540 research outputs found

    Laboratory studies on the excitation and collisional deactivation of metastable atoms and molecules in the aurora and airglow

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    The aeronomy group at the University of Pittsburgh is actively engaged in a series of coordinated satellite, sounding rocket, and laboratory studies designed to expand and clarify knowledge of the physics and chemistry of planetary atmospheres. Three major discoveries have been made that will lead ultimately to a complete and dramatic revision of our ideas on the ionospheres of Mars, Venus, and the Earth and on the origin of their vacuum ultraviolet airglows. The results have already suggested a new generation of ionosphere studies which probably can be carried out best by laser heterodyning techniques. Laboratory studies have also identified, for the first time, the physical mechanism responsible for the remarkable nitric oxide buildup observed in some auroral arcs. This development is an important break-through in auroral physics, and has military ramifications of considerable interest to the Department of Defense. This work may also shed some light on related NO and atomic nitrogen problems in the mesosphere

    Studies of the airglow, the aurora, the ion and neutral composition, and the chemistry of the terrestrial atmosphere

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    Results obtained by rocket-borne optical spectrometry are presented. Composition measurements and auroral studies are reported. The production of N (D-2) atoms by photo-absorption processes, and by electron impact excitation of N2 are discussed along with vibrationally excited CO2(+) ions in planetary atmospheres

    Excitation of the Werner bands of H2 by electron impact

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    Absolute cross sections for the excitation of the H2 Werner band system were measured from energy threshold to 300 eV for electron impact on H2. The bands were observed in emission in the wavelength region 1100A to 1250A. The measured cross sections were compared with published transition probabilities, leading to the conclusion that the Werner bands are suitable as the basis for a relative spectral response calibration only when the bands are observed under sufficiently high resolution. The effect of the perturbation between the C 1Pi u and B 1 Sigma-u states of the hydrogen molecule was clearly observed in anomalies in the rotational intensity distribution in bands of the (3 v '') progression

    Excitation of atomic nitrogen by electron impact

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    Absolute cross sections were measured for the excitation of the N I(1134, 1164, 1168, 1200, 1243, and 1743 A) multiplets by electron impact on atomic nitrogen. The presence of vibrationally excited molecular nitrogen in the discharged gas was confirmed, and its effect on the measurements is discussed. The ratio of the oscillator strengths of the 1200 and 1134 A resonance transitions is presented, as well as the branching ratio for the N I(1311/1164 A) multiplets. Striking differences in the distribution of intensity between the spectra of atomic nitrogen and molecular nitrogen excited by energetic electrons suggest an optical method for measuring the density of atomic nitrogen in the upper atmosphere

    Photoelectron excitation of atomic oxygen resonance radiation in the terrestrial air-glow

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    Photoelectron excitation of atomic oxygen resonance radiation in terrestrial airglo

    Energy spectra of metastable oxygen atoms produced by electron impact dissociation of O2

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    Kinetic energies of metastable oxygen atoms formed by electron impact dissociation of oxygen and measured in time of flight experimen

    Calibration of vacuum ultraviolet monochromators by the molecular branching- ratio technique

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    Calibration of vacuum ultraviolet monochromators by molecular branching-ratio techniqu

    Excitation of the CO fourth positive band system by electron impact on carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

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    Excitation of carbon monoxide fourth positive band system by electron impact on carbon monoxide and carbon dioxid

    Deactivation of N2A 3 Sigma u plus molecules in the aurora

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    Analysis of N2A 3 Sigma u positive molecule deactivation in auroras using atmospheric model based on mass spectrometer measurement