208 research outputs found

    Two-electron one-photon transition in Li-like Bi

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    Genetic diversity of hepatitis C virus in Nanaian region, Khabarovsk territory

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    Examining hepatitis C virus (HCV) genetic diversity is of great practical value in molecular-epidemiological research, development of specific prevention tools and outlining therapeutic strategy.Aim of study is to conduct analysis assessing HCV genetic diversity circulating in the Nanaisky Region population of the Khabarovsk Krai.Materials and methods. Molecular and genetic analysis of 124 blood plasma samples collected from patients with chronic hepatitis C and residing in the Nanaisky Region was conducted.Results. HCV RNA was detected in 84 (67.7±4.2%) plasma samples. HCV genotyping was performed by using AmpliSens — 1/2/3 kit (Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow, Russian Federation) showing that genotype 3 dominated reaching up to 47.6±5.4% (n = 40). Genotype 1 was detected in 30 patients (35.7±5.2%). In thirteen cases (15.5±3.9%) genotype 2 was identified, whereas in one case (1.2±1.2%) virus genotype was unidentified. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences in HCV NS5B region was performed for 60 HCV RNA-positive samples showing subtype ratio as follows: 1a — 2 (3.3±2.3%), 1b — 23 (38.3±6.3%), 2а — 6 (10.0±3.9%), 2с — 2 (3.3±2.3%), 3а — 27 (45.0±6.4%). Three samples of RF2k/1b recombinant virus were found. A full NS2 gene nucleotide sequence was cloned in order to confirm the recombination event. The results of the study evidence about a need to conduct multi-layered examination of patients with chronic hepatitis C by using current molecular and biologic methods for assigning proper therapy coupled to characteristics of the isolated strains. The data regarding hepatitis C virus molecular and genetic parameters circulating in the Far Eastern Federal District, Russia, are rather limited. Hence, our study would contribute to current understanding of HCV genovariants circulating in territories of the Russian Federation

    Management of Activities of the Rospotrebnadzor Institutions in the Khabarovsk Territory with the View to Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare Provision for the Population in the Period of High Water

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    In order to enhance the surveillance over sanitary-epidemiological situation in the period of flood, 2013 Rospotrebnadzor institutions in the Khabarovsk Territory took anti-epidemic team augmentation, affiliated to Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute. Moreover, forged have been 30 mobile units for investigation of sanitary conditions in the residential areas of the region, water supply and water-consuming facilities, quality of nutrition among the population, living and sanitary conditions in the temporal accommodation sites; 11 mobile groups for sample collecting from ambient environment objects. Carried out has been operational deployment of two laboratory sub-units with the following membership: 5 microbiological, 5 sanitary-chemical, 2 radiological and 1 virusological facilities. By efforts of Rospotrebnadzor institutions performed has been a complex of key sanitary-hygienic, anti-epidemic and prophylactic measures aimed at prevention and control over distribution of mass infectious diseases, at the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population in the Khabarovsk Territory, and the relief of social tension during the period of rainfall floods in August-September, 2013

    An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the products of the interaction of gaseous IrF6 with fine UO2F2

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    Nuclear fuel reprocessing by fluorination, a dry method of regeneration of spent nuclear fuel, uses UO2F2 for the separation of plutonium from gaseous mixtures. Since plutonium requires special treatment, IrF6 was used as a thermodynamic model of PuF6. The model reaction of the interaction of gaseous IrF6 with fine UO2F2 in the sorption column revealed a change of color of the sorption column contents from pale-yellow to gray and black, indicating the formation of products of such an interaction. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study showed that the interaction of gaseous IrF6 with fine UO2F2 at 125 °C results in the formation of stable iridium compounds where the iridium oxidation state is close to Ir3+. The dependence of the elemental compositions of the layers in the sorption column on the penetration depth of IrF6 was established

    Prophylaxis of Acute Enteric Infections and Viral Hepatitis A under Emergency Situation in the Territory of the Amur Region

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    Hydrological natural disasters and post-flooding epidemiological situation are often attended by epidemic emergencies creating a threat to life-comforts sustaining and sanitary-epidemiologic welfare of a significant number of citizens. To evaluate the efficiency of preventive and anti-epidemic measures the analysis of acute enteric infection incidence rate in the Amur Region for the past decade, during the high water and in the post-flooding period in 2013 has been carried out. Displayed are the data concerning the prophylaxis of acute enteric infections and viral hepatitis A under the conditions of the emergency situation caused by natural calamities notably by flood in the Amur Region. Adequate planning and operative implementation of organizational, preventive and anti-epidemic measures have made it possible to control acute enteric and viral hepatitis A infection at the sporadic level

    Assessing natural herd immunity to tick-borne encephalitis in Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

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    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a natural focal viral neuroinfection vastly spread in the mid-latitude climate zone of theEurasia. Lethal cases and disability related to TBE determine its high epidemiological significance as well as underlie undiminished attention to prevent it in endemic territories. At the same time, TBE epidemiologic features significantly differ in various geographic areas. Importantly, Republic Sakha (Yakutia) is not among TBE endemic areas in theRussian Federation. However, in the last decade an increased incidence of ixodic tick bites was registered in the Republic Sakha. A pattern of pathogen-specific population immunity is one of the most valuable criteria for assessing magnitude of epidemic process in TBE foci. Hence, our study was aimed at assessing natural herd immunity TBEV in Republic Sakha associated with elevated incidence of tick bite visits. Here, we analyzed the data regarding the rate of tick attacks in the period of 2001–2007 in Republic Sakha. Residents and individuals unvaccinated against TBEV in the city ofYakutskas well as various administrative regions were examined to record the peak incidence of tick attacks. It was found that a range of the administrative regions recording with registered of ixodic tick attacks and elevated incidence of tick bites was expanded. Moreover, the top incidence of tick bites was annually recorded in the south regions of the republic Aldanian, Neryungri, Olyekminsk, Leninsk, Khangalassky districts, city ofYakutskand its suburbs. Furthermore, TBEV-specific immunoglobulins were detected in 5.7±0.68% of the residents examined suggesting about contacts with the pathogen. In addition, the peak count of seropositive people (8.9±1.85%) was identified in Namsky district located in the central part of the republic. Overall, detection rate of TBEV-specific antibodies among general adult population (6.9±0.95%) was significantly higher compared to those observed in children (3.9±0.89%, р < 0.05). no significant differences in urban (5.8±1.12%) vs. rural population (5.63±0.84%) was found


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    Aim: to reveal the Khabarovsk region territories that are under high risk of spread of dysentery in the period of large-scale flood fallout liquidation. Materials and methods. There was the analysis conducted of dysentery incidence during the period of 2003-2012 including distribution of annual and long-term annual average indicators per 100 000 inhabitants throughout administrative entities of Khabarovsk territory. We used methods that reveal tendencies and evaluated dynamic rates of dysentery epidemic process in time. Results and discussion. Khabarovsk region shows uneven levels of manifestations of epidemic process of dysentery not only during evaluation of annual incidence but also among certain administrative territories. During ten years preceding the flood in the Amur River region, long-term annual average level of incidence equaled to 42.7 ± 1.740/0000 The epidemic process was most intense in the Nanayi region, in other six administrative regions long-term annual average levels of incidence were exceeding similar averaged levels in Khabarovsk region. An intense epidemiologic situation on dysentery in several territories of the region was associated with registration of foci of clustered incidence caused by dysentery Sonne of alimentary and water-borne origin including atypical variants of Shigella Sonne. Conclusion. A year before the flood the elevation of dysentery incidence was registered in most of the territories of Khabarovsk Kray, and there was the evidence of outlined tendency of activation of epidemic process. This served as a basis for required adequate emergency measures for prophylaxis of dysentery


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    The purpose of systemic treatment in patients with breast cancer is based largely on the molecular characteristics of the primary tumor, but many clinical recommendations suggest also the study of metastatic nodes with an assessment of their receptor status (estrogen receptor ER, progesterone receptor RP, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 Her2/neu). This is due to the fact that according to numerous studies, the discrepancy between the status of the primary tumor and the secondary nodes can reach high rates: 3–54 % for ER, 5–78 % for RP, and 0–34 % for Her2/neu. At the same time, more and more data actively demonstrate the imperfection of immunohistochemical analysis and the need to study additional parameters to improve the quality of diagnosis of patients with breast cancer. Material and methods. A morphological and immunohistochemical study of the tumor tissue of the primary node and axillary lymph nodes was performed in 199 patients with breast cancer (T1-3N0-3M0) using standard methods, and RT-PCR was also studied with the expression of 24 genes. Results. The incidence of differences between the molecular phenotypes of the main tumor and metastatic axillary lymph nodes was 26 (26 %) of 99 cases. Most often, differences were noted in cases of breast cancer with luminal A type – 13 cases (50 %). According to the results of a comparative PCR analysis of tissue samples from the primary tumor and metastatic regional lymph nodes, only the expression of the CD68, ERSR1, GRB7 and MMD11 receptors was statistically significant. Conclusion. The results indicate the need for an integrated approach and additional methods for the diagnosis of breast cancer, which will undoubtedly improve the quality of planning and the effectiveness of systemic treatment in patients with breast cancer