2,253 research outputs found

    Scholarly Writing and Collaboration: A Book Review on Writing Groups for Doctoral Education and Beyond

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    Writing Groups for Doctoral Education and Beyond is a detailed text outlining collaborative writing pedagogies suitable for academics, doctoral students, and doctoral advisors. The text is broken into 3 sections with a total of 15 chapters. A variety of different paradigms are critically interpreted within the writing group setting, which offers the reader a look inside the pedagogy and practice of writing. In particular, the text supports qualitative thesis or dissertation writing and offers guidelines to help increase writing productivity

    Understanding Quantitative Design: A Resource for Qualitative Researchers

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    Quantitative Research for the Qualitative Researcher is a concise text written for students from a qualitative orientation. It provides connections between both quantitative and qualitative research processes, and helps students understand quantitative research design more completely. It highlights the structure and purpose of research design so students understand how to create and carry out effective research projects

    On the Evolution of Thermonuclear Flames on Large Scales

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    The thermonuclear explosion of a massive white dwarf in a Type Ia supernova explosion is characterized by vastly disparate spatial and temporal scales. The extreme dynamic range inherent to the problem prevents the use of direct numerical simulation and forces modelers to resort to subgrid models to describe physical processes taking place on unresolved scales. We consider the evolution of a model thermonuclear flame in a constant gravitational field on a periodic domain. The gravitational acceleration is aligned with the overall direction of the flame propagation, making the flame surface subject to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The flame evolution is followed through an extended initial transient phase well into the steady-state regime. The properties of the evolution of flame surface are examined. We confirm the form of the governing equation of the evolution suggested by Khokhlov (1995). The mechanism of vorticity production and the interaction between vortices and the flame surface are discussed. The results of our investigation provide the bases for revising and extending previous subgrid-scale model.Comment: 15 pages, 22 postscript figures. Accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journal. High resolution figures can be found at http://flash.uchicago.edu/~zhang/research_paper.htm

    American Poems

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    Integrating Human Health into Environmental Impact Assessment: Case Studies of Canada’s Northern Mining Resource Sector

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    This paper examines the integration of human health considerations into environmental impact assessment (EIA) in the Canadian North. Emphasis is placed on the northern mining sector, where more land has been staked in the past decade than in the previous 50 years combined. Using information from interviews with northern EIA and health practitioners and reviews of selected project documents, we examined three principal mining case studies, northern Saskatchewan uranium mining operations, the Ekati diamond project, and the Voisey’s Bay mine/mill project, to determine whether and how health considerations in EIA have evolved and the current nature and scope of health integration. Results suggest that despite the recognized link between environment and health and the number of high-profile megaprojects in Canada’s North, human health, particularly social health, has not been given adequate treatment in northern EIA. Health considerations in EIA have typically been limited to physical health impacts triggered directly by project-induced environmental change, while social and other health determinants have been either not considered at all, or limited to those aspects of health and well-being that the project proponent directly controlled, namely employment opportunities and worker health and safety. In recent years, we have been seeing improvements in the scope of health in EIA to reflect a broader range of health determinants, including traditional land use and culture. However, there is still a need to adopt impact mitigation and enhancement measures that are sensitive to northern society, to monitor and follow up actual health impacts after project approval, and to ensure that mitigation and enhancement measures are effective.Dans cet article, on se penche sur l’intégration des considérations en matière de santé humaine dans le cadre de l’évaluation des incidences environnementales dans le Nord canadien. On met l’accent sur le secteur minier du Nord, où plus de terres ont été jalonnées ces dix dernières années que pendant les 50 années précédentes. À la lumière des commentaires obtenus en entrevues avec des spécialistes des évaluations environnementales et de la santé du Nord ainsi que de l’examen de certains documents de projets, on a examiné trois études de cas principales portant sur l’exploitation minière – soit les exploitations d’uranium du nord de la Saskatchewan, le projet de diamants Ekati, et le projet de mine et d’usine de la baie Voisey – afin de déterminer si et comment les considérations en matière de santé dans le cadre de l’évaluation des incidences environnementales ont évolué ainsi que la nature et l’étendue actuelle de l’intégration de la santé. Les résultats indiquent que malgré le lien manifeste entre l’environnement et la santé ainsi que le nombre de mégaprojets de haut calibre entrepris dans le Nord canadien, la santé humaine, et plus particulièrement la santé sociale, n’est pas traitée adéquatement dans le cadre de l’évaluation des incidences environnementales du Nord. Généralement, les considérations de santé dans le cadre de l’évaluation des incidences environnementales se limitent aux incidences d’ordre physique directement attribuables aux changements environnementaux découlant du projet, alors que les déterminants d’ordre social ou autre n’ont pas été considérés du tout ou se sont limités aux aspects de la santé et du bien-être que les promoteurs du projet contrôlaient directement, notamment les occasions d’emploi, de même que la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs. Ces dernières années, on a enregistré des améliorations sur le plan de la santé dans le cadre de l’évaluation des incidences environnementales afin de tenir compte d’une gamme plus vaste de déterminants en matière de santé, ce qui comprend l’utilisation traditionnelle de la terre et la culture. Cela dit, le besoin d’adopter des mesures de mise en valeur et d’atténuation des incidences qui respectent la société du Nord se fait toujours sentir, de même que des mesures qui permettent de surveiller et de suivre les incidences réelles sur la santé une fois les projets approuvés. Il y a aussi lieu de s’assurer que les mesures de mise en valeur et d’atténuation portent fruits

    Hierarchically-coupled hidden Markov models for learning kinetic rates from single-molecule data

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    We address the problem of analyzing sets of noisy time-varying signals that all report on the same process but confound straightforward analyses due to complex inter-signal heterogeneities and measurement artifacts. In particular we consider single-molecule experiments which indirectly measure the distinct steps in a biomolecular process via observations of noisy time-dependent signals such as a fluorescence intensity or bead position. Straightforward hidden Markov model (HMM) analyses attempt to characterize such processes in terms of a set of conformational states, the transitions that can occur between these states, and the associated rates at which those transitions occur; but require ad-hoc post-processing steps to combine multiple signals. Here we develop a hierarchically coupled HMM that allows experimentalists to deal with inter-signal variability in a principled and automatic way. Our approach is a generalized expectation maximization hyperparameter point estimation procedure with variational Bayes at the level of individual time series that learns an single interpretable representation of the overall data generating process.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Simulation of the Spherically Symmetric Stellar Core Collapse, Bounce, and Postbounce Evolution of a 13 Solar Mass Star with Boltzmann Neutrino Transport, and Its Implications for the Supernova Mechanism

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    With exact three-flavor Boltzmann neutrino transport, we simulate the stellar core collapse, bounce, and postbounce evolution of a 13 solar mass star in spherical symmetry, the Newtonian limit, without invoking convection. In the absence of convection, prior spherically symmetric models, which implemented approximations to Boltzmann transport, failed to produce explosions. We are motivated to consider exact transport to determine if these failures were due to the transport approximations made and to answer remaining fundamental questions in supernova theory. The model presented here is the first in a sequence of models beginning with different progenitors. In this model, a supernova explosion is not obtained. We discuss the ramifications of our results for the supernova mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Physical Review Letter
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