52 research outputs found

    Impaired Cell Surface Expression of HLA-B Antigens on Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Muscle Cell Progenitors

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    HLA class-I expression is weak in embryonic stem cells but increases rapidly during lineage progression. It is unknown whether all three classical HLA class-I antigens follow the same developmental program. In the present study, we investigated allele-specific expression of HLA-A, -B, and -C at the mRNA and protein levels on human mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue as well as striated muscle satellite cells and lymphocytes. Using multicolour flow cytometry, we found high cell surface expression of HLA-A on all stem cells and PBMC examined. Surprisingly, HLA-B was either undetectable or very weakly expressed on all stem cells protecting them from complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) using relevant human anti-B and anti-Cw sera. IFNγ stimulation for 48–72 h was required to induce full HLA–B protein expression. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR showed that IFNγ induced a 9–42 fold increase of all six HLA-A,-B,-C gene transcripts. Interestingly, prior to stimulation, gene transcripts for all but two alleles were present in similar amounts suggesting that post-transcriptional mechanisms regulate the constitutive expression of HLA-A,-B, and -C. Locus-restricted expression of HLA-A, -B and -C challenges our current understanding of the function of these molecules as regulators of CD8+ T-cell and NK-cell function and should lead to further inquiries into their expression on other cell types

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    The Labor Market: an Overview From an Islamic Perspective

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    The concept of employment has some aspects that are integrated in order to achieve the balance of the workforce, both aspects of demand and supply of labor. The labor market is considered as the location of meeting between the demand for labor from both the private and Government sectors and the supply of labor available. The meeting of demand and supply of manpower can exert influence on the determination of the level of wage labor. In other words, the labor market plays a role in assisting the Government in the process of making employment-related policies such as the determination of the level of wages. This study, by employing library research, demonstrated that the concept of labor as seen from the viewpoint of Islam will be able to reach the concept of labor. It is not limited to the extent of absorption of labor, but also related how the level of the workforce that is capable of being managed by the Government to be more productive. The policy of wage rate in Islam is not limited to referring to balance demand and supply of labor. It also reviews the needs of a worker based on the principle of fairness and honesty, and protects both interests in the worker and the employer. The essence of Islamic economy in review market power based on the view of Islam shows its potential in generating equitable economy society and realize prosperity

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif dan Berpikir Kritis terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman (Fahmul Qira'ah)

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    This research aims to investigate the influence of intructional models and critical thinking ability toward reading understanding ability in Arabic language outcome of students at MDT Shibyanul Muslimin Jakarta. This research is quantitative research using design treatment by level 2x2. The instrumen used to assess students critical thingking's ability is in quentionnaire form, while the instrument used to assess student's reading understanding ability in Arabic language is in the multiple choice form. The result of the research show that: (1) reading understanding ability in Arabic language outcome of students using cooperative learning tipe STAD model are higher than those reading understanding ability in Arabic language outcomes of students using cooperative learning tipe NHT models, (2) there is interaction effect between learning model and critical thinking on reading understanding ability in Arabic language outcome of students, (3) reading understanding ability in Arabic language outcome of students who has high critical thinking and using cooperative learning tipe STAD model are higher than students using cooperative learing tipe NHT model, (4) reading understanding ability in Arabic language outcome of students who has critical thinking and using cooperative learning tipe STAD model are lower than students using the cooperative learning tipe NHT models

    Portrayal of Instability and Vulnerability of Modern Life in the Selected Poems of Robert Frost and Mathew Arnold: A Comparative Study

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    This paper attempts a comparative study in the presentation of vulnerability and instability evident in people's life due to modernity by Mathew Arnold, a Victorian poet, and Robert Frost, a Modern American poet. Investigating various features with crises existing in modern life is a major aim of this paper. Moreover, the comparative analysis seeks to identify the major similarities and differences in the portrayal of human nature based on modern features in the poetry of these two poets. Since this research is theoretical in nature, it depends primarily on reviewing already published works on the relevant topics. The presence of modern elements is very obvious in the writings of both the poets though they belong to two different periods. Their poetry reflects modern crisis and vulnerability like alienation, pessimism, doubtfulness, isolation, self -centeredness, and so on. Nature is also treated in a different way as well as the reality of modern life represented in a different light by the poets. Finally, this research focuses on bringing out the features of instability and vulnerability of modern life that are still mirrored in contemporary society

    Keengganan UMKM di Sekitar Wisata Religi dalam Mengambil Pembiayaan Bank Syariah: sebuah Studi di Madura

