Modulation of Coulomb Blockade Peak Heights

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    The electrostatic energy of an additional electron on a conducting grain blocks the flow of current through the grain, an effect known as the Coulomb blockade. Current can flow only if two charge states of the grain have the same energy; in this case the conductance has a peak. In a small grain with quantized electron states, referred to as a quantum dot, the magnitude of the conductance peak is directly related to the magnitude of the wavefunction near the contacts to the dot. Since dots are generally irregular in shape, the dynamics of the electrons is chaotic, and the characteristics of Coulomb blockade peaks reflects those of wavefunctions in chaotic systems. Previously, a statistical theory for the peaks was derived by assuming these wavefunctions to be completely random. Here we show that the specific internal dynamics of the dot, even though it is chaotic, modulates the peaks: because all systems have short-time features, chaos is not equivalent to randomness. Semiclassical results are derived for both chaotic and integrable dots, which are surprisingly similar, and compared to numerical calculations. We argue that this modulation, though unappreciated, has already been seen in experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figs included (2 color), uses epsf.st

    Targeting the choroid plexus-CSF-brain nexus using peptides identified by phage display.

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    Drug delivery to the central nervous system requires the use of specific portals to enable drug entry into the brain and, as such, there is a growing need to identify processes that can enable drug transfer across both blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers. Phage display is a powerful combinatorial technique that identifies specific peptides that can confer new activities to inactive particles. Identification of these peptides is directly dependent on the specific screening strategies used for their selection and retrieval. This chapter describes three selection strategies, which can be used to identify peptides that target the choroid plexus (CP) directly or for drug translocation across the CP and into cerebrospinal fluid

    Targeting choroid plexus epithelia and ventricular ependyma for drug delivery to the central nervous system

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    Background: Because the choroid plexus (CP) is uniquely suited to control the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), there may be therapeutic benefits to increasing the levels of biologically active proteins in CSF to modulate central nervous system (CNS) functions. To this end, we sought to identify peptides capable of ligand-mediated targeting to CP epithelial cells reasoning that they could be exploited to deliver drugs, biotherapeutics and genes to the CNS.Methods: A peptide library displayed on M13 bacteriophage was screened for ligands capable of internalizing into CP epithelial cells by incubating phage with CP explants for 2 hours at 37C and recovering particles with targeting capacity.Results: Three peptides, identified after four rounds of screening, were analyzed for specific and dose dependant binding and internalization. Binding was deemed specific because internalization was prevented by co-incubation with cognate synthetic peptides. Furthermore, after i.c.v. injection into rat brains, each peptide was found to target phage to epithelial cells in CP and to ependyma lining the ventricles.Conclusion: These data demonstrate that ligand-mediated targeting can be used as a strategy for drug delivery to the central nervous system and opens the possibility of using the choroid plexus as a portal of entry into the brain

    Wigner Crystallization in a Quasi-3D Electronic System

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    When a strong magnetic field is applied perpendicularly (along z) to a sheet confining electrons to two dimensions (x-y), highly correlated states emerge as a result of the interplay between electron-electron interactions, confinement and disorder. These so-called fractional quantum Hall (FQH) liquids form a series of states which ultimately give way to a periodic electron solid that crystallizes at high magnetic fields. This quantum phase of electrons has been identified previously as a disorder-pinned two-dimensional Wigner crystal with broken translational symmetry in the x-y plane. Here, we report our discovery of a new insulating quantum phase of electrons when a very high magnetic field, up to 45T, is applied in a geometry parallel (y-direction) to the two-dimensional electron sheet. Our data point towards this new quantum phase being an electron solid in a "quasi-3D" configuration induced by orbital coupling with the parallel field

    Towards an Explanation of the Mesoscopic Double-Slit Experiment: a new model for charging of a Quantum Dot

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    For a quantum dot (QD) in the intermediate regime between integrable and fully chaotic, the widths of single-particle levels naturally differ by orders of magnitude. In particular, the width of one strongly coupled level may be larger than the spacing between other, very narrow, levels. In this case many consecutive Coulomb blockade peaks are due to occupation of the same broad level. Between the peaks the electron jumps from this level to one of the narrow levels and the transmission through the dot at the next resonance essentially repeats that at the previous one. This offers a natural explanation to the recently observed behavior of the transmission phase in an interferometer with a QD.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Journal versio

    Semiclassical Theory of Coulomb Blockade Peak Heights in Chaotic Quantum Dots

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    We develop a semiclassical theory of Coulomb blockade peak heights in chaotic quantum dots. Using Berry's conjecture, we calculate the peak height distributions and the correlation functions. We demonstrate that the corrections to the corresponding results of the standard statistical theory are non-universal and can be expressed in terms of the classical periodic orbits of the dot that are well coupled to the leads. The main effect is an oscillatory dependence of the peak heights on any parameter which is varied; it is substantial for both symmetric and asymmetric lead placement. Surprisingly, these dynamical effects do not influence the full distribution of peak heights, but are clearly seen in the correlation function or power spectrum. For non-zero temperature, the correlation function obtained theoretically is in good agreement with that measured experimentally.Comment: 5 color eps figure

    The Addition Spectrum and Koopmans' Theorem for Disordered Quantum Dots

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    We investigate the addition spectrum of disordered quantum dots containing spinless interacting fermions using the self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation. We concentrate on the regime r_s >~1, with finite dimensionless conductance g. We find that in this approximation the peak spacing fluctuations do not scale with the mean single particle level spacing for either Coulomb or nearest neighbour interactions when r_s >~1. We also show that Koopmans' approximation to the addition spectrum can lead to errors that are of order the mean level spacing or larger, both in the mean addition spectrum peak spacings, and in the peak spacing fluctuations.Comment: 35 pages including 22 figures (eps

    Density Modulations and Addition Spectra of Interacting Electrons in Disordered Quantum Dots

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    We analyse the ground state of spinless fermions on a lattice in a weakly disordered potential, interacting via a nearest neighbour interaction, by applying the self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation. We find that charge density modulations emerge progressively when r_s >1, even away from half-filling, with only short-range density correlations. Classical geometry dependent "magic numbers" can show up in the addition spectrum which are remarkably robust against quantum fluctuations and disorder averaging.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure
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