161 research outputs found

    Motor Current Cyclic-Non-Stationary Analysis for Bearing Diagnostic

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    The Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) is a research area focused on the diagnosis of components of electric motors based on post-processing of the current signal mainly. In particular, the bearing diagnostics is based on two different assumptions: the fault on the bearing causes a vibration of the shaft it supports, so there is an air gap variation between stator and rotor causing a modulation in the current signal; the fault on the bearing hinders the rotation of the shaft, so it can be modeled as an additional loading torque that the motor satisfies increasing the current signal. In this paper, a cyclic-non-stationarity analysis of the motor current is used to assess the status of ball-bearings in servomotors, running at variable speed. Both speed of the motor and motor current are provided by the control loop of the servomotor, that is no external sensors are used. The cyclic nature of the application allows an average of the cyclic-cyclic order maps to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The proposed technique is successfully applied to both healthy and faulty bearings

    Thoracic involvement in systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases: pathogenesis and management.

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    Thoracic involvement is one of the main determinants of morbidity and mortality in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARDs), with different prevalence and manifestations according to the underlying disease. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is the most common pulmonary complication, particularly in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Other thoracic manifestations include pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), mostly in patients with SSc, airway disease, mainly in RA, and pleural involvement, which is common in systemic lupus erythematosus and RA, but rare in other ARDs.In this review, we summarize and critically discuss the current knowledge on thoracic involvement in ARDs, with emphasis on disease pathogenesis and management. Immunosuppression is the mainstay of therapy, particularly for ARDs-ILD, but it should be reserved to patients with clinically significant disease or at risk of progressive disease. Therefore, a thorough, multidisciplinary assessment to determine disease activity and degree of impairment is required to optimize patient management. Nevertheless, the management of thoracic involvement-particularly ILD-is challenging due to the heterogeneity of disease pathogenesis, the variety of patterns of interstitial pneumonia and the paucity of randomized controlled clinical trials of pharmacological intervention. Further studies are needed to better understand the pathogenesis of these conditions, which in turn is instrumental to the development of more efficacious therapies

    Subclinical liver fibrosis in patients with idiopathic 1 pulmonary fibrosis.

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    Background - Data on the presence of subclinical fibrosis across multiple organs in patients with idiopathic lung fibrosis (IPF) are lacking. Our study aimed at investigating through hepatic transient elastography (HTE) the prevalence and clinical impact of subclinical liver fibrosis in a cohort of patients with IPF. Methods - Patients referred to the Centre for Rare Lung Disease of the University Hospital of Modena (Italy) from March 2012 to February 2013with established diagnosis of IPF and without a documented history of liver diseases were consecutively enrolled and underwent HTE. Based on hepatic stiffness status as assessed through METAVIR score patients were categorized as \u201c with liver fibrosis \u201d (corresponding to a METAVIR score of F1-F4) and \u201c without liver fibrosis\u201d (METAVIR F0). Potential predictors of liver fibrosis were investigated through logistic regression model among clinical and serological variables. The overall survival (OS) was assessed according to liver fibrosis and multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to identify independent predictors. Results - In 13 out of 37 patients (35%) with IPF a certain degree of liver fibrosis was documented.No correlation was found between liver stiffness and clinical-functional parameters. OS was lower in patients \u2018 with liver fibrosis\u2019 than in patients \u2018 without liver fibrosis\u2019 (median months 33[23-55] vs. 63[26-94], p=0.038). Patients \u2018 with liver fibrosis\u2019 presented a higher risk of death at seven years as compared to patients \u2018without liver fibrosis\u2019 (HR=2.6, 95%CI[1.003\u20136.7],p= 0.049). Higher level of AST to platelet ratio Index (APRI)was an independent predictor of survival (HR=4.52 95%CI[1.3\u201315.6], p=0.02). Conclusions - In our cohort, more than one third of IPF patients had concomitant subclinical liver fibrosis that negatively affected OS. These preliminary claims further investigation aimed at clarifying the mechanisms beyond multiorgan fibrosis and its clinical implication in patients with IPF

    Draft genome sequence of lactobacillus helveticus Lh 23, isolated from natural whey starter

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    Lactobacillus helveticus is a thermophilic lactic acid bacterium that is widely employed as a starter culture for manufacturing several Swiss and Italian hard-cooked cheeses. The sequencing of L. helveticus Lh 23, which consists of 2,100,230 bp with a GC content of 36.5%, reveals industrially useful traits and interesting metabolic pathways

    Lactic acid bacteria adjunct cultures exert a mitigation effect against spoilage microbiota in fresh cheese

