8 research outputs found

    Assessment of the effectiveness of noise screens against traffic noise depending on the building’s floor area

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    The purpose of the study - аnalysis and evaluation the effectiveness of the noise screen, depending on the number of storeys.Цель исследования - анализ и оценка эффективности шумозащитного экрана в зависимости от этажности

    Mnemonic Techniques in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

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    В статье рассматриваются типичные приемы запоминания русских слов китайскими студентами.The use of mnemonics in teaching a foreign language is not new, but we have not found any studies that detail the development of teaching Russian to Chinese students using mnemonics. The aim of the study is to identifyexperimentally (via questionnaire) typical techniques of memorizing Russian lexical units by Chinese students and, thereby, to justify the possibility of using mnemonic teaching of the Russian language to the Chinese. With the help of the questionnaire method, the authors have identified that most of the difficulties in learning Russian are memorizing its vocabulary and grammar (the sample comprised 326 Chinese respondents who studied and/or are studying Russian)

    Разработка конструкции щелевого сельскохозяйственного распылителя и исследование его выходных параметров

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    It is shown that the use of low-quality sprayers for pesticide application can lead to the yield decrease and negative environmental consequences. The use of worn nozzles is noted to reduce the efficiency of plant treatment, since the deviation from the dosage norm of plant protection products reaches 30-60 percent. It is noted that foreign-made sprayers are most often used in Russia, since there are no domestic analogues providing similar output parameters. (Research purpose) To investigate the output parameters of the developed slotted agricultural sprayer and compare them with the performance of advanced imported analogues. (Materials and methods) A prototype model of the developed sprayer was made of bronze using mechanical treatment. It was examined on a special test bench in comparison with a reference polymer sprayer. Using optical microscopy the flow rate of the working fluid and the spray angle were measured, as well as the dimensions of the sprayer nozzle. (Results and discussion) It was found that, on average, in the prototype sprayer made of bronze, the flow rate of the working fluid is 1.7 times greater and the spray angle is 37.16 degrees less than those of a reference polymer sprayer. The examination of the spray nozzles by an optical microscope revealed some differences in shape and size. (Conclusions) The developed design of the sprayer reveals a need for improvement: the nozzle shape should be modified to ellipsoid; the nozzle size should be reduced.Показали, что применение некачественных распылителей для внесения пестицидов может привести к снижению урожайности и негативным экологическим последствиям. Отметили, что использование изношенных форсунок ухудшает эффективность обработки растений, так как отклонение от нормы расхода средств защиты растений достигает 30-60 процентов. Отметили, что наиболее часто в России применяют распылители иностранного производства, поскольку отечественных аналогов, обеспечивающих схожие выходные параметры, не существует. (Цель исследования) Исследовать выходные параметры разработанного щелевого сельскохозяйственного распылителя и сравнить их с показателями передовых импортных аналогов. (Материалы и методы) Опытный образец разработанного распылителя изготовили из бронзы с применением механической обработки. Исследовали его на специальном стенде в сравнении с эталонным полимерным распылителем. Измерили расход рабочей жидкости и угол распыла, а также размеры сопла, для чего применили оптическую микроскопию. (Результаты и обсуждение) Установили, что в среднем расход рабочий жидкости у опытного образца распылителя, изготовленного из бронзы, в 1,7 раза больше, чем у эталонного полимерного распылителя, а угол распыла меньше на 37,16 градуса. Исследование сопел распылителей с помощью оптического микроскопа позволило выявить различия в форме и размерах. (Выводы) Определили, что разработанная конструкция распылителя нуждается в доработке: форма сопла должна быть скорректирована до эллипсовидной, размеры сопла следует уменьшить

    Study of the Hydrothermal-Catalytic Influence on the Oil-Bearing Rocks of the Usinskoye Oil Field

