969 research outputs found

    A practical method for calculating thermally-induced stresses in pile foundations used as heat exchangers

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    Thermo-active piles are capable of providing both structural stability as foundations and low carbon heating and cooling as ground source heat exchangers. When subjected to heating or cooling, the soil surrounding the pile restricts its expansion or contraction, giving rise to thermally-induced axial stresses, which need to be considered during design. Previous numerical studies often assume axisymmetry of the problem and/or a simplification of the heating or cooling mechanism of the pile. To simulate accurately the development of thermallyinduced axial stresses, this paper presents a computational study comprising three dimensional fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical finite element analyses conducted using the Imperial College Finite Element Program (ICFEP), where the heating of a thermo-active pile is simulated by prescribing a flow of hot water through the heat exchanger pipes within the pile. The effects of pipe arrangement on thermally-induced axial stresses are investigated by considering three different cases – single U loop, double U-loop and triple U-loop. Since threedimensional analyses are computationally expensive, a simplified method using a combination of two-dimensional analyses is proposed to estimate the thermally-induced axial stresses, which is subsequently validated and shown to yield accurate results

    The visibility of IQHE at sharp edges: Experimental proposals based on interactions and edge electrostatics

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    The influence of the incompressible strips on the integer quantized Hall effect (IQHE) is investigated, considering a cleaved-edge overgrown (CEO) sample as an experimentally realizable sharp edge system. We propose a set of experiments to clarify the distinction between the large-sample limit when bulk disorder defines the IQHE plateau width and the small-sample limit smaller than the disorder correlation length, when self-consistent edge electrostatics define the IQHE plateau width. The large-sample or bulk QH regime is described by the usual localization picture, whereas the small-sample or edge regime is discussed within the compressible/incompressible strips picture, known as the screening theory of QH edges. Utilizing the unusually sharp edge profiles of the CEO samples, a Hall bar design is proposed to manipulate the edge potential profile from smooth to extremely sharp. By making use of a side-gate perpendicular to the two dimensional electron system, it is shown that the plateau widths can be changed or even eliminated altogether. Hence, the visibility of IQHE is strongly influenced when adjusting the edge potential profile and/or changing the dc current direction under high currents in the non-linear transport regime. As a second investigation, we consider two different types of ohmic contacts, namely highly transmitting (ideal) and highly reflecting (non-ideal) contacts. We show that if the injection contacts are non-ideal, however still ohmic, it is possible to measure directly the non-quantized transport taking place at the bulk of the CEO samples. The results of the experiments we propose will clarify the influence of the edge potential profile and the quality of the contacts, under quantized Hall conditions.Comment: Substantially revised version of manuscript arXiv:0906.3796v1, including new figures et

    How strongly programmed is a strong programme building?: A comparative analysis of outpatient clinics in two hospitals

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    Buildings are traditionally classified in Space Syntax theory as either strongly or weakly programmed. According to this theory, social life in strong programme buildings follows rules and requirements of the organisation, while space usage in weak programme buildings is assumed to follow spatial configuration. However, in recent studies it has been argued that weak programme buildings can show aspects of strong programming, too. This paper aims at a more detailed description of different levels of programming by identifying a set of criteria to differentiate between weak and strong programme. This is derived from early Space Syntax theories as well as from more recent contributions. These criteria are then applied to outpatient clinics in two hospitals using findings from an in-depth study of space usage as evidence. The main hypothesis to be tested is whether the two hospitals show different levels of programming, or are simply strongly programmed, as traditionally assumed in Space Syntax theory. Three different categories of users - physicians, nurses and clerks were observed and their work activities and interaction networks investigated. Results show that none of the two hospitals show aspects of strong programming only, but rather change from strong to weak depending on the different criteria. Moreover, none of the two cases is consistently stronger programmed than the other suggesting that the same building as well as the same building type can show different degrees of programming. The study provides an elaborate analysis of programming in buildings and thus offers a starting point for a renewed debate on programme in order to devise ways of quantifying the level of programming of buildings in the future, which to date has only been done qualitatively. It suggests that other complex building types should be studied and added to the analysis. The paper enhances our current understanding of how space usage patterns in complex buildings evolve and contributes to the articulation of one of the key theoretical concepts in Space Syntax

    The Rarita-Schwinger Particles Under de Influence of Strong Magnetic Fields

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    In this work, we calculate the solutions of the Rarita-Schwinger equation with the inclusion of the eletromagnetic interaction. Our gauge and coupling prescription choices lead to Dirac-type solutions. One of the consequences of our results are the Landau level occupation of particles, quite different from the usual spin 1/2 particle system occupation numbers.Comment: 12 page

    Periodic ground state for the charged massive Schwinger model

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    It is shown that the charged massive Schwinger model supports a periodic vacuum structure for arbitrary charge density, similar to the common crystalline layout known in solid state physics. The dynamical origin of the inhomogeneity is identified in the framework of the bozonized model and in terms of the original fermionic variables.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, revised version, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Personalized Feedback on Staff Dose in Fluoroscopy-Guided Interventions: A New Era in Radiation Dose Monitoring

