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    Rotaviruses (RVs) are the major cause of acute gastroenteritis in infants and young animals of mammalian and avian species. In avian species, group A and D are represented with high frequency, while group F and G are sporadic. Enteric syndrome in young birds is a major concern to the poultry industry, causing severe economic losses. Monitoring Rotavirus distribution in different avian species is crucial to uncover diversity among strains and to better understand RV ecology in the field. The aims of this project were: i) to provide information on distribution of the different RV groups in avian species suffering enteritis in Italy; genetic diversity of RVs in these species; dynamics and timing of RV infection within flocks; and ii) to develop new and updated diagnostic protocols to be applied in the diagnostic routine and for research use. The data collected during a period of nine years, indicate that the infection is widespread in the Italian production, with an average prevalence of 20% in commercial flocks and 15% in game-hunting species. All the 117 samples analysed in the present study originated from poultry flocks that presented one or more clinical signs and lesions associated with enteric diseases. Clinical manifestations consisted mostly of diarrhoea, dehydration, anorexia, weight loss and increased mortality. By statistical analysis it was not observed any significant correlation between the general clinical signs/lesions or gastro-enteric lesions observed in the field and at post mortem examination with the presence of different AvRV groups or different combinations of groups, even with regard to the different species involved (p>0.05). From the 117 samples tested by group-specific RT-PCRs, AvRV-D was detected in 107 (91.5%), AvRV-A in 70 (59.9%), AvRV-F in 61 (52.1%) and AvRV-G in 31 (26.5%). Only 17% of samples showed the presence of a single rotavirus group (AvRV-A or AvRV-D), but dual or multiple presence of rotaviruses of different AvRV groups was observed in the majority of samples. Group D is the predominant RV in Italy, representing the most commonly found RV in all the species investigated. The identification of several avian rotaviruses (AvRVs) belonging to group F and group G in partridge, pheasant and guinea fowl, suggests that the lack of specific detection methods could have underestimated the real diffusion of these two groups in the past. The use of new group-specific RT-PCRs developed and performed on a set of clinical specimens tested positive for RVs by Electron Microscopy (EM), allowed the rapid genetic screening of AvRVs circulating within the avian rotavirus main groups. In this study, 175 complete sequences were obtained (17 of NSP4A, 20 of VP6A, 5 of VP4A, 35 of NSP4D, 34 of VP6D, 9 of VP4D, 17 of VP7D, 21 of VP6F and 13 of VP6G). No correlation between year of isolation nor avian species and the different RV-groups was observed. Regarding results obtained from longitudinal studies in turkeys, the infection was already present in the first weeks of life; after 2/3 weeks a second infection outbreak happened in the same herds. Phylogenetic analysis of samples collected during the longitudinal study in turkey flocks showed that different RV-groups and different strains from the same group were present in the same flock, evidencing complex RV groups/strains patterns that modified in time. Results of chicken longitudinal study reinforced the hypothesis of a primary pathogenetic role of astrovirus-rotavirus infections in enteric syndrome during first weeks of life

    Long-term prognosis of epilepsy, prognostic patterns and drug resistance: a population-based study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Seizures in most people with epilepsy remit but prognostic markers are poorly understood. There is also little information on the long-term outcome of people who fail to achieve seizure control despite the use of two antiepileptic drugs (drug resistance). METHODS: People with a validated diagnosis of epilepsy in whom two antiepileptic drugs had failed were identified from primary care records. All were registered with one of 123 family physicians in an area of northern Italy. Remission (uninterrupted seizure freedom lasting 2 years or longer) and prognostic patterns (early remission, late remission, remission followed by relapse, no remission) were determined. RESULTS: In all, 747 individuals (381 men), aged 11 months to 94 years, were followed for 11 045.5 person-years. 428 (59%) were seizure-free. The probability of achieving 2-year remission was 18% at treatment start, 34% at 2 years, 45% at 5, 52% at 10 and 67% at 20 years (terminal remission, 60%). Epilepsy syndrome and drug resistance were the only independent predictors of 2- and 5-year remission. Early remission was seen in 101 people (19%), late remission in 175 (33%), remission followed by relapse in 85 (16%) and no remission in 166 (32%). Treatment response was the only variable associated with differing prognostic patterns. CONCLUSION: The long-term prognosis of epilepsy is favourable in most cases. Early seizure remission is not invariably followed by terminal remission and seizure outcome varies according to well-defined patterns. Prolonged seizure remission and prognostic patterns can be predicted by broad syndromic categories and the failure of two antiepileptic drugs

    Influence of age and seasonality on boar seminal plasma steroids quantification: A preliminary study

