2,081 research outputs found

    Comparison of Power Dependence of Microwave Surface Resistance of Unpatterned and Patterned YBCO Thin Film

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    The effect of the patterning process on the nonlinearity of the microwave surface resistance RSR_S of YBCO thin films is investigated. With the use of a sapphire dielectric resonator and a stripline resonator, the microwave RSR_S of YBCO thin films was measured before and after the patterning process, as a function of temperature and the rf peak magnetic field in the film. The microwave loss was also modeled, assuming a Jrf2J_{rf}^2 dependence of ZS(Jrf)Z_S(J_{rf}) on current density JrfJ_{rf}. Experimental and modeled results show that the patterning has no observable effect on the microwave residual RSR_S or on the power dependence of RSR_S.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. MT

    Phase Diagrams of Bi1-xSbx Thin Films with Different Growth Orientations

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    A closed-form model is developed to evaluate the band-edge shift caused by quantum confinement for a two-dimensional non-parabolic carrier-pocket. Based on this model, the symmetries and the band-shifts of different carrier-pockets are evaluated for BiSb thin films that are grown along different crystalline axes. The phase diagrams for the BiSb thin film systems with different growth orientations are calculated and analyzed

    Wood anomalies in resonant photonic quasicrystals

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    A theory of light diffraction from planar quasicrystalline lattice with resonant scatterers is presented. Rich structure, absent in the periodic case, is found in specular reflection spectra, and interpreted as a specific kind of Wood anomalies, characteristic for quasicrystals. The theory is applied to semiconductor quantum dots arranged in Penrose tiling.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Disorder-induced double resonant Raman process in graphene

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    An analytical study is presented of the double resonant Raman scattering process in graphene, responsible for the D and D^{\prime} features in the Raman spectra. This work yields analytical expressions for the D and D^{\prime} integrated Raman intensities that explicitly show the dependencies on laser energy, defect concentration, and electronic lifetime. Good agreement is obtained between the analytical results and experimental measurements on samples with increasing defect concentrations and at various laser excitation energies. The use of Raman spectroscopy to identify the nature of defects is discussed. Comparison between the models for the edge-induced and the disorder-induced D band intensity suggests that edges or grain boundaries can be distinguished from disorder by the different dependence of their Raman intensity on laser excitation energy. Similarly, the type of disorder can potentially be identified not only by the intensity ratio ID/IDI_{\mathrm{D}}/I_{\mathrm{D}^{\prime}}, but also by its laser energy dependence. Also discussed is a quantitative analysis of quantum interference effects of the graphene wavefunctions, which determine the most important phonon wavevectors and scattering processes responsible for the D and D^{\prime} bands.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Probing the intrinsic state of a one-dimensional quantum well with a photon-assisted tunneling

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    The photon-assisted tunneling (PAT) through a single wall carbon nanotube quantum well (QW) under influence an external electromagnetic field for probing of the Tomonaga Luttinger liquid (TLL) state is suggested. The elementary TLL excitations inside the quantum well are density (ρ±\rho_{\pm}) and spin (σ±\sigma_{\pm} ) bosons. The bosons populate the quantized energy levels ϵnρ+=Δn/g\epsilon^{\rho +}_n =\Delta n/ g and ϵnρ(σ±)=Δn\epsilon^{\rho -(\sigma \pm)}_n = \Delta n where Δ=hvF/L\Delta = h v_F /L is the interlevel spacing, nn is an integer number, LL is the tube length, gg is the TLL parameter. Since the electromagnetic field acts on the ρ+\rho_{+} bosons only while the neutral ρ\rho_{-} and σ±\sigma_{\pm} bosons remain unaffected, the PAT spectroscopy is able of identifying the ρ+\rho_{+} levels in the QW setup. The spin ϵnσ+\epsilon_n^{\sigma+} boson levels in the same QW are recognized from Zeeman splitting when applying a d.c. magnetic field H0H \neq 0 field. Basic TLL parameters are readily extracted from the differential conductivity curves.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Size Effects and Transport Phenomena in PbSe Quantum Wells and PbSe/EuS Superlattices

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    It is established that the room-temperature dependences of transport properties on the total thickness of PbSe layers d in PbSe/EuS superlattices exhibit an oscillatory behavior. It is shown that the oscillation period Δd practically coincides with the period of the thickness oscillations observed earlier in single PbSe/EuS quantum well. The non-monotonic character of these dependences is attributed to quantum size effects. The theoretically estimated and experimentally determined Δd values are in good agreement

    Nature and strength of bonding in a crystal of semiconducting nanotubes: van der Waals density functional calculations and analytical results

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    The dispersive interaction between nanotubes is investigated through ab initio theory calculations and in an analytical approximation. A van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)] is used to determine and compare the binding of a pair of nanotubes as well as in a nanotube crystal. To analyze the interaction and determine the importance of morphology, we furthermore compare results of our ab initio calculations with a simple analytical result that we obtain for a pair of well-separated nanotubes. In contrast to traditional density functional theory calculations, the vdW-DF study predicts an intertube vdW bonding with a strength that is consistent with recent observations for the interlayer binding in graphitics. It also produce a nanotube wall-to-wall separation which is in very good agreement with experiments. Moreover, we find that the vdW-DF result for the nanotube-crystal binding energy can be approximated by a sum of nanotube-pair interactions when these are calculated in vdW-DF. This observation suggests a framework for an efficient implementation of quantum-physical modeling of the CNT bundling in more general nanotube bundles, including nanotube yarn and rope structures.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Electron properties of carbon nanotubes in a periodic potential

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    A periodic potential applied to a nanotube is shown to lock electrons into incompressible states that can form a devil's staircase. Electron interactions result in spectral gaps when the electron density (relative to a half-filled Carbon pi-band) is a rational number per potential period, in contrast to the single-particle case where only the integer-density gaps are allowed. When electrons are weakly bound to the potential, incompressible states arise due to Bragg diffraction in the Luttinger liquid. Charge gaps are enhanced due to quantum fluctuations, whereas neutral excitations are governed by an effective SU(4)~O(6) Gross-Neveu Lagrangian. In the opposite limit of the tightly bound electrons, effects of exchange are unimportant, and the system behaves as a single fermion mode that represents a Wigner crystal pinned by the external potential, with the gaps dominated by the Coulomb repulsion. The phase diagram is drawn using the effective spinless Dirac Hamiltonian derived in this limit. Incompressible states can be detected in the adiabatic transport setup realized by a slowly moving potential wave, with electron interactions providing the possibility of pumping of a fraction of an electron per cycle (equivalently, in pumping at a fraction of the base frequency).Comment: 21 pgs, 8 fig

    Selection Rules for One- and Two-Photon Absorption by Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes

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    Recent optical absorption/emission experiments showed that the lower energy optical transitions in carbon nanotubes are excitonic in nature, as predicted by theory. These experiments were based on the symmetry aspects of free electron-hole states and bound excitonic states. The present work shows, however, that group theory does not predict the selection rules needed to explain the two photon experiments. We obtain the symmetries and selection rules for the optical transitions of excitons in single-wall carbon nanotubes within the approach of the group of the wavevector, thus providing important information for the interpretation of theoretical and experimental optical spectra of these materials.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl