435 research outputs found

    Communicating in a Multi-Role, Multi- Device, Multi-Channel World: How Knowledge Workers Manage Work- Home Boundaries

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    Technology keeps us connected through multiple devices, on several communication channels, and with our many daily roles. Being able to better manage one’s availability and thus have more control over work-home boundaries can potentially reduce interferences and ultimately stress. However, little is known about the practical implications of communication technologies and their role in boundary and availability management. Taking a bottom-up approach, we conducted four exploratory qualitative studies to understand how current communication technologies support and challenge work-home boundaries for knowledge workers. First, we compared email practices across accounts and devices, finding differences based on professional and personal preferences. Secondly, with wearables such as smartwatches becoming more popular, findings from our autoethnography and interview study show how device ecologies can be used to moderate notifications and one’s sense of availability. Thirdly, moving beyond just email to include multiple communication channels, our diary study and focus group showed how awareness and availability are managed and interpreted differently between senders and receivers. Together, these studies portray how current communication technologies challenge boundary management and how users rely on strategies – that we define as microboundaries – to mitigate boundary cross-overs, boundary interruptions, and expectations of availability. Finally, to understand the extent to which microboundaries can be useful boundary management strategies, we took a multiple-case study approach to evaluate how they are used over time and found that, although context-dependent, microboundaries help increase participants’ boundary control and reduce stress. This thesis’ primary contribution is a taxonomy of microboundary strategies that deepens our current understanding of boundary management in the digital age. By feeling in control, users experience fewer unwanted boundary cross-overs and ultimately feel less stressed. This work leads to our secondary contribution to individual and organisational practice. Finally, we draw a set of implications for the design of interactions and cross-device experiences

    Two similar commercial live attenuated AMPV vaccines prepared by random passage of the identical field isolate, have unrelated sequences

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    Since late \u201880 s Avian metapneumovirus subtype A causes sufficient disease in Europe for commercial companies to have started developing live attenuated vaccines. Here, two of those vaccines were fully consensus sequenced alongside their progenitor field strain (#8544). Sequences comparison shows that the attenuation of field strain #8544 was associated with no common substitutions between the two derived vaccines. This finding suggests that the attenuation of field viruses via serial passage on cell cultures or tissues is the result of a random process, rather than a mechanism aiming to achieve a specific sequence. Furthermore, field vaccination strategies would greatly benefit by the unambiguous vaccine markers identified in this study, enabling a prompt and confident vaccines detection

    Survival analysis of piglet pre-weaning mortality

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    Survival analysis methodology was applied in order to analyse sources of variation of preweaning survival time and to estimate variance components using data from a crossbred piglets population. A frailty sire model was used with the litter effect treated as an additional random source of variation. All the variables considered had a significant effect on survivability: sex, cross-fostering, parity of the nurse-sow and litter size. The variance estimates of sire and litter were closed to 0.08 and 2 respectively and the heritability of pre-weaning survival was 0.03

    “I figured her feeling a little bit bad was worth it to not spread that kind of hate”:exploring how UK families discuss and challenge misinformation

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    Misinformation has become a regular occurrence in our lives with many different approaches being sought to address it. One effective way to combat misinformation is for trusted individuals (e.g., family members) to challenge the misinformed person. However, less is known about how these conversations between trusted individuals occur, and how they may impact on relationships. We look to address this gap by conducting semi-structured interviews with family members in the UK who have experienced misinformation within their family networks. We identify several barriers individuals face when challenging misinformed family members, such as the misinformed person’s personality and the extent that pre-conceptions influence beliefs. We also find individuals developing strategies to overcome these barriers, and to cope with difficulties that arise through these conversations. Despite technology being the main driver for misinformation spread, we find it has limitations when used to facilitate or mediate conversations for challenging misinformation between family members

    impact of coccidiosis control program and feeding plan on white striping prevalence and severity degree on broiler breast fillets evaluated at three growing ages

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    Abstract This study investigated the impact of 2 coccidiosis control systems (vaccine vs anticoccidial) and 2 feeding plans (standard energy vs low energy content, the latter supplemented with threonine and enzymes in the second half of the production cycle) on white striping (WS) prevalence and severity in chicken broiler breasts at commercial slaughter age (51 d). The age of lesion onset was also investigated with the sacrifice of 80 chicks at 12, and 80 chicks at 25 d of age. Seven hundred and twenty ROSS 708 strain male chicks were divided into 4 groups: a non-vaccinated group fed with standard diet (CONTROL); two groups vaccinated against coccidiosis but fed either a standard diet (VACC) or a low-energy diet supplemented with threonine and enzymes (VACC–LE plus); and a fourth group fed a standard diet containing anticoccidial additive except during the finishing period (COX). After live performance, yields, and fillet pH were measured, the breasts were weighed and scored as level 0 (no WS), level 1 (moderate WS), and level 2 (severe WS) at each of the 3 ages; data were covariate for slaughter weight. The results suggest an ameliorative effect of coccidiosis control systems when compared to the control group in terms of live weight, breast yield, and whole breast weight, with heavier fillets characterized by higher pH values. WS appeared at 25 d of age with an average prevalence of 11.5% and with lesions of moderate severity. There were no statistically significant differences due to the experimental treatment at this age. At commercial slaughter age, total average prevalence was 96%, with COX birds showing higher level 2 prevalence (77.6%). This could be related to the higher slaughter weight reached by the COX group (

    Technological quality, mineral profile, and sensory attributes of broiler chicken breasts affected by White Striping and Wooden Breast myopathies.

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to study the impact of white striping and wooden breast myopathies on the technological quality, mineral, and sensory profile of poultry meat. With this purpose, a total of 138 breasts were selected for a control group with normal breasts (N), a group of breasts characterised by white striping (WS) myopathy, and a group of breasts having both white striping and wooden breast myopathies (WSWB). Data revealed that the simultaneous presence of the two myopathies, with respect to the WS lesion individually considered, had a further detrimental effect on pH (6.04 vs. 5.96;

    Vaccine Interaction and Protection against Virulent Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) Challenge after Combined Administration of Newcastle Disease and aMPV Live Vaccines to Day-Old Turkeys

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    Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) are among the most impactful pathogens affecting the turkey industry. Since turkeys are routinely immunized against both diseases, the hatchery administration of the combined respective live vaccines would offer remarkable practical advantages. However, the compatibility of NDV and aMPV vaccines has not yet been experimentally demonstrated in this species. To address this issue, an aMPV subtype B live vaccine was administered to day-old poults either alone or in combination with one of two different ND vaccines. The birds were then challenged with a virulent aMPV subtype B strain, clinical signs were recorded and aMPV and NDV vaccine replication and humoral immune response were assessed. All results supported the absence of any interference hampering protection against aMPV, with no significant differences in terms of clinical scoring. In addition, the mean aMPV vaccine viral titers and antibody titers measured in the dual vaccinated groups were comparable or even higher than in the group vaccinated solely against aMPV. Lastly, based on the NDV viral and antibody titers, the combined aMPV and NDV vaccination does not seem to interfere with protection against NDV, although further studies involving an actual ND challenge will be necessary to fully demonstrate this hypothesis

    Molecular characterization of the meq gene of Marek\u2019s disease viruses detected in unvaccinated backyard chickens reveals the circulation of low- and high-virulence strains

