392 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium-avium -Pneumonie bei HIV-negativem Patienten

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    Zusammenfassung: Ein 79-jähriger Patient mit kurativ behandeltem Lungenkarzinom wurde wegen Fieber, Atemnot und Husten zugewiesen. Eine Antibiotikatherapie zur Pneumoniebehandlung brachte keine Besserung, und radiologisch war die Pneumonie progredient. Ein Erreger konnte nicht gefunden werden. Erst unter einer Steroidtherapie bei vermuteter kryptogener Pneumonitis normalisierten sich die Entzündungszeichen und die Symptomatik war rückläufig. Nach 3-wöchiger Kultivierung konnten im Eintrittssputum Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) gefunden und eine MAC-Pneumonie diagnostiziert werde

    Psychotherapy Works - An Inclusive and Affirming View to a Modern Mental Health Treatment.

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    Psychotherapy is a highly collaborative and individualized mental health practice developed in (post-) modern societies. The mental health outcomes of psychotherapy cover a broad range of psychological factors including the reduction of suffering/symptoms as well as the promotion of well-being, personal values, and personal strengths. There is extensive meta-analytic evidence that legitimate psychotherapy works remarkably well and robustly for most common mental disorders. In addition, there is a large body of meta-analytic evidence supporting the potential relevance of transdiagnostic relationship principles and transtheoretical psychotherapy factors. Based on this ongoing empirical evidence, we propose four relevant implications for future training and practice in transdiagnostic psychotherapy: 1) the development of a transtheoretical legal framework for psychotherapeutic treatments, 2) the formulation of evidence-based transtheoretical interpersonal skills, 3) an orientation toward transtheoretical therapeutic factors, and 4) the exploration of comprehensive psychotherapy outcomes. We conclude with some more general guidance for future directions

    Galactic Abundances: Report of Working Group 3

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    We summarize the various methods and their limitations and strengths to derive galactic abundances from in-situ and remote-sensing measurements, both from ground-based observations and from instruments in space. Because galactic abundances evolve in time and space it is important to obtain information with a variety of different methods covering different regions from the Very Local Insterstellar Medium (VLISM) to the distant galaxy, and different times throughout the evolution of the galaxy. We discuss the study of the present-day VLISM with neutral gas, pickup ions, and Anomalous Cosmic Rays, the study of the local interstellar medium (ISM) at distances <1.5 kpc utilizing absorption line measurements in H I clouds, and the study of galactic cosmic rays, sampling contemporary (~15 Myr) sources in the local ISM within a few kiloparsec of the solar system. Solar system abundances, derived from solar abundances and meteorite studies are discussed in several other chapters of this volume. They provide samples of matter from the ISM from the time of solar system format ion, about 4.5 Gyr ago. The evolution of galactic abundances on longer time scales is discussed in the context of nuclear synthesis in the various contributing stellar objects

    Directed growth and fusion of membrane-wall microdomains requires CASP-mediated inhibition and displacement of secretory foci.

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    Casparian strips (CS) are aligned bands of lignin-impregnated cell walls, building an extracellular diffusion barrier in roots. Their structure profoundly differs from tight junctions (TJ), analogous structures in animals. Nonetheless, CS membrane domain (CSD) proteins 1-5 (CASP1-5) are homologues of occludins, TJ components. CASP-marked membranes display cell wall (matrix) adhesion and membrane protein exclusion. A full CASP knock-out now reveals CASPs are not needed for localized lignification, since correctly positioned lignin microdomains still form in the mutant. Ultra-structurally, however, these microdomains are disorganized, showing excessive cell wall growth, lack of exclusion zone and matrix adhesion, and impaired exocyst dynamics. Proximity-labelling identifies a Rab-GTPase subfamily, known exocyst activators, as potential CASP-interactors and demonstrate their localization and function at the CSD. We propose that CASP microdomains displace initial secretory foci by excluding vesicle tethering factors, thereby ensuring rapid fusion of microdomains into a membrane-cell wall band that seals the extracellular space

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapies for emotional disorders