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    Radiation safety and protection are a key component of fluoroscopy-guided interventions. We hypothesize that providing weekly personal dose feedback will increase radiation awareness and ultimately will lead to optimized behavior. Therefore, we designed and implemented a personalized feedback of procedure and personal doses for medical staff involved in fluoroscopy-guided interventions. Medical staff (physicians and technicians, n = 27) involved in fluoroscopy-guided interventions were equipped with electronic personal dose meters (PDMs). Procedure dose data including the dose area product and effective doses from PDMs were prospectively monitored for each consecutive procedure over an 8-month period (n = 1082). A personalized feedback form was designed displaying for each staff individually the personal dose per procedure, as well as relative and cumulative doses. This study consisted of two phases: (1) 1-5th months: Staff did not receive feedback (n = 701) and (2) 6-8th months: Staff received weekly individual dose feedback (n = 381). An anonymous evaluation was performed on the feedback and occupational dose. Personalized feedback was scored valuable by 76% of the staff and increased radiation dose awareness for 71%. 57 and 52% reported an increased feeling of occupational safety and changing their behavior because of personalized feedback, respectively. For technicians, the normalized dose was significantly lower in the feedback phase compared to the prefeedback phase: [median (IQR) normalized dose (phase 1) 0.12 (0.04-0.50) A mu Sv/Gy cm(2) versus (phase 2) 0.08 (0.02-0.24) A mu Sv/Gy cm(2), p = 0.002]. Personalized dose feedback increases radiation awareness and safety and can be provided to staff involved in fluoroscopy-guided interventions

    Applicability of layered sine-Gordon models to layered superconductors: II. The case of magnetic coupling

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    In this paper, we propose a quantum field theoretical renormalization group approach to the vortex dynamics of magnetically coupled layered superconductors, to supplement our earlier investigations on the Josephson-coupled case. We construct a two-dimensional multi-layer sine-Gordon type model which we map onto a gas of topological excitations. With a special choice of the mass matrix for our field theoretical model, vortex dominated properties of magnetically coupled layered superconductors can be described. The well known interaction potentials of fractional flux vortices are consistently obtained from our field-theoretical analysis, and the physical parameters (vortex fugacity and temperature parameter) are also identified. We analyse the phase structure of the multi-layer sine--Gordon model by a differential renormalization group method for the magnetically coupled case from first principles. The dependence of the transition temperature on the number of layers is found to be in agreement with known results based on other methods.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Geodetic reanalysis of annual glaciological mass balances (2001-2011) of Hintereisferner, Austria

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    This study presents a reanalysis of the glaciologically obtained annual glacier mass balances at Hintereisferner, Ă–tztal Alps, Austria, for the period 2001-2011. The reanalysis is accomplished through a comparison with geodetically derived mass changes, using annual high-resolution airborne laser scanning (ALS). The grid-based adjustments for the method-inherent differences are discussed along with associated uncertainties and discrepancies of the two methods of mass balance measurements. A statistical comparison of the two datasets shows no significant difference for seven annual, as well as the cumulative, mass changes over the 10-year record. Yet, the statistical view hides significant differences in the mass balance years 2002/03 (glaciological minus geodetic records=+0.92mw.e.), 2005/06 (+0.60mw.e.), and 2006/07 (-0.45mw.e.). We conclude that exceptional meteorological conditions can render the usual glaciological observational network inadequate. Furthermore, we consider that ALS data reliably reproduce the annual mass balance and can be seen as validation or calibration tools for the glaciological method.(VLID)3146447Version of recor

    On the Decomposition of Clifford Algebras of Arbitrary Bilinear Form

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    Clifford algebras are naturally associated with quadratic forms. These algebras are Z_2-graded by construction. However, only a Z_n-gradation induced by a choice of a basis, or even better, by a Chevalley vector space isomorphism Cl(V) \bigwedge V and an ordering, guarantees a multi-vector decomposition into scalars, vectors, tensors, and so on, mandatory in physics. We show that the Chevalley isomorphism theorem cannot be generalized to algebras if the Z_n-grading or other structures are added, e.g., a linear form. We work with pairs consisting of a Clifford algebra and a linear form or a Z_n-grading which we now call 'Clifford algebras of multi-vectors' or 'quantum Clifford algebras'. It turns out, that in this sense, all multi-vector Clifford algebras of the same quadratic but different bilinear forms are non-isomorphic. The usefulness of such algebras in quantum field theory and superconductivity was shown elsewhere. Allowing for arbitrary bilinear forms however spoils their diagonalizability which has a considerable effect on the tensor decomposition of the Clifford algebras governed by the periodicity theorems, including the Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro mod 8 periodicity. We consider real algebras Cl_{p,q} which can be decomposed in the symmetric case into a tensor product Cl_{p-1,q-1} \otimes Cl_{1,1}. The general case used in quantum field theory lacks this feature. Theories with non-symmetric bilinear forms are however needed in the analysis of multi-particle states in interacting theories. A connection to q-deformed structures through nontrivial vacuum states in quantum theories is outlined.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, {Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, Ixtapa, Mexico, June 27 - July 4, 199
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