1,918 research outputs found

    The HH34 outflow as seen in [FeII]1.64um by LBT-LUCI

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    Dense atomic jets from young stars copiously emit in [FeII] IR lines, which can, therefore, be used to trace the immediate environments of embedded protostars. We want to investigate the morphology of the bright [FeII] 1.64um line in the jet of the source HH34 IRS and compare it with the most commonly used optical tracer [SII]. We analyse a 1.64um narrow-band filter image obtained with the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) LUCI instrument, which covers the HH34 jet and counterjet. A Point Spread Function (PSF) deconvolution algorithm was applied to enhance spatial resolution and make the IR image directly comparable to a [SII] HST image of the same source. The [FeII] emission is detected from both the jet, the (weak) counter-jet, and from the HH34-S and HH34-N bow shocks. The deconvolved image allows us to resolve jet knots close to about 1\arcsec from the central source. The morphology of the [FeII] emission is remarkably similar to that of the [SII] emission, and the relative positions of [FeII] and [SII] peaks are shifted according to proper motion measurements, which were previously derived from HST images. An analysis of the [FeII]/[SII] emission ratio shows that Fe gas abundance is much lower than the solar value with up to 90% of Fe depletion in the inner jet knots. This confirms previous findings on dusty jets, where shocks are not efficient enough to remove refractory species from grains.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, note accepted by A&

    GazeDrone: Mobile Eye-Based Interaction in Public Space Without Augmenting the User

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    Gaze interaction holds a lot of promise for seamless human-computer interaction. At the same time, current wearable mobile eye trackers require user augmentation that negatively impacts natural user behavior while remote trackers require users to position themselves within a confined tracking range. We present GazeDrone, the first system that combines a camera-equipped aerial drone with a computational method to detect sidelong glances for spontaneous (calibration-free) gaze-based interaction with surrounding pervasive systems (e.g., public displays). GazeDrone does not require augmenting each user with on-body sensors and allows interaction from arbitrary positions, even while moving. We demonstrate that drone-supported gaze interaction is feasible and accurate for certain movement types. It is well-perceived by users, in particular while interacting from a fixed position as well as while moving orthogonally or diagonally to a display. We present design implications and discuss opportunities and challenges for drone-supported gaze interaction in public


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    The problem of the damping of the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) at finite temperature at T>2 MeV is discussed here. The experimental results are based on fusion evaporation reactions. The most recent results on the mass region A = 132 ( Ce isotopes) obtained in exclusive measurements are compared with the existing results on the A = 110–120 region ( Sn isotopes). The comparison with the theoretical predictions based on thermal shape fluctuations is also discussed. The GDR width is found to increase also in the region T>2 MeV and this is accounted by the combined effect of the increase of the compound nucleus width (smaller lifetime) and to the increase of the average deformation of the nucleus

    Nonlinear diffusion & thermo-electric coupling in a two-variable model of cardiac action potential

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    This work reports the results of the theoretical investigation of nonlinear dynamics and spiral wave breakup in a generalized two-variable model of cardiac action potential accounting for thermo-electric coupling and diffusion nonlinearities. As customary in excitable media, the common Q10 and Moore factors are used to describe thermo-electric feedback in a 10-degrees range. Motivated by the porous nature of the cardiac tissue, in this study we also propose a nonlinear Fickian flux formulated by Taylor expanding the voltage dependent diffusion coefficient up to quadratic terms. A fine tuning of the diffusive parameters is performed a priori to match the conduction velocity of the equivalent cable model. The resulting combined effects are then studied by numerically simulating different stimulation protocols on a one-dimensional cable. Model features are compared in terms of action potential morphology, restitution curves, frequency spectra and spatio-temporal phase differences. Two-dimensional long-run simulations are finally performed to characterize spiral breakup during sustained fibrillation at different thermal states. Temperature and nonlinear diffusion effects are found to impact the repolarization phase of the action potential wave with non-monotone patterns and to increase the propensity of arrhythmogenesis


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    As communities grow, cities need to increase their capacity to collect and treat domestic wastewater. The need of larger domestic wastewater treatment plants and proper disposal of its solid waste has attracted the scientific community to research about new technologies that will use those systems and waste as a way to generate energy. The moisture content of a fuel effects the combustion products and the energy released by the reaction.  Therefore, in order to make biomass to be a viable fuel option, the technological and scientific challenges of the drying process of wastewater sludge must be faced and overcome so the lowest moisture content level is achieved. Conventional drying processes as for example, direct and indirect thermal drying, are commonly used. However, other processes using renewable energy as for example solar drying are also being studied by the scientist around the world. Moisture content, physical-chemical properties as for example, heating values, composition, ash fusibility are all relevant properties taken into consideration when choosing a fuel for a specific application. The herein review is intended to present some existing domestic wastewater drying processes, alternative ways of improving the efficiency of those processes


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    Co-combustion of coal with a secondary fuel, as for example, waste-biomass, including sewage sludge, isan option for its safe its elimination and a sustainable alternative for heat and power generation. Untreated sewage sludge has a negative impact on the environment and society due to its compositional and pathogenic factors. Co-combustion of coal and sewage sludge have advantages over some emissions parameters and improvement of thermal characteristics, but there are limiting factors for its large-scale use, especially regarding to the fuel feed which requiresinnovative methods to develop a product that combinesboth fuels. When it comes to environmental impact, the combined combustion of and coal with sewage sludge presents good opportunities for future research and technological applications to be explored. This review focuses on the combination of coal and sewage sludge, highlighting the possibilities and limitations of the co-combustion using them as fuel
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