567 research outputs found

    Gromov-Witten classes, quantum cohomology, and enumerative geometry

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    The paper is devoted to the mathematical aspects of topological quantum field theory and its applications to enumerative problems of algebraic geometry. In particular, it contains an axiomatic treatment of Gromov-Witten classes, and a discussion of their properties for Fano varieties. Cohomological Field Theories are defined, and it is proved that tree level theories are determined by their correlation functions. Applications to counting rational curves on del Pezzo surfaces and projective spaces are given.Comment: 44 p, amste

    Theta Vectors and Quantum Theta Functions

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    In this paper, we clarify the relation between Manin's quantum theta function and Schwarz's theta vector in comparison with the kq representation, which is equivalent to the classical theta function, and the corresponding coordinate space wavefunction. We first explain the equivalence relation between the classical theta function and the kq representation in which the translation operators of the phase space are commuting. When the translation operators of the phase space are not commuting, then the kq representation is no more meaningful. We explain why Manin's quantum theta function obtained via algebra (quantum tori) valued inner product of the theta vector is a natural choice for quantum version of the classical theta function (kq representation). We then show that this approach holds for a more general theta vector with constant obtained from a holomorphic connection of constant curvature than the simple Gaussian one used in the Manin's construction. We further discuss the properties of the theta vector and of the quantum theta function, both of which have similar symmetry properties under translation.Comment: LaTeX 21 pages, give more explicit explanations for notions given in the tex

    Quantum Mechanics on the h-deformed Quantum Plane

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    We find the covariant deformed Heisenberg algebra and the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the extended hh-deformed quantum plane and solve the Schr\"odinger equations explicitly for some physical systems on the quantum plane. In the commutative limit the behaviour of a quantum particle on the quantum plane becomes that of the quantum particle on the Poincar\'e half-plane, a surface of constant negative Gaussian curvature. We show the bound state energy spectra for particles under specific potentials depend explicitly on the deformation parameter hh. Moreover, it is shown that bound states can survive on the quantum plane in a limiting case where bound states on the Poincar\'e half-plane disappear.Comment: 16pages, Latex2e, Abstract and section 4 have been revise

    The symplectic origin of conformal and Minkowski superspaces

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    Supermanifolds provide a very natural ground to understand and handle supersymmetry from a geometric point of view; supersymmetry in d=3,4,6d=3,4,6 and 1010 dimensions is also deeply related to the normed division algebras. In this paper we want to show the link between the conformal group and certain types of symplectic transformations over division algebras. Inspired by this observation we then propose a new\,realization of the real form of the 4 dimensional conformal and Minkowski superspaces we obtain, respectively, as a Lagrangian supermanifold over the twistor superspace C4∣1\mathbb{C}^{4|1} and a big cell inside it. The beauty of this approach is that it naturally generalizes to the 6 dimensional case (and possibly also to the 10 dimensional one) thus providing an elegant and uniform characterization of the conformal superspaces.Comment: 15 pages, references added, minor change

    Why the general Zakharov-Shabat equations form a hierarchy?

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    The totality of all Zakharov-Shabat equations (ZS), i.e., zero-curvature equations with rational dependence on a spectral parameter, if properly defined, can be considered as a hierarchy. The latter means a collection of commuting vector fields in the same phase space. Further properties of the hierarchy are discussed, such as additional symmetries, an analogue to the string equation, a Grassmannian related to the ZS hierarchy, and a Grassmannian definition of soliton solutions.Comment: 13p

    h-deformation of Gr(2)

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    The hh-deformation of functions on the Grassmann matrix group Gr(2)Gr(2) is presented via a contraction of Grq(2)Gr_q(2). As an interesting point, we have seen that, in the case of the hh-deformation, both R-matrices of GLh(2)GL_h(2) and Grh(2)Gr_h(2) are the same

    The structure of 2D semi-simple field theories

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    I classify all cohomological 2D field theories based on a semi-simple complex Frobenius algebra A. They are controlled by a linear combination of kappa-classes and by an extension datum to the Deligne-Mumford boundary. Their effect on the Gromov-Witten potential is described by Givental's Fock space formulae. This leads to the reconstruction of Gromov-Witten invariants from the quantum cup-product at a single semi-simple point and from the first Chern class, confirming Givental's higher-genus reconstruction conjecture. The proof uses the Mumford conjecture proved by Madsen and Weiss.Comment: Small errors corrected in v3. Agrees with published versio

    Harmonic Superspaces in Low Dimensions

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    Harmonic superspaces for spacetimes of dimension d≀3d\leq 3 are constructed. Some applications are given.Comment: 16, kcl-th-94-15. Two further references have been added (12 and 13) and a few typographical errors have been correcte

    On Macroscopic Energy Gap for qq-Quantum Mechanical Systems

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    The q-deformed harmonic oscillator within the framework of the recently introduced Schwenk-Wess qq-Heisenberg algebra is considered. It is shown, that for "physical" values q∌1q\sim1, the gap between the energy levels decreases with growing energy. Comparing with the other (real) qq-deformations of the harmonic oscillator, where the gap instead increases, indicates that the formation of the macroscopic energy gap in the Schwenk-Wess qq-Quantum Mechanics may be avoided.Comment: 6 pages, TeX, PRA-HEP-92/1

    Elliptic Schlesinger system and Painlev{\'e} VI

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    We construct an elliptic generalization of the Schlesinger system (ESS) with positions of marked points on an elliptic curve and its modular parameter as independent variables (the parameters in the moduli space of the complex structure). ESS is a non-autonomous Hamiltonian system with pair-wise commuting Hamiltonians. The system is bihamiltonian with respect to the linear and the quadratic Poisson brackets. The latter are the multi-color generalization of the Sklyanin-Feigin-Odeskii classical algebras. We give the Lax form of the ESS. The Lax matrix defines a connection of a flat bundle of degree one over the elliptic curve with first order poles at the marked points. The ESS is the monodromy independence condition on the complex structure for the linear systems related to the flat bundle. The case of four points for a special initial data is reduced to the Painlev{\'e} VI equation in the form of the Zhukovsky-Volterra gyrostat, proposed in our previous paper.Comment: 16 pages; Dedicated to the centenary of the publication of the Painleve VI equation in the Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris by Richard Fuchs in 190