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    Pangsa pasar perbankan Syariah di Indonesia masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel pengetahuan, motivasi, dan marketing terhadap keengganan minat UMKM di sekitar wisata religi di Madura untuk mempunyai produk pembiayaan di bank syariah. Jenis data pada penelitian merupakan data primer yang didapatkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner pada pemiliki UMKM pada kawasan wisata religi di Madura dan tidak memiliki produk pembiayaan di bank syariah. Regresi liniear berganda digunakan untuk mengolah data penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pengetahuan dan motivasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keengganan minat UMKM mengambil pembiayaan pada bank syariah. Variabel marketing tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keengganan minat mengambil pembiayaan pada bank syariah. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengidentifikasi faktor lain yang akan mendorong minat UMKM untuk mengambil pembiyaan pada bank syariah. Kata Kunci: Bank syariah, Pariwisata Syariah, Keengganan Minat, UMKM. ABSTRACT The market share of Islamic banking in Indonesia is still low. his study aims to determine the effect of knowledge, motivation, and marketing variables on the reluctance of MSME interest in religious tourism in Madura to have financing products in Islamic banks. The type of data in this study is primary data obtained through distributing questionnaires to MSME owners in religious tourism areas in Madura and not having financing products at Islamic banks. Multiple linear regression was used to process the research data. The results of this study are knowledge and motivation have a significant effect on the reluctance of MSMEs to take financing at Islamic banks. The marketing variable has no significant effect on the reluctance of interest in taking financing at Islamic banks. Based on these results, it is necessary to conduct further research to identify other factors that will encourage the interest of MSMEs to take financing in Islamic banks. Keywords: Islamic Bank, Shariah Tourism, Reluctance of Interest, MSME. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Achmad, L. I. (2020). Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keengganan menabung di bank syariah. Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Pelita Bangsa, 5(1), 64–91. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37366/jespb.v5i01.85 Amalia, R. (2017). Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kurangnya minat masyarakat muslim di kecamatan Bara mengambil pembiayaan. Skripsi tidak dipublikasikan. Palopo: IAIN Palopo. Amin, H., Rahman, A. R. A., Sondoh, S. L., & Hwa, A. M. C. (2011). Determinants of customers' intention to use Islamic personal financing: The case of Malaysian Islamic banks. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 2(1), 22–42. https://doi.org/10.1108/17590811111129490 Anshori, M., & Iswati, S. (2009). Buku ajar metodologi penelitian kuantitatif. Surabaya: Pusat Penerbitan dan Percetakan Unair. Arifin, S. (2017). Digitalisasi pariwisata Madura. Jurnal Komunikasi, 11(1), 53. https://doi.org/10.21107/ilkom.v11i1.2835 Arniati, Arsal, M., Akhmad, A., Asdar, A., & Adiningrat, A. A. (2020). Impression of student knowledge on decisions become a customer of Islamic banks. International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE), 1(2), 145–152. https://doi.org/10.30596/ijbe.v1i2.4284 BPS. (2021). Jumlah dan persentase penduduk miskin di Provinsi Jawa Timur menurut kabupaten/kota, 2017-2021. Diakses dari https://Jatim.bps.go.id/statictable/2021/12/13/2289/jumlah-dan-persentase-penduduk-miskin-di-provinsi-jawa-timur-menurut-kabupaten-kota-2017-2021.html Devi, A., & Firmansyah, I. (2019). Developing halal travel and halal tourism to promote economic growth: A confirmatory analysis. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 5(1), 193–214. https://doi.org/10.21098/jimf.v5i1.1054 Dharmmesta, B. S., & Handoko, T. H. (2000). Manajemen pemasaran: Analisa perilaku konsumen. Yogyakarta: BPFE-Yogyakarta. Effasa, A. S., & Ain, F. A. (2017). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya minat pedagang muslim dalam menggunakan jasa bank syariah mandiri kc Sumberrejo-Bojonegoro. Jurnal Fakultas Ekonomi, 8(1), 41–53. Farida, Zulaikha, & Putro, E. H. (2020). Desentralisasi wisata religi Indonesia melalui city branding wisata kabupaten Bangkalan Madura. Bricolage Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, 6(2), 223–234. https://journal.ubm.ac.id/index.php/bricolage/article/view/2149 Fathurrahman, A., & Zulfikar, F. (2020). Empirical determinants of saving in Islamic Banks at Tasikmalaya City. Falah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, 5(2), 58–69. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.22219/jes.v5i2.13303 Ghozali, I. (2018). Aplikasi analisis mutivariate dengan program IBM SPSS 25. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Jaelani, A. (2017). Halal tourism industry in Indonesia: Potential and prospects. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(3), 25–34. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2899864 Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2018). Marketing management. In S. Yagan (Ed.), Essentials of Management for Healthcare Professionals (14th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall International, Inc. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315099200-17 Kurniawan, M. Z., & Gitayuda, M. B. S. (2020). Peran inklusi keuangan pada perkembangan UMKM di Madura. Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH), Ciastech, 97–104. http://publishing-widyagama.ac.id/ejournal-v2/index.php/ciastech/article/view/1852 Kusnandar, V. B. (2021). Sebanyak 97% penduduk Jawa Timur beragama Islam pada Juni 2021. Diakses dari https://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2021/09/18/sebanyak-97-penduduk-jawa-timur-beragama-islam-pada-juni-2021 Lestari, S., & Mukaromah, H. (2018). Literasi keuangan syariah pengelola koperasi pondok pesantren An-Nawawi Kec. Gebang, Kab. Purworejo. An-Nawa: Jurnal Hukum Islam, 1(1), 61-87. Maulana, F. R., Hasnita, N., & Evriyenni, E. (2020). Pengaruh pengetahuan produk dan word of mouth terhadap keputusan nasabah memilih bank syariah. JIHBIZ :Global Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 2(2), 124. https://doi.org/10.22373/jihbiz.v2i2.8644 Mujahidin, A. (2017). Factor of public interest to islamic banking services. International Journal of Development Research, 07(10), 16318–16322. Nitisusatro, M. (2020). Perilaku konsumen dalam perspektif kewirausahaan. Bandung: Alfabeta. Novita, E., & Aqliyah, H. (2018). Faktor penyebab rendahnya minat UMKM di Kecamatan Pamijahan dalam memilih pembiayaan pada bank syariah. El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 1(1), 132–160. https://doi.org/10.47467/elmal.v1i1.294 Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. (2021). Statistik Perbankan Indonesia (19th ed.). Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. 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    Encapsulation of Clove Oil Within Ca-Alginate-Gelatine Complex: Effect of Process Variables on Encapsulation Efficiency

