2,014 research outputs found

    Method for determining properties of microinstabilities of a magnetized plasma

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    Study comprises a determination of the plasma density at which absolute density becomes predominant by using the dielectric properties at this incipient unstable state. Relationships between wavelength, frequency, and density microinstabilities are used to derive the spatial dielectric function

    A laser scanner for 35mm film

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    The design, construction, and testing of a laser scanning system is described. The scanner was designed to deliver a scanned beam over a 2.54 cm by 2.54 cm or a 5.08 cm by 5.08 cm format. In order to achieve a scan resolution and rate comparable to that of standard television, an acousto-optic deflector was used for one axis of the scan, and a light deflecting galvanometer for deflection along the other axis. The acoustic optic deflector has the capability of random access scan controlled by a digital computer

    Instability of human societies as a result of conformity

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    We introduce a new model that mimics the strong and sudden effects induced by conformity in tightly interacting human societies. Such effects range from mere crowd phenomena to dramatic political turmoil. The model is a modified version of the Ising Hamiltonian. We have studied the properties of this Hamiltonian using both a Metropolis simulation and analytical derivations. Our study shows that increasing the value of the conformity parameter, results in a first order phase transition. As a result a majority of people begin honestly to support the idea that may contradict the moral principles of a normal human beings though each individual would support the moral principle without tight interaction with the society. Thus, above some critical level of conformity our society occurs to be instable with respect to ideas that might be doubtful. Our model includes, in a simplified way, human diversity with respect to loyalty to the moral principles.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Int. journ of modern physics section

    Measuring thermodynamic length

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    Thermodynamic length is a metric distance between equilibrium thermodynamic states. Among other interesting properties, this metric asymptotically bounds the dissipation induced by a finite time transformation of a thermodynamic system. It is also connected to the Jensen-Shannon divergence, Fisher information and Rao's entropy differential metric. Therefore, thermodynamic length is of central interest in understanding matter out-of-equilibrium. In this paper, we will consider how to define thermodynamic length for a small system described by equilibrium statistical mechanics and how to measure thermodynamic length within a computer simulation. Surprisingly, Bennett's classic acceptance ratio method for measuring free energy differences also measures thermodynamic length.Comment: 4 pages; Typos correcte

    Generalized Phase Rules

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    For a multi-component system, general formulas are derived for the dimension of a coexisting region in the phase diagram in various state spaces.Comment: In the revised manuscript, physical meanings of D's are explained by adding three figures. 10 pages, 3 figure

    Equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics of particle-stabilized thin liquid films

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    Our recent quasi-two-dimensional thermodynamic description of thin-liquid films stabilized by colloidal particles is generalized to describe nonuniform equilibrium states of films in external potentials and nonequilibrium transport processes produced in the film by gradients of thermodynamic forces. Using a Monte--Carlo simulation method, we have determined equilibrium equations of state for a film stabilized by a suspension of hard spheres. Employing a multipolar-expansion method combined with a flow-reflection technique, we have also evaluated the short-time film-viscosity coefficients and collective particle mobility.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Emergence of robustness against noise: A structural phase transition in evolved models of gene regulatory networks

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    We investigate the evolution of Boolean networks subject to a selective pressure which favors robustness against noise, as a model of evolved genetic regulatory systems. By mapping the evolutionary process into a statistical ensemble and minimizing its associated free energy, we find the structural properties which emerge as the selective pressure is increased and identify a phase transition from a random topology to a "segregated core" structure, where a smaller and more densely connected subset of the nodes is responsible for most of the regulation in the network. This segregated structure is very similar qualitatively to what is found in gene regulatory networks, where only a much smaller subset of genes --- those responsible for transcription factors --- is responsible for global regulation. We obtain the full phase diagram of the evolutionary process as a function of selective pressure and the average number of inputs per node. We compare the theoretical predictions with Monte Carlo simulations of evolved networks and with empirical data for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Critical phenomena and thermodynamic geometry of charged Gauss-Bonnet AdS black holes

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    In this paper, we study the phase structure and equilibrium state space geometry of charged topological Gauss-Bonnet black holes in dd-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime. Several critical points are obtained in the canonical ensemble, and the critical phenomena and critical exponents near them are examined. We find that the phase structures and critical phenomena drastically depend on the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda and dimensionality dd. The result also shows that there exists an analogy between the black hole and the van der Waals liquid gas system. Moreover, we explore the phase transition and possible property of the microstructure using the state space geometry. It is found that the Ruppeiner curvature diverges exactly at the points where the heat capacity at constant charge of the black hole diverges. This black hole is also found to be a multiple system, i.e., it is similar to the ideal gas of fermions in some range of the parameters, while to the ideal gas of bosons in another range.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Mean-field calculation of critical parameters and log-periodic characterization of an aperiodic-modulated model

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    We employ a mean-field approximation to study the Ising model with aperiodic modulation of its interactions in one spatial direction. Two different values for the exchange constant, JAJ_A and JBJ_B, are present, according to the Fibonacci sequence. We calculated the pseudo-critical temperatures for finite systems and extrapolate them to the thermodynamic limit. We explicitly obtain the exponents β\beta, δ\delta, and γ\gamma and, from the usual scaling relations for anisotropic models at the upper critical dimension (assumed to be 4 for the model we treat), we calculate α\alpha, ν\nu, ν//\nu_{//}, η\eta, and η//\eta_{//}. Within the framework of a renormalization-group approach, the Fibonacci sequence is a marginal one and we obtain exponents which depend on the ratio r≡JB/JAr \equiv J_B/J_A, as expected. But the scaling relation γ=β(δ−1)\gamma = \beta (\delta -1) is obeyed for all values of rr we studied. We characterize some thermodynamic functions as log-periodic functions of their arguments, as expected for aperiodic-modulated models, and obtain precise values for the exponents from this characterization.Comment: 17 pages, including 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Geometric description of BTZ black holes thermodynamics

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    We study the properties of the space of thermodynamic equilibrium states of the Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole in (2+1)-gravity. We use the formalism of geometrothermodynamics to introduce in the space of equilibrium states a 2−2-dimensional thermodynamic metric whose curvature is non-vanishing, indicating the presence of thermodynamic interaction, and free of singularities, indicating the absence of phase transitions. Similar results are obtained for generalizations of the BTZ black hole which include a Chern-Simons term and a dilatonic field. Small logarithmic corrections of the entropy turn out to be represented by small corrections of the thermodynamic curvature, reinforcing the idea that thermodynamic curvature is a measure of thermodynamic interaction
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