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a strong mitigation potential as adjunct cultures to inhibit undesirable bacteria in fermented foods. In fresh cheese with low salt concentration, spoilage and pathogenic bacteria can affect the shelf life with smear on the surface and packaging blowing. In this work, we studied the spoilage microbiota of an Italian fresh cheese to find tailor-made protective cultures for its shelf life improvement. On 14-tested LAB, three of them, namely Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LRH05, Latilactobacillus sakei LSK04, and Carnobacterium maltaromaticum CNB06 were the most effective in inhibiting Gram-negative bacteria. These cultures were assessed by the cultivation-dependent and DNA metabarcoding approach using in vitro experiments and industrial trials. Soft cheese with and without adjunct cultures were prepared and stored at 8 and 14 \ub0C until the end of the shelf life in modified atmosphere packaging. Data demonstrated that the use of adjunct cultures reduce and/or modulate the growth of spoilage microbiota at both temperatures. Particularly, during industrial experiments, C. maltaromaticum CNB06 and Lcb. rhamnosus RH05 lowered psychrotrophic bacteria of almost 3 Log CFU/g in a 5-week stored cheese. On the contrary, Llb. sakei LSK04 was able to colonize the cheese but it was not a good candidate for its inhibition capacity. The combined approach applied in this work allowed to evaluate the protective potential of LAB strains against Gram-negative communities

    Vaginal bacterial diversity from healthy gilts and pregnant sows subjected to natural mating or artificial insemination

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    The profitability of commercial pig farms largely depends on the reproductive performance of gilts and sows. The aim of this study was to identify differences in the composition and diversity of vaginal microbiota between gilts (G) and pregnant (P) sows, both artificially inseminated (AI) and natural mating (NM). Samples were collected by scraping the vaginal mucosa of G (n = 10) and P (NM, n = 10 and AI, n = 7) sows. Samples were analysed by culture-dependent techniques and 16S-rRNA gene High-Throughput-Sequencing. The profiles of the cultured microbiota showed two distinctive clusters, one of them grouped four samples of P sows from the AI group. The vaginal microbiota from P had lower richness than G sows (Mann-Whitney/Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.01), but all vaginal samples had a similar diversity. The PERMANOVA analyses revealed significant differences (p < 0.01) between the microbial communities' structures from G and P sows. The bacteria phyla with the highest relative abundances were Proteobacteria (33.1%), followed by Firmicutes (32%), Cyanobacteria (13.3%) and Actinobacteria (13.2%). The relative abundance for phyla, families and genera was estimated and Proteobacteria was significantly higher (p = 0.038) in P than in G sows; Firmicutes was significantly lower in AI than G and NM sows. A “core microbiota” included Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Enterococcus, Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas. The results presented highlight the differences in the bacterial composition between G and P sows, as well as the changes in the microbial populations associated with the breeding method

    Agronomical valorization of eluates from the industrial production of microorganisms: Chemical, microbiological, and ecotoxicological assessment of a novel putative biostimulant

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    Plant Biostimulants (BSs) are a valid supplement to be considered for the integration of conventional fertilization practices. Research in the BS field keeps providing alternative products of various origin, which can be employed in organic and conventional agriculture. In this study, we investigated the biostimulant activity of the eluate obtained as a by-product from the industrial production of lactic acid bacteria on bare agricultural soil. Eluates utilization is in line with the circular economy principle, creating economical value for an industrial waste product. The research focused on the study of physical, chemical, biochemical, and microbiological changes occurring in agricultural soil treated with the biowaste eluate, applied at three different dosages. The final aim was to demonstrate if, and to what extent, the application of the eluate improved soil quality parameters and enhanced the presence of beneficial soil-borne microbial communities. Results indicate that a single application at the two lower dosages does not have a pronounced effect on the soil chemical parameters tested, and neither on the biochemical proprieties. Only the higher dosage applied reported an improvement in the enzymatic activities of β-glucosidase and urease and in the chemical composition, showing a higher content of total, nitric and ammonia N, total K, and higher humification rate. On the other hand, microbial communities were strongly influenced at all dosages, showing a decrease in the bacterial biodiversity and an increase in the fungal biodiversity. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that some Operative Taxonomic Units (OTUs) promoted by the eluate application, belong to known plant growth promoting microbes. Some other OTUs, negatively influenced were attributed to known plant pathogens, mainly Fusarium spp. Finally, the ecotoxicological parameters were also determined and allowed to establish that no toxic effect occurred upon eluate applications onto soil
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