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    Karena memiliki khasiat seperti analgesik, minyak cengkeh biasa digunakan sebagai obat, antibakteri, antioksidan, dan antimikroba. Kemungkinan enkapsulasi minyak cengkeh sebagai makrokapsul padat dipelajari dengan pembuatan makrokapsul Ca-Alginate-Gelatine. Variabel proses yang digunakan adalah variasi konsentrasi alginat 1% dan 1,5% b / v, dan perbandingan massa antara alginat-gelatin divariasikan antara 1: 4, 1: 6, dan 1: 8 w /w. Selain itu, variasi konsentrasi CaCl2 (10%, 20% dan 30% w / v) sebagai cross-linking agent pembentukan kompleks Ca-Alginate juga digunakan sebagai variabel proses. Peningkatan konsentrasi alginat, gelatin dan CaCl2 nampaknya menurunkan efisiensi enkapsulasi karena terbatasnya volume ruang bebas yang terbentuk pada matriks Ca-Alginat-Gelatin. Efisiensi enkapsulasi tertinggi (93,08%) diperoleh pada penggunaan Alginat 1% w / v, dengan perbandingan alginat dengan gelatin 1: 4 dan ikatan silang dalam larutan CaCl2 10% w / v selama 15 menit.Owing to the properties such as analgesic, clove oil is commonly used as medicine, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antimicrobial drugs. The possibility of clove oil encapsulation as a solid macrocapsule was studied by making Ca-Alginate-Gelatine macrocapsules. The process variables used were variations in Alginate concentration of 1% and 1.5% w/v, and the mass ratio between alginate-gelatine was varied between 1: 4, 1: 6, and 1: 8 w/w. In addition, variations in the concentration of CaCl2 (10%, 20% and 30% w/v) as a cross-linking agent for the formation of Ca-Alginate complexes were also used as process variables. The increase of alginate, gelatine and CaCl2 concentration seems to decreased the encapsulation efficiency because of the limitation of the free space volume formed in the Ca-Alginate-Gelatine matrix. The highest encapsulation efficiency (93.08%) was obtained in the use of Alginate 1% w/v, with a ratio of alginate to gelatine 1: 4 and cross-linking in a 10% w/v CaCl2 solution for 15 minutes
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