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    Background and Aim: Seasonal changes, especially temperature and photoperiod, are well-known determining factors of swine reproductive capacity, but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. This study aimed to investigate the effect of age and seasonal variations on boar seminal plasma steroids (dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA], cortisol [CORT], and testosterone [TEST]) over 1 year.Materials and Methods: Four commercial hybrid adult boars (Large White x Duroc), aged between 12 and 44 months, were repeatedly evaluated at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna. Daily temperature and light hours relating to the collection date were considered for each observation within the four astronomical seasons: Winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Hormones were quantified using radioimmunoassay. The association between seasonal factors and hormone concentrations was evaluated using linear regression models. Univariate models were estimated for each hormone to assess the influence of the independent variables; two multivariate models were assessed to evaluate the effect of temperature and daylight hours, including boar and season factors.Results: Age significantly affected all analyzed hormones (CORT p < 0.0001; DHEA p < 0.0001; and TEST p < 0.0001). The highest average levels were found for each hormone during summertime, suggesting a positive correlation between steroid concentrations with temperature and light hours.Conclusion: The results of this study support the hypothesis that the increase in external temperature and light hours is somehow associated with higher levels of steroid concentrations in the seminal plasma of in-housed boars. These findings may help further investigate seasonal fluctuations in reproductive outcomes, which are well-known for porcine species

    Development of FTK architecture: a fast hardware track trigger for the ATLAS detector

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    The Fast Tracker (FTK) is a proposed upgrade to the ATLAS trigger system that will operate at full Level-1 output rates and provide high quality tracks reconstructed over the entire detector by the start of processing in Level-2. FTK solves the combinatorial challenge inherent to tracking by exploiting the massive parallelism of Associative Memories (AM) that can compare inner detector hits to millions of pre-calculated patterns simultaneously. The tracking problem within matched patterns is further simplified by using pre-computed linearized fitting constants and leveraging fast DSP's in modern commercial FPGA's. Overall, FTK is able to compute the helix parameters for all tracks in an event and apply quality cuts in approximately one millisecond. By employing a pipelined architecture, FTK is able to continuously operate at Level-1 rates without deadtime. The system design is defined and studied using ATLAS full simulation. Reconstruction quality is evaluated for single muon events with zero pileup, as well as WH events at the LHC design luminosity. FTK results are compared with the tracking capability of an offline algorithm.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    The Evolution of FTK, a Real-Time Tracker for Hadron Collider Experiments

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    We describe the architecture evolution of the highly-parallel dedicated processor FTK, which is driven by the simulation of LHC events at high luminosity (1034 cm-2 s-1). FTK is able to provide precise on-line track reconstruction for future hadronic collider experiments. The processor, organized in a two-tiered pipelined architecture, execute very fast algorithms based on the use of a large bank of pre-stored patterns of trajectory points (first tier) in combination with full resolution track fitting to refine pattern recognition and to determine off-line quality track parameters. We describe here how the high luminosity simulation results have produced a new organization of the hardware inside the FTK processor core.Comment: 11th ICATPP conferenc

    Computational Investigation of Novel Tip Leakage Mitigation Methods for High Pressure Turbine Blades

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    This paper presents preliminary findings on a possible approach to reducing tip leakage losses. In this paper a computational study was conducted on the EEE (Energy Efficient Engine) HPT (High Pressure Turbine) rotor tip geometry using the commercial numerical solver ANSYS FLUENT. The flow solver was validated against aerodynamic data acquired in the NASA Transonic Turbine Blade Cascade facility. The scope of the ongoing study is to computationally investigate how the tip leakage and overall blade losses are affected by 1. injection from the tip near the pressure side, 2. injection from the tip surface at the camber line, and 3. injection from the tip surface into the tip separation bubble. The objective is to identify the locations on the tip surface at which to place appropriately configured blowing keeping in mind the film cooling application of tip blowing holes. The validation was conducted at Reynolds numbers of 85,000, 343,000 and 685,000 and at engine realistic flow conditions. The coolant injection simulations were conducted at a Reynolds number of 343,000 based on blade chord and inlet velocity and utilized the SST turbulence model in FLUENT. The key parameters examined are the number of jets, jet angle and jet location. A coolant to inlet pressure ratio of 1.0 was studied for angles of +30 deg., -30 deg. and 90 deg. to the local free stream on the tip. For the 3 hole configuration, 3 holes spaced 3 hole diameters apart with length to diameter ratio of 1.5 were used. A simulation including 11 holes along the entire mean camber line is also presented (30 degrees toward suction side). In addition, the effect of a single hole is also compared to a flat tip with no injection. The results provide insight into tip flow control methods and can be used to guide further investigation into tip flow control. As noted in past research it is concluded that reducing leakage flow is not necessarily synonymous with reducing losses due to leakage

