197 research outputs found

    Molecular Complexation of Hederasaponin C with Cholesterol in Aqueous Isopropyl Alcohol

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    The 1:1 molecular complex of ivy triterpene glycoside hederasaponin C (HedC) with cholesterol (Chol) was obtained in aqueous isopropyl alcohol. The stability constant of (3.3 ± 0.7)∙106 (mol/L)–1 was calculated for the complex. The complexation was studied by UV- and ATR IR-Fourier spectroscopy, and method of isomolar series. The hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions are formed in the molecular complex

    Molecular Complexation of Hederasaponin C with Cholesterol in Aqueous Isopropyl Alcohol

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    The 1:1 molecular complex of ivy triterpene glycoside hederasaponin C (HedC) with cholesterol (Chol) was obtained in aqueous isopropyl alcohol. The stability constant of (3.3 ± 0.7)∙106 (mol/L)–1 was calculated for the complex. The complexation was studied by UV- and ATR IR-Fourier spectroscopy, and method of isomolar series. The hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions are formed in the molecular complex

    Clinical and laboratory indicators in pregnant women with preeclampsia

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    The objective of this study is to compare clinical and laboratory indicators in pregnant women with preeclampsia (PE) compared with women with physiological pregnancy. The study group included 209 women with physiological pregnancy and 250 pregnant women with PE. We studied coagulogram data, biochemical blood analysis, and the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure before and during pregnanc

    The study of the role of maternal and fetal risk factors in the development of placental insufficiency

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    The objectives were to study the role of maternal and fetal risk factors in the development of placental insufficiency (PI) and fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGRS

    Dataset of allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of four LIN28B gene polymorphisms analyzed for association with age at menarche in Russian women

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    In this paper, we present the allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in LIN28B gene (rs4946651, rs7759938, rs314280, rs314276) in a sample of Russian women. These SNPs had been previously identified to be associated with age at menarche in genome-wide association studies (GWAS

    State Transition Induced by Self-Steepening and Self Phase-Modulation

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    We present a rational solution for a mixed nonlinear Schr¨odinger (MNLS) equation. This solution has two free parameters a and b representing the contributions of self-steepening and self phasemodulation (SPM) of an associated physical system. It describes five soliton states: a paired bright-bright soliton, single soliton, a paired bright-grey soliton, a paired bright-black soliton, and a rogue wave state. We show that the transition among these five states is induced by self-steepening and SPM through tuning the values of a and b. This is a unique and potentially fundamentally important phenomenon in a physical system described by the MNLS equation

    Method of drilling process control and experimental studies of resistance forces during bits drilling with PDC cutters

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    A rational, theoretically proved and empirically verified control system is a condition for optimal management of the drilling process in compliance with the criteria for minimizing the cost of time and material resources. A new generation of rock-cutting tools using PDC cutters (polycrystalline diamante cutters), which are extremely effective when drilling wells for various purposes in medium-hard rocks, dictates the need to develop methods and criteria for optimal control of the drilling process using this tool. The paper presents an analysis of the force interaction between rock-cutting elements, face rock, and drilling mud saturated with slam, highlights the influencing factors and provides dependencies for determining the parameters of rock failure. Empirical verification of the theoretical propositions was carried out based on the data analysis from experimental bit drilling of marble with PDC cutters with a diameter of 76.2 mm, processed using the method of full factor experiment to obtain mathematical models of factors and their graphical interpretation. The method of controlling the drilling process based on the optimal ratio of the tool rotation frequency, axial weight and deepening per one turnover is considered, which allows determining the rock failure mode at the well bottom by indirect signs and choose the optimal values of the drilling mode parameters that correspond to the most optimal conditions in terms of achieving the maximum mechanical drilling speed in conjunction with the rational mode of rock-cutting tool operation. A scheme is presented that contains possible variants of the bit run mode and ways to recognize them by the ratio of the deepening per turnover and the rotation frequency of the rock-cutting tool