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    Marek's disease (MD) is an important lymphoproliferative disease of chickens, caused by Gal lid alphaherpesvirus 2 (GaHV-2). Outbreaks are commonly reported in commercial flocks, but also in backyard chickens. Whereas the molecular characteristics of GaHV-2 strains from the commercial poultry sector have been reported, no recent data are available for the rural sector. To fill this gap, 19 GaHV-2 strains detected in 19 Italian backyard chicken flocks during suspected MD outbreaks were molecularly characterized through an analysis of the meq gene, the major GaHV-2 oncogene. The number of four consecutive prolines (PPPP) within the proline-rich repeats of the Meq transactivation domain, the proline content, and the presence of amino acid (aa) substitutions were determined. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the Maximum Likelihood method. Sequence analysis revealed a heterogeneous population of GaHV-2 strains circulating in Italian backyard flocks. Seven strains, detected from birds affected by classical MD, showed a unique meq isoform of 418 aa with a very high number of PPPP motifs. Molecular and clinical features are suggestive of a low oncogenic potential of these strains. The remaining 12 strains, detected from flocks experiencing acute MD, transient paralysis, or sudden death, had shorter Meq protein isoforms (298 or 339 aa) with a lower number of PPPP motifs and point mutations interrupting PPPP. These features allow us to assert the high virulence of these strains. These findings reveal the circulation of low and high-virulence GaHV-2 strains in the Italian rural sector

    Vaccine or field strains: the jigsaw pattern of infectious bronchitis virus molecular epidemiology in Poland

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    Infectious bronchitis (IB), caused by infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), account for severe economic losses in the poultry industry. The continuous emergence of a multitude of IBV variants poses many challenges for its diagnosis and control, and live attenuated vaccines, despite their routine use, still plays a significant role in driving IBV evolution, further complicating the epidemiological scenario. Unfortunately, the impact of different vaccination strategies on IB control, epidemiology, and diagnosis has rarely been investigated. This work presents the results of a large-scale diagnostic survey performed in Poland to study IBV molecular epidemiology and how vaccination may affect the viral circulation in the field. To this purpose, 589 samples were collected between May 2017 and January 2019, tested by reverse transcription-PCR for IBV and sequenced. Vaccine and field strains were discriminated based on genetic and anamnestic information. The most commonly detected lineages were 793B (79%) and variant 2 (17.4%), with sporadic detections of QX, Mass, and D274-like strains. Most of the detected strains had a vaccine origin: 46.3% matched one of the applied vaccines, while 36.5% were genetically related to vaccines not implemented in the respective protocol. Besides their practical value for the proper planning of vaccination protocols in Poland, these results suggest that only a fraction (17.2%) of the circulating strains are field ones, imposing a careful assessment of the actual IBV field menaces. Moreover, phenomena like vaccine spreading and persistence seem to occur commonly, stressing the need to further study the epidemiological consequences of the extensive use of live vaccines

    Vaccine or field strains: the jigsaw pattern of infectious bronchitis virus molecular epidemiology in Poland

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    Infectious bronchitis (IB), caused by infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), account for severe economic losses in the poultry industry. The continuous emergence of a multitude of IBV variants poses many challenges for its diagnosis and control, and live attenuated vaccines, despite their routine use, still plays a significant role in driving IBV evolution, further complicating the epidemiological scenario. Unfortunately, the impact of different vaccination strategies on IB control, epidemiology, and diagnosis has rarely been investigated. This work presents the results of a large-scale diagnostic survey performed in Poland to study IBV molecular epidemiology and how vaccination may affect the viral circulation in the field. To this purpose, 589 samples were collected between May 2017 and January 2019, tested by reverse transcription-PCR for IBV and sequenced. Vaccine and field strains were discriminated based on genetic and anamnestic information. The most commonly detected lineages were 793B (79%) and variant 2 (17.4%), with sporadic detections of QX, Mass, and D274-like strains. Most of the detected strains had a vaccine origin: 46.3% matched one of the applied vaccines, while 36.5% were genetically related to vaccines not implemented in the respective protocol. Besides their practical value for the proper planning of vaccination protocols in Poland, these results suggest that only a fraction (17.2%) of the circulating strains are field ones, imposing a careful assessment of the actual IBV field menaces. Moreover, phenomena like vaccine spreading and persistence seem to occur commonly, stressing the need to further study the epidemiological consequences of the extensive use of live vaccines
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