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    In this work, a synthesis of an oil-soluble iron-based catalyst precursor was carried out and its efficiency was tested in a laboratory simulation of the aquathermolysis process at different temperatures. The rocks of the Usinskoe field from the Permian deposits of the Komi Republic, obtained by steam-gravity drainage, and the iron-based catalyst precursor, as well as the products of non-catalytic and catalytic aquathermolysis, were selected as the object of study. As a result, it was found that the content of alkanes in the samples after thermal steam treatment (TST) at 300 °C increased 8-fold compared to the original oil, and the content of cycloalkanes in the sample with the catalyst increased 2-fold compared to the control experience. This may indicate that not only the carbon-heteroatom bonds (C-S, N, O) but also the C-C bonds were broken. It also shows that increasing the iron tallate concentration at TST 300 °C leads to a decrease in the molecular mass of the oil compared to the control experiment. According to SEM, the catalyst is nanodisperse particles with a size of ≈60–80 nm, which are adsorbed on the rock surface, catalyst removal occurs at a small scale

    Testing of Polymer Composites for Manufacturing of Sprayer Nozzles

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    Wear is the leading cause of nozzle failure. The durability of the nozzle is affected by the material it is made from. Traditional materials are ceramics, stainless steel, brass, and polymers. One of the possible ways to improve the wear resistance of polymer nozzles is through the incorporation of dispersed fillers into them. This paper presents the results of testing polymer composites for their chemical resistance to pesticides, examining the effects of different types and amounts of fillers on the chemical and abrasion resistance. When silicon carbide was used as a filler, the strength increased by 30.2%. The experiments on chemical resistance to pesticides revealed that the nature, shape, and volume content of filler particles do not significantly affect the resistance of the compounds obtained. Tests on hydro-abrasive wear have shown that graphite and silicon carbide are effective fillers capable of reducing wear by up to 7.5 times. Based on previous research, it is recommended to use a composite compound with 15% volume of silicon carbide for nozzle manufacturing

    Study of the Hydrothermal-Catalytic Influence on the Oil-Bearing Rocks of the Usinskoye Oil Field

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    In this work, a synthesis of an oil-soluble iron-based catalyst precursor was carried out and its efficiency was tested in a laboratory simulation of the aquathermolysis process at different temperatures. The rocks of the Usinskoe field from the Permian deposits of the Komi Republic, obtained by steam-gravity drainage, and the iron-based catalyst precursor, as well as the products of non-catalytic and catalytic aquathermolysis, were selected as the object of study. As a result, it was found that the content of alkanes in the samples after thermal steam treatment (TST) at 300 °C increased 8-fold compared to the original oil, and the content of cycloalkanes in the sample with the catalyst increased 2-fold compared to the control experience. This may indicate that not only the carbon-heteroatom bonds (C-S, N, O) but also the C-C bonds were broken. It also shows that increasing the iron tallate concentration at TST 300 °C leads to a decrease in the molecular mass of the oil compared to the control experiment. According to SEM, the catalyst is nanodisperse particles with a size of ≈60–80 nm, which are adsorbed on the rock surface, catalyst removal occurs at a small scale

    Changes in Heavy Oil Saturates and Aromatics in the Presence of Microwave Radiation and Iron-Based Nanoparticles

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    Our knowledge of electromagnetic heating’s effect on heavy oil upgrading is largely based on very limited data. The aim of the present research was thus to study in detail the effect of microwave exposure in the absence and presence of nanosized magnetite on the composition of heavy oil. The obtained data reveal that the use of nanosized magnetite improves not only microwave radiation application as a result of its absorption and release of thermal energy but also that these nanoparticles have a catalytic ability to break carbon–heteroatom bonds in the composition of resins and asphaltene molecules. In fact, the overall reduction in asphaltenes or resins does not always adequately describe very important changes in asphaltene composition. Even a small fraction of broken carbon–heteroatom bonds can lead to an increase in the mobility of asphaltenes. Moreover, this study has shed light on the important evidence for asphaltenes’ transformation, which was found to be the formation of light aromatic compounds, such as alkylbenzenes, naphthalenes and phenanthrenes. These compounds were fixed in the composition of the aromatic fraction. We believe that these compounds could be the fragments obtained from asphaltenes’ degradation. The evidence from this study points toward the idea that asphaltenes’ destruction is crucial for increasing oil mobility in the reservoir rock during its thermal stimulation