2,437 research outputs found

    Large negative and positive delay of optical pulses in coherently prepared dense Rb vapor with buffer gas

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    We experimentally study the group time delay for a light pulse propagating through hot Rb vapor in the presence of a strong coupling field in a Λ\Lambda configuration. We demonstrate that the ultra-slow pulse propagation is transformed into superluminal propagation as the one-photon detuning of the light increases due to the change in the transmission resonance lineshape. Negative group velocity as low as -c/10^6=-80 m/s is recorded. We also find that the advance time in the regime of the superluminal propagation grows linearly with increasing laser field power.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Representations of sl(2,?) in category O and master symmetries

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    We show that the indecomposable sl(2,?)-modules in the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category O naturally arise for homogeneous integrable nonlinear evolution systems. We then develop a new approach called the O scheme to construct master symmetries for such integrable systems. This method naturally allows computing the hierarchy of time-dependent symmetries. We finally illustrate the method using both classical and new examples. We compare our approach to the known existing methods used to construct master symmetries. For new integrable equations such as a Benjamin-Ono-type equation, a new integrable Davey-Stewartson-type equation, and two different versions of (2+1)-dimensional generalized Volterra chains, we generate their conserved densities using their master symmetries

    Dynamical Model for Chemically Driven Running Droplets

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    We propose coupled evolution equations for the thickness of a liquid film and the density of an adsorbate layer on a partially wetting solid substrate. Therein, running droplets are studied assuming a chemical reaction underneath the droplets that induces a wettability gradient on the substrate and provides the driving force for droplet motion. Two different regimes for moving droplets -- reaction-limited and saturated regime -- are described. They correspond to increasing and decreasing velocities with increasing reaction rates and droplet sizes, respectively. The existence of the two regimes offers a natural explanation of prior experimental observations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Holography in 4D (Super) Higher Spin Theories and a Test via Cubic Scalar Couplings

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    The correspondences proposed previously between higher spin gauge theories and free singleton field theories were recently extended into a more complete picture by Klebanov and Polyakov in the case of the minimal bosonic theory in D=4 to include the strongly coupled fixed point of the 3d O(N) vector model. Here we propose an N=1 supersymmetric version of this picture. We also elaborate on the role of parity in constraining the bulk interactions, and in distinguishing two minimal bosonic models obtained as two different consistent truncations of the minimal N=1 model that retain the scalar or the pseudo-scalar field. We refer to these models as the Type A and Type B models, respectively, and conjecture that the latter is holographically dual to the 3d Gross-Neveu model. In the case of the Type A model, we show the vanishing of the three-scalar amplitude with regular boundary conditions. This agrees with the O(N) vector model computation of Petkou, thereby providing a non-trivial test of the Klebanov-Polyakov conjecture.Comment: 30p

    Analysis of the conduction mechanism through InSb quantum dot by tunnel CVC method

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    This work was supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Projects No. 16-07-00093 and No. 16-07-00185

    Currents in a many-particle parabolic quantum dot under a strong magnetic field

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    Currents in a few-electron parabolic quantum dot placed into a perpendicular magnetic field are considered. We show that traditional ways of investigating the Wigner crystallization by studying the charge density correlation function can be supplemented by the examination of the density-current correlator. However, care must be exercised when constructing the correct projection of the multi-dimensional wave function space. The interplay between the magnetic field and Euler-liquid-like behavior of the electron liquid gives rise to persistent and local currents in quantum dots. We demonstrate these phenomena by collating a quasi-classical theory valid in high magnetic fields and an exact numerical solution of the many-body problem.Comment: Uses RevTeX4, figures included in the tex

    On frequencies of small oscillations of some dynamical systems associated with root systems

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    In the paper by F. Calogero and author [Commun. Math. Phys. 59 (1978) 109-116] the formula for frequencies of small oscillations of the Sutherland system (AlA_l case) was found. In present note the generalization of this formula for the case of arbitrary root system is given.Comment: arxiv version is already officia

    Magnetic field imaging with atomic Rb vapor

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    We demonstrate the possibility of dynamic imaging of magnetic fields using electromagnetically induced transparency in an atomic gas. As an experimental demonstration we employ an atomic Rb gas confined in a glass cell to image the transverse magnetic field created by a long straight wire. In this arrangement, which clearly reveals the essential effect, the field of view is about 2 x 2 mm^2 and the field detection uncertainty is 0.14 mG per 10 um x 10 um image pixel.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlocal resistance and its fluctuations in microstructures of band-inverted HgTe/(Hg,Cd)Te quantum wells

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    We investigate experimentally transport in gated microsctructures containing a band-inverted HgTe/Hg_{0.3}Cd_{0.7}Te quantum well. Measurements of nonlocal resistances using many contacts prove that in the depletion regime the current is carried by the edge channels, as expected for a two-dimensional topological insulator. However, high and non-quantized values of channel resistances show that the topological protection length (i.e. the distance on which the carriers in helical edge channels propagate without backscattering) is much shorter than the channel length, which is ~100 micrometers. The weak temperature dependence of the resistance and the presence of temperature dependent reproducible quasi-periodic resistance fluctuations can be qualitatively explained by the presence of charge puddles in the well, to which the electrons from the edge channels are tunnel-coupled.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Plasma instability and amplification of electromagnetic waves in low-dimensional electron systems

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    A general electrodynamic theory of a grating coupled two dimensional electron system (2DES) is developed. The 2DES is treated quantum mechanically, the grating is considered as a periodic system of thin metal strips or as an array of quantum wires, and the interaction of collective (plasma) excitations in the system with electromagnetic field is treated within the classical electrodynamics. It is assumed that a dc current flows in the 2DES. We consider a propagation of an electromagnetic wave through the structure, and obtain analytic dependencies of the transmission, reflection, absorption and emission coefficients on the frequency of light, drift velocity of 2D electrons, and other physical and geometrical parameters of the system. If the drift velocity of 2D electrons exceeds a threshold value, a current-driven plasma instability is developed in the system, and an incident far infrared radiation is amplified. We show that in the structure with a quantum wire grating the threshold velocity of the amplification can be essentially reduced, as compared to the commonly employed metal grating, down to experimentally achievable values. Physically this is due to a considerable enhancement of the grating coupler efficiency because of the resonant interaction of plasma modes in the 2DES and in the grating. We show that tunable far infrared emitters, amplifiers and generators can thus be created at realistic parameters of modern semiconductor heterostructures.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