    The Audiological Follow-Up of Children with Symptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: An Experience in Two Italian Centers

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    Background: Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is the leading cause of non-hereditary sensorineural hearing loss in children. While about 10% of children reportedly display symptoms at birth, 85-90% of cCMV infection cases are asymptomatic. However, 10-15% of these asymptomatic infants may later develop hearing, visual, or neurodevelopmental impairments. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of cCMV infection on newborns' hearing function with a particular emphasis on progressive and late-onset cases. Methods: This study is a retrospective chart analysis with longitudinal character and was conducted in two Italian centers: Center 1 (from 1 November 2007 to 31 December 2021) and Center 2 (from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2021). Data collected included newborn hearing screening results, characterization of hearing loss (unilateral/bilateral, degree of impairment), and audiological follow-up. Results: The cohort consisted of 103 children (42% males, 58% females). In total, 28 children presented with hearing impairment; 71.4% (20 out of 28) of the cases of hearing loss were severe/profound, with 35.7% of the cases due to unilateral hearing loss. Out of twenty-eight, six experienced progression of hearing loss and four had late-onset hearing loss. Conclusions: In the absence of universal cCMV screening, hearing screening at birth for cCMV remains a critical factor for early diagnosis. A significant percentage of children affected by cCMV with normal audiological evaluations at birth is easily lost to follow-up. Close collaboration between neonatologists, pediatricians, and audiological services is fundamental to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment of cCMV-related hearing loss

    Wearable Haptic Devices for Gait Re-education by Rhythmic Haptic Cueing

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    This research explores the development and evaluation of wearable haptic devices for gait sensing and rhythmic haptic cueing in the context of gait re-education for people with neurological and neurodegenerative conditions. Many people with long-term neurological and neurodegenerative conditions such as Stroke, Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease suffer from impaired walking gait pattern. Gait improvement can lead to better fluidity in walking, improved health outcomes, greater independence, and enhanced quality of life. Existing lab-based studies with wearable devices have shown that rhythmic haptic cueing can cause immediate improvements to gait features such as temporal symmetry, stride length, and walking speed. However, current wearable systems are unsuitable for self-managed use for in-the-wild applications with people having such conditions. This work aims to investigate the research question of how wearable haptic devices can help in long-term gait re-education using rhythmic haptic cueing. A longitudinal pilot study has been conducted with a brain trauma survivor, providing rhythmic haptic cueing using a wearable haptic device as a therapeutic intervention for a two-week period. Preliminary results comparing pre and post-intervention gait measurements have shown improvements in walking speed, temporal asymmetry, and stride length. The pilot study has raised an array of issues that require further study. This work aims to develop and evaluate prototype systems through an iterative design process to make possible the self-managed use of such devices in-the-wild. These systems will directly provide therapeutic intervention for gait re-education, offer enhanced information for therapists, remotely monitor dosage adherence and inform treatment and prognoses over the long-term. This research will evaluate the use of technology from the perspective of multiple stakeholders, including clinicians, carers and patients. This work has the potential to impact clinical practice nationwide and worldwide in neuro-physiotherapy

    Antiepileptic drug discontinuation by people with epilepsy in the general population

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    OBJECTIVE: Rate, reasons, and predictors of antiepileptic drug (AED) discontinuation were investigated in a well-defined cohort of people with epilepsy to verify efficacy and tolerability of treatment up to 20 years from treatment initiation. METHODS: The history of AED usage in children and adults with epilepsy registered with 123 family physicians in an area of Northern Italy between 2000 and 2008 was recorded. Cumulative probabilities of AED withdrawal for specific reasons were estimated using cumulative incidence functions. The probabilities of withdrawing for terminal remission, and of achieving sustained remission while still on treatment, were also evaluated. The roles of sex, age at diagnosis, seizure types, duration at diagnosis, and syndrome were assessed with hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Seven hundred thirty-one of 747 individuals were treated with one or more AEDs during the disease course. The three commonest drugs were valproate, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital. Reported reasons for AED withdrawal were, in decreasing order, terminal remission, ineffectiveness, and adverse events. The probability of withdrawing the first AED for terminal remission was 1.0% at 1 year and increased to 20.0% at 20 years. Corresponding rates were 2.9% and 12.6% for ineffectiveness and 0.5% and 3.3% for adverse events. Reasons for withdrawal varied with individuals' age, sex, disease characteristics, and drugs. SIGNIFICANCE: The initial AED given was retained in the majority of cases. Terminal remission, lack of efficacy, and adverse effects were, in decreasing order, the commonest reasons for AED discontinuation. Withdrawal could be predicted by age at diagnosis, sex, and clinical characteristics and varies among drugs
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