320 research outputs found

    Synaptotagmin 1 oligomers clamp and regulate different modes of neurotransmitter release

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    Release of neurotransmitters relies on submillisecond coupling of synaptic vesicle fusion to the triggering signal: AP-evoked presynaptic Ca2+ influx. The key player that controls exocytosis of the synaptic vesicle is the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin 1 (Syt1). While the Ca2+ activation of Syt1 has been extensively characterized, how Syt1 reversibly clamps vesicular fusion remains enigmatic. Here, using a targeted mutation combined with fluorescence imaging and electrophysiology, we show that the structural feature of Syt1 to self-oligomerize provides the molecular basis for clamping of spontaneous and asynchronous release but is not required for triggering of synchronous release. Our findings propose a mechanistic model that explains how Syt1 oligomers regulate different modes of transmitter release in neuronal synapses

    Democratization in a passive dendritic tree : an analytical investigation

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    One way to achieve amplification of distal synaptic inputs on a dendritic tree is to scale the amplitude and/or duration of the synaptic conductance with its distance from the soma. This is an example of what is often referred to as “dendritic democracy”. Although well studied experimentally, to date this phenomenon has not been thoroughly explored from a mathematical perspective. In this paper we adopt a passive model of a dendritic tree with distributed excitatory synaptic conductances and analyze a number of key measures of democracy. In particular, via moment methods we derive laws for the transport, from synapse to soma, of strength, characteristic time, and dispersion. These laws lead immediately to synaptic scalings that overcome attenuation with distance. We follow this with a Neumann approximation of Green’s representation that readily produces the synaptic scaling that democratizes the peak somatic voltage response. Results are obtained for both idealized geometries and for the more realistic geometry of a rat CA1 pyramidal cell. For each measure of democratization we produce and contrast the synaptic scaling associated with treating the synapse as either a conductance change or a current injection. We find that our respective scalings agree up to a critical distance from the soma and we reveal how this critical distance decreases with decreasing branch radius

    Angular Forces Around Transition Metals in Biomolecules

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    Quantum-mechanical analysis based on an exact sum rule is used to extract an semiclassical angle-dependent energy function for transition metal ions in biomolecules. The angular dependence is simple but different from existing classical potentials. Comparison of predicted energies with a computer-generated database shows that the semiclassical energy function is remarkably accurate, and that its angular dependence is optimal.Comment: Tex file plus 4 postscript figure

    Взаимодействие электромагнитного поля с неоднородностями электромагнитных кристаллов

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    Розглянуто особливості взаємодії електромагнітного поля з різними типами неоднорідностей електромагнітних кристалів. Приведено розподіли напруженості електричного поляThe interaction of electromagnetic field with different types of electromagnetic crystals’ inhomogeneities is considered. Distributions of electric field are presented.Рассмотрены особенности взаимодействия электромагнитного поля с разными типами неоднородностей электромагнитных кристаллов. Приведены распределения напряженности электрического поля

    Эффективность неоднородностей электромагнитных кристаллов

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    Проаналізована ефективність поодиноких та подвійних неоднорідностей електромагнітних кристалів. Наведені характеристики, що ілюструють результати моделюванняEfficiency of electromagnetic crystals single and double discontinuities is analyzed. Characteristics illustrating results of modeling are presentedПроанализирована эффективность одиночных и двойных неоднородностей электромагнитных кристаллов. Приведены характеристики, иллюстрирующие результаты моделировани

    Asynchronous glutamate release is enhanced in low release efficacy synapses and dispersed across the active zone

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    The balance between fast synchronous and delayed asynchronous release of neurotransmitters has a major role in defining computational properties of neuronal synapses and regulation of neuronal network activity. However, how it is tuned at the single synapse level remains poorly understood. Here, using the fluorescent glutamate sensor SF-iGluSnFR, we image quantal vesicular release in tens to hundreds of individual synaptic outputs from single pyramidal cells with 4 millisecond temporal and 75 nm spatial resolution. We find that the ratio between synchronous and asynchronous synaptic vesicle exocytosis varies extensively among synapses supplied by the same axon, and that the synchronicity of release is reduced at low release probability synapses. We further demonstrate that asynchronous exocytosis sites are more widely distributed within the release area than synchronous sites. Together, our results reveal a universal relationship between the two major functional properties of synapses – the timing and the overall efficacy of neurotransmitter release

    Combination approach to diagnosis and treatment of an elderly patient with chronic Ph-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm and concomitant surgical pathology. Clinical observation

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    Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (CMPN), Ph-negative, are of clonal nature, develop on the level of hematopoietic stem cell and are characterized by proliferation of one or more hematopoietic pathways. Currently, the group of Ph-negative CMPN includes essential thrombocythemia, primary myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera, myeloproliferative neoplasm unclassifiable.Identification of mutations in the Jak2 (V617F), CALR, and MPL genes extended understanding of biological features of Ph-negative CMPN and improved differential diagnosis of myeloid neoplasms. Nonetheless, clinical practice still encounters difficulties in clear separation between such disorders as primary myelofibrosis, early-stage and transformation of essential thrombocythemia into myelofibrosis with high thrombocytosis. Thrombocytosis is one of the main risk factors for thromboembolic complications, especially in elderly people.A clinical case of an elderly patient with fracture of the left femur developed in the context of Ph-negative CMPN (myelofibrosis) with high level of thrombocytosis is presented which in combination with enforced long-term immobilization and presence of additional risk created danger of thrombosis and hemorrhage during surgery and in the postoperative period

    Мутации в геноме вирусов гриппа птиц подтипов Н1 и Н5, ответственные за адаптацию к млекопитающим

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    Avian influenza viruses of H1 and H5 subtypes were involved in the formation of highly pathogenic viruses that caused pandemics and panzootics in the 20th–21st centuries. In order to assess the zoonotic potential of viruses of these subtypes, two viruses of H1N1 and H5N3 have been isolated from wild ducks in Moscow and adapted to growth in mouse lungs. Their phenotypic properties were studied, and the genetic changes that occurred during adaptation were identified. The original A/duck/Moscow/4970/2013 (H1N1) and A/duck/Moscow/4182-C/2010 (H5N3) viruses were apathogenic for mice but became pathogenic after 7–10 passages in mouse lungs. Complete genome sequencing revealed 2 amino acid substitutions in the proteins of the H1N1 mouse-adapted variant (Glu627Lys in PB2 and Asp35Asn in hemagglutinin (HA) – numbering according to H3) and 6 mutations in the proteins of H5N3 virus (Glu627lys in PB2, Val113Ala in PB1, Ser82Pro in PB1-F2, Lys52Arg in HA2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Ser59Ile in NA). The increase in virulence is most likely due to a common substitution in the protein PB2 Glu627Lys as revealed in both viruses. The replacement of Asp35Asn in HA of the mouse-adapted H1N1 virus is associated with an increase in the pH value of the HA transition from 5.0 for 5.5 in comparison to the HA of parent virus. The found mutations in HA, NA, and PB1-F2 proteins of the adapted H5N3 variant are unique. The mutations Glu627Lys in PB2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Val113Ala in PB1 are most likely host adaptive.Вирусы гриппа птиц подтипов Н1 и Н5 участвовали в формировании высокопатогенных вариантов вирусов, вызвавших пандемии и  панзоотии в  XX–XXI  веках. С  целью оценки зоонозного потенциала вирусов этих подтипов, выделенных от диких уток в черте Москвы, была проведена адаптация вирусов к размножению в легких мышей, изучены их фенотипические свойства и идентифицированы генетические изменения, возникшие при адаптации. Изначально апатогенные для мышей вирусы A/duck/Moscow/4970/2013 (H1N1) и A/duck/Moscow/4182‑C/2010 (H5N3) после 7–10 пассажей через легкие мышей изменили фенотип на патогенный. Полногеномное секвенирование выявило в адаптированных к мышам вирусах 2 аминокислотные замены в вирусе гриппа H1N1 (Glu627Lys в белке PB2 и Asp35Asn в гемагглютинине (HA) — нумерация по H3) и 6 мутаций в белках вируса H5N3 (Glu627Lys в PB2, Val113Ala в PB1, Ser82Pro в PB1‑F2, Lys52Arg в HA2, Arg65Lys в NP и Ser59Ile в NA). Возрастание вирулентности для мышей, скорее всего, обусловлено общей для обоих вирусов заменой – Glu627Lys в  белке PB2. Замена Asp35Asn в  HA адаптированного к  мышам вируса гриппа H1N1  ассоциирована с возрастанием значения рН конформационного перехода HA с 5.0 до 5.5 относительно HA дикого вируса. Обнаруженные в адаптированном варианте H5N3 мутации в белках НА, NA и PB1‑F2 — уникальные. Мутации Glu627Lys в PB2, Arg65Lys в NP и Val113Ala в PB1, скорее всего, носят адаптационный характер