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    Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural psychotherapy (TD-CBT) may facilitate the treatment of emotional disorders. Here we investigate short- and long-term efficacy of TD-CBT for emotional disorders in individual, group and internet-based settings in randomized controlled trials (PROSPERO CRD42019141512). Two independent reviewers screened results from PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Google Scholar, medRxiv and OSF Preprints published between January 2000 and June 2023, selected studies for inclusion, extracted data and evaluated risk of bias (Cochrane risk-of-bias tool 2.0). Absolute efficacy from pre- to posttreatment and relative efficacy between TD-CBT and control treatments were investigated with random-effects models. Of 56 identified studies, 53 (6,705 participants) were included in the meta-analysis. TD-CBT had larger effects on depression (g = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.57–0.92, P < 0.001) and anxiety (g = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.56–0.97, P < 0.001) than did controls. Across treatment formats, TD-CBT was superior to waitlist and treatment-as-usual. TD-CBT showed comparable effects to disorder-specific CBT and was superior to other active treatments for depression but not for anxiety. Different treatment formats showed comparable effects. TD-CBT was superior to controls at 3, 6 and 12 months but not at 24 months follow-up. Studies were heterogeneous in design and methodological quality. This review and meta-analysis strengthens the evidence for TD-CBT as an efficacious treatment for emotional disorders in different settings

    Device grade microcrystalline silicon owing to reduced oxygen contamination

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    As-deposited undoped microcrystalline silicon (µc-Si:H) has in general a pronounced n-type behavior. Such a material is therefore often not appropriate for use in devices, such as p-i-n diodes, as an active, absorbing i layer or as channel material for thin-film transistors. In recent work, on p-i-n solar cells, this disturbing n-type character had been successfully compensated by the ``microdoping'' technique. In the present letter, it is shown that this n-type behavior is mainly linked to oxygen impurities; therefore, one can replace the technologically delicate microdoping technique by a purification method, that is much easier to handle. This results in a reduction of oxygen impurities by two orders of magnitude; it has, furthermore a pronounced impact on the electrical properties of µc-Si:H films and on device performance, as well. Additionally, these results prove that the unwanted donor-like states within µc-Si:H are mainly due to extrinsic impurities and not to structural native defects

    Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events at aircraft altitudes

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    Dose assessment procedures for cosmic radiation exposure of aircraft crew have been introduced in most European countries in accordance with the corresponding European directive and national regulations. However, the radiation exposure due to solar particle events is still a matter of scientific research. Here we describe the European research project CONRAD, WP6, Subgroup-B, about the current status of available solar storm measurements and existing models for dose estimation at flight altitudes during solar particle events leading to ground level enhancement (GLE). Three models for the numerical dose estimation during GLEs are discussed. Some of the models agree with limited experimental data reasonably well. Analysis of GLEs during geomagnetically disturbed conditions is still complex and time consuming. Currently available solar particle event models can disagree with each other by an order of magnitude. Further research and verification by on-board measurements is still neede

    Sociodemographic and clinical predictors of depression in children and adolescents: results of a two-year follow-up study

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    Depressive disorders are a main cause of disability-adjusted life years already in children and adolescents, in whom the clinical picture somewhat differs from adult-onset depression. Thus, we studied sociodemographic and clinical predictors of depression/dysthymia in a sample of minors. Our baseline sample (N=676) included patients at clinical high-risk for psychosis (CHR-P, n=183), inpatients admitted for non-psychotic, non-affective disorders (n=277), and community participants (n=216) of age 7.0 to 17.9 years (43.8% male). They were assessed by clinical psychologists for mental disorders and symptoms with various clinical interviews including the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents, which was also used to assess depression/dysthymia in the CHR-P group at 1- and 2-year-follow up (n=117 and 73, respectively). Analyses followed a stepwise procedure at baseline with stepwise logistic regression analyses to identify the final baseline model that was tested in the follow-up samples. The final cross-sectional model included nationality and 13 clinical variables Mild depressive symptoms in particular played a decisive role here. Variables contributing significantly to the prediction varied over time, indicating that CAD depression/dysthymia may require different predictors depending on the follow-up time. Furthermore, the prospective accuracy of ruling out depression/dysthymia was superior to the accuracy of ruling it in. This lower positive likelihood ratio might be overcome in future by stepwise approaches that further stratify risk in those initially identified as at increased risk of depression